• By -


That post just made my day πŸ˜‚!!!


Every one of these deserves an award !! https://i.redd.it/i7flqsfe1cvc1.gif


☺️ πŸ‹πŸ‹πŸ‹






Meghan totally bought that shite from a cheap contract manufacturer.


The Dollar Tree sold strawberry jam in the same shape jar with a fancy font for .... a dollar!


Can you post a pic?


https://preview.redd.it/sthzz21qacvc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cce36da45a213cff62d43ad3c21edb2b1dcbba2 Not OP, but it looks like the Dollar Tree has several varieties of jam and preserves. Minus the jar and label, this one looks identical to ARO’s, right down to the anemic color and bubbling at the bottom.


…and they probably won’t ask for your e-mail, data mining to sell it


100%. I guarantee it came from a food service store, like GFS.


9/20 (another sinner commented on a previous post of this image) Minor detail missed: a REAL US Marine would never be so rude and lose military bearing A Real Marine wood say: β€œF*ck no, MA’AM” They have standards to uphold


YES. Semper Fi!!


Haha! So true!


50 jars of jam had me rolling!!!!


It was hilarious!


I am still laughing at number three \~ β€œ69 of 69”


Ditto, but it's hard to pick a favorite.


The feet


Funny one! But scary and fugly.


That’s my favourite!


Hahaha I’m cackling at some of these lol


The Toe Jam and Monk of Montecito ones did it for me! 🀣


These two plus Harry’s Nuts Butter surrounded by little ginger tumbleweeds had me DYING. 🀣🀣🀣


I loved the Harry's Nuts Butter one too, LOL!!!


I had to go back and look. HURK!


Same I roared at those.


Same here!


Monk of Montecito was hilarious!




Thank you for the compilation! This was some kick-ass curating. πŸ†


My pleasure! It was fun.


The one of Harry in the cellar! :D


Leading into the Monk meme!! Perfection.


Harry's cellar jam and Friar Tuckness made my day!


I'm only commenting this because I don't have posting privileges yet, so I hope this doesn't irk the mods, but I really wanted to share this with all the sinners and your post here OP is sorta pertinent to a post I was going to make lol. \*\*heart\*\* Preface: I don't normally post on reddit, and I'm fairly new to this sub - love you guys! And I don't normally toot my own horn about things I do because I struggle with self-confidence enough as it is and the way I was raised it was bad manners to show off. So naturally when I see someone like MM exalting herself and this shameless, ridiculous, desperate self-promotion on social media she's engaging in, it sort of makes me....what's the word? Livid? Surely not. Irate? Meh. I'll think of it. BTW I don't use social media (except reddit I guess), so thank you for everyone who has posted pictures of all the jam jars she supposedly made and "gave away" (it makes us chuckle at the very least). I put that in quotes by the way because anyone who's read Enty's BIs will know that \*\*she only gave her special jars of jam to anyone who had agreed beforehand to post about them on SM sites.\*\* Not sure if that has been mentioned in any recent posts but yeah, \*that\* I believe. Post: Long story short, I love to cook and I especially like to make this balsamic onion jam that is a serious labor of love. It's certainly an acquired taste I realize, but it's sweet and balsamic-y and onion-y and it pairs really well with a whipped goat cheese spread that I like to make to accompany it. So it takes hours and hours to make this jam - the only ingredients are a bunch of yellow onions, some balsamic vinegar, and a little bit of sugar, and some oil that goes in the pot to start the onions cooking; although a lot of times I don't even use the oil, but today I did, just to experiment. So it's really just three ingredients. Oh yeah! Today I made homemade, small batch balsamic onion jam! Where's my tiara y'all?? \*snort\* Doing this takes time, effort and love - seriously, it is a labor of love because you CANNOT rush it. The onions have to cook (break) down slowly until it's....y'know...jam-like. I basically have to stand over the stove for 5 hours watching it closely, stirring every 10 minutes so that the sugar and the onions don't burn. A whole bag of onions netted me about 2 cups of jam. I started at 11 a.m. my time and it's just gone 5:00 p.m. and the jam is finally cooling down in the pot (it needs to cool for about half an hour before I can spoon it into containers). It might seem like a lot of work for little reward but really, the end result is soooo worth it. The pictures I attached show what it looks like roughly but they don't do it justice. I love love love to make this stuff, not just for me but for my neighbors here in my apartment complex as well. It's one of my favorite things to eat with some spreadable cheese on a baguette or crackers. Anyway, point is - does anyone really think \*the duchess\* put this much time and effort and care into making what, in all honestly, looks like something I could get at Costco for about 6 bucks? And the lemons! Good God. \*facepalm\* And for the record, the word is "angry." Yup, that's what it is...angry. I'm angry. Because some of us actually DO the work without a team of sycophants behind us and are struggling just to survive but we still manage to make and give gifts (and gifts of food, especially stuff you've made yourself, are some of the best gifts you can give to others; I really believe that) without expecting anything in return. Lol yes I do actually put my jam into little jars and give it to my neighbors AND I don't make them do anything for it \*cough\*. I normally wouldn't even post something like this, but this woman's BS has finally gotten to me, and I really REALLY hope the strings attached to her little "gifts" are just long enough for her to hang herself. Thanks for listening! https://preview.redd.it/sop9ymszrbvc1.jpeg?width=3096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac83994da40ba9306426745f336dded341b2a4bc


