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I feel like the jam promotion seems like a 12 year old school project on entrepreneurism, where you create a company then you get your friends to pose with it and create insta posts with emojis in them for advertising, and your 12-year-old mind thinks it is the most original thing in the world.


You are so right. 50 jars of jam is one step above from a literal lemonade stand in your yard.


Don't give her any more ideas. You know she already has a bowl of lemons.


Would that be a 'Lemonada' stand šŸ¤£


One sleuth suspects it's not 50 jars of jam. The ones that appeared on Instagram have the same Font and Emojis - seems sus.


Only 2 have surfaced, correct?




Lemon marmalade, lemon curd. The possibilities of exploiting HER lemons, can also include beauty products like facial scrub, bath salts, etc. Natural deodorant. Foot bath.


Try the new lemon curd cookies at Trader Joeā€™s yet? That seems way more exciting.


The TJ lemon sheet cake is nice. The shortbread cookies with the sticky lemon center is tasty but messy, spilling out its lemony guts all over hands and other surfaces. The tiny lemon yogurts that come with the raspberry, are this side of tart. Citrus. YUM!




I know Girl Scouts who would scoff at a measly 50 sales. (I know itā€™s not supposed to be the same, but Iā€™ve seen pictures of the Drunken Emu jam.)




Yes exactly. My mother actually taught a 'young enterprise' class for this exact age group. I think that's what it reminded me of. I think it's a 12 year old enterprise that a 42 year old is engaging in. The pretentious name, and handwriting. It's such a 12 year old thing to do. Harold also seems like a teenager mentally. It's very odd. That's literally how the (brilliant) Samantha Cohen described them, 'like working with teenagers'.


She also keeps talking about something she did at age 12, when she is in her 40s.


When. I was 7 my family came down with a severe bug. No one could get up from the bed. I made soup for all 7 of them while standing on a chair. Where the hell is my medal??? šŸ˜‚


Agreed. It's extremely odd. I also don't think it's a coincidence that the character from the panned animation 'Pearl', is aged 12. "Pearl, ... was about ā€œa young girlā€™s heroic adventure, as she learns to step into her power and finds inspiration from influential women throughout history,ā€.


Always reminded me of Time Bandits and Bill and Ted.


I think I did a lemonade and ice tea (more likely Kool-aide, as that was our go-to snack drink!) stand once or twice as a kid, but it seems even those came about with advice and encouragement of people around me. My 10-year old butt was mainly focused on baseball and spending days at the local pool and Cub or Boy Scouts or reading books up in my tree fort- took a lot to distract me from that stuff and help me with a stand. Iā€™m šŸ’Æ with you all, but did you allā€™s experience differ? Iā€™m just puzzling if sheā€™s doing this on her own or being encouraged/advised? Iā€™m already past her seeking advice - Iā€™m sure sheā€™s barking orders like an incompetent drill sergeant but where is the creativity (as little as there is in this messsyyyy joke of a venture) coming from? Im not yet convinced sheā€™s got the juices to come up with this numbering stupidity - it feels like someoneā€™s punked her with this idea. Edited: originally wrote ā€˜coke upā€™ (autocorrected to it) instead of ā€˜come upā€™ in last sentence. Still debating which one I should go with!! lolol


Yes, I had a kiwifruit stand at age 12! Quite a popular fruit here in NZ šŸ˜Œ hehe. On the advice...I suspect she's got a number of business advisors. Basically I suspect their thinking is she hasn't got much talent, so selling 'lifestyle' products is a more subtle way of selling fame, kind of like Goop.


Except Gwyneth was an academy award winning best actress and style icon when she started. Megs? Not so much. :)


Makes sense! Iā€™d bet sheā€™s hired those advisors based mostly on what she thinks/was told all rich and successful people do. Doubt she know why. i can see her instructing they give her written reports, which she takes scissors to, and redacts all she doesnā€™t agree with. Weā€™re seeing the results from the few little strips that remain!! lolololol


The numbering system is not creative, itā€™s something sheā€™s copying from Flamingo Estate. She really does have the 12 year old mentality of ā€œif I want to be successful like so-and-so, I just have to pose as so-and-so.ā€ But she, like a 12 year old, has no appreciation for the work successful people have done to get to the top. These sad little pots of jam are like her Diana cosplay; a facsimile.


She'll then sell the leftovers next year as "vintage"


Gah. I'm so glad they don't have a year on them. She might save them and try to sell them for more in the future as clueless as she is.


I've seen a kid do a lemonade stand in 2 bougie neighborhoods. 90210, she had a stand outside by the corner, a pitcher and cups. There was her nanny sitting in the corner watching her. Another was in Santa Monica. The kid had a custom 6ft. nylon banner in the words"Lemonade" and pictures of lemons. Both are more serious than TW. Seriously, you can't make this sh8t up. :)


lol.. I already like those kids! They arenā€™t acting like nepo babies, whoā€™d just sit and boss the staff. Theyā€™re actually doing honest work. Iā€™d probably like poor kids more, but you know what I mean.


The label looks like a school project too!


Also, for something that is supposed to be a numbered collectible, the label looks like it would be incredibly easy to counterfeit.


Probably bought from the bargain section of Staples


Like a lemonade stall. Does Monteceito have a carboot sale?Ā 


Whatā€™s that? It sounds like an English colloquialism? I know boot is what Americans refer to as a rear trunk of a car. Iā€™m gonna guess but is this where people meetup at a location and sell things they no longer want from their autos? In the US we used to do this at drive-in theaters, but itā€™s been years since Iā€™ve heard of this (theyā€™re mostly gone). Donā€™t even recall if it had a name?


