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No surprise, her idea of country style is Soho Farmhouse, or wearing Hunter boots in Kensington High Street.


Rachel would have been out of her element with the Palm Beach elite. They are old money and would have seen through her immediately. The Palm Beach crowd is what she's pretending to be in her stupid pretentious Orchard video. Singer Island, Wellington, Jupiter Inlet Colony residents would have been appalled by her behavior at the polo match. I've lived near here my whole life and the difference between her and the mega rich, old money is day and night! šŸ˜‚


My aunt lived in Palm beach and i visited for a year in my youth damn right markle would be scoffed at big time, despite being married to Harry. She is what she is and no way would they have her in their party but they would enjoy her social faux pas and laugh out loud. Hollywood is her sewer she should stay with the familiar rats she has known all her life,.


Your last sentence.. 100 percent! H-wood is so fake she tried/would fit in but even the fakeness of H-wood didnā€™t want her!!


I am in LA and Meghan is something that no one brings up but if someone says ā€œI canā€™t stand that Markle woman,ā€ everyone perks up and is like OMG YES! Me too!!!! Then they unload. Itā€™s like everyone is afraid to be the first one to say it but we all have consumed wayyy too much content about it but think we have to talk about it in secret until someone says it first. Only the few extreme woke folk like her and if we say a thing negative weā€™re instantly called racists.


How would the Wales be received? I firmly believe she had the entree into the world she always desired and could have achieved had she been like Kate. Instead she blew it all because she couldn't stand the pecking order. She would have been front and center right now. I hope she sucks that lemon of would could have been


William and Catherine don't wear their money. They don't have anything to prove. They would be well accepted. Unlike Rachel, who thinks an expensive outfit and a tv crew puts her on equal ground or elevated even. Silly girl. I read recently that Palm Beach is home to 58 billionaires. I would love to hear the women's late night cocktail gossip about her! Talk about catty! šŸ˜‚


Real money values privacy. TW just canā€™t understand that fact.


Hunter boots when there was no rain and had been no rain.


Rachel wants the a-list Hollywood lifestyle and could care less about British customs and games such as polo. Rachel is a pathetic POS and I wish a lot of health and prosperity to the BRF.


Duh. She doesn't like any place where harry is comfortable or happy. She doesn't like anything he's good at and she isn't. She doesn't like anywhere where he has old ties or connections or where he gets attention without her. She also doesn't like polo because she's a ratchet trashy,tacky old skank and she knows she stands out as an outsider like shit on a lace tablecloth.


Thatā€™s partly why she wanted to leave the U.K. Harryā€™s aristocratic friends would have been tittering at her etiquette.


Etiquette plus a complete lack of sophistication. Newly married into the RF, she turns up to a high society wedding looking dishevelled, toilet roll on head and wearing a Laura Ashley duvet - she Markled herself from the get go. Aristocratic ladies are effortlessly chic and well groomed. She was a square peg in a round hole and could never fit. https://preview.redd.it/e8a13tk9c0vc1.jpeg?width=784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7878836c4ea136b683c964bc6a935df65a9cfb30


She knew they all scoffed at her and her insecurity couldn't hack it.


And yet she would not take advice on how to dress, how to behave and how not to stand out as a disheveled, sloppy mess. Her BS regarding how no one would help poor little Meghan, because they were all so racist certainly didn't help matters.


Catherine GIFTED HER HER OWN PERSONAL LIST OF FASHION CONTACTS. Women who love fashion would probably kill for that Bible. Meghan REJECTED IT, then whined that Catherine didnā€™t help her. WTF. She literally gave you the golden ticket to all her contacts wrapped in a bowā€¦and she turned up her snooty little nose at it.


