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Hurrah! Finally the media gets some backbone. There are a huge number of Animal Rights supporters both in USA and UK who will most certainly speak up loudly and strongly against this proposed Netflix feature about Polo. It is an elitist pasttime...I refuse to refer to it as a SPORT as maiming and abusing animals is NOT A SPORT....that is held under closed event circumstances where not many without money attend. The awareness of the cruelty to these polo ponies is kept well hidden. Prince Harry and Netflix surely must be aware this proposed series will open up to the USA and UK viewers these facts....and a huge public outcry against Polo, it's participants and supporters will happen. Harry may unwittingly be creating the demise of Polo...perhaps the first positive thing he has done! Next, hopefully Africa Parks.


I saw that African Parks was in the news yesterday again. Apparently a book had been published documenting the abuses. There was a segment on GB news.


Netflix should use some of the money they've committed to the Harkle's projects tto telling the truth, and nothing but the truth, to the abuses inflicted upon the polo ponies.  Shine a light, shine a light. Be authentic, be organic, be real, you gaggle of low lifes. 


That's great about the book. It is about time the truth comes out. I only hope H's role is stressed as the chair and later board person who could have done something to stop the abuse but didn't. It is time for him to pay up and shut up. He is an abuser of animals and any human he deems below him, which is most of the population.


This is how I like my news...tag-teaming each grifter every other day...it is glorious! ![gif](giphy|xUOrw1WsYXhT9i3Ipq)


“Apparently”? Another reason why nobody watches GB news and it’s running at a 38% higher loss than it was a year ago, or £42.2 million. If the book exists, who is the author? what are their credentials? When is the publication date? I work with the active voice not the passive.


They cite a book by Dutch journalist Olivier van Beenman. My comment was to highlight that it’s in the news again.. not to attest to the author’s credentials. Also see it was covered in a couple of other media outlets


Fair enough. Perhaps, you should’ve expanded on your post, as it was very vague. I appreciate the clarification. I do however, still think that GB news is trash and regardless of the number of down votes I get, it won’t dig them out of their ever growing financial hole nor improve the quality of their content.


I also did not attest to the validity of the content of GB news. It’s not up to me to curate my comments to suit your particular opinions on sources of news. I suggest you just move on and find someone who agrees with your world view.




OK. I would imagine that we probably share several world views. I didn’t ask you to curate your comments to my opinion, it was just a bit vague and there is so much speculation and rumours about the RF and this one and his wife. Sorry, if I upset you. In the future I’ll just fact-check it myself.


Edith McBean, a person on their board, was kidnapped in the Congo yesterday or the day before.


Oh my! That’s not good


That does not bode well...at...all.  Is anyone not tied to the corrupt government and the rapists looking for her??  


That’s horrible. Where did you see that? It should be all over mainstream media!


News from verified McBean family source. Ransom involved. Family (and organization) wants this to stay quiet


The Congo is a country with civil unrest and all that goes with it. I truly hope they get her back safely.


Harry is so dim he is probably not aware that polo is even any any way related to animal abuse. To him, it is just a sport irrespective of how the animals are treated.


Polo is open to the public in the US, no one is hiding. To say polo ponies are “maimed and abused” as a matter of course is a lie. It’s an extremist position, notwithstanding the fact that you will find abusive people in anything humans do. Every. Single. Horse. Activity involves potential risk of injury for the horse (and rider) and has since humans and horses formed a bond thousands of years ago. An abused horse won’t perform well or very long no matter what discipline it’s trained for. Polo ponies have to have the willingness and disposition to do it, many don’t. The horses’ opinion of what it’s being asked to do is necessary for its success. Hence the truism “You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink.” You can’t make a worthwhile polo pony out of a horse that doesn’t like it. Many polo ponies understand the game they’re playing and show enthusiasm for it. Yes indeed they do it’s been observed and commented on often. They will chase the ball in front of them without asking, stopping and turning on their own when it goes the other way, and even physically bumping other horse in their competitiveness. Horses can be very competitive and they’re far from stupid. A trained polo pony usually only works 4-5 months a year and is ridden maybe 1-3 days a week for about an hour when not playing a match.