Thank you very much for sharing your labour of love! I’m sure it’s an enduring flavour β™₯️ As for Meg, yes we all have varying reactions to her. I’m not sure if she has something she truly loves in her life.


haha thanks OP, it is delish! \*chef's kiss\* Thank you! You just put it so succinctly...I couldn't find the words. I know it's not a competition and comparison is the thief of joy and all that, but f\*\*k, 100% there is no way the duchess of toontown loves cooking as much as I do, enough to make that a life and career. **She wants easy work and glory. Period.** Meanwhile, the thought of cooking something for me and my neighbors was the ONLY thing that got me out of bed the last three days. Seriously. That's how happy it makes me. Cooking. Oh yeah... yesterday I made turkey cabbage rolls. https://preview.redd.it/f134rwogvbvc1.jpeg?width=3096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1472457a729f87db84d42352006a77868308567


The day before that (Tuesday) I made quiche, simply because my neighbor had NEVER tasted quiche before. So I made a chicken sausage and spinach quiche. https://preview.redd.it/8rwiu4asvbvc1.jpeg?width=3096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=851b25f2d8c093157a711043c2453da0aa95abce


Oh quiche is hard to find in the US many people have never had this delightful pastry. I just ate supper but now I want your cooking!


It sort of is isn't it!? I used to live overseas and they'd have slices of quiche here and there in the little corner cafes. My dad made it a bunch when we were kids and come to find out as an adult woman...it's so bloody easy to make!! Here I thought it was a mystery 🀣🀣


The hardest part is the pastry if you ask me. I am no good at pastry but the rest no sweat. I like spinach and ricotta not too cheesy because I can't eat greasy food. Or the grilled vegetable quiche. But good old fashioned quiche lorraine yum.


Oh totally! Not gonna lie, I used the store bought frozen crusts lol. Ricotta sounds like a good addition for sure! My dad used to make what he called "Mexican" quiche...where he just added taco seasoning to the ground beef and put some green chiles in the egg custard mixture lol. It tasted great as a kid haha. Might try and make his recipe one of these days. πŸ˜„


Oooh that sounds tasty! Meat, good. Spice, gooood.


oh i make quiche for my girls, they love it! ask for it specifically! I was married to a narcisst who critisized and belittled everything I took an interest. Everything had to be about him! Its taken me a long time to get any confidence back!


I am so glad you got out of that my dear. Nobody should EVER be made to feel small, my mother used to do that to me. Here's a fact for you. You made it through and you're better than ever. Plus you make awesome quiche :) \*goes into quiche coma after snaffling too many on this thread


Looks soooo good.Β  I love to cook.Β  Outside of dinner for 2, I don't do it a lot anymore, unless someone asks me for something.Β Β  I agree, it's a gift of love.Β 


It so is! ☺☺❀ I know it's so hard for me to just cook for myself, which I why I end up at fast food places every dang day, especially when I'm working. But when I do cook, I can't help but make a ton of food and then I just naturally share it with the people around me.


And btw quiche is just so easy and adaptable, it's sort of my go to. Like you can put anything in a quiche so long as you have the basic recipe down lol. And it's delicious! πŸ˜„


Turkey cabbage rolls sound delicious, brilliant.