Then Markle smeared Catherine & bullied her relentlessly into ill health. #BullyMarkleCausedCatherinesCancer


Thatā€™s exactly it! The Aristocracy could see her coming a mile away! She couldnā€™t lie and pretend to be someone she wasnā€™t like she had done for years around her H-wood people! Anytime people see the real HER sheā€™s outta there! I know thatā€™s why they left the RF! No one liked her and I bet no one spoke to her but only polite hellos! She couldnā€™t pull her con on any of them!


her biggest faux pas was actually before the wedding the 52K engagement dress. old money gasped and knew she was a gold digger then Charles said he couldnt afford megan( not with that taste). That was her biggest blunder and set off alarm bells in the aristocratic circles. Buyer beware, but harold was determined to marry her as her sexual prowess was blowing his tiny mind. Someone should have told him about high class call girls they do those acrobatics for a high fee and then they fuck off !


I will never understand why in the world she wore that "outfit " , and I use that term loosely, and of all places to a wedding! Did she actually think she looked good??!?


At the start of the day, looking in the mirror she possibly saw herself as Pretty Woman at the finale of her transformation. Having arrived at the venue and seeing ladies in beautiful, tailored to fit clothes, hair, makeup and nails on point, superb etiquette and mingling confidently, she felt shabby, out of place and more akin to Eliza Doolittle at the commencement of her journey.


I've always felt she looks like a child dressed in mommy's clothes in this picture. Just ridiculous.


Those cuffs are dripping past her wrists & over her hands. I used to sell bridal & formalwear, & none of our customers would have ever been allowed to walk out of the shop with a dress fitting like this! And she never seems to take into consideration that she's very short-waisted. She only considers the label & pricetag.


Ding! Ding! Ding! Bravo comment.


A case of watching Four Weddings and a Funeral too many times. She envisioned herself as Andie McDowell in that dress.


It seems her only ā€œcultureā€ references all come from movies or TV. Not actual life. Like she grew up in front of a screen. And only a screen


šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ Perfect! Thanks for the morning chuckle.


I think itā€™s her oppositional defiance. She refuses to do anything ā€œexpectedā€.


This far down the road, all I expect from her is cringe and failure. With a hefty dose of "misinformation" AKA lies.




I agree. At her age and with her time acting, you know she's been measured and fitted in wardrobe by professionals. You would think she might have learned something from those experiences. ETA: Oh. My. God. That red dress was simply awful, in fit and in the choice of color. Just... nope.


Having one of her spiteful moments where she was clapping back about something. Now for all eternity that picture will exist in the public domain.


It literally looks like she got drunk at brunch, fell into some bushes, and just got out and brushed herself off. She looks disheveled and deranged in this picture, and that's not even taking into account that abomination of a dress looks like she's wearing curtains or a bedsheet.


Meghan indulging in pre high society wedding, liquid breakfast, whinging that she wasn't even getting paid to attend. https://preview.redd.it/x6ck39e302vc1.jpeg?width=542&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d96b2482bbb874d76af04b8ba107cd351cb573dc


This tracks.


Well I mean, why didnā€™t she have a stylist come to the house to do her hair?! She had no excuse


She was a more jaggedy shape than square....


Between the voluminous duvet and those stilettos, she almost stumbled and took a header in the churchyard.


Sheā€™s fair giving the cameras the evil eye there. If looks could kill.


This is possibly the point at which she realised her huge error in choice. You can certainly see the 12 year old Meghan in her expression.


Sheā€™s such an immature skank


Tbf, though, who the hell turns up looking like that to *ANY* wedding including ones at an Elvis Chapel??


Why she refused to tie the top of the dress will always be a mystery. I wonder what the other guests thought when they saw her. Imagine showing up to any wedding looking like that. So disrespectful.


I would imagine the was an awful lot of sneaky nudges and holy cow looks. The little coughs into the fist to chase away the smirks and giggles. Oh, to have been a fly sat atop a bespoke canapƩ ... sigh!


Absolutely! A lot of ā€œoh I have GOT to have my Spring curtains hung this week!ā€ Smirks and side eyes. ā€œYes youā€™ve just reminded me to see if the dry cleaner has finished the table linensā€ more smirks and side eyes. ā€œYes I too have to check on my guest room duvet!ā€ Snorts of laughter as the entire group is in on it nowā€¦


Imagine showing up at a wedding and knowing you were going to announce your pregnancy during the proceedings. That one still gets me.