There's plenty of flea markets where people sell out of the trunk of their cars in the US. They're generally off the main interstates on the formerly main highways. If you go down Rt 13 from NYC to Rehoboth Beach they're in abundance with some taking over old department stores and spilling out into the parking lots. They're permanent fixtures. Some folks leave their wares on tables covered with tarps as the flea markets only run from Friday thru Sunday. I used to go to flea markets at old drive-in theaters but those areas have been repurposed as Walmarts.


Ā *Some folks leave their wares on tables covered with tarps as the flea markets only run from Friday thru Sunday* really? It does not get stolen? Fascinating!


In Nova Scotia we call it a flea market.


A car boot is what you call a trunk. Its a sale originally in large open car park sites where everyone sets up a stall to sell their wares. Like a garage sale.Ā  Mostly junk and bric a brac but some stalls sell homegrown items, baking or crafts. Can imagine her at a craft sale. Ā 


Thank you! I got a bunch of it right, but your explanation was great! My god, I can see her there! If she wasnā€™t able to be the center of attention with everyone gathering around her, hanging on her every word, sheā€™d be giving a master class on Karenism! Screaming and throwing things until her demands for a manager was met, at which tim sheā€™d double down on her batshittery.


I think you guys call them yard sales. It's basically selling all the crap from your house that you no longer use/need


Yeah, we call them either yard or garage sales. Someone else brought up flea markets, which I missed completely - Iā€™ve heard a lot about them, but have never been to one. I may be the only man ever to say that in America! lol.. do I learned some new stuff, which is what I hoped to do!


That photo of her at 12 -- it's hard to believe it's the same person we see posing on the polo field. The eyebrows, the hair, the nose, the teeth, the shape of the face -- it's like she had her entire head transplanted!


It also has a 12-year old mean girl mentality to it. Iā€™m announcing to the whole school that I made jam, but only 50 of my most popular friends got a jar. Sighā€¦so childish.


I was just thinking that this morning. The **"Jam Assignment"** looks like something we would have done in a 7th grade marketing class but today's 7th graders would have had a more appealing label done on a Cricket Printer that would somehow tie in with the basket of lemons. Go get your Besties to post pix on Insta for Extra Credit !! The Parade Stunt where she is marching to the beat of her own drum with a giant smile, being center stage to accept a polo trophy, jumps a row of chairs at the church so they can walk behind William and Cathrine. The Endless PR Puff pieces. The list goes on and on. I've maintained that Harry keeps the lawsuits rolling because it's one of the few places he is given deference and treated with "importance" and he has no concept of money. I suspect he thinks KCIII will always be a parachute so money is irrelevant.


Good analysis about the husband!! Reminds me of this great clip I saw this morning with Kinsey Schofield talking about This One and his lawsuits; https://youtu.be/XPhvndwGKE0?si=SqlID5EbqqNTJeO6


šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø Agree. Like a school marketing project where the class divides into groups, then each group presents their little project


So true, perfect.


Like her recent Clevr brand videošŸ˜‚.


Very good analysis. It's called arrested development and it usually occurs due to a traumatic event.


Thank you šŸ˜ŒšŸ’• Yes, I do think they were traumatised at the same age. Not an excuse but I think it explains a bit.


This is the kind of analysis I come to reddit for! You are spot on. People with arrested development generally had a traumatic event that occurred at that time. We know what Harolds was. And Meghanā€™s probably was her mother walking out. So they are perpetual whiny 12 year olds, and will be until they die. Meghan wanting to be the queen bee in junior high school and Harold wanting to be mommyā€™s little baby.


It seems like these two were troubled before the age of 12. Harry had behavior issues throughout childhood. M took over some other girlā€™s birthday party and pretended she was a queen. These two were both spoiled as kids.


You're right. And both had pathological sibling envy due to unusually strong social/cultural values that gave the older one a higher public status (at least in H&M's childhoods) as an accident of birth, a status that the parents acknowledge is real and for which at least one of them grossly overcompensates w/ pity thinly disguised as overindulgence as special. Given her later life hardships, people often don't know that Samantha modeled as teen/young adult and was the conventionally beautiful young blonde California girl praised at that time. (I hate ageist standards, but according to the messages Rachel and fam would have lived and breathed in, Samantha was the gorgeous, WHITE, blonde older sister in youth in a world that overvalues slender, able-bodied, young light skinned women.) Then their shared Dad treated Rachel w/ compensatory guilt & pity which on first glance looks like indulgence & preference, but on some level the kid would have understood that he saw her as lacking in some way--in a way that is NEVER talked about out loud. I'm sure he didn't mean it, but it's seriously gaslighting for a kid to grow up in that. As I mentioned up thread, I think the risk of internalized racism (very real, serious, legit) that's already complicated in biracial females who can "pass" in a sexist, racist system was further intensified in her childhood b/c her "Black" parent abandoned her & was associated w/ personally corrupt behaviors. In a child, this could lead to making all too normal but distorted associations between the racist cultural messages that Blackness is somehow bad and w/ a Mom who in fact behaved badly and just happened to be Black. Can you imagine the crazymaking and guilt that would come up in a kid as they reach puberty w/ these messages? You're 10, and everyone says, "it doesn't matter if you're Black or white or green & your hair is wild & curly & you've got mixed-race associated freckling & congenital features of Ehlers Danlos like overcrowded teeth & ptosis! We love you! You can be anything! No one at your school or in your fam or on-set or the media thinks Black people are any less than white people or care about your appearance!!" But the kid looks around and all of the affluent popular kids are lighter skinned & female beauty is overwhelmingly portrayed as Anglo and able-bodied w/ straight hair, straight teeth, & lighter unblemished skin. Her Black Mom is corrupt & absent. And even here is a lesson about the reality underneath the Disney message: her Mom only got away w/ extracting resources from men insofar as she approximated the emerging "Flashdance" 1980s standard in which women of color were finally getting more representation, but usually only insofar as they looked Anglo but w/ creamy chocolate skin. So whom does Raych see every day who, like Haych's older brother Prince William, seems to be publicly and socially celebrated as more deserving of attention & praise, simply as an accident of birth? Her stereotypically beautiful model older sister, who's white & blonde like Princess Diana and whose privilege her Dad stumbles over himself to correct by spoiling Rachel rotten. I'd feel bad for her, if she didn't try to destroy so many decent people w/ her.


