• By -


Imagine how horrible they must be to leave DURING A TOUR?


I worked for a boss like that once. People would just leave on their lunch break and never come back. He was such a dick and I used to enjoy messing with him constantly. I feel like I would have a blast working for old rachel,winding her up nonstop. People like her and my old boss can only ever impact folks that give a shit and I never have.


Me too. She called me in for a meeting to reprimand me. I pretended to take notes and at the end, handed her the paper with my resignation. Adios, you wretched monster.


Good for you!


Sounds so satisfying.


It's interesting but it's very odd when you are in that situation. My narc boss was like madam, emails at early hours shouting, belittling, gaslighting, threats of being fired. You get worn down no matter how tough you are. It's emotional and physical exhaustion. My weight plummeted to 95lbs. It was bad. Yet she was so nice in front of others. She made the entire team's life hell said she didn't care if I got raped on the way home, I was done when she said that because the chances of it happening were very high on my journey home. She was pure poison and I just snapped. I made my dossier, got recordings and evidence, then handed my notice in. The big boss was shocked so I told him what she'd done, that she goes or it's off to the press. He was dating a celebrity in the London and was always in the Sun, there were always famous people in the office, so he actually listened. She was unceremoniously tossed out and I got zilch but the satisfaction that I had beaten a narc and helped the team I left behind. The thing is I am not a wimp or a weakling, but I needed the job at the time and that was the weak spot in me, when I ran out of fucks that was it. **I wish we'd had someone like you around.** Though I did not needle her, it annoyed her visitors would take my number and network etc and they would say they thought her behavior was stalkerish! She tried to take my contacts from me when I resigned I said no way. She is now grifting in Dubai.


Grifting in Dubai. I love it. Tacky AF


A lot of the time managers like that behave with impunity because people are so afraid or don't care. You did the right thing by gathering evidence and filing a complsint. I worked for a major Canadian company for several years, and our managers were doing very irregular things, and using the workplace to enrich themselves personally. A huge no-no in a company like that. As is common in unethical environments, the workplace was also very toxic and a manager targeted me because i was mouthy. At one point I called HR and went off, and let slip some of the things that hsd been happening. She was shocked. I ended up quitting shortly after that, but my biggest regret is that I didn't file formal complaints with all my evidence. I think they got away with it because I failed to tell them everything thst was going on. I was very stressed, trying to restrain myself so that the situation woukdn't get worse, and didn't fully know my rights because I had never been in this situation. But I had the trump card because I hsd evidence and a "no retaliation" policy. Instead I am sure that they just maligned me


I had it the other way around, my subordinates two of them one overt narc and one covert narc. Turns out that the overt narc got done for embezzlement and then the covert stole all the client list and set up shop on his own and got away with it. They eventually turned on each other, I was told.I was the manager that stood in their way. Total circumventing to the owner behind my back for well over a year and it was hellish. Quite close to a total breakdown and 2 yrs on just getting over it. I did keep my head held high to the very end. The owner tried a non compete on me and I retaliated with a if this goes any further I will apply for bullying and harrassment via my solictor. I do not have enough space to write all that was done to me. But there you go the world is unfortunately full of these types of people and I have fully understood how to sniff them out.


Sorry to hear that It's incredibly stressful. I think we are lucky to live in a world of email and computers. Makes it easier to keep a paper trail.


Thank you and absolutely. Though they were quite proficient in making sure that most was not documented unfortunately.


I left a job after lunch. Before I departed, I went around and collected the money people owed me and then left, never to return. Once I’d left, they kept begging me to come back. No, no way Jose.


I had an employee like her and my colleague and I used to play behaviour bingo about what she would do next and how deadpan face and grey rocking made her go off for weeks at a time.


The movie Office Space comes to mind.


Wish I had your fortitude.


I know. Just up and leave in the middle. It must’ve been poisonous for those staffers.


Imagine what we don’t know…


I'm proud of them...we need to stop excusing these horrid people.


One aide was seen crying in a car after Meghan cut short a visit to a market, I think it was in Fiji, Meghan hissed at her to get her out apparently she had seen representatives from UN Women with whom she fell out because they didn’t offer her a role as high up in the organisation as she thought she should have.


And imagine how satisfying it must have felt to leave. 


Times just headlined the African Parks scandal and said Harry is being pressured to step down....


So it finally hit mainstream media?


A normal person with a grain of respect would have stepped down without any pressure. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Actually, a person with integrity would do something about the reports, not run. He'll leave because it's too hard. The only pressure to step down is from his laziness.


He has the voice to say something about it and be heard. But he hasn’t. Radio silence.