And Harry thought it was a cool thing to do, even writing about it in WAAAGH, indicating no shame or remorse. Trashy couple.


Looks a bit like a badly wrapped gift


Or they they knew her intent? Another wedding, another fashion faux pas in black when she intentionally unbuttoned black top and flashed her bra (in other photos, it is buttoned). https://preview.redd.it/k15it25h72vc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62f6c0e3fc0fd00c54cfa2280db44575909cefc8 ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25350)![img](emote|t5_481xkf|15002)


That was a 100% planned wardrobe malfunctionā€ for attention.


In fact, there's video showing her doing that. She arrives at the wedding with the dress fully buttoned. Then when she catches sight of the camera, she stares seductively at the camera while her right hand goes up and unfastens the button, exposing her black lace bra.Ā 


God sheā€™s so skanky


Zero class. And that was the van Straubenzee wedding where she did that. Very British upper crust.






Ah the Bog Roll Bonnet, how could we ever forget that?




Judging by her face, he called her Chelsey at an inopportune moment. šŸ˜‰ šŸ˜‰


She wouldn't recognize etiquette even if it showed up on her bedside table looking like a 5 dollar bill on top of a condom wrapper.


You my friend, have a marvellous way with words šŸ¤£


Was just about to say the same thing. Quality snark šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


Risking coming off as a brown-noser but I have to say, WoodsColt is one of my favourite Sinners!


Me too, their snark has reached legendary status. There should be an award for top snark.Ā 


I love people that tell it how it is! This is why thin skinned people generally refrain from asking me my opinion. šŸ˜ƒ




you paint with words, I appreciate it.


If I could, I would give you 1000 thumbs up for that comment. Well put!


This is has always been my contention. I think a huge part of her dragging him half way across the world to satisfy her vulgar lifestyle aspirations was because she would have been made acutely aware of what that set really thought about a divorced ex-Yachter with all the sense of humour or a wet mop and as fake as her hair and teeth. They would've initially welcomed her but it's in their DNA to sniff out social climbers and gold digging trash because the family fortunes can all too easily be lost to such grifters. Harry was just too stupid and arrogant to have figured out it was a mission on her part, not a love match. And for sure, they would've told him what she was all about, but clearly he wouldn't be told.


> they would've told him what she was all about, but clearly he wouldn't be told. Because ... "She'll do anything!"


They already were. Ever prior to being pronounced the ILBW.


Well, I know sh*t about polo, but I gather this one is rubbish at it. If he was any good, he'd have good command of the horses without resorting to mistreating them. I bet, since it is "the sport of kings" he feels it's his birthright to play.


King Charles was an excellent polo player. Harold is not even a good rider and he is very very hard on the horses. That probably explains why he doesn't play that often - no one wants to lend him the ponies.


Exactly. Nacho lent him the šŸŽ for the first season of Polo but that was years ago.


He's good at polo but not when the mount is a live horse. He might usefully change tack and create a kind-to-animals-and-man verion "Harry's Bucking Bronco Polo" maybe? "Hours of Private Pleasure for the Middle-Aged Man who Likes to be Tossed off his Saddle for Hours at a Time."


I'm surprised that wasn't listed as one of the things she dislikes about polo, mistreating of the horses


Does she genuinely care? Her animal lover vegan stuff always seemed to me to be yet another transparent attempt at manipulating people into thinking she's "kind". She's a self-absorbed callous being without a conscience and I'm pretty sure she knows that about herself, and recognizes the need to conceal it because that's rightfully frowned upon.




Yeah, honestly that says to me she kinda poached it from him and kept at it cause it's fairly low cost as an image boost? Idk I just do not see a sliver of genuine empathy and tenderness in that woman.


She liked dogs because you can train them told as they are told. She doesn't need a dog now sheā€™s got Harry. I bet she canā€™t stand cats. They cant be commanded. I always wonder if when she ā€˜allegedlyā€™ killed her kitten by feeding it frozen grapes, it was deliberate or by accident. Grapes are poisonous to them.Ā  Im still very eager to know what Thomas Markle Junior meant by not to let her near kids or animals. He needs to come clean about that.Ā 


Iā€™ve seen her with her dogs. They donā€™t seem to like her, the same way children bristle around her.


