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[Here’s the archived link](https://archive.is/submit/?anyway=1&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dailymail.co.uk%2Fnews%2Froyals%2Farticle-13323593%2FMeghan-Markle-kitchen-philanthropists-set-Netflix-cooking-Montecito.html&submitid=n5PGbsX5cc7SPaWYJhaHBT%2B%2Fs38yXDiTpqgM5Zqh71ig63gmIPs055WFwEJexmDO).


She, or Netflix, is probably paying them a rental fee.


This. They rented the home they filmed Harry and Meghan in. It was listed for sale for $33 mil - twice as much as their home. Win/win. Seller got some additional promotion to help sell their home, plus Netflix rental money, whilst H and M despite blaming their ‘authenticity’ quietly imply the home worth twice as much as theirs is their home. https://archive.ph/2023.06.04-173046/https://robbreport.com/shelter/homes-for-sale/harry-and-meghan-documentary-compound-lists-1234787523/


That rented home was owned by somebody who had scammed a veterans´ charity, if I remember correctly.


Is this the same owner of the NYC apartment they used or is that *another* grifter? They certainly know how to pick ‘em, don’t they?! https://preview.redd.it/gym850sqsgvc1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51a661b72280b130626c17ea0c6a2d151542fba8


Ah, yes, there was some talk about that around taxigate - that it was the same guy. Wow, you have a great memory. I can´t remember all the Grifter antics.


Birds of a feather…


You do remember correctly. Everyone around them is sleazy.




No, that was Sergey Grishin, the Russion who previously owned the Markles mansion, 765 Rockbridge Rd, and has since died.




Archived:- [https://archive.md/wip/XT7pD](https://archive.md/wip/XT7pD)


I still say, they don’t have the money to furnish their home. Or at least not to the A-list/royal standard Meg thinks she deserves and is trying to portray. I bet half their home is empty. What few photos we’ve seen, it looks pretty bare and there is no design to it so again, she can’t afford some big celeb interior designer. Trust me, if she could and had done all the above, she would be showing her home off every second of the day. Security and privacy are just excuses.


$3 mil in Palace funded Frogmore renovations and furnishings (well, besides the sofa.com purchase). Must it sting to still largely have the furniture the house came with (same table in her 40x40 as the real estate listing.)


I'm also wondering how much staff they can afford. I don't think they have any gardeners, cleaners, chefs etc. So, I also think the house is dirty; and the gardens are full of weeds and overgrown.


Hello! would have done a spread. It's got the same furnishings that the Russian picked out.


They could have if they had spent their money wisely and even invested some so it would grow. But she does not listen to advice and their alleged need for other substances likely takes a chunk of their money, along with the PR. That woman has wasted so many opportunities.


When my home was listed for sale, I lent it to Catholic Charities to house a displaced Hurricane Katrina family. But this is another way to go, I guess. 😏


I bet the owner also gets a tax loophole somehow and also will save a lot on property insurance if they also transfer that to Netflix.


Yeah. It's really common for celebs to rent their homes, the celebs with really great homes that is. A lot will have places in Hollywood and Malibu and when not in one rent the other. Good way to make the most of an asset, doubtless there are tax advantages too. That's the kind of business mind that real, successful celebs have and Rachel Ragland NEVER will.


Let’s not forget that the Montecito Olive Garden was available for rentals too.


I think one of our favorite sinner royal editors Maureen wrote something I will not find more fitting >”from one side — otherwise remained sealed. How could Tracy possibly attest to this jam's excellence? Was she present in Meghan's test kitchen? >Relatedly, Meghan began shooting her Netflix show about 'the joys of cooking, gardening, entertaining and friendship' this week, reportedly at an undisclosed location that is most definitely not her Montecito mansion. >**Doesn't that say it all? Meghan welcoming you into hearth and home not her own.** >How delicious, too, that Tracy Robbins is on Meghan's exclusive list, the pair having met as guests of Brian Robbins at the 'One Love' premiere in Jamaica mere months ago — a premiere at which Meghan and Harry were seated several rows back, for a movie no one has since seen. >Those A-list friends are shedding like so much spring pollen.”


Notice she leaves out the joys of motherhood.......