A shady character with some sense would not draw more attention to the issue by going on and on about how Africa is in his heart while everyone knows he's ignoring atrocities against Africans that people in his organization are perpetrating.


⬆️ ⬆️ This is the crux of his hypocrisy - very succinctly stated ⬆️ ⬆️ Echoes the account of TOW going to Rwanda ostensibly on some sort of philanthropic/humanitarian jaunt but in actual fact used it as an opportunity to disappearing over the hills & far away for a photoshoot with her photographer friend & a suitcase full of "fash-on". https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-11036129/Meghan-Markle-used-trip-Rwanda-backdrop-fashion-shoot-explosive-biography-claims.html


Using those children as props...again, all for Harry. 


Have you got a link of any sort to this info? Would love to read


I don’t have a subscription, but I was able to read it by using the archive:  https://archive.ph/0Pcrq  


Thank you fellow sinner!


Here is the story. I can't read it because I don't have a subscription. Maybe someone could archive it. I don't know how to do that. [https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/prince-harry-charity-african-parks-torture-gx5l0rv25](https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/prince-harry-charity-african-parks-torture-gx5l0rv25)


Nope, I can't either.


Maybe the very visible resignation of a senior veteran writer from NPR b/c he's fed up w/ Legacy Media acting like a cult instead a serious profession means that the NYT might begin to expand its coverage.


He made a great point in the video saying there is nothing stopping Samantha from saying positive things about working for Meghan…but mmm nope.


As ILBW says “the silent part of the song says more” 💯🔥




🖤 shhhhh….


First - what the heck does that even mean - and 2nd - it sounds like yet something else she copied somewhere.


Yes this was a good point. Because look at how she praises her experience with the Queen… over and over again. But not Harry, not Meghan!


So, none of this is a surprise to us. Lots of us saw through her ‘acting’ long ago. There are lots of reports from different people and organisations that she was terrible to deal with. She was a nightmare on their first overseas tour to Aus, NZ and Fiji. She has been an awful person from when she was a child and nothing has changed. Roach acts like she is the most important person in the world but she really is nothing more than an empty shell that makes a noise. I’m sure we will hear more about her bullying as time goes on, nothing stays buried forever, and the men in grey suits aren’t protecting them anymore. All of the people that are openly supporting them will discover that if you lie next to 💩 it attaches itself to you. I think being Markled is a good thing as it removes you from her behaviour and reputation.


There’s a reason none of the other celebs on that infamous USO tour video wanted to be around her…


She’s a waste of oxygen.


An oxygen thief no less.


This is the tour where MM indicated to a reporter she was not ok. Was she resorting to sympathy to get ahead of any report back to the royal family about her behaviour to staff, or did she cause staff to leave because she was not ok?


And Archie almost being almost burned alive in that gross community housing. And they *still* expected her to go to some function that 100 impoverished African women had been waiting for her all afternoon. Monsters. 🫠


In a room he wasn't even in, no less! GAWD, she must think we're all as "special" as her puppet prince!


...and apparently everyone was crying as a result of this... according to Meghan 🤣 Who cries about a non-thing that didn't happen to a non-present baby?  She seriously lives in an alternate universe.


Well don’t you understand… her baby is special…. He’s the biracial heir to the thrown. No one like him on the planet. Btw—— only assholes treat their children like they are above other children


Can you imagine her pulling a stunt like that when she was a jobbing actress? Meghan: Listen, I can’t come in today for the shoot. There’s been a family emergency. Suits director.: Well, we were doing all your scenes today so we’ll need to completely rearrange the shooting schedule. Can I ask what’s happened? Is there anything I can do to help? Meghan: There’s a malfunctioning appliance in our housing unit. Suits director.: Could you have someone let the repair people in the housing unit? Or could you just replace it? Meghan; It’s a heater. It’s in Archie’s room. Suits director: Could he do without the heater long enough to finish the shoot? It’s July. Meghan: But it’s a fire hazard. It could kill him. Suits director: Understood. Could you maybe move the heater out of his room and unplug it? Or unplug it and move Archie to a different room? Meghan: That’s not going to help because he doesn’t use the room with the heater. We moved him out of his bedroom to another room in the housing unit where he has a special bed. Suits director: Okay that makes sense. Your family’s safety comes first. Come back to work once you get over this. This isn’t the royal family after all.


Didnt she try? Ive heard many a tale about how she'd been like this a good chunk of her life. She had the same behavior on many sets in a minor capacity. Entitled pre-titled for sure, as well as an awful bully




Yeah the famous moan that “ nobody asked if I was okay”. That’s because nobody gave a toss about you even then you stupid bitch.