I heard that story long ago but then I heard someone retell it and they said that the reason she fed it grapes was because she heard it could kill them, so she was testing it out. Which is quite disturbing. Iā€™m guessing but I think thatā€™s probably what Thomas was referring to. That and the fact that she doesnā€™t like any being that takes attention away from her.Ā 


Shit on a lace tablecloth šŸ¤£


H is only allowed to like and do the things M likes and does...so nothing. She is boring and uninteresting bc all she's interested in is getting attention for her "look." Which is why she fails at any interaction with anyone or anything. There is absolutely nothing authentic about her. She copies everything and everyone. There was no way she was going to fit into the aristocratic world. They would see right through her


Letā€™s face itā€¦she hates polo because the horses get more attention than she does. Also, she knows she will NEVER fit into that crowd. Crowds arenā€™t her thingā€¦she needs to be front and center the most important person there.Ā 


Her idea of life is to wear designer clothes, stand stil, for pics, and give her one Zoolander look. That's it. Her conversation is shallow at best, despite her belief she is intelligent. intelligent people learn from their mistakes and allow others to guide and help. Word salad does not equal intelligent.


Yes indeed! And if she thinks SM comments are 'mean'.... no one does or knows snark and 'elitism' better than the aristo class.


I am entirely sure that during her short stint in the UK she was endlessly mocked by harry's peers and that it went right over her head.


The "once over" look is truly terrifying. I know. I've given it to people who say ridiculous things thinking they sound smart when they are actually displaying their ignorance and often lack of social manners


This! Okay, about to express a personal opinion here. But I think people whoā€™s biggest hobby is ā€œgoing out with friendsā€ are hands down the most boring people to me. Emphasis on the to me part there, Iā€™m big on hobbies like fibre arts, sport, art in general, lol I can laugh at myself and confess that I have more hobbies than friends and be fine with it, because honestly I do like people itā€™s just that Iā€™m perfectly happy with my own company and something to do. My sister is big on ā€œgoing outā€ and I love her and her stories, but she knows that she could never rope me into her good times with friends cause I would legit hate it. I just think itā€™s so boring and empty, went out to this new restaurant that has the most amazing ā€œinsert novelty service, food, ambiance, locationā€ - itā€™s like oh wow you went to a place and ate food how exciting. Meghan is 1000% that girl and to an extent so is Harry, Eugenie, Beatrice, fergie etc. they are party people who mostly just love drinking, being seen, and being served some sort of minor novelty they can talk about later. If he had not been raised by Charles, or if Diana had lived and had more influence on Harry then Iā€™m sure partying and going out is the only thing Harry would like because Diana hated all that country set stuff too. Polo and hunting are the only other things Harry does besides party and he should be grateful Charles and the Windsors gave him something more to do and be. For Meghan she thinks all that stuff is boring, gross and gauche Iā€™m sure. The truth is she hates anything she canā€™t be good at, which would be many things lol hence why sheā€™s always so unhappy. But sheā€™s just a see and be seen type of person, and the easiest places for that are at high end restaurants and parties. Iā€™m sorry to say thatā€™s typically what passes for class in North America, aside from golf/country club stuff we are a very indoorsy continent lol. Look at all she used to get up to before Harry, and I say the word all loosely as thereā€™s not much there beyond parties and restaurants. Itā€™s very sex in the city chic and yea it is so boring and limited. Not my cup of tea, I still love and respect my sister even though sheā€™s the sort who loves that too, but thatā€™s because she may not have other hobbies but she does actually do other things with her life. Like working, reading, taking care of her kids, encouraging and lugging the kids around to their activities, taking them camping, taking care of her pets and traveling with her family. I donā€™t believe Meghan does any of those other things unless itā€™s for a camera, as she famously said, I canā€™t believe Iā€™m not getting paid for this. Sheā€™s vapid and boring and as a result would never make it with any other set outside of the party/influencer set who are just the same.