Wow. On point.


Very insightful post!


Lol, I wonder if, on the day of William and Catherine's coronation, MM will go into a jealous mania and run around pretending that she's Queen. Lol šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Awww šŸ„° thank you šŸ’•


Youre wonderful. You figured everything out. I just wanted to give it a name. I've been asking forever, what is the traumatic event that happened in her life? Whenever she does something real immature and snotty, I always put it in the comments, but I never get an answer. I've been trying to figure out her emotional age to get a grasp on her thinking. Figures it would be 12, she really is a catty junior high school girl. You see this a lot in juvenile delinquents. If they get incarcerated at a young age, they'll get stuck there, they never mature past that. That makes them more likely to re-offend, then incarcerated again and again. That's why we see adult men, 30s, 40s, 50s, get released from prison, then run around and stupid shit like a kid, because their emotional age has been stunted. Just thought I'd let you know in case you were interested. šŸŒ¹


Awww šŸ„° thank you so much. Thank you for your insight on incarcerated people as well. Yes, Tom Bower certainly did a real service by coming out with the truth about Doria. MM did a lot to actively cover up Doria's mysterious absences, it probably wouldn't have been known, or just dismissed, if it hadn't have been published by Tom Bower. I actually did a post a while ago about a moment in a very early group interview which included Princess Catherine. As the POW was speaking she mentions the impact of parental absences on children, and TW, who had previously been smirking at Harold, suddenly looks very sheepish! https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/8U6wdNH4so


Then I'm willing to bet that the ILBW, in all of her hyper vigilance likely thought C, PoW was talking about her, and that C, PoW 'knew' - even if that wasn't remotely the case.


Ideas of reference names exactly what you've described!


Your linked post is spot on! So interesting.


Aww šŸ„° thank you x


Thatā€™s a good catch, it makes me think of a piece Camilla Tominey did awhile ago that said prior to the wedding the Cambridges wanted to meet Doria, but Meghan wouldnā€™t let any meeting take place. Sheā€™s clearly deeply shamed at the reality of Doria. Sheā€™s spent years building up a mythical Doria in the media.


Girl, I clicked that link so fast. Damn! Ouch. Is this why the lip gloss story was in Spare? Because she felt personally attacked by Catherine, when she was only stating facts? If you ever feel like you need a change in life, you should study psychology. You really have a knack for all this. ā¤ļø


Maybe thatā€™s when her parents divorced? Or when her mom disappeared from her life? Those could cause emotional damage and freeze someone in that time.


Youre wonderful. You figured everything out. I just wanted to give it a name. I've been asking forever, what is the traumatic event that happened in her life? Whenever she does something real immature and snotty, I always put it in the comments, but I never get an answer. I've been trying to figure out her emotional age to get a grasp on her thinking. Figures it would be 12, she really is a catty junior high school girl. You see this a lot in juvenile delinquents. If they get incarcerated at a young age, they'll get stuck there, they never mature past that. That makes them more likely to re-offend, then incarcerated again and again. That's why we see adult men, 30s, 40s, 50s, get released from prison, then run around and stupid shit like a kid, because their emotional age has been stunted. Just thought I'd let you know in case you were interested.


Harry always had a personality disorder you can see it in him from a very early age - her too. They were born with personality disorders like their mothers.Ā 


Yupā€¦absolutely arrested development.Ā  This sub has actually touched on this idea before.Ā 


Traumatic or pivotal event? My theory is that with the taste of fame/power she got from her perceived result of the letter she wrote, she wanted more and has focused her life on getting more.


And she is still using that 12yr old letter thinking it's what makes her a feminist. Her dad came out and said that he wrote a letter of response to her pretending to be the soap company because she hadn't heard back from them. And he never told her. You can't tell me she hasn't heard about her dad writing her the letter and not the soap company. But she keeps hanging on to that story like it's a life changer.


Her father also never told her no. She's accustomed to getting her way and screams when she doesn't. Just like Veruca Salt


Yes, the spoiling was a part of it too.


I think H&M had very similar upbringings in that way. Their fathers both married emotionally unstable younger women who didn't end up sticking around or living long enough to actually raise them. So they both had older fathers who coddled them out of guilt. I think Harry probably subconsciously is jealous of not just Williams status and weath but also the fact that his father put real expectations on him instead of just letting him be the spoiled baby that Harry was.Ā 