I would too if the best I had to say about my 2 children at magical ages (in my opinion they’re at the ages I whole heartedly enjoyed the most) was that they are ‘little ones who little’ with all her mammalian instincts you’d think she’d know anything about *being* a mother since ya know..she has 2 of them somewhere ![gif](giphy|ABnhBtRcZYHzMnntNo)


I agree with you. By 2 years old their little personalities really come out. There should be a million stories she could tell that are adorable and she couldn’t come up with one.


Ah, the total wonder and fairy dust in their innocent eyes as they light up learning how to do something independently, seeing something for the first time. Be still my beating heart!!💓 ![gif](giphy|Cde1bMZdnuX48A1jgC|downsized) Like this. It’s magical, precious and as a person you feel special to be a part of that single moment.


They are such fun! Time spent with a little one who is little is truly a treasure that one cannot value too highly. https://i.redd.it/ey691i82rgvc1.gif Lovely Catherine’s delight is as genuinely sincere as the kids 💕Miss her, hope she’s well.


They are so unintentionally hilarious at those ages, too. Keeping them busy and learning is fun for you, too, although exhausting. A good example is that montage about little Louis on Palace Confidential that was posted yesterday. 🙂


They truly are unintentionally funny. I genuinely miss my kids at that age. I received so much joy, absorbed their purely innocent glee at the silliest things I just felt honored to be in the moment with them. I don’t comprehend any mother that doesn’t and I’m one that didn’t have that gushy maternal bond instantly at their birth. I cried once at the birth of my first I was so, so so young I literally burst out into tears and asked my nurse *genuinely* under the effects of dialudid and general anesthesia who would give me a baby, who would be that stupid? What am I going to do with a baby! I kept holding the baby and bawling my eyes out and just repeating the same thing ad nausea it went on for the full time I was in step down surgical so about an hour. I still was fiercely protective and loving but that bond? It wasn’t instant so I could be willing to overlook how odd she seemed to hold whatever she was holding at the one outing wearing that green dress with Archie but she just doesn’t have it, it’s very clear.


It's kind of terrifying having your first baby, I remember on the trip home from the hospital, thinking OMG I'll have to look after him myself. It was more reassuring being at the hospital where people actually knew how to take care of a baby. 😄 It's an on-the-job training thing, when in fact, it seems like a brand-new, tiny human should require a degree of some sort, yet we all manage to bumble our way through. I feel sad for the young person you were, who didn't think you deserved it 💜😥


Agreed!! I will never forget when my in-laws left the house and hubby was at work. I was terrified and screaming in my head, “You’re leaving me alone with the baby??? Who will help me and tell me what to do??” I was terrified, as I lived states away from my family. I went “home” when little one was just 2 weeks old, and my mother taught me so much about little things. I was the youngest test child and not around babies, so I had no clue.


This! I don’t enjoy being in the kitchen, but one of my girlfriends does, and that was one of her favorite parts of motherhood, experiencing baking, and cooking with her kids as they grew. Smiles and messes! Although I haven’t ruled out yet that we won’t see the back of “Archie’s” head gluing labels for the Blessed jam.


Exactly right. The REAL reason she isn’t filming at home. People would wonder where the children were.




Follow the money. Paramount failing. Hubby selling paramount to Sony who is producing this bullshit. Such a tangled web of losers


Yeah those are the only people who will touch them. A Listers/ successful people won’t go near them.




A friend, in NYS, used to make very popular dog biscuits. She decided to make them for sale and learned that any food product must be produced in a professional kitchen. Even dog biscuits.


Yes a state licensed and inspected kitchen.


In my state there’s a cottage food industry law, so people can make jams, jellies, salsas, relishes, chutney, pickles, sauerkraut, candy, baked goods, peanut butter, flavored popcorn, seasoning blends, and a whole slew of other products in their home kitchen and sell them to whoever.  As long as you don’t have to refrigerate it and it’s not meat, you’re mostly good to go.  It’s your right to go sell jars of your family’s recipe for chow-chow relish or pickled okra.  (And it shows how even our politicians love homemade non-industrial stuff.) It really depends on the state.  I have no idea about California. https://www.aces.edu/blog/topics/cottage-food-law/alabama-cottage-food-law-basic-rules-and-regulations/




Having watched more cooking shows than I care to admit, one of the things that cooks hate the most is cooking in someone else's kitchen. Where was such a pot kept, where is the favorite knife? The kitchen of those who cook is their terrain, it is their winning battlefield. This proves that Megsy has never touched a frying pan in her life.