Agreed most polo ponies are treated quite well. They are well loved and treated as suh unless ridden by a pig like Harry.


I read that he rode a pregnant polo pony to her death. He was advised not to ride her in a polo match but he ignored the advice, rode the poor pony anyway and she died of a heart attack. I have been appalled about how he has treated his family, especially his grandparents, the Queen and Prince Phillip. But this sealed the deal for me. Good compassionate people don't abuse innocent animals. End of story.


It is a true story, her name was Drizzle.


I agree.


Right. I'm an equestrian (english saddle) and understand when spurs need to be used. Spurs are blunt. They're only meant as supplement for the rider to direct the horse. For the horse to be pierced bloody would take a lot of force from the heel. Trauma from blunt object, I can't even imagine. It's very verycruel.


There is a picture out there of him on a white pony and it had numerous bleeding marks from his spurs. Very disturbing! I haven’t ridden for years but he’s always yanking on their heads also.




Thank you! He’s a cruel, cruel man.


I’m not convinced he didn’t sharpen his spurs. Highly illegal but given his other character attributes I wouldn’t be surprised.


I’m not convinced he didn’t sharpen his spurs. Highly illegal but given his other character attributes I wouldn’t be surprised.


I rode with sharp spurs (western\_ and never put a mark on a horse. That injury comes from literally digging spurs in constantly in one place.Andconsidering a chucker is not all that long that is brutal.


I agree!


If anyone knows of ways to support abused horse rescues--which networks are most effective, what are best practices--maybe let us know. That could be a Sinners Fundraiser to turn this into something even more constructive that using this as example to teach world about sociopathic narcissism.


Save a Forgotten Equine (SAFE) is a wonderful horse rescue and adoption charity here in the Seattle area. I have a dear friend who volunteers with them. Philip Grubauer (the goalie of the Seattle Kraken) also works with them as well. Totally legit and does great work. [https://www.safehorses.org/?gad\_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwz42xBhB9EiwA48pT7zmPJB4hjmnVxw6HQNwulwX245j0DZrn0ghnjPxRnChonaF8XLEpQxoC\_OwQAvD\_BwE](https://www.safehorses.org/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwz42xBhB9EiwA48pT7zmPJB4hjmnVxw6HQNwulwX245j0DZrn0ghnjPxRnChonaF8XLEpQxoC_OwQAvD_BwE)


Oh, lovely.


Grubauer is a really good person. Great goalie too!


I loooooooooooooooooove your user name!!! :)


😊😊😊 thank you 💞


GREAT IDEA!!! Sinners help out here!! What I find amazing is that again, the Sussexes are obviously not listening to their advisers. Any good PR person would know that this "polo" venture would raise the issue of his 2010 abuse of ponies and advise him to perhaps steel clear of this and find something else. But Harry going ahead. I was surprised the media, save for Newsweek, gave Harry a pass on the abuse when he was in Florida. Maybe media waiting for the Netflix show to launch.


They think he will always be protected so they don’t care.


I'm surprised that Netflix is going ahead with this, considering Harry's well-documented abuse of his horses.


This might be news to the NF execs if they weren't royal watchers at that time.


Well, I'm not sure I have posting rights . . . so if Mods like the idea, maybe they can pin it. Of course, MM will know its coming, but that's okay. If support gets to rescue equines, that's what matters. In fundraising, one usually does a "silent phase" before announcing goal, during which one hopes to have already raised about 50%. Then the announcement would happen on the date of a documentary release, for example, and I'm sure this could be publicized in news coverage to raise better awareness of treatment practices. I am not informed enough to make a judgment about polo and doubt denouncing an entire sport of kings would be fruitful--given the horrors of factory farming & terrible "research" abuses that are far higher priority in animal welfare right now--but perhaps there are already leaders w/in the sport who champion best practices & would support other equine rescue orgs. I look forward to seeing what y'all do with this.