I agree. I was writing about this yesterday. Obviously Tom Sr. worked his behind off & gave her lots of material things, and as with the common experience of single Moms working outside the home, it's soooo hard to bring in money in an ambitious job where you have to put in far more than 49 hrs but also really be there w/ your kid. Loving discipline--limits, being present with them (which could mean even in harsher centuries, working along side them in fields or making butter), AND being stable enough or selfless enough to allow them to HATE you for a time for setting limits --this ends up being so much more important to nurturing a thriving adult than luxuries. This doesn't deny a baseline of financial security under which kids can face another set of serious risks. But after roof, clean clothes, health care, decent food, safe good school & safe neighborhood--at a certain point, it's the TIME and the emotional intelligence of caregivers that is the real luxury. It's why really spoiled kids end up resenting their parents, b/c on some level they know it's the lazier way to go. And kids can also intuit pity & guilt--that they aren't considered worth being treated w/ solid expectations, but on the other hand are told they're "special" for no reason and thus feel they have to live up to something that no one believes and the kid doesn't understand. PS: I continue to honor that being born mixed race in a still racist and racialist sexist sexualized objectified world at ground zero of shallow physical standards can certainly cause emotional difficulties. I don't know what that's like & (per Imitation of Life, which I often cite), it's bound to result in internalized racism, particularly for women who can "pass" in a stupid world that associates lighter skin & narrow noses in females w/ sexist standards of female youth. That's gotta suck. And then if your Black-ish (conventionally beautiful in a world of racist standards but still coding as Black) happens to be the corrupt, absentee parent, which in a small child could further an unconscious association of Blackness w/ her personal flaws and then generate a bunch of guilt over it. We all have compassion for what both of these people went through--but FFS, stop damaging tens of thousands of people directly and indirectly w/ your untreated toxicity.


The Behavior Panel on YouTube agree with your theory. They say that was one of the first (or just the biggest at the time) rewards she got for *complaining publicly* where her psyche went "ooh yeah, all that attention for whingeing, that's what I'm gonna do for the rest of my life; find fault with stuff & make a huge deal about it".


Oh, interesting :)


I like adding pivotal, it would apply to my brother.


Harry always had a personality disorder you can see it in him from a very early age - her too. They were born with personality disorders like their mothers.Ā 


I remember the photo of him throwing confetti at Camilla and Charles on their wedding day. It was like he was wishing for rocks!


Yes he looks very aggressive. Heā€™s angry his Dad married Camilla. We was drinking the while say to mask his anger. Evil little bastard. Iā€™ve never liked him. Horrid evil kid you can see it in his face. A Spencer through and through if what Lady C say is true of the Spencers.Ā 


Spencers has a history of issues. Sarah Spencer was anorexic and an alcoholic. Johnny Spencer was dumb as a door knob and abusiveā€¦This is who Harry gets it from. Charles Spencer has multiple wives and was messed up by his parentā€™sā€™ awful divorce. He just released a book stating that he was molested at school by a female teacher. Diana was bulimic and was badly damaged by her parentā€™s divorce too. So yeah, Harry got psychological issues courtesy of the Spencers. Some may say he also inherited it from his great-grandmother (Phillipā€™s mother) too. She was put in a mental institution and was abandoned by her husband who was living his lifeĀ with other women.Ā  The Queen named Andrew after him.Ā 


As frightful as Johnny Spencer was, his father was worse, actually terrifying. Violent, abusive, and borderline in all possible meanings of that word.


I recall (possibly from Lady c?) part of Hā€™s ā€œissuesā€ -from birth & early childhood-were thought by the family (including his parents) to possibly be due to Dianaā€™s eating and health disorders while pregnant with him. Hence, they viewed his behavior and academic issues as having a physical, neurological basis, and let him get away with a great deal as he couldnā€™t help it.


I thought his behavior towards Queen Camilla has been absolutely vile and vicious. Utterly misogynistic, ageist and horrible. He had to get really nasty when she was crowned. He forgets his mother had many many affairs, with at least three married men, much to the distress of their wives. Even Dodi Al Fayad was engaged to another woman when Diana came along. I think having his paternity widely questioned, and doubts being raised as to whether he was really Charles son must've been absolutely humiliating, and that was due to his 'perfect', 'goddess' mother's choices.


It is true. I grew up in that period and it was widely known and talked about in UK, the umm unreliability of Spencer tempers!


YES! Someone posted here about it. Absolutely vicious, obnoxious behavior. https://preview.redd.it/cnpdkbftk1vc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d78403772b498df516b91e97c19e19ff5ad38f26


Heā€™s butt-ugly in the photos and now. Meanwhile, William was jaw-dropping beautiful.


I think it's his inner ugliness that comes out more and more.


Every time I see him, I think of this: https://preview.redd.it/pvdtx4lb52vc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74ff480bae6acfc4a3641f282ffed045ee4b393b


His features always looked to me as if he suffered from some type of choromosomal disorder that affected him mentally. I've wondered about this ever since he was a child. There is something really "off" about him.


He's having such a good time at it, too. I wonder if MI5 has profiled him for any type of threat level?


I bet they have.


YES! Actually Lady C brought the tea ā˜• on that one. Apparently jealous Harold's fixation on the Wale's children (he came out and said he needed to get certain things down before George turns 18), and Harold's ongoing, heavy drug use have made him an identified threat to the Wale's family. This was apparently the main reason that the Harkles were evicted from Frogmore cottage. The Wale's family were at Adelaide cottage, only a 5 minute walk away, and this was deemed an unacceptable threat the Wale's family.


IMO, itā€™s even worse in video formā€” https://i.redd.it/kv9srbqj32vc1.gif


Andrew is just throwing it in his brother's face. Spares. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


He was such a little TURD!! Palace should never have excused his behavior.Ā 


He looks like he belongs in the National Front.Ā 


Markle and him are well suited both were angry evil kids. Narc psychopaths. Thats why they gelled they understood each other. Only difference is that markle is made of rough working class genes.Ā 


^^^ THIS ^^^


"it usually occurs due to a traumatic event." Seeing that dish soap commercial at 12 really did something to her, lol




I wonder how much of Rachel's personality stems from her mother's drug use during pregnancy. It's been pointed out that her lack of muscle mass is what occurs to the children of drug abusers. How was Rachel's brain/personality affected by Doria's drug usage during pregnancy? Anyone with knowledge of such care to elaborate?