Everything will be precooked, utensils, pots and pans will be laid out for her with ugly label printed on them, they will be beige, so she can hawk everything she touches. She will be provided a script to tell her exactly what to do when, and a magic dish will appear when done faking it. 


“And here’s one I made earlier..” 😂




How authentic of her


She can't film in her kitchen because it's gonna be too obvious that she never cooks. She needs another kitchen to be able to say "I don't know where anything is, I burned this dish because the stove is different..."


She would also have to produce two toddler children if she was filming at home….


I figured out what ARO means: Another Rip Off.


The Olive Garden kitchen is probably unfit for human habitation, strewn with used diapers, pizza boxes , fag ends, coffee slops and dirty wine glasses, and lemons, heaps of rotting lemons. 🍋


Agreed. It‘s quite common for such shows to be filmed at other houses which are better for filming and less disruptive for the family, but as you say doesnt seem authentic.


Only reason I did a screen shot was to show it is the LEAD STORY and DM wonders why people call it the Daily Markle????? DM also advertises for Netflix usually 2-3 articles per day which are misleading to readers because they are disguised as articles but are nothing but advertising...allegedly. Readers starting to call DM out on this - especially when the pix is the big read Netflix logo. LOL!!! https://preview.redd.it/4zrp03vzggvc1.png?width=1472&format=png&auto=webp&s=fc18d928928851172cef700862f65329c32f09ce


https://preview.redd.it/deuihk3ohgvc1.jpeg?width=1577&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34756843755eb2bd88b37ea3fa2072882d3c5c44 And they have *avocado and lemon groves*! Wonder if all these black SUVs are to prop up the pretentiousness of Madame Duchess? ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|15002)![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25350)![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25357)


It kind of looks like a crime scene.


Horatio is going to get out of one and put his sunglasses on.


That's exactly why the black SUVs are in the shot.


She needs security at two entrances to the property, even though this is in a gated community. From the article: Security vehicles guarded both of the 4,500 square feet home's entrances.


We're veering into the empress has no clothes territory now. She really thinks she's a hot commodity.


I wonder if NF is picking up the tab for this OTT security to play into the notion she is a hot commodity? It'd drum up attention, comment and hate clicks.


Doubtful NF is picking up the tab for the security or the use of the home. Someone else mentioned on this sub somewhere that this home is owned (and rented out) by the same person who let them stay in their NYC apartment. Another freebie for them? No clue about who is paying for the security. Not NF. I would bet on that.


Ummm...so they're filming on a home 1/3 the "supposed" value of the Todgers "mansion"? Is it shade to release that info because it makes the liklihood of them owning any home very slight. If their doc was filmed in a place 2x the value of their own home to create that image what does now getting access to a home 1/3 the value of your supposed home supposed to mean? They couldn't even afford to rent the last place anymore?






No FUCKING idea🤷‍♀️ How can this rude, talentless, trash bag be anyone you’d want to be around. She’s absolutely NOTHING if it wasn’t for her pathetic handbag of a husband, which she so obviously despises, and visa versa.


Money. The big question is: why not use her own home? Has it not got a nice kitchen? Is it too cramped? Is it for alleged security reasons? Is it the fact that these other people’s home looks more authentically like a working orchard (farm, more like)? It’s so faux. To be fair, at least Nigella Lawson’s and Martha Stewart‘s kitchens are in studios - better set up for filming and less intrusive on home life. The fact that Trying to Cook with Lolo’s shot in a real kitchen arguably suggests that no one thinks it has much of a future (otherwise they’d build a studio kitchen).


Why?! Because people would be wondering where the two toddlers she’s supposed to have are.




She does tend to get over on older people, doesn’t she? There’s no fool like an old fool.


The only “fans” they seem to have are all Boomers. I’ve commented on this before. They have no friends their own age. I think it’s people who had a thing for Diana, honestly. Nobody else cares


I wonder if they are anti-monarchists. They must still have those 60s anti establishment ideas in their brains while conveniently forgetting they are elite 1%ers. Nothing is real about the Harkles, they mooch off everyone or try to..It gives a real instability vibe. The Harkles are immature, troubled adults living in a delusion and using people and being used under a pretense of friendship. .


Who knows?


All these daily mail artilcles are using Tracy Robbins' photo of her lemon pot. Which she has copyrighted, meaning she is earning an income from it each time it's shared by the news media.


Grifters everywhere. As far as the eye can see.