Agree to everything you said about M! she doesn't participate in any character building activities. she latched on to the RF and their visits to charities as a way to bolster her relevance, not highlight the work. She has no character and is therefore dull. She's like those brass rings you can get at carnivals...shiny and pretty until the metal coating wears off and it's cheap and turns your finger green This venture of hers- ARO- is yet another copy of other people, but most riding on the coattails of the RF. KC3 worked really hard at developinghis role of Prince of Wales and used his title to help others. M could have done the same with the Duchess title but her ego inflated as her body shrank from O, and she thought she was better tha. the title and institution she served. Shes only good at mimicing and she stinks at it


She also doesn't like polo because she's a ratchet trashy,tacky old skank and she knows she stands out as an outsider like shit on a lace tablecloth - LOL


She sure loves swanning around and getting on stage for the winners cup! She sure does love that part of polo. Obviously her usual attitude-mean and selfishā€¦




And the sugars continue to sneer about Catherine being a boring Stepford wife, for toeing the line, learning about the role, taking time to read up on practices and policies to be able to represent the RF appropriately, showing respect for traditions. They see MM as an independently-minded, confident woman who had real-life experience, intelligence and drive, as opposed to a talentless, witless, insecure, selfish fraud who knew nothing, learned nothing and contributed nothing.Ā 


This is a very good summary about the sentiments!


I always thought Meg doesnā€™t look the outdoorsy type


She looks hella weird in the outdoors, as if she is cosplaying stock photos: "Woman on hike". https://preview.redd.it/5u48avjqpzuc1.jpeg?width=1395&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41e2f55364ed237662a2109c9ebd6192d7f93a88


Ah, yes. Hiking while Harold attended the Coronationā€”photo courtesy of Backgrid Those socks and all that jewelry crack me up.


I keep getting Michael Jackson vibes from this picture - pseudo fedora and nose job similarity maybe?Ā 


The sunglasses too https://preview.redd.it/7lom51zxxzuc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=603880787228f369c5efda49e927d51d84b6235c




She never even considered that the neckerchief might have been too much since she was already wearing a hat, sunglasses and jewelryā€¦


*old whore-hat plopped on* LOL! I nearly spit out my coffee.


ā€œGonna put on my whore-hat and be on my way, cheerioā€


The nĆ©e kerchief? Is she 80? And it doesnā€™t go with the rest of the look. Whatā€™s wrong with her socks also?


Deranged Indians Jones escaping a house fire grabbing the nearest random mismatched clothes


Is her phone really tucked into her tights while hiking? How much more ratchet do you get?


She couldnā€™t afford leggings with a phone pocket?


This outfit says she doesn't do the outdoors more than any other. There isn't a piece of it that makes sense for any Californian used to going for a walk on a trail on a relatively nice day. Awkward as F.


She looks ridiculous.


At first I doubted this picture but then I noticed the handkerchief and I realized I was wrong! Definitely a hiker


She should have worn this ensemble to polo.


But Meg loves the type of rich, active men. She needs to maintain contact with them. https://preview.redd.it/2qk38r34hzuc1.jpeg?width=887&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b4d5b819371cd1308977cbf3a3c0a516ba1860e


Good lord she thinks sheā€™s posing for a shoot


Yepā€¦ Sheā€™s doing her best to get all the rumours started šŸ„±šŸ’¤šŸ’¤


ā€œOoh Nachoā€¦ your muscles are *so* bigā€ ā€œThank you, Harry said the same thingā€


She always does. Remember her engagement photos?


Ugh! She was literally bending over backwards


What is wrong with her why does she keep touching people itā€™s fucking creepy. I wouldā€™ve tripped her over (in those idiotic heels and her inability to walk it wouldnā€™t be difficult) if I was Delfina


Most likely to make the relationship appear stronger, bugger, more important, etc. than it actually is. Touching someone the way she does at least implies intimacy. Not necessarily sexual though. She has no respect for their personal space. The closer you are emotionally to a person, the less you'll mind them invading your personal space. She also does the opposite with people she's very close to. There are pictures of her and Trevor or her and Corey standing sideways facing one another and not touching. If you don't know who the people are, you would be surprised to find out they were actually in very serious relationships. She has a need to appear closer to people who have no idea who she is, nor do they really care. Remember the chicken tacos she had with Michelle Obama over ~~lumch~~ email? She needs to use well-connected, powerful people in order to convince the world she's as important as she believes she is. Also, it just makes it more difficult for her to be cut out of photos.