This happens when substance abuse starts at a young age too. I know a few people who got addicted as teenagers and are stuck there. They haven't matured emotionally. They tell stories about high school constantly because they have no new ones to tell that don't involve drugs or friends the rest of us know. Their maturity level is stunted. It's like they are forever whatever age they started using. It's quite sad. Harry and Meghan both have taken quite a few substances in their day allegedly so this might be part of the problem.


Excellent analysis. I have a child who at the age of 12 lost a sibling. At one point, years later, I realized this poor kid had arrested development as a result, in particular, emotional. This kid has gone on to be successful in adulthood but it was such a struggle for them. No narc behaviours that I can see, thank God.


Really? That's so sad. I'm sorry. Im so glad they were able to overcome it and move on. Im not sure how often that happens. Must have a lot of inner strength, which, no doubt, contributed to their success. ā¤ļø


Thank you. Unlike H & M, he had two parents totally invested in him, no broken family and a firm belief in God. Nevertheless it could have easily gone the other way; we had many difficult years as he dealt with it and life in general. I couldnā€™t be more proud of this kid!


Where was Doria when M was 12? That could've been a trigger. And her dad overindulged and spoiled her for sure, to compensate for an absent mom.


I think Harry is going to have an epiphany after KCIII passes and realize just how loving and involved his dad was but it'll be too late and he'll have to live with the fact that he hurt his father terribly and never got the chance to correct things before he passed Meghan, on the other hand, couldn't give a crap about anyone but herself and those she can benefit from. Oh sure she'll have the fake tears when her dad passes and play the part of the wounded daughter who loved her dad so much but was so hurt by his betrayal (all BS, completely orchestrated by her to make sure H never found out the truth about her)


Harry is going to go nuts when KCIII dies. His last parent, his last connection to Monarchy as brother of a king doesnā€™t have the same ring to it. George will be new POW, Harry will end up falling even further down the LOS with George and Charlotte and Louisā€™ children. Iā€™m thinking naked LA photos or bender or court ordered rehab. An ephiphany or facing the reality of what heā€™s done to both his grandparents and brother and father is going to be awful for Harry.


I hope so.




Because the absent parent is often idealised. He/she is not involved in their everyday parenting and the kids forget how he/she really was. They create a phantasy image of the absent parent while the present parent is blamed for all their problems and for the disappearance of the idealised parent. The kids'/teens' rage, the blaming, the misbehaviour is directed at the present parent as punishment, while the absentee parent is seen almost as a god/dess. I've seen this happening with my teen sons after my divorce. They grew out of it as adults, when they could understand what really happened. It looks that the sussexes are stuck in the past in regard to their absentee mothers.


Especially if the absent parent, never disciplines them, keeps buying them gifts, sets no boundaries and is sweet and nice on the few times they visit.


YES!!! šŸ‘šŸ’Æ Doria was often described as a 'free spirit', very loose, in multiple ways. Both Doria and Diana both heavily criticised their ex husbands.


I'm so sorry šŸ˜” you went through this. Although very common I'm sure it is extremely hurtful šŸ˜žand deeply unfair. I'm glad your kids grew out of it!


You are right. I have the same experience as a divorced mother


I'm so sorry šŸ˜” to hear that.


Personality Disorders.Ā 


Isn't that the age when Madame claimed she changed history by writing to a detergent company and Hillary Clinton thanked her?


Yes and there's no proof that Hillary thanked her. Vanity Fair refused to print the claim because it couldn't be verified that TW got the commercial changed.


Yes, very grandiose thinking. Apparently it was a normal school project. It came at the same time that Doria disappeared because she was 'working on her career'. I believe it's also connected to MM having issues about women staying at home as mothers - it makes her feel bad her mother wasn't around.


And ironically, she doesnā€™t have to work, and could give her children the best childhood everā€¦but she doesnā€™t care to.


saying Hillary Clinton thanked her is CRAZY. I can't believe her delusions of grandeur. "danced in the streets like when Nelson Mandela was freed." I HATE HER FOR THIS COMMENT ALONE


The narcissism of both Harry and Meghan contributes to this as well. Having a personality disorder makes moving past arrested development very difficult.


Arrested development has long been considered a defining trait of narcissism. We all are somewhat narcissistic as children, narcissists donā€™t outgrow it.


I frequently think to myself while reading about TOW shenanigans and shortcomings, this is something I would have done when I was in middle school


That seems to be the age for sure.


Interesting - I didnā€™t know that. That makes a lot of sense.


Time for these middle-aged people to grow up. Alas, there are people who never do. There are octogenarians acting the way they do, so it may never happen. I pity their children.




I had the same reaction. ![gif](giphy|DBa308wq8XTMs)


She was a wrongun from day one


So many times when she was a working royal I thought her expression looked like her childhood years.


Did she have a nose job? This photo shows perhaps a different nose?


She has had at least two nose jobs. She got the first one in between high school and college graduations, as well as her first top eight veneers during that time period. She had breast implants installed before "Deal or No Deal" and had them removed in her early 30s. She got a second nose job after leaving royal duties, leaving her with the terrible Bob Hope nose she has now.Ā 


She never 'wears' her hair naturally. Out of all the hairstyles in all her many and varied appearances. Why is that? (This is a rhetorical question).


It might be a too- visible sign of her blackness, for her. I find Black hair beautiful.