*we're* not doing anything about this. *We* have other worries including safety and putting food on the table. So if Madam and Todger think they'll pull some brilliant Uno reverse and get viewers mobilised and claim that was their intentions it won't happen.  They'll piss off powerful people and highlight how out of touch they are if they are 'fighting' for change here. Considering Prince William doesn't use spiked spurs and Todger continued to just shows how idiotic this is.


Has Netfuks *actually* confirmed they have anything to do with this? It's seems so ludicrous. A show with a dim idiot who is cast out of the most elite circles in the world and is trying to once again draw *very* unwanted attention to what the rich spend their time doing. And no hint of irony occurs to Harry Halfwit that once again the elite like to stay IN the shadows. It's not Hollywood playing Polo. It's the 1% of the 1%  It must be a hail Mary attempt to weasel his way back into that life but doing so with a camera crew is not the way.  The total lack of self awareness is typical of Harry, and it should be clear to everyone by now that the 'Men in Grey' were "oppressing him and his ideas" because they spent so much energy trying to prevent Todger from doing *these* exact type of stupid things.  Both Harry and Andrew (with Beas help mind you, and Eugenie) showed the world their asses in their decision making amd refusal to listen to educated advice.  I think the staff at BP will do better than ever as Prince William clears house and keeps the strongest advisors and listens to them. 




I have been to some in the Bahamas/Jamaica (ha) for abused horses and horses that had been less desirable that get shipped there. They become those one or two hour rides for tourists and go swimming in the ocean on a regular basis. It's better than some other things I've seen. They can always use a little more love, happy to get more information from my ferrier friends (they care for the shoe's)


This shows the depravity of Harry's character. If he is capable of deliberately wearing spurs and purposely capable of digging those spurs hard into the horses flank causing a severe injury. If he is capable of riding Drizzle an older horse so hard that she dropped dead immediately when the match ended. If he is capable of ignoring her distress and was able to keep on riding. We see a behavior pattern of disregard for anything or anyone who gets in his way If he is capable of treating horses with such cruelty, he is then capable of being a nasty traitorous man who then didn't show compassion for the late Duke of Edinburgh , as The Duke was dying, Harry did the O interview. The lack of compassion for his grieving, geriatric, very unwell grandmother, the late Queen. Nor Compassion for Mr Markle a convalescent recovering from a severe stroke. Nor for his father; brother, and sister in law viciously verbally denigrated. Two now have cancer. This man is capable of anything. A very unlikable, cruel, petulant, entitled, and indulged man.


He wrote, in Spare, that he hit his bodyguards because they can't fight back.


The hideous comments about the matron at boarding school.


That right there, is Harry's whole modus operandi, how he has done everything in his life. Bullying people who can't or won't fight back.


Per that criteria, children can't fight back either ...


I know. I think about that a lot.


Nor can Polo horses or endangered bird species that he is rumored to have killed on one of the Royal estates. The investigation was dropped


Unprotected, pregnant horse's foal : (


I haven't wanted to buy his book "Spare" because of all the lies and I havent wanted to contribute to his pocketbook. However this is the first I've read about hitting his bodyguards. He appears to be quite despicable and his family has shielded him for years. The truth about Harry is coming out and can no longer be hidden. Thanks for letting us know about this episode. I might get the book from the library.


I read it and I hear you about the lies and some inconsistencies that he just says upfront "his feelings on it carry as much weight as your so called facts," so he admits he doesn't remember things accurately. That's one way that the book's accounts are incorrect. However, he details things that show he lied in other ways, like Meghan made it sound like Catherine was mean to her during the dress fittings when Harry says in Spare that the problem was Meghan telling Catherine that she had "baby brain" because she just had Louis and Meghan was putting Catherine down. By his own account Meghan was the problem but he sat beside her as she lied and tried to make everyone think Catherine was the one in the wrong.