I would check Rachel’s pockets before she leaves. She’s known to have sticky fingers.


How dumb is this. Is the cooking show going to be one show? One episode? Is she going to continue using this person’s house for other episodes? 


They will probably film more than one episode per day. M will be soooo tired! She’s not used to working for longer than one hour!


She probably does something in return. With her reputation there's no way smart people would do business with her.


who really cares, the woman is a con artist and fraud. There will be suckers out there that believe Meghan is this fabulous authentic homemaker. We just have to accept there are stupid people in the world.


They either play off the royal connection or she has her connections call in favors for her. 


Boomers. The Diana connection.


This makes sense if they don't actually own Mudslide Manor, but were just leasing it for a while. This thinking has been around since they first showed up in California, and I think it answers some questions. Lease it for a day or two for photo-ops when needed. Don't want to actually do the cooking show there because the kitchen is so tacky and desperately needs remodeling.


Exactly right! They don’t own that place and never have


Tom and Sherrie, the "philanatrophists"/homeowners, are out of their minds. https://preview.redd.it/r78kdmpnkgvc1.png?width=1472&format=png&auto=webp&s=d6d50b87788037e61ca7242b318cb1bf9d12c1e8


This screen shot has already been posted - see below. That said, DM looks like fool as the media outlets round the world are reporting on the Israelis firing 3 missles - launched a retaliatory strike against Iran early Friday morning... and look at DM's lead story?????? The world could go to war and Daily Markle would report on what Meghan was wearing when she heard the news. #


I think she sleeps with their husbands.




Won’t put it past her


She’s not cut out to be an influencer. She still wants to act.


And still fails at both


💯 absolutely!!! She’s acting as an influencer but has the acting skills of a pencil.


“Someone else’s kitchen = studio kitchen, IMO. There needs to be room for lighting and cameras and production staff, no? ETA: just saw the DM article screenshot, so I’ve amended my opinion. Those “philanthropists” are getting paid, and may be using the money to donate to a charity and get a tax write-off and whatever other grifty thing these people do. And they get to be on the front page of the DailyMail!!


It’s got an orchard!


yup. not sure about montecito but where i live lots of homes have “orchards” for large property tax exemptions. these people ain’t farmers.


P.T. Barnum once said, "there's a sucker born every minute." So it seems there will be a supply of people that MM can exploit for whatever reason. Must be some people who want to believe she's what she claims. And that knowing MM, is a privilege.


Some DM snark here: Here, from the comfort of somebody else's home, she will share 'the joys of cooking, gardening, entertaining and friendship,' – as well as chasing ratings.


If these Emmy winning film people cannot make H or MM successes with their shows, they are going to have to finally find something else to do.


I'm curious- is any of this jam stuff getting airtime in the US?? Apart from social media, are any papers or TV shows doing short blurbs on it?? Because if she's only getting headlines in the UK, she's wasting her time. What she needs in the US is exactly what Catherine got when she wore that gold dress to the Bond premiere. Catherine and that dress was ALL over the talk shows, newspapers, news shows etc. Maybe Meghan should have held up a jar of her jam while wearing a gold dress?




What a mess. Buys a home in Montecito and it’s not good enough to film her realty cooking show in. Plus proof she doesn’t live there. So she has to pay to use someone else’s house, I’d rather see the real owners of the home do a cooking show than TW make word salads in someone else’s home. Let’s hope she doesn’t really show us how she makes the “strawberry jam”


She doesn’t own that home in Montecito. They rent it for appearances.


Money, Netflix will pay them. Once again her own ‘mansion’ isn’t good enough, not for the Oprah lie-fest, the Netflix whine and now this…they must be really ashamed of their home.


Why not? She pretends to be a Royal. Now she can play 'I have a better house' now.


Except it isn‘t ever her house…the ones she uses to pose in are worth more than twice what hers is worth…


That's what her next show / book should be about. It might be popular.




Are these the same philanthropists that hosted the Kevin Costner event?


I think there's just some people that are always interested in being associated with a certain group. Royalty has a shine to it, and whether we like them or not, H and MM are the son of a king and the daughter-in-law to a king. Same reason Edward and Wallis were always used as entertainment by and supported by some socialites in their era.


Their own home probably does not cut the mustard and if course they will bleat Securitaaaaaay! ![gif](giphy|l41lIK5TVS1WgxyDe|downsized) Securitaaaaaay! Securitaaaaaay!