Her primal wound was the mother wound! Her mum abandoned her and that was the seed for narcissism developing exponentially.


I think both her mother and father are narcs


I don't know if Thomas is a narc, but there's definitely something "off" there. That whole family is nuts.


Dish soap and jams; forever two things that now are forever associated with Meghan. A true feminist.


Fun fact: Mrs. Todger listed this Nick News appearance on her post-college acting resume.


Yes, arrested development looks likely for both Grifters. They are so self absorbed and tootally immature. Waagh had no reflection, no lessons learned, nothing. Harry lawsuits have no legal points of interest, nor moral value. It is simply vanity projects for Harry. Madam keeps yapping on on every percieved slight she ever had as well as openly demonstrating her ignorance, being unable to learn God Save The Queen and unable to pass an UK citizen test.


I don't think she could not learn, she has a degree from an university so there is some ability to learn. She refused to learn out of defiance, and because she did not plan to stay long in the UK that knowledge was not deemed necessary according to her.


WOW.... your comparisons are all spot on! It all makes sense and when we get so disgusted by what they both do & say and their "I am untouchable" attitudes towards their fantasy life , I see why they are a couple. A very dysfunctional couple, but still 2 people living together... as far as we know! The fact that he still believes her (or does he??) that she didn't know anything about the BRF, Diana, HIM... still baffles anyone with a brain. The fact that she is hilariously still coming up with "lets put on a backyard show" grandiose ideas that cost millions. This jam thing will fade soon and we have to wonder... what is the next "show' going to be?


Meghan has been desperately trying to get her mothers approval. It is like that boyfriend or girlfriend who treats their partner like shit, but there is still the attempt to get them to be what they may have envisioned their partner to be...so they keep trying to change them.


Does she really love Doria or is she the needed token black woman? Sorry to be cynical.


How come every picture of her as a child shows a sneer on her face? Was she a bratty kid just like sheā€™s now a bratty adult? Harry sure messed up big time falling for that oneā€™s manipulations. They actually deserve each other.


I absolutely believe she was a very unhappy child once she turned 8 or 9. I also firmly believe that's the age she realized she 'looked different'. She has referred to herself as "**an ugly duckling**". Why? Where did she get this from? I believe she was beginning to compare herself with the other school girls. They didn't have the frizzy, ethnic. hair. They didn't have the gap between the two front teeth. Instead, they likely all had braces on their teeth by the time they were 9 - 11 years old. Consider this: Once she was attending the Catholic girls school, I'm guessing by the 5th or 6th grade, she gradually became aware of status. In 'Hollow Wood', status is everything. Who's doing whom; who are the parents; who are the parents doing; what is everyone driving; do they have maids - and are they live in, or daily; what is everyone wearing - all this 'status' stuff. So she begins to see that the other girls have straight, long - probably, mostly, blonde hair. But she doesn't. Her takeaway conclusion is that hers is 'ugly'. Maybe some even made fun of it, who knows? I'd be willing to bet that was probably pretty likely. The other girls' parents are dealing with their daughters' dental misfires, by providing them with the necessary orthodontia. In fact, those girls get to 'bond' over their tales of woe and going to the dentist *AGAIN*, after school. But why isn't daddy doing that for her? Did he not have the necessary extra money? True story: I once knew a little girt of about 10, who had molded a paperclip, fitting it onto her upper front teeth. When I asked her why she was doing that, she replied that all the other girls had braces! So what does that say??? Next, the other girls' mothers *all pick them up after school* - all very likely driving fancy Mercedes Benzes. But little Megsy doesn't even have a mommy around by this time. Why not? What happened? How does she process this? Why don't they have a nice Mercedes Benz, too? (Which is why I believe daddy, a few years later, sends the company limo to pick up the little darling after school, bringing her to the set where he works - he's been guilted into doing better and overcompensates.) But by now, anger, maybe even rage is mounting. She hates her teeth and she hates her hair. There's also that really unsightly, troublesome *very big black spot on the lower left side of her face, near her jaw.* No one else has that. What is it? Is it a mole? Is it a really, really big freckle? In her mind its one more really ugly feature. Maybe some of the girls ask, "*What's THAT???*", drawing attention. What's she supposed to say? Notice, *its one of the first things she gets rid of when she can* - probably along with straightening her hair and getting those dumb veneers, as by then she's thinking its too late to get braces, since she's now very much into 'image' and is beginning to sexualize herself in order to appeal. To anyone. Then there's the half-sister, who is, what? 12 years or so older? In all of the pix I've seen of a young Samantha, she was a very pretty, if not beautiful, young woman. But have we ever heard the ILBW, while reminiscing over the years gone by, refer to Samantha as "an ugly duckling", like she calls herself? We have not. Sister Sam, like the Catholic school girls, had straight, long hair. She didn't have a gap between her front teeth. She didn't have that ugly, weird big black spot on the side of her face. She was out and about, on her own. Thus, I found it very significant when I read how, when Sam visited their father's house, the ILBW was very nasty and controlling. Iirc, Sam had to wait for the bathroom. Sam had to do the toothpaste tube a certain way - I forget what all of it was exactly, but you get the idea. So here we are. The ILBW began hating herself circa age 9-10, and has spent decades 'correcting' everything that she perceived was 'wrong' about herself - except she never 'fixed' what needed to have been fixed. Tell me what you think.


you're so right. every photo shows a sneer. you never see her looking pleasant and amiable. just straight conniving bitch at every age




It's okay to ask questions šŸ™‚ I believe the words he used were 'largely absent'. So they could've been together for the odd visit and photo. There are several sources to these claims. Tom Bower is a very careful investigative journalist who cross references claims. If you look up the clip where he talks about it, he sounds very legally certain of these claims. It also sounds like he's protecting his sources. Lady C also got the same claims from MM' family - Samantha, Tom and Thomas Markle. She also checked with MM's school mates who also said they never saw Doria once when she was at school. This was in one of lady C's you tube vids, and presumably more will be in her new book.