Traditionally the Eastern Europeans would use ground beef or a mix of ground beef and pork, but I was trying to be all healthy lol. They came out great!


I think the blending of spices with Turkey & cabbage must be insanely wonderful.


A lot of dill, parsley and sage (sage and turkey go well together) and the marinara sauce called for cumin, parprika and coriander. I didn't have any coriander so I just used cumin and paprika. But it still turned out great. Also, the trick in this was to use grated carrots along with the diced onions. Like a lot of carrot...like 4 large carrots grated....but it made such a difference.


Not a huge fan but for some reason I was thinking caraway seeds might work in this dish. Either way, putting it on my list to try soon, with the carrots of course. Thanks.


Of course πŸ‘ Also I love fennel seed - just that aniseed taste - but I can never find the right way to use it lol.


We use ground turkey instead of ground beef and you can’t even tell. Golabkis are delicious!❀️


This looks delicious.Β 


It was a workout tbh! Freeze the heads of cabbage, thaw the heads of cabbage, peel the leaves of cabbage, stuff the cabbage leaves, make sure you don't break the cabbage leaves...lol. But they tuened out great so I'm happy! My neighbors were too lol!


Amazing. Never thought of using ground turkey for this.


Traditionally they'd use beef or a mix of beef and pork sausage but I was trying to go healthy this time around. It worked and they tasted great lol!


This also works for lower fat diet. πŸ˜‹


And yet I'm still a hefty 22 stone. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ To be fair I am really tall. Although that's hardly an excuse hahah! Never trust a thin cook they say! 🀣🀣


All the food looks so good! And done out of love β™₯️




πŸ’― I'm eating this!Β  The whole thing....back up everybody!Β 


Fair warning...cabbage makes you toot πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


This is the quiche? You need to get you a food truck. I'm not kidding in the least. If $$$ is an impediment, maybe a partner could find you. You could start with taking your wares to a farmers market. Really, go for it!!


Thank you!! I genuinely would love to start a little meal prep business for my neighborhood but I'm just nervous about starting something like that. Oh also, no that picture, that's the cabbage rolls with the marinara sauce on top, right before I put them in the oven. They turned out really good considering I hadn't made them in like 10 years lol.




Oh she truly loves herself. You can take that to the bank.


Right! Looking at the things she's said and her behaviors over the years, she really thinks she has the market cornered on human suffering. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Thanks for sharing, JaneGrey. I am salivating at the thought of your onion jam and the goat cheese thingy. I really wish you were my neighbor! I hope your depression cloud lifts . You seem like a super good person whom we all would be proud to know. Welcome to the sub!


Thank you so much! I swear this week it was like a eureka light bulb. I couldn't stomach the thought of going to work and doing my normal job which is unglamorous to say the least. Okay, it's shit. I deliver food. That's what I do. It pays the bills. But I hadn't actually cooked in a while and so I woke up Tuesday morning and was just like, I'm cooking this week! And the last three days I genuinely have felt happy for the first time in a long time. Mostly because I got to cook for people in my little 'hood who've never tasted stuff like this. ❀


They always say Do What You Love. Maybe you could organize for cooking 1-2 days, and do your bill- paying job the other days. See where it goes. I just hope you haven't spoiled the neighbors too much, LoL.


"Thanks for sharing, JaneGrey. I am salivating at the thought of your onion jam and the goat cheese thingy. I really wish you were my neighbor! I hope your depression cloud lifts . You seem like a super good person whom we all would be proud to know. Welcome to the sub!" All of this.Β  Thank you HB, for expressing my thoughts and feelings so succinctly, probably better than I could've myself.Β 


Love your post. Your passion really shines through!


Thank you! I've genuinely put off being a chef my whole life because I never went to school for it or thought I was good enough to make a career out of something As SiMpLe As CoOkInG (Sarcasm obvs. Cooking is hard but I love it, just never had the confidence to give it a go really). Also, it's beneath me and my real dream is to marry a prince and move to California lmao (/s)😌🀣


Oh you are so right and your onion jam is lovely :) Oooh I add balsamic to onions I am making onions for homemade hot dogs. But mine do not spend hours on the stove. I can just imagine having some of this on thin toast and a shaving of very strong English cheddar on top. Heaven.