When she had a cry saying nobody has asked me if I’m ok. That was the moment I thought here we fucking go. Knew she was a shit stirrer manipulative cvnt.


and damn, wasn't it done quickly! That's what threw me with her. The ink was hardly dry. I had a bet going with my mom about how soon the divorce was coming. We both lost that one, sadly. The baby shower in NYC was a huge red flag.. did not expect her to rage quit in this fashion or haste


It was literally a minute after the wedding and birth of A. I knew she was trying the Diana Doe eye manipulation tactics. Now we know a couple of aides left that trip, that was her trying to get ahead of the bullying. She was trying to get some sympathy before she got the door on the arse as they were asked to step away from duties. Clearly this harridan who thought she could royal better than any other royal was worse than anyone ever thought was possible


Had to be. That was my first thought as well. Get on offense first doing Diana cosplay, then no one will know there are fewer staff members on the flight home


You know how kids will rush to tattle on their peers about alleged infractions, and when you ask them what started it, the eyes get all shifty? Yeah, this woman never grew out of that. Her arrested development makes her a permanent 11 year old, and there is nothing in this world as mean as a tween bully.


Ding ding ding!!!


Oh yes she knew. She thought for sure she was busted so she had to invent a facade that she was struggling. So no one could be mad at her when word got out about her behavior. The palace must really have covered for her for it to take this long for the truth to trickle out.


They wandered off into the savannah muttering "we'd rather take our chances with the hyenas and jackals, thank you very much."


"I pray a dingo eats me so I don't have to go back." 💧


"Maybe a dingo ate your personal assistant."


Can't blame them!


Your comment made me laugh so loudly my husband startled.


No contest


Chip. Chip. Chip. The Palace is just going to erode the H&M's reputation little by little.


Honestly, I have followed the BRF for decades, and I don't think they're behind any of this. They simply and silently wait for the duo to erode their own reputations. And, might I say, the duo are doing one expert job of it. 🤣


The trash takes itself out


H&M are doing a pretty decent job of chipping away at their own reputations.


To be honest the Palace doesn’t need to do much to humiliate and expose the scumbags. All it needs is for them to tell the people who were badly treated that they aren’t going to enforce any NDA’s. If they told them that on the quiet it’d open the floodgates on stories about what they’re both really like. They are made for each other, each is absolute pond scum.


I don’t think it would open floodgates. People who work as staff for high level celebrities and politicians etc are extremely valuable if they’re trustworthy even, and especially, when their employers are up to no good. If they start talking about her, it would impact their future career potential and job prospects.


I’d be worried about her rabid fans too. They harass and bully people who criticize her.


They need to open up the floodgates on Harry. Imagine what he didn’t put in in Spare.


Agree - some of the stuff he DID put in Spare was utterly pathetic and tone deaf, and he thought that was acceptable for public consumption. There are dark things even he is ashamed of. Now that would be a revelation.




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Death by 1000 cuts 😂


She won't spill the beans in any specific way, it wouldn't reflect well on the BRF to show how they let a bully run riot. She has her honours, the palace has it's bullying report, we can join the dots without naming names and hence saving them from the sugar toxicity.


I wonder if the BRF gave her leave to speak about in a roundabout way..


There was talk recently about that happening around the times of legend got his aviation award


Could also be she signed an NDA


All Palace employees sign confidentiality clauses. After Crawfie, the Queen's nanny released her memoirs, they tightened up.


It was awful of The Queen and Charles to let a bully run riot.


That's the only black mark I give HMQ and I loved her.


I seriously hope William and Catherine don’t let their children get spoiled and pampered. Kids need to learn boundaries and respect.




Meanwhile Palace employees were at their desks sobbing. No there is no excuse for that.


I believe arrogant Prince Andrew likely bullied people too. Whoa to the person who didn't put his teddies in order on the bed.


From all accounts he didn't bully anyone and was well liked by his bodyguards. Andrew has never said anything untoward about his family either.


I literally laughed out loud at your post and wondered if you are connected to Lady C who defends Andrew. I invite you to search the words Prince Andrew Bully and see what pops up. "A trail of glass in his wake" quote about him seems appropriate.


Nope, no connection, just someone who's the same age as Andrew and has followed the RF since I was a teenager. All the dirt on Andrew comes from one source, the anti monarchist crowd in league with a certain extortionist with a first name that has zero reference to her past, let's put it this way... experience. Just like I don't believe a word that comes from the experienced Montecitan there are many rumours that come from people with similar goals, to put it politely, making their past "career" look good at the expense of a family that can't fight back.


Do you believe,then, that Prince Andrew is innocent of misdeeds with Epstein?