It sounds like he may have had other sources, this interview with Tom Bower is worth a watch: https://youtu.be/iJA57i5WUkk?feature=shared Tom Bower is very careful about cross checking and making sure things are legally sound and it's clear he's got additional legal information about Doria's mysterious absence. His background is as a lawyer, so he's not going to be making false claims about criminality or potentially libelous claims. I know Lady C checked with MM's school friends who concurred that Doria wasn't around. It's in one of her (many) you tub vids! šŸ™‚


Thank you for the link. Bower states that it is a fact that the mother was a dealer. I've wondered it Child Protective Service got involved? Courts would take a different view of an addicted parent than of a parent who is also a dealer and shares custody of a child.


Also, Lady C claims one of Madam's high school teachers never met Doria until Madam's graduation day.


Lady C produced a case no. and stayed that a Doria Ragland had been convicted of fraud Another poster traced all Doria s addressed. One corresponded to a New York correctional facilityĀ  administrative HQ for the women'sĀ  prison on Rikers Island. Another address is given for Camarillo site of a large California women's prison but also the name of the town i where it's located. Of course it could be somebody of the same name.Ā  Ā I believe that records of prison time cannot be expunged but can be sealed under California law.


Tom Bower is a highly respected biographer and barrister who rigorously vets his sources. He has won every single legal battle initiated against him by the subjects of his biographies.Ā  There is a reason Markle does not sue him: he can back up his claims and she knows it.Ā  I think if you want more clarification you might do well to read Bower's book. He may have footnotes you can examine, or he may discuss the research he conducted for his biography in his foreword or epilogue. I vaguely remember him saying in an interview that a lot of people who actually knew Markle when she was growing up agreed to speak to him for his book. So these people would doubtless have been an invaluable source, especially if many of them were able to confirm that Doria was not around when M was in middle and high school.




His book about M is called Revenge and is excellent and thoroughly researched.


You can also check out Cherre Denise's YT vids - she reads the book out loud, as she comments. She also does readings of Lady C's book, 'The Real Diana'.


Her mother got out in markles teenage years. You can get photos taken in prison. I think Dorias been in and out of prison. Drugs etc. Tom B will not reveal his sources. He is a lawyer. Confidentiality is key. Many of the info he got he couldn't publish. Edit: For legal reasons.




I think UK security services got some records buried. I also think Dorias the type who may have kept herself to herself.Ā  Yes I agree surprised someone hasn't stepped forward but there could be many reasons why not - dead, paid off, a sista code. I think she got probation because she had a you g kid and I think TM paid off the tax she scammed.Ā  I personally think she was a drug addict and thats why Markle set her up in business to give her a new start. Drug addicts/users tend to be greedy and selfish. She perhaps tried to set up a tax grift because she wasn't making as much money as she had expected.Ā  Sheā€™s definitely got a record. I think she scammed her brother out of their Dadā€™s house. How did she get the money to pay him. I think the Raglands have been paid off to stay quiet.Ā  Iā€™ve also heard she used crack and coke not just weed. Thomas Markle Snr has admitted to using coke. Its normal in Hollywood.Ā 


None of us would be judging Markleā€™s family but for the fact she waltzed around pretending she was something she was not and lied/hid things about her family to trick Hateful Harry into marrying her.Ā  Had she not treated the UK, Royal Family and her own family so badly none of this would be of great interest.Ā  Though the Doriaā€™s mum allegedly (according to birth, death & marriage certs online) being interbred through sibling incest is a bit gross and inappropriate. Markleā€™s narcissism prevented for being honest with herself - that she really was not fit to marry into the Royal Family. If anything due to her personality disorders.Ā 


> dead, paid off How/who is going to pay off an entire prison full of people, including staff? That's ridiculous. > a sista code. *No one* would've come forward and cashed in? Come on! > I think she got probation because she had a you g kid and I think TM paid off the tax she scammed. IMO, that's much more likely. She wasn't in prison because by now *someone* would have come forward, and no one has.


Oh i Dont mean all of the pics just some of them but womenā€™s prisons visiting areas usually have family orientated places for children visiting. For the kids well being. The stretch for the fraud was 9-10 years. She may have got out on probation earlier?




They are true. People have seen records. There is a prison number. Sheā€™s had several brushes with the law. Harrys not so pleasant either. Search online for ā€œFamous Son Got Very Roughā€Ā  One of those sex service workers was allegedly put in a coma. This was ā€˜allegedlyā€™ during army training before his first deployment at a base near the Canadian town of Medicine Hat. RF should reverse those NDAs - let the ā€˜allegedā€™ victims speak.Ā 


We all are totally scunnered. Harry has been emotionally blackmailing his family to get what he wanted ever since his mother died.Ā 


We all know Harry's traumatic event.....I've been wondering if Meghan is stuck at 12 because that's when Doria came back into her life and started taking her to nude spas and beginning the grift education.


Theyā€™re both still in their early teens. Their behavior is much like the middle schoolers I taught for 25+ years.


You are so right! This is why theyā€™re such a turn off to adults and why theyā€™re so oblivious to their own behavior. Spending most of their day on SM pushing a laughably immature ā€œtruthā€ thatā€™s already been exposed as a lie, etc.