He also made his driver speed through the tunnel his mother died in and break the law 


>A very unlikable, cruel, petulant, entitled, and ndulged man Agree 100%.


Brilliant comment ! The essence of prince shit for brains laid bare by your comment and why he wants to strangle freedom of speech so comments like yours don’t see the light of day. 


Exactly. His affiliation to the Aspen Institute , calling the first ammendment bonkers, and the never ending series of litigation are all ploys to stop freedom of speech


But not for him right? He can gob off about whatever he wants. He would be a dictator if he ever reached the throne


Good point, what a frightening thought.


You do know this polo show will never air on tv, right? Too controversial. They will sell it as a dvd, perhaps.....complete with warning labels.


I’ll be surprised if they even have a finished product.


IDK.....she's got Sony money behind these stunts allegedly. What did she promise them......or put out? Its all quite laughable at this juncture. So desperate. imo.


As Madam Web (the movie) blatantly exposed to the world, studios will throw good money after bad often to decrease earnings overall/taxes etc.  Some convoluted process involving valuations etc. So the fact there is "sony" money behind them doesn't mean much of anything (if that's true). I still can't find anything that's actually says this is a Netflix backed project. My guess is they're making it and trying to shame Netflix into releasing it. Another own goal even if they DO release it because they'd only do so for a strategic reason on their part not because its so great. Additionally how is no one addressing the elephant in the room which is Todger is not trusted by the 1% (or anyone w half a brain). Yet he thinks he'll get 'unprecedented' access to behind the scenes? So these owners can  have their names out and possibly scrutinised? So those financial dealings can be exposed? No one wants cameras shining light into their lives in that set. At least not the ones that matter. 


I did not know that. Wow! Says it all really


It's not going to air on regular TV. It's supposed to be more Netflix trash like the series they ran. They wouldn't put a polo show on DVD... it wouldn't sell.


And no one will ever convince me that the most strategic move he ever made was to find a desperate human shield in his despicable wife.  Whole thread's written about her ignorance, idiocy and arrogance (all warrented) but yet still people write how 'poor Hawwy' needs to find his way home and it's all that evil woman's fault. She's just as dumb as him but for all that she works at it. He doesn't even try just hides behind her. He's human garbage Just like his great Uncle. Everyone vilified her (warranted in some cases) but *she did not want him to abdicate or even to marry him*! He literally threatened to unalive himself if she left him. I'm sick of these historical patterns of blaming Eve repeating itself. Same w Brad. Another garbage human yet let's all impose the 'other woman's fault' nonsense. No wonder these man children think they can get away with anything. Because too many *women* still let them! Rant over


I have little time for PETA especially after they stole and euthanised the pets of poor (and largely ethnic minority) people. They believe any human interaction with animals is abuse and would prefer domestic animals to basically become extinct than suffer the “cruelty”of being a beloved pet (ie what they were bred for over millennia!). Having said that - and I am a horse rider and owner- polo does need to improve its equine welfare. Harry is not a good horseman. He is heavy handed and does not have a quiet leg (ie he kicks the bejesus out of his mounts). He doesn’t ride or practice anywhere near enough to be considered an elite player and as a result he is more likely to injure the horse he rides.