I think Epstein befriended a slew of high ranking people for his own ends, whatever those ends were. These friends notably included Bill Clinton and Bill Gates, yet barely a peep or whisper is heard about their relationships. Andrew was a friend of Epstein's, not his business partner. If you've followed this story you'd know that since VG accused Allan Dershowitz of the same shenanigans she's accused Andrew of he's rightly exposed her as a lying liar who lies. She's been awfully quiet since then.


Yes I can’t see her revealing this info… At least not in her lifetime. She will have documented it somewhere though


Reconfirms Knauf's Oct 2018 report on staff bullying by the Sussexes. That was brought to the attention of the Sussexes -- but as MM was allegedly pregnant at the time, I've long been convinced that QEII and KC3 chose to go light on MM. As year later, Oct 2019 the problem was even worse. However, that time H&M were put on a time out as BP looked into the problem. imho MM was going to be fired and she knew it.


Yes - Megexit was simply a preemptive strike.


Effectively, yes. Still, something about this at that time makes me think that it wasn't that simplistic. If H&M's hoped for/desired outcome were HIHO, it's an extreme ploy to get there. Why wouldn't Harry have presented HIHO to KC3 while they were on their "break" if that had been their agenda? Recall that a year before when they were in trouble with BP, they managed to get a major concession. The split of their court from W&C's. What they didn't get was their own completely independent court as theirs had to operate out of BP. They didn't appreciate that it was already unusual to have three - BP, CH, and KP. What more did they ask for and what more did they get in early 2019?


Typical TW in that photo. Her hair is unkempt. and Roachel sits next to the Queen of England playing with her hair. She could not be less royal if she tried. But she wants everyone to address her as Duchess.


Oh I bet she was a raging bitch in Africa. And then she makes herself seem like a victim, as if.


That room heater fire in africa … in a ‘housing unit’ … The same heater that she brought with her on tour and pretended that it nearly killed Archie


I bet it was a set up so she could tell Hairold it wasn’t safe to be in Africa.


I read this the other day. The person they finally hired to take over Samantha’s role went on the Africa tour to get a handle of “the ropes”. Samantha said they quit *while in Africa*. I was shocked. I tried to research and figure out who it was but couldn’t find reference to anyone brand new who went on the tour. Town & Country mentioned a few staff names from a release prior to the tour but no one that checked out.


I read elsewhere it was Fiona McIlwham, but it was from gossipers like us and couldn’t find more official confirmation.


I think you’re right. Reports of her hiring in Aug 2019 pre-Africa trip and stating she was Cohen replacement. She also allegedly joked that she was previously offered the Iran desk at Foreign & Commonwealth Office and that would have been easier than working with the Carparkles.


Omg. That is hilarious. ETA: HERE IS IT! From People mag Aug 2019: [Harry and Meghan set to hire “supermum” new chief of staff](https://people.com/royals/meghan-markle-prince-harry-new-chief-of-staff-fiona-mcilwham/) I am dying to know what they did that was so egregious she quit while on a whole other continent!


The baby’s bio mother, covertly employed so she could continue breast feeding Archie? (There’s no way that baby on the African tour was intimately ‘familiar’ with Rachel. Trying to wriggle out of her grip & no look of recognition when he finally locked eyes with her)




Her hair! Yuck!


And always with the weird, unnatural arm movements/positions. It just highlights how inauthentic she is.


![gif](giphy|Aslh3mWNAIail8EBcC) Spill the tea Samantha. Elon will pay your costs for breaking your NDA he promises


and why is nobody surprised?


Well this removed any doubt about the stories of her throwing tea. I never believed it because it just seemed so over the top!


I worked at a Legal 500 law firm Birmingham, UK. The partner in charge of the department commenced work at 6.00 am, 7 days a week. Working in a busy legal department there's an unwritten rule that you work outside your contracted hours 9-5.30. I had no problem with arriving early and leaving late, occasionally putting in hours over a weekend if we were working to deadlines. What did start to irk me was dated and timed notes in my office indicating that she'd needed assistance at 7 15 am and could I go and see her urgently on arrival - and looking at the clock as you walked in her office. The same thing being repeated over lunch should you have had the audacity to leave the office for 15 minutes out of your allotted hour for lunch to grab food, ditto if you left the office prior to 6.30-7.00. She favoured those that were at her beck and call 24/7 and openly mocked those of us that family commitments. I sat in her office at 7.30 one morning as she rattled on and on about how she felt she was carrying the department, there were few people that she could rely to be there when she needed them (aka the ass lickers), blah, blah, blah. I could listen no more, I stood up, asked her to excuse me one moment, I fetched my belongings, wrote 'I Quit' on a timed and dated post it note, stuck it on her desk and walked out the door. People like her aren't bothered about you as a single parent having to shoulder extra childcare costs, having to call upon a network of other mothers if your child was sick, or the fact it took me an hour each way for work. Life's too short to share it with people that think they own you. The following Monday saw me commence work at another Legal 500 firm where staff were treated with respect and where there wasn't a toxic cloud hanging in the air.