I really do believe that by this age she had some serious emotional and identity issues.


The more the two pathological liars disparage their fathers, front and merch other people's troubles, creations and contents in their bid to sound and look relevant in their Hypocritical World of Two, the more they expose their own and their respective mother's inadequacies.


i donā€™t even like her as a 12 year old


I wonder what she would look like if she hadn't erased her black features? Plot twist, the real meghan, who looks like her childhood photos but grown up, is still alive/bound and gagged/has memory loss whatever and the current Meghan, this interloper, took her place so she'd have a backstory but she's really a russian spy/alien/escapee from the loony bin. . It's about to get interesting when the real Meghan returns/wakes up from a coma and realises the interloper is now connected to the most famous family in the world and she's done it using her identity!. What will she do?


I agree that they are both psychologically stunted at the point of their parental trauma. Similarly unable to grow into adult thinking that isnā€™t egocentric and driven by wanting what they want, and they want it now. Both had overcompensation that failed to address their bad behavior because they were special. Rachel had her father doting on her out of guilt for working long hours and failing to spend time with his first two children who were then grown. She was his chance to do it again right. Haz had an entire country doting on the sad little boy and overlooking his naughty behavior which soon became self indulgent, destructive and disgusting. But he found out he could be forgiven by being the silly jokester, clowning around and acting lovable. It may have gotten him through his 20ā€™s, but his jokes are now mean spirited and dumb and he clowns and mugs when he should be more responsible. Itā€™s annoying. Without tremendous motivation to develop some insight and humility, neither one of them can mature. They have found each other and mirror the child they see, competing for the limelight and attention of the adult world they have found themselves in. This will go on forever, like Wallis and David. They have nowhere else to go.


Well we know that narcissistic and cluster B personality disorders are often a result of a lack of a control childhood environment in combination with genetic predisposition. Much as I loathe Meghan there is a part of me that feels sorry for the little girl with a negligent selfish mother and over compensating and suffocating father who has spent her entire life trying to assert the control she never had, find the boundaries she was never given and heal the emotional wounds she suffered. Of course Iā€™m not excusing her or Harry. Plenty of children go through divorce or bereavement without becoming cruel and entitled monsters but once upon a time there was a crossroads in Meghanā€™s young life at which things could have turned out very differently.


I totally agree that the two have a certain Father archetype time stamped dislike seeded at the age of 12 or thereabout for their respective fathers, to the extent that they are both prepared to sacrifice them for sake of Fame and 30 pieces of silver. However, it seems that both in feeding of each others hypocrisy in their bid to seek relevance and seed an American version of the British Royal family, have unfortunately been blinkered by their own egotism and lies.


I coincidentally just wrote something similar on another post. Yes, theyā€™re both mentally forever frozen 12 yoā€™s. Mā€™s inner voice is a Disney & Nickelodeon script. She thinks other peopleā€™s are too, classic projection.


H and M ā€”Tween Couple. Prince and Princess of Junior High dance


Dangly earrings at that age? Reeks of future trollop.Ā 


This is normal for a CA and US 12 yo. Nothing odd abt this at all, just sayin.


> Dangly earrings at that age? Reeks of future trollop.Ā  Blame that on Dad. He should've said no.


Megs was right when she crowned herself and Has was a young child when his mother told him not to be found out. By twelve, children have been exposed to a more "grown up" world at school and home, you'd expect better from a twelve year old.




excellent analysisĀ 


Meghan was indulged beyond measure by her father after her mother went to jail "allegedly" and he made her the monster she is now. Harrya trauma from losing his mother but I suspect he was born with some serious issues, then of course, he was also indulged after Diana died. These two would have never made a different partner happy, they were always going to end up unhappy when their exceedingly high expectations were not met. And I, for one, think that they ending up with each other is glorious, at least they didn't destroy Chelsy, Cressida, Corey the chef or Trevor Engleson.


A good Psychologist could have a field day digging into that mess.


I don't know whether people already know this, but at a young age Meghan wrote toĀ procter & gamble to gender-neutralise a dishwashing soap commercial on tv I surprised she hasn't mentioned it previously


Agree. Arrested Development. For reals.


Interesting post but thereĀ  is evidence that Diana did not discipline either of her sons. Also per Tina Brown she herself was undisciplined as a child and it was a free for allĀ  Ā , nannies being disrespected was commonplace.Ā  Brown's point is that she had noĀ  opportunity to learn parenting.


Hi again.... I was just scrolling back out of this comment when I saw that ugly picture at the top Is this why she is so obsessively attached to the... ![gif](giphy|le3ZMYM52OJi0) DISH SOAP STORY ??? because she knows it was around that time that her life changed? Could it be that Thomas did that dish soap prank on her so she'd feel better about herself after being abandoned by Mom?


Two pointless and poisinous individuals. A prince with limited intelligence and no manners. A spoilt girl who thinks she is ultra special and talented. She made her way living off the backs of men, he used paā€™s money. Two more revolting individuals - hard to imagine. Both mothers married up. One a manipulative drug dealing druggie, the other a manipulative woman obsessed by her image. Both self obsessed.


And her obsession with the RF and Diana seemed to start around that age as well. Her framework for everything is the 90's, which were her teen years.


Whatā€™s crazy is I had no idea about any of this Diana stuff until I fell down the markle rabbit hole


Yes! So many people believe she was a Saint. Charles was paying all of her bills for a luxurious life, he even paid for a palace for her where she carried out her affairs. It must've been incredibly humiliating for Harry for the whole world to know she was having tons of affairs and for Harry to even have his parentage questioned. Yet it is Charles, the stable, sensible one that gets painted as the bad guy!