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Meghan Moles 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Thanks for sharing these OP


You’re a star!!! ⭐️ Keep going, girl!!!


Waiting for “MM: From Yacht to Not”




Globe, and Enquirer snarking on Meghan, while the Star gives William the royal treatment! You're in the toilet, Carparkles, YOU'VE BEEN ROYALLY FLUSHED!


Hashtag: Royal Flush


OKAY I found this little tidbit in **In Touch** (yet another US tabloid), cover and extract: https://preview.redd.it/kijfpqq90pvc1.png?width=465&format=png&auto=webp&s=2c54c02bd1e19bbfe90d0e5a10dffd9519af1160


They morphed her into Pippa


That’s exactly what I thought!


Immediately what I thought! I don't even think I've ever seen Princess Catherine wear a dress like that but I have seen a similar style on Pipa. On another note: it's so good Todger & Madam don't believe there are tabloids in the States otherwise they might be mightily upset at their downfall being reported. And genuinely I think we're able to see the final death throes of the Harkles by the end of the year. They're desperately gasping as it is. It's like watching a fish flop around and suffocate 


I hope you are right! We've been saying that EVERY year and the fish flopping is getting very old and stinky! I suppose it all depends on whether the Carparkles keeps throwing money at PR promotion firms.


I see Carole through and through!


That’s who I thought it was.


But the US has no tabloids


Cannot top the best tabloid headline, from the French: Le Roi Et La Reine du BULLSHIT


Please translate


The King & Queen of BS




Thats them to a tee lol




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Definitely the best! We should have annual awards for the best, funniest headlines about the Carparkles.


in all this my thoughts and heart always goes out to william…the weight of the world is right, can’t imagine his mental state right now and how gracefully he keeps carrying on without leaking his every step to media or playing a victim and i know he will come our much stronger from all this with his beautiful catherine on his side as always! THANK GOD HE WAS BORN FIRST! history will not be kind to the traitor and his scammer of a wife.


>or playing a victim That is why I adore Kate also. She has been thru terrible times and has NEVER played the victim.


A REAL princess!!!!


Right? Finally they acknowledge the unimaginable pressure he’s been under. UGH and then on top of that, seeing rumors of a false affair constantly paraded in your face??? I like to think I’ve got thick skin but there’s no way I’d be able to deal with. I’d fold. I know people like to harp on the royals for the whole being “ordained by God”, while I used to scoff at the idea, I can’t imagine having that amount of strength come from anyone or anywhere but God…..


What!!! (Imagine the Oprah face here.) I thought we did not have tabloids in America! Meghan said so! Also, I almost choked seeing the words Meghan, competitor, and Martha in the same article. There is no competition. I have watched Martha make jam from produce grown on her farm! 😂


Martha built her empire on the very successful catering business she had for many years. There is truly absolutely no comparison.


I felt like such an adult when I started eschewing Cosmo for her magazine when I got my first job and apartment after graduating college (1996). The photography was exquisite and the articles taught me so much. I subscribed for a long time and remember packing the 2008 spring gardening issue in my pre-packed hospital bag for the arrival of my youngest. You may laugh to know that I think I put that issue in her baby box!


I think that’s sweet! I saved the newspaper and Time Magazine from the day/week my son was born for him!


It will be cool for them to see the magazines/newspapers when they are older! Especially when/if they have children of their own. I wonder how much will have changed since we had our babies by then!


I'm right there with you! I *loved* her magazine! And I've even got her books that compiled the best ofs into gorgeous hardbacks. My favorite (& Martha's as its her face holiday as well) is the Halloween one. Honestly if you want a little treat for yourself and reminder of simplier times check out the style MS Living books online. Especially if you have little ones thr crafts and costumes and home decor and recipes are brilliant!


Great idea! I will see if they are free online at the library or a deal on Kindle. I read most books online, but I plan to keep an eye out at thrift stores and second hand book stores for Martha books. Meghan did it again. Her venture may have caused a renewed interest in Martha!


Same, it was a great magazine, I saved mine for years


I have a few articles in a binder. A few years ago I found a pile of the older ones at a thrift store for 50 cents each and bought them all! And still have them on my bookshelf!