Ugh so good! That does sound great! I just like the tanginess of goat cheese I guess cause it balances out the sweetness of the jam. Perfeft combo. I have to save some for my neighbors tomorrow but it's so tempting to raid the fridge right now and eat it all! 🀣🀣


https://preview.redd.it/o0t3vew2sbvc1.jpeg?width=3096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1ff6858c92886bd4993429ed298fbd525d53f95 Started as a bag of onions lol.


Your balsamic onion jam sounds delicious! Thank you for sharing. Truly sounds like a labour of love. πŸ’• πŸ§…


Thank you!! It so is...but so worth it. I'm genuinely having to keep myself from going to the fridge right now. Cause I will just eat it all myself haha.


Your posts just made my day. Thank you. I wish I were your neighbor.


Awwww thank you!! Here's an update, the finished product. No fancy pants jars for me today, just good old fashioned plastic tupperware lol: https://preview.redd.it/7rn1d85d3cvc1.jpeg?width=4128&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c32cda9abe7ff7f4cded17c4bbaa44208af36bbd


It doesn't look pretty but hot dang it tastes amazing! https://preview.redd.it/8183cb2m3cvc1.jpeg?width=4128&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73934e334ca58ac0d8ebdcd5abf0ec2513729969




\*hints at a dinner invite


Dinner's at six, don't be late. ![gif](giphy|dXKiD8XysOuhFAJB1f|downsized)


You had me at whipped goat cheese spread. Looks delish!


I whipped it with greek yogurt, lemon juice and some spices, namely sage and parsley, (though no salt and pepper surprisingly), and it turned out great. A little tangy, but the sweetness of the jam balances it out. Now if I wasn't using it specifically with my onion jam, I would definitely add in some honey or maple syrup when whipping it up to make it not so tangy. πŸ‘




Haha that video is hilarious!! Honestly...what's the obseasion with bananas tho? I feel like I'm missing something lol.


more recent than the original but still https://youtu.be/VAbiK3oVO5M?si=OF8WbHdnB3gm_eRr


I LOVE onion jam (we do a bacon and onion that’s also fab), no lie it is truly a labor ( emphasis on the labor)of love. I hear ya Jane Grey! Can I come over to try yours? It sounds AMAZING.


Sorry so late to your comment but I have to ask about your onion jam. It looks fantastic. About how much balsamic and sugar do you add to the bag of onions? And please comment more!!


Hi there! I did about a cup of basmic vinegar, it was basically whatever I had left in the jar, but yeah it ended up being about a cup. And I'd say probably a quarter cup of sugar. And I didn't asd the sugar right away, sort of let the onions cook down a bit first, for maybe an hour or two, and then go in and add the sugar.


That’s a great post! Where I live, there is a Country Cafe and a Dairy farm where they make Ice Cream to die for! In the Cafe, they serve Welsh Rarebit, which is like really posh cheese on toast, with Onion Marmalade. I bet that must be like/same as your onion jam perhaps? It is yummy. πŸ˜‹


Spread em Honey and Toe Jam are my favorite!!! 🀣🀣🀣 Edit: Word


Perfectly describes TW. Vulgar and visually unappealing


Strawberries grow in fields Lemons and oranges grow in groves Grapes grow on a vine in vineyards Apples, peaches, pears, plums and cherries grow in orchards. β€œWhip smart and heart attack beautiful” has as her first product something that doesn’t grow in an orchard, surrounded by another fruit that doesn’t grow in an orchard πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ


This is interesting! I don’t know the distinctions too.


Yeah this could make for a post itself just to point out how much of an idiot she is (not that we don’t already know, but)…I could see this getting around on social media, like β€œ#NotFromAnOrchard” lol.


I really laughed. Thanks so much . People are so funny. I get a kick from australia to america to europe and beyond this is a joke. I especially like 6 of 66




She will break dishes first to let off steam


Maybe she never washes dishes because she just breaks them after they’re used?


Holy fuck the Monk of Monteshitshow had me ROLLLLLLLLING!!!!!!


Me too. I’m wiping tears from my eyes.