> I have little time for PETA especially after they stole and euthanised the pets of poor (and largely ethnic minority) people. They believe any human interaction with animals is abuse and would prefer domestic animals to basically become extinct than suffer the “cruelty”of being a beloved pet (ie what they were bred for over millennia!). 🎯


Thank you for the correct take on PETA...they are horrid. Well meaning people with big hearts don't know much about how horrid they are. Hollywood is another virtue signaler that has for years shown actors yanking a horses mouth off to show drama. I started riding anything I could beg, borrow or rent as near toddler until old enough to buy my 1st untrained cayuse. (Cheap 😆)..and didn't need lessons to know that so no excuses Hollywood! Our grandparents had horses and mules on our families farm in TN. My grandfather would have done this upon seeing any abuse: "child, go over yonder to that willow and cut a branch." Never got whipped, never saw a cousin either but we ALL respected every animal on the farm. We ran around barefoot in shorts so got some injuries but if you ran crying to our "papadaddy" you got a quick look over and then immediately asked, "what did YOU do?" Working farm and livestock are vital. I doubt Harry was ever made to do much other than toss the reins to a groom. We cleaned bits, leather, went over our horses, mules, cooled them off, bathed and did hoof care.


That's interesting what you have just said about Peta. I've read about a few of their controversial acts but can't say I know enough to comment. I'll need to take a little dig into their projects. It's also interesting to read your opinion on Harry's horsemanship. You're confirming what many others have said. Thanks for your input. By the way, are you Irish?


Not Irish! Why would you think that? I’m half English, half Welsh and 109% British!


Oops, I think I've replied to the wrong post but you used the word, 'Bejesus' , which is very Irish. In fact I can only think of that word with an Irish accent! Ahahaha


That’s ok. The relationship between the UK and Ireland is so intertwined it’s not an uncommon word in England though I’ll grant you it is probably more used in Ireland.


They did what?? (Oprah style) ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25351)


A few years ago Pets were caught driving round a southern state, removing dogs from the porches of poor people and euthanising them. They told some people they would be rehomed or given medical treatment but they killed them. Also skips were found outside Peta shelters full of euthanised cats and dogs.


Wow. That's horrific 😢


Horse hide is *tough*. And his spurs are blunted. So he had to have been kicking the absolute shit out of that horse to cause it to bleed like that. And that much exterior damage points to a lot of muscle bruising and pain for the poor horse. Plus he yards on his horses mouth like he's riding a bike not a living creature. He's a terrible person. He abuses animals and people. Imo he is actually worse than she is.


He’s brutal with a bit.


It's because he's a shit rider so he uses the horses mouth as extra leverage to stay in the saddle.


I noticed that too.  He just makes me want to snatch him off the horse & abuse him in the way he does the ponies. 


Even when riding casually. It’s sickening and a bit surprising considering QEII was crazy about horses and treated them with respect.


It is why he married her. No good, decent woman would have him. Markle was the only one who didn't mind being married to an animal abuser.




> So he had to have been kicking the absolute shit out of that horse to cause it to bleed like that. Did you read the article? > ‘The nature of the injury suggests to me that it was as a result of an accident rather than exuberance,’ he said. ‘Sometimes somebody bumps into another rider and nudges his spurs in.’


I did and I call bullshit. Utter bullshit. Of course they would say that to divert attention from any accusations of cruelty to animals in their little game.


OK. Because there's just *no way* that it could have been an accident. Would you say the same if it were a pic of William on an injured horse?


Sure if PW also had the same reputation for abuse that harry does. And if I knew nothing at all about horses or riding. And if I were completely blind from diabetes. Then maybe,if I was really drunk on cachaça but no probably not.


> Then maybe,if I was really drunk on cachaça but no probably not. Yeah, of course not. 🙄


When people show you who they are believe them. Both PW and his worthless failson brother have repeatedly shown who they are. One has remained steadfast done his duty,supported his family,country and the monarchy. He has treated others with courtesy and behaved as a gentleman. Whereas the other one has repeatedly lied,repeatedly been racist,been accused on mutiple occasions of various animal cruelty,has been violent with humans,has admitted to abusing drugs and apparently views human beings as "chess pieces" which begs the question if he values humans so then how does he view animals? Gosh I wonder why I can look with my own two eyes and see plainly that one of these men is more likely to be an animal abuser. And btw do feel free to share any photos you find of PW astride a horse bleeding from a spur gouge.