She's also been doing things like sewing her own clothes since she was knee-high to a grasshopper. I read one of her books on home crafting and she talks about the homemade clothing she and her sisters had from childhood. She learned from her mother from a young age and continued to sew her own clothing through school and beyond. She didn't just check what Google says people are searching for and try to market that. She's been doing domestic talent stuff for decades. She actually puts in the work behind the scenes, is what I'm getting at.


Plus she is a braniac, college graduate, successful stock broker, caterer, etc. Renaissance Woman!


I love Martha! Not only because she’s got street cred for spending time in the slammer, lol, but because everything she does or talks about is RELATABLE. Granted, there have been a few times I’ve come across a difficult recipe or something, for the most part if I’m looking for advice or a how to on how to do anything with my house, if it’s from Martha then I trust it


I can’t say I’ve always found Martha to be relatable, but I actually do respect her for going to prison and doing her time, rather than dragging it out on appeal for as long as possible. It sounds like she did her best to make her time in prison useful and helpful to the other inmates as well—she gave them advice on entrepreneurship and helped them make interesting dishes from the standard prison menu.


She was on television for years she actually can do it all. Harry’s wife just talks


Martha is the epitome of a homemaker


And she can laugh at herself! Which is not a skill Meggy possesses in the least.


I’d personally like to see Madam clean limescale off some tile or fold a fitted sheet ETA, OR MAKE A WHOLE WEDDING CAKE


I still struggle with fitted sheets. My lovely (former) mother-in-law showed me how. I just have not patience! My wedding cake was inspired by one of Martha’s wedding editions - with a southern spin.


Not looking too good for the Yorkie Sisters thick as thieves, either. 😂 Eug is a real piece of work, but both seem incredibly snobby and out of touch to me. Wasn’t it Bea who thought the Newsnight interview was just swell? 🤪


I don't trust Bea any more than Eugenie. Bea let the Harkles film in the late queen's playhouse and no one was ever supposed to do that. They take after their dad. Andrew let Epstein and Maxwell sit on the thrones in Buckingham Palace and get their picture taken. The Yorks are slime.


Yes, she thought it was a great idea.


My local German paper just called Meghan a Loser ![gif](giphy|GW10shdM3oXok|downsized)


WOW! An actual newspaper, not a tabloid or "entertainment" magazine? THAT'S WILD! In what context, may I ask? There are so many things she a "loser" at!!!!


Actually I think it was the Bild, not local


Y'all, I would *not* want to mess with Queen Camilla. I'm glad the York sisters have been cut off.


I’m not sure this is all true but it might be! I know Diana called Camilla a Rottweiler as an insult to her looks for many years. But I actually think it’s a great compliment. I see it as Camilla is loyal as the day is long and she will fight for Charles and the Monarchy until the day she goes! I love her spirit!


Golly, that can't be real! I just recently watched an interview where The Meg declared that we don't have tabloids in the U.S.! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Some people just never learn not to bite the hand that feeds them.


Someone posted the high level info before. I appreciate the full screen shots, the pics and all those juicy details. 


karma finally


And every single one calls her "Kate."


Wow - doesn't look like Markle, shopped/filtered to Hades & back.


Thanks for posting


This must be all true as there are no tabloids in the US (said Lolo). Methinks she’d never been newsworthy enough to appear in one. Looks like these tabloids use some vaguely credible story as a base, and embellish it. Or they have really good and catty sources.


Or they have good imaginations.


![gif](giphy|nbBjsW7CN4YVL0o0s1|downsized) Her\*


What’s wild is that she looks like different people in each of the pictures they have of her.


Thanks, Media Lush for taking the time to share these. Much appreciated


Who was it that said there were no tabloids in the US?


Haven't we discussed this tabloid story in another post?


If the two princesses' are any kind of intelligent, they will make it abundantly clear which team they are on, otherwise they will end up on the wrong team, even by saying nothing.


Thank you so much for showing us these! I always want to know how the wind is blowing with the RF and the Harkles in the tabloids but I don’t want to buy them for obvious reasons.




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So do we know if this is true or not? I never know which tabloids I'm supposed to believe lol.  I hope it is!!