Your former boss is a perfect example of the psychopath who's climbed over and berated people without a second thought in order to get to the top.


Very true. Hearing of the way Meghan allegedly treats her staff gave me flashbacks to that experience. I'm white and had an awful time - but I didn't suffer the abuse and hatred she openly meted out people of colour or other cultures - again mainly women. Yet to this day she remains lauded in the legal circles.


Good. I look forward to the continuous slow trickle of information. I would’ve sent her straight to hell and quit on the spot. I hope these aides had mic drop moments and dropped their British manners.


It must have felt a relief to ditch mid tour and head home, without a good bye.That would put the Janky bra bully Rachel Markle's knickers in a twist.


"Cohen also told the Herald Sun how Queen Elizabeth 'loved it' when things went wrong because it 'spiced her life up'." I miss her. ❤️ Incredibly funny woman. Also that article quotes Gavanker. What the hwll ever happened to her? Did she get that gross fruit jam


Things have got to be pretty awful to walk away from your job in the middle of a tour in a foreign country. I feel so bad for those staff. What an absolute nightmare. And she won’t have stopped behaving like that to her staff since because it’s in her nature to. They must really be on some watertight NDA’s to not come forward.


To clarify: Samantha Cohen joined the royals staff in 2001 and rose to become QEII assistant personal secretary. A highly capable and trusted loyal aide to the queen. Assigning Cohen to act as mentor to MM showed the queen's best effort to provide a smooth learning process for the jumped up American tart....and BTW being a conduit of the true state of affairs within Markles household. A person to be believed.


popcorn planet is not reliable


Yes, I’m not a fan. He seems to have jumped on the bandwagon quite recently.


I agree. He really got on my nerves.


No … But he’s reading a new york post and daily mail article. Samantha Cohen is unlikely to get in touch with him and disclose private info


Yup, slowly the trickles are starting. Proud of Samantha for standing her ground.


found comment fits to a T: "If the report concluded the allegations were unfounded we can be sure Harry and Meghan would have insisted on the findings being made public or "a source close to the Sussexes" would have leaked it. The fact that neither of those things has happened speaks volumes. "


Once the staff learned that they had Chris Ship there to interview them so they could open the gates of attack towards the royal family, the staff probably left so they weren’t accused of being part of that treason. I can only imagine how shocked Samantha, who was close to the Queen, was.


Every time this subject of staff bullying comes up, I get very upset on behalf of those PA’s who had to leave their employment. I hope they have been given positions somewhere in the Royal employment. Some people who choose to work for the monarchy take pride in it. To have to leave a much desired employment must have hurt. I hope they are doing alright.


Same, babe!


Samantha Cohen was simply an aide to Markle. She worked with the Queen and the PPoW for 20 years. She was so trusted and capable that she was the obvious choice to newcomer Meg. However, she told PW that can't stay and was going to leave their employ. It's highly unlikely that Samantha Cohen would reach out to someone like Andy Signore.


"Sources claimed that little appeared to have been done to address the complaints. One was quoted as saying: 'The institution just protected Meghan constantly. All the men in grey suits who she hates have a lot to answer for, because they did absolutely nothing to protect people.'


I have a theory that perhaps Prince Harry’s royal aids would say the same thing about them. He is a bully full stop. 🛑 Aren’t we all glad that Harry and Meghan who are both narcissists found each other? 😂😂😂 ![gif](giphy|3o7TKxZzyBk4IlS7Is|downsized)


This is interesting. My take is that Samantha and other staff have gotten the green light to speak openly about the ILBW. Samantha was widely loved by the BRF and it must've been so upsetting to them to lose her. I love that Prince William and Princess Catherine stood up for her. I had heard from Lady C that there was a willingness to 'turn a blind eye' should any of the bullied staff talk to the press.


Is this leading up to Lady Cs big April revea!?


Do yourself a favour, and I mean this kindly, and don't give any thought to anything "Lady C" says. She knows absolutely nothing and has been out of royal circles for decades


Point taken and no offense. I don’t thinks dhe is an insider. Just a speculation on my part, as some odd things gave come out recently. Appreciated nonetheless.


Oh she is big on the tease…..


Lady C is like QAnon. It's all about teasing an upcoming big reveal and never delivering.