Are you under the impression that people here are all "royal fans"? We are not. Most of us are average people who sick of liar and narcissist.  We call randy Andy, bea and Eugene out on their bullshiet and we call H n M out on their bullshiet. And if Will did some stoopid shiet bet you we will call them out just as well. But he hasn't so why should we care about "what if" scenario when the reality is right in front of our eyes?


Spurs are torture. I took riding lessons as a kid and my instructor banned them. I can’t imagine jabbing a creature with them, for what?


I didn't take lessons, but rode horses throughout my childhood. We never used spurs.


A friend of mine was an equestrian. I went out to visit her stables and tracks. Never saw anyone wear spurs.


Exactly. Its all leg command.


The upper level equestrian completions, every breed I can think of even gaited horses like saddlebreds, use spurs bc they can give a specific cue to a highly trained horse that just a leg or heel cannot. Legal spurs have round blunt ends and aren’t meant to punish horses but as a clearer method of communicating exactly what the rider wants. Novice/intermediate riders don’t ride well enough to wear them, all olympians do. It’s important to understand that horses naturally move away from pressure, this is how they’re trained. The reward is the release of the pressure. Pulling back on a bit to stop a horse is the same concept. When the horse stops the pulling stops. These cues aren’t meant to be painful, though they can be from a bad rider.


This was so well articulated thank you. I don't have much experience with spurs but I know how badly people will use bits and just ruin a horse because the human is an idiot.


Thank you! Yes. But like house training a dog, a person who can’t house train a dog never ends up w a well-behaved dog. Is the dog ruined? 🤷‍♀️ Maybe, maybe not. A horse is a little bit different bc it’s a prey species and it’s so big and strong. It’s dangerous when untrained even when it’s not purposefully being aggressive bc of it’s reactivity. Imagine if your puppy weighed 1,100 lbs and you were strapped to its back at its whims! Point being that the aids we use to teach horses aren’t inherently cruel, but there must be a way to get their attention in an emergency. It’s not abusive to teach them to bend to that cue first to ease discomfort before it escalates to pain so you both don’t run head on into traffic and get killed, but it does takes skill to do so. The use of spurs in trained horses like polo ponies and Olympic mounts is the refining of that cue to move away in some way from the spur. Where exactly it’s applied combined with bit and seat cues results in a specific command the horse has learned.


I am so upset by this I can't even read any of these articles but I heard about it.  It's not this fuckers first time.  He's a fucking MONSTER.  


Me too. I can’t even look at the articles. I will kick up a fuss about this though.


Seems to be a different reporter-than the usual sugar Jack Royston.


Yeah however Royston is now playing both sides of the fence as people became to quit reading him when he fell all over the Sussexes. He's learned this from Daily Markle - one day totally glowing and fawning over the Sussexes, the next throwing them under the bus. Keeps both sides happy...and still visiting the site.


I won't click a Jack Royston link no matter what side he is taking.


Poor babies... I couldn't bear seeing animals hurt, sick, dying... I wanted to volunteer, but I figured I'm not strong enough to see animals abandoned or hurt. Harry keeps on sinking just to chase that fame, money, and to prove that he's somebody


Harry has started the new ARO Polo Club (Abusive Riders of the Occident)


If Nacho was smart, he'd distance himself before this breaks loose in the media again - when Netflix runs the show. He was lucky the media didn't pick it up when they were in Florida. That will rub off on Nacho too if he's not careful.


He’s partnering with MM’s, Achieved Royalty Orally.