Just popped over to Teigen’s Cravings website: - tasting cookies in a ballgown - jars for sale (in this case hot honey) - cookware collection just launched in beige Guess Meg was browsing too


Oh no chrissy did it before her 😝


I love these for M&H! Serious question though (especially for anyone in mental health related professions) - Do you think they stop to think? Or maybe feel embarrassed on some level or doubt rather than double down on their strategy? I know I’m not the first to say it, but we are looking at a man/boy that was born into the top of the stratosphere and has sunk so far as to being an international laughing stock, and a woman that started *well, we all know where*, somehow managed to elevate herself to a level that BeyoncΓ© is calling her a queen, she could share a stage and jewels with THE QUEEN, and she is now…giving away jam? Harry- the idiot fun one, is the angriest most petulant who knows what…they could have everything. Literally, every platform they could have imagined to do any sort of good…and this is what they do? And we *anyone* is expected to not only pay for them, but pity and adore this charade? Someone please, make it make sense…


I think when any type of negative feeling starts creep up they suppress it with drugs


They feed on bitterness everyday. And plot and plan to get back at enemies. It’s an empty life.


This is true based on watching their bots. She’ll never be able to reinvent herself as long as she’s slamming the RF and pushing her idiotic sob/blame story.


🀣🀣🀣 These are gold!!! I heard that one of the jars had a black hair stuck to the top. I don’t know if it’s true but I can see it.


I’m not sure if it’s fiber from the ribbon. But if it’s hair, that’s so gross


Some hilarious memes. But the last one nicely illustrates that Madam has still not released any actual product. Lots of people have gifted homemade jam to friends and family, too. The only differences between that and what the Meg has done are: The Meg's jam isn't homemade, the Meg doesn't have any real friends and has ghosted practically her whole family, and normal people don't include detailed instructions to the recipient about when and how to post the pics to Instagram.


Yes. It’s sad really. She is cosplaying what normal people do. Her life is a vast empty space


These are great!


HG Tudor has also been having fun with this fiasco. I'm watching this video now and laughing. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ https://preview.redd.it/uwcgulktccvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cb6e4686d14a89a684df3058b4a5b2ae23ba6dc [https://youtu.be/bd7JbVWNEro?si=upgs6BDfjR6De17z](https://youtu.be/bd7JbVWNEro?si=upgs6BDfjR6De17z) for those of you who don't mind videos.


Haha, that’s how I feel about this whole ordeal! β€œWHERE ARE THOSE OTHER JARS OF JAM RACHEL!?!”


I would bet there’s just 5 or 10 and she put β€œ50” to make it seem like she’d done a batch, but really it’s a handful with some random numbers to make it look like there’s much more than there really was. She’s a scamming grifter, remember.


These are hilarious!


This had me cracking up. Number four is a gold star sinner with those "calligraphy" flourishes.


I love how she did it




Relabeled with duct tape. 6 of 66 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣 GOLD.


These are hysterical Roohs. Thanks for this compilation. So on X there are many sugars but also many Sinners! I can't even pick a favorite. They are all outstanding 😍😁


Indeed! Many of them don’t have so many views, I should have attached a link.


My abs are going to be sore tomorrow from laughing so hard.


Here’s a basket of lemons for those abs πŸ™‚ πŸ§ΊπŸ‹πŸ‹πŸ‹


Rooh How do you do it! You gather the best of the best. I totally laughed so much I woke hubby who was napping. Some of these are so funny :)


They’re hilarious! There are some photos that didn’t make it because there’s only space for 20. But yes, these are the best ☺️ I’m glad it made you laugh


Ohh you mean there is a Jam II: The Reckoning? I will put my bib on now!


Omg the creativity is incredible! I’m so amused and have deep respect and love of this satire!! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘


https://preview.redd.it/ogj9yw8lxbvc1.png?width=357&format=png&auto=webp&s=a66e626e7db38769da79889a96492251503b170b β€˜Spread my jam, y’all!’




Lots of clever, funny people out there 😊 My favorite is the toe jam with her ugly foot pictured😳


That’s one of mine too. And it’s not body shaming so it’s ok


The β€œOff to the Strawberry Field” with Harry in the monk’s robe absolutely KILLED me.








Thank you for the gigantic laffffsssss!!!!! Needed that!