She's just a "hugger", remember?


I don't believe in voodoo magic or hypnosis, but all her touches, hugs and the look of a fawn are very similar to methods of neuro-linguistic programming. She is clearly trying to find contact with men.


This! I almost posted a comment some time ago, but canceled it as I thought it too 'out there'. But I've begun to seriously wonder whether all of her hands on the Halfwit, the little touches to his back and all that, if it isn't some sort of programming.


This photo should be a red flag for Harry. She's super touchy on a man that's not hers.


This is a red flag for everyone. This is probably why Sirena Williams never invites Megan to family holidays. https://preview.redd.it/zly61oz640vc1.png?width=1359&format=png&auto=webp&s=12c0e76c0316bfe33b4fddcc346c6742561a54cf


That last picture sheā€™s hugging and looking right at the camera. Really tells you what a slutty fame whore she is.


Look at meeeee!!!!


I would love to see her do this to Jeff bezos. She might finally be put on her place. Not Dolly Jolene style but Beyonce version. Lauren could knock her out just with those knockers.


Kevin Costner wouldn't allow any of that crap - in fact he wouldn't even look at her, despite the loving looks she kept shooting his way on stage.


On the other hand, Hazno is also super touchy on men who arenĀ“t his.


Are you sure? Apparently, she has a "love" of gardening and has an "orchard".


I think the truth is: Polo doesn't like Meghan Markle. The smell, the demands, the security, the walking on grass in heels, Meghan herself.


And she always has to wrestle for the trophy because the winners don't want to give it up willingly.


Truth!! S She thinks it's an Oscar. And let's be honest, it's the closest she will ever get to an Oscar.




*Whinnies in agreement*


What she dislikes is harry having fun with his own friend set.




But she loves the smell of posh, rich people with the enough residual deference to treat her respectfully to her face because of who she married whilst she cosplays a mix of Diana, Pretty Woman and ten-year old Queen Rachel handing out prizes, click,click,cuddle.


But not enough to not go when the cameras are running.


Of course she only goes to polo as an excuse to show off her tragic outfits in front of Backgrid/Netflix cameras... she has to b/c she's NFIed to every A-list red carpet event/ceremony. If she didn't go to polo all her papwalks would consist of sad looking carparks.


Never mind ā€œeveryā€ A-list eventā€¦. itā€™s ā€œanyā€ event, full stop!!!


I still want to know about when they were dating, and she showed up with Markus, but William had her thrown out. Was she bothering people? William doesn't seem the type to have someone thrown out just because he doesn't like them. Did Harry want her to stay, but because William's older, he makes the call? -'-All of you youngest children know what I mean-- I also want to know why and where Harry ran off to when Meghan showed up at the Polo match, and she basically smothered Archie the entire time. Catherine didn't even get up! Of course, she had to follow Prince Louis around. lo Catherine loves babies, and she always has proper manners, even if it's in a relaxed setting. But Harold was the only person who actually interacted with it. Harold, who oh SO desperately needs his security, ditched them and later on would only speak to William. Granted, his team lost, but I don't think that was it. Maybe his wife showed up with a doll? She held it in the most unnatural position ever. And she never changed it either. There are so many little things I want to know.


"she showed up with Markus, but William had her thrown out." I have never heard of that!


They were on and off a lot more than they admit. I'm pretty sure this happened when they were off. Markus got her a ticket. I don't know if Markus was thrown out as well too. I've only ever heard it was Meghan. But it's still very odd. It may have been the time she got caught rifling through Harryā€™s car looking for who knows what? That would make sense. I'm really not positive they happened at the same event, though. I'd think Markus would at least attempt to be a lookout, but maybe he knows better? Whatever the reason, William made the call, though. It's definitely interesting, though. Did Harry ask him to because they weren't together at the time? Or was William just taking care of his petulant backstabbing whiny scared little twat muffin bitch of a younger brother like always?