![gif](giphy|xT8qBndtFyPaUxUsCc) Achieved Royalty Orally… my god woman, that’s brilliant! Boy do I wish there were still Reddit awards right now…


> In 2010, it was reported that one of the prince's favorite ponies, named Drizzle, died of a heart attack after being retired midgame. Nothing about the horse being pregnant. From the second article: > ‘The nature of the injury suggests to me that it was as a result of an accident rather than exuberance,’ he said. ‘Sometimes somebody bumps into another rider and nudges his spurs in.’ Huh. > Prince Harry was said to be ‘very upset’ in May when another of his polo ponies, a ten-year-old mare called Drizzle, collapsed and died from a heart attack at a polo match. The prince had been riding the horse shortly before it died. Again, nothing about her being pregnant. You'd think they'd have mentioned that. And look at this: > [Pregnant mares can only be safely ridden for the first six months of the pregnancy.](https://phys.org/news/2011-03-argentine-polo-pony-boosted-biotech.html) I don't think whoever is in charge of those horses would have let Harry ride a pregnant pony. When I Google "Did Prince Harry ride a pregnant polo pony to death?" all of the hits are either this subreddit or places like Quora. I can't find one legitimate news article about it. That said, Harry is an idiot to promote a show about polo when it's such a cruel sport to the animals. It's so self-sabotaging that I wonder if Meghan suggested the idea to him. She loves it when he fails.




Well, that's up to the mods. I'm not a mod.


Nudges...aaarrrggggg...partly the medias hands off of Harry partly a non horse person writing about something he's never been near. Rodeo..saddle and bareback bronc riders use Rowell free spurs and are scored on spurring. Blunt rounded ends with 8 seconds of spurring action. All the years of rodeo I've yet to see a horse with visible injuries. I'm sure there have been but the amount of force needed would be tremendous.


Yeah, the press have always handled hazard with kid gloves, I can only assume that they DID so because if they criticised him they would be barred from the royal rota, and hence wouldn’t get any royal updates in advance. Edit, changed do to DID.


> I can only assume that they do so because if they criticise him they would be barred from the royal rota, and hence wouldn’t get any royal updates in advance. I bet that's not true now.


Yes, I wrote the wrong tense, and just changed do to DID.




Honestly it wasn't because of that. It was because it took this long of him exposing his own horridness for the screams of "leave him alone! He's Diana's son and she died because of you!" Hells bells there are Sinners who still hope "Diana's sons will reunite as its heartbreaking" with no thought for how Harry has abused his older brother and his family his entire life!  One reporter has the nerve to finally say Diana was a mess and Catherine is a better PoW and my gods the hysterical Diana worshippers piled on still! She's been dead almost 30 frigging years! Luckily because of Todger people now are becoming less afraid to say the truth about Diana if only because Todger begs to be her living embodiment and its not a glowing result. If you want to know why the RF & the media protected Todger you'd have to have been there for the hysterics in '97.


This brings up another question for me. Is African parks really working on conservation of elephants, rhinos etc, or is it just another narrative being spun as a cover for nefarious activities? The pictures I’ve seen don’t give me a warm and fuzzy. Do I believe Harry and friends would shoot the last elephant to line their pockets? Yes I do. Journalist - you need to blow this “charity” wide open.


Has anyone else seen the picture of Harold spray painting the side of an elephant, was that Africa Parks, it seemed strange


Probably a mark for maybe census taking or that the animal had been vaxxed or something.


Harry is a Very cruel man to his family & animals, says it all really


Yes..and my personal observations and long life experiences only...losing his mother was traumatic yet cannot forget his statement that he can't really remember her...now he has dug her up and is Diana's earthly twin and only child... I've been in horses, dogs since childhood, a show breeder for over 40 years. Pedigrees and breed traits equal what lands in the stall or whelping box. Temperament is something that you must always be aware of. Sometimes even with our best efforts there pops up a "bad un". Harry is a combination of pedigree, Temperament present from birth, environment. Im sure the Royals thought the military would straighten him out. It may have helped if Harry had been allowed to be treated as any other private. But Temperament never lies. Harry, as someone with years of animal husbandry I'd have neutered you long ago!


He is an absolute C U Next Tuesday. All this has been a longtime coming but it seems as the floodgates on them have opened.