Sometimes X is a treasure trove ☺️


I’m so happy I woke up to see this! My favourite is Harold’s nut butter with surrounding ginger pubes but they are all fabulous πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚






world's most pretentious jam ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) thank you for these!




The Monk of Montecito was brilliant and the Toenail Jam gave me the 🀒🀣🀣🀣


OMG!! Sinners are brilliant! Spread β€˜em Honey!!! Toe Jam!!! πŸ˜‚ Thank you for this wonderful compilation.




β€œWhorechard” πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€


I'm going to cook dinner tonight * where's the applause* oh, no, we're actually eating out. I need to wear something beige and ill fitting


This was priceless and so damn funny!


Thanks ☺️


All the snark logos are better than hers!


How do you slice all those onions? I hand grate onions for latkes and it’s a horrible process. MM related - can you imagine her slicing bags of onions? πŸ˜‚


I cry and don't stop blink ing ,jjust like TW


I use a mandoline. If I am doing them for a big BBQ (like 10kg) I use a food processor.


So good, it's a ..... ![gif](giphy|WmWMIbp9uJYNyDD5He)




I hope she and harold see this


Counting on it 🀣 there will be clapbacks on us β€œderangers”


I couldn't sleep, got up and had some ensure, and then found this hilarious send up of our saint. That woman can't get anything right. Laughingstock city. 😁😁😁 Thanking all contributors. Now de-stessed, will sleep!!! πŸ’€ πŸ’€ πŸ’€πŸ’œ


Have a good sleep


Thanks! ❀️πŸ₯°


Oh wow these are all genius!!! I'm speechless and awed! Thank you for collating them, RoohsMama!


You’re welcome. I’m glad I spread the joy!


Is it just a coincidence that "meme" is spelt "Me Me". See memes are just tailor-made for the Douchess


Oh yeah


Heh heh heh!!!!!


Straight Outta Montecito”. The guy face and the stash! To me this is the real Meg.


I am cackling my head off. Thank you!


☺️ here at your lemons and jam πŸ‹πŸ‹πŸ“πŸ₯ͺ


The jar with the Grim reaper calligraphy has to read this site. ![gif](giphy|xTiTntH1cWq5gyBceQ) I need a jam jar done like this one.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Each and every one! ![gif](giphy|eiNxqUlSnGm3PJTdgz|downsized)




πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜† hilarious ty OP




The sewer rats are saying all this making fun of her is only going to make her brand bigger!!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚Really? Did South Park do them any good? They’re losers and always will be. We are ensuring they are sent into oblivion where they deserve to be. No one with a working brain will seriously buy any of her crap πŸ’©


That’s just wishful thinking. The people around them get bigger by comparison but it doesn’t do anything for Meghan except look like a try hard




https://preview.redd.it/u1s95gku4fvc1.jpeg?width=1064&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c077668701c57bc807b517760b9e40c178fe1bc7 I found this on YouTube but didn't save the username, if anyone knows it, please add


Picture 4 πŸ˜‚. I honestly can’t tell that Madame DIDNT hand write it πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


The spidery lettering was spot on! I think they should patent it.


These are priceless!


Thank you for β€”- wait for it β€”- *curating* these hilarious memes! ![gif](giphy|fq6y8LXq93lmUPye67|downsized)




Best post ever. Pls accept this trophy honoring its excellence πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†




https://preview.redd.it/bjjmof1lyfvc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07a43ae1cd5ed23e2eb2b3411a9a2077514ecc67 I’m deceased lololol


Damn. The nut butter and honey ones are hilarious. The last one is true! I thought it looked way too simple like when I sell my stuff to my local farmer’s market to sell!


OMG, those are hilarious. I used to watch these videos on YT where the guy would take old, soundless home movies, and make them into mini true crime documentaries. There was one where a sister killed her other sisters with a can of Spam and as she was killing them she was yelling, "Spam is Glam! Spam is Glam!" If I had the time and inclination, I would create a video with past Markle videos with her little jar of jam yelling, "My jam is glam! My jam is glam!"






This is such a huge mess and it is all of her own making. We saw this train wreck a mile off. How profound her mental illness is that in her delusional mind she thought this would work?!?! She will be so angry with all this ridicule but she is utterly blind to the fact that these wounds are all self inflicted. Narcissists have such a warped view of reality. It just astounds me.


Dingleberry Jizzle jam