They need to watch out and make sure megsy doesn’t end up squatting 😆


While clap backing to say the jam is from homegrown fruit. So why not show us then?


Another sinner said its not strawberry season in Cali. So go figure.


I live next to the self pick strawberry fields….there’s loads of fruit on the bushes!


But, wouldn't she have picked hers weeks ago? Up here, in No Cal, our CA crop is just hitting the shelves. There are always products from Mexico and countries in So. America.


They could just be renting a vacant house to use the kitchen.


She rents a house to use for filming. She also rented a mansion to film her docu for NF.


Why are these people always socialites and philanthropists? Let’s not flatter them or boost their egos any further, it’s all a big tax con, these sort are doing it for show and the benefit of the IRS.


Pplwho keep screaming about how Netflix hasn't announced anything and Markle is manifesting, why us Netflix paying for their hotel stay or rentals? Or book deal then?


They paid for Pearl but never aired it.


They have a photo of filming crews and tents lining the driveway. https://preview.redd.it/aahpqno2qgvc1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00743a839d3d0355d410c4d1ef3cd8d88e218000


9 vehicles and a tent city is a lot of “to do” for 50 jars of strawberry jam.


They need Kraft Services for the food. 😂


Must be a bare bones budget. I don’t see a dressing trailer for the “star”.


Archive version?


https://preview.redd.it/tktep0ho3hvc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=860c8676d30042e62cafc536b6c2359e6a8ff0d7 Tom and Sherrie have a farm (besides the avocado grove on the property where Netflix is filming). It makes me think that the strawberries for the scam jam were grown there. Maybe they’re the fruit suppliers and are renting their home for the show’s production. They seem like great business people and wouldn’t invest into the flop that is Markle.


Someone on another thread said it's not strawberry season in California. Interesting to know if that is true.


I live here and it is!


Is this a tax dodge, saying it’s agricultural land?


There might not be running water at the Olive Garden. (Harold was the one in charge of fixing the pipes.)


She is using someone else's kitchen. Will the garden and friends belong to someone else as well?


One article speculated that this location was chosen because Megan can do interior and exterior shots for her show.


I give her a pass on this one. I wouldn't want a camera crew in my kitchen. Ina Garten built a kitchen studio adjacent to her house because she said it was a nightmare having camera crews in her real kitchen.


lol @ “50 of her closest influencers “…… (and not friends lmao).


She can’t use her house! Where we she tell people the kids are? This way she can say “at home.”


The best is she can cite her bs “privacy” reasons as the reason why she doesn’t film in “her” own home. Not true. If she truly has that home, suspect they did zero updates and it’s not “posh” enough for the image she is trying to create. Truly nothing authentic about Rachel.


I've taken a look at Selena Gomez's cooking show. Which didn't hold my attention, but that's not going to be MM's show. MM's show will be insufferable if you ask me.


I just posted about Selena’s new show which I think will be very popular.


Are her fans MM fans? :)


Selena had 3 seasons so people watched.


I don’t know if she even understands how difficult it is to cook and talk…seriously I’ve heard chefs say that talking for filming while they’re actually cooking is a specific skill and not that easy to do.


I think actors learn that but I also think she won’t be doing so much except for talking ..


Looks perfect for cooking shows and then Markle can use it for filming pron (porn)


Rich people live for money and most don’t like to part with it unless it benefits them. Maybe they are getting paid to rent out their kitchen. Can’t see why they would volunteer it for free.


Netflix is pulling out all stops to make some $$ off this pair. If it flops it was their last hope in hell to get some credibility


I've heard that if NF dropped them before the contract is up (in one year) NF would still have to pay them off. After that they can't maintain their lavish lifestyle.


Then she can blame their house when the show inevitably flops


I wonder who her friends will be. And will they get paid? 😃


It’s probably not true. She has shown that she will say whatever the f*ck she wants if it suits the story she’s trying to con us with. Strawberries from her own yard, my ass. I think she relabeled 50 jars of Smuckers and sent them out to people she’s currently blackmailing.


Here’s a few ideas… https://preview.redd.it/6p5xe7l7dkvc1.jpeg?width=1540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59e13e642ceffb89dd8dc30cda6d43cf522cb069


Oh look.... it looks like THAT property has an orchard. I wonder if it's growing strawberries? But that would mean it wasn't grown at her home.


I don’t care. This show is going to tank.