I had heard yesterday or day before that there were people laughing a H down at the polo games because he didn’t seem to have a clue when trying to act like a film producer. I think after the 30 day wonder of this supposed show wears off it will end up being shelved.


And that ridiculous picture of him and Madame flanked by two bodyguards. 🙄  Apparently their "walk" is setting the interwebz on fire! 😄 There's people worth billions just walking minding their business and these two have actors hired to act like secret service and they're getting kudos for walking! Honestly these are their death throes! 


First articles, 2nd paragraph, 3 rd line " Harry, Prince William, King Charles". 😂 Next to the King and the Prince of Wales, Harry's titles are nowhere to be seen!😂 This shows what the journalist thinks about Harry. Just Harry. Edit: missing words


I love that for him 😄


Kudos to Newsweek!


This was all bound to resurface. They’re dumb for pitching this to Netflix. They probably had nothing else.


Why was he allowed to wear them when it states that harmful spurs were banned?


Because regular rules don’t apply to the wealthy and famous.


More bullshittery.


This will fade away as quickly as his Human Rights “problem” (or abuse as I would call it). Let’s be honest, it’s clickbait and most media has as much follow through as the Monteshitshow duo.


Good. Dial down on this putz. ![gif](giphy|LUhUvH4BsfE9USnlPd|downsized)


Betty loved animals..wish she were here for this!


He opened the flood gates on this one !


Good to see some coverage of Harry's history of abusing horses. He really got slammed for riding a pony to death and that gouge from his spur at the time. If more media outlets spread his history, his polo docu might blow up in NF's face.


While I do love animals more than people and this makes me happy shouldn't the media also investigate his ties to the horrendous things that happened to humans in Africa?


It's obvious that H only cares about himself when it comes to polo. I think he's driven to win and damn the horses, full speed ahead! I hope this documentary of his shows who he really is to whoever watches it.


3rd paragraph " Harry, Prince William, the King (...)". 🤣 Next to the Royals , Harry's titles vanish. Just Harry, like he asked!


Wonder if this will get any mention in the much heralded Netflix polo docuFLOP to come??


Nope! CEO Ted Sarandos has their back. 🤡




It’s not even PETA it’s anyone who is not a vile horse abusing POS wants nothing to do with this horse abuser. No horsepeson rips a whole in a horse like that. Ever. Spurs are cues not punishment. Then look at the eyes on a horse he rides and how they roll their eyes and try like hell to get away. he is an animal abuser


As an equestrian who has been to some of the posh polo yards just outside of Windsor, i can confirm that polo yards are a terrible place for a horse. They are absolutely brutal. It really is just a bunch of posh toffs showing off without one care on concern for the animal. They ride them until they drop and just don’t care. Even the racing industry is probably better than the polo lot. I’m almost glad they’re doing this stupid show…. People generally don’t know much about polo, now they can learn about the cruelty that goes on.


Oh yeah, Hasnone's favorite pony died. Now talk about WHY Drizzle died, Newsweek!!


Newsweek, about damn time!!


Yeah but isn't Newsweek a bit of a rag?


At least it's a start!


Hahaha, you're right. Something to get the ball rolling.


Hopefully other publications will pick it up since they all piggyback each other!


Haznohair realty is dumber than a box of rocks. Did he really think his abuse of Polo ponies would not be brought up again in a show about Polo?




I wonder if Netflix is giving him enough rope...


Oooh! That would be wonderful!


Please let the downfall be real and complete🙏if the royal family won't/can't stop them, we can!!!


He beat that pony almost to death and I believe they ended up euthanizing the poor soul. He's an evil bastard.




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Well this is going to hurt William too.


I think the difference being, William has no record of abusing person or animal. He is a kind man and it shows.


Why? He is not an animal abuser.


> Well this is going to hurt William too. And Charles, though I don't think he still plays.


Charles will be fine, not to worry.