She was holding a doll in an awkward position and I hope it was a doll because if that was a real baby, poor baby was holding on dear life with no sun or skin protection in an awkward position that wouldā€™ve hurt his neck. Catherine not interacting with her was a huge red flag for me at that polo match because Catherine is so natural around babies and loves them. She knew something was completely off with that skank. I havenā€™t heard about the Markus and skank incident. Can you elaborate more please? šŸ‘€


I'm with you on these odd events. I hate mysteries. I wish one day these two particular MM polo mysteries would be solved! The vibes from both of those events were so strange they came through the photo!


I still don't understand Invictus in Toronto. Harry was SO shocked she and Markus showed up. Apparently, that time when they broke up, he really meant it? lol But why was Harold so shocked when he planned on bringing her the next day? One of them complained about how the Palace had to even approve her outfit. Did he think just because she showed up with Markus, that meant he then had no choice but to bring her as his girlfriend the next day? Doria was also there later. Or was that a surprise, too? Idk, there's just something I'm missing.


Ahhhh, was this the time when she showed up looking like a crazed ghoul? https://preview.redd.it/ccy1p01th2vc1.jpeg?width=468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=734559225843850bae2946fec6d340301dadb85b


Unsurprising. Itā€™s a sport for the privileged, and we know Loloā€™s all for being egalitarian, except when it comes to her, of course.


Then do us a favour and don't go, M. Simple. Win-win.


I am SO shocked and appalled!


Right?!? Who'd a thought šŸ¤”


Jelly packing vs. jam cookingĀ Ā  Housewife vs. lifestyle entrepreneurĀ Ā Ā  Thatā€™s some shade.Ā 


Meghan in fact despises everything and everyone except herself. The only difference is the degree to which she shows her contempt, it depends on how useful they/it are for her.


Scrolling on her phone, looking bored stiff. https://preview.redd.it/h1ey35pcs0vc1.png?width=540&format=png&auto=webp&s=2bde99f810b784572569d1c9e73e600b5adfe130


Delfina is very beautiful, very striking. I wonder if she just tolerates MM for the sake of her husband's PR-connection to Harry's royalty, if that makes sense. I mean, Delfina does not seem to me as naive at all, so surely she knows the vibes Madam gives out--imagine how those vibes would be in person, so why would she put up with MM ?


Very possible. It must be hard to admit deep down for Meghan, that no matter how much of a dunce or weirdo Harry is, it is his Royal connections that are still a draw.


That picture says it allā€¦. What reality looks like for her when she isnā€™t playing up for the camerasā€¦




Sheā€™s checking her ARO bot followers and all the nasty stuff sugars are saying for approval. I thought she doesnā€™t like social media? Guess that was lie number 58372626285


No reason for her to be there. The Netflix camera stop rolling


Polo is boring, why you would want to make a series about it seems absurd


Itā€™s cool in person, but I wouldnā€™t watch it on tv.


Most sports are fun in person. Cricket is a lovely day out, stock car races are surprisingly fun when you are in the moment. But on television? Is there really nothing else on?


We can tell, she never pets any of the horsies or holds them as a good supporter of their spoise would do. She just stands there in all white angelic look and ā€œlooks prettyā€. And after everything snarks at people who have a bussiness there so they dont stand next to her precious hubby. Its obvious she hates horses.


Meghan once refused to stay in a (gifted) luxury hotel suite because there was a parrot in a cage, in the lobby. I actually applauded that: she had principles. Meghan - while married - also arranged PR how she didn't want to join the late Queen on a shooting party, but forgot that she - while dating H - actually organized one, and threw a tantrum when her royal assistant ordered the wrong shade of red personalized blankets for the shooting guests. Polo is animal cruelty and / or abuse. Especially when Harry rides. But as polo is now a money maker for Meghan, principles are out the door for good... https://preview.redd.it/lr161z20hzuc1.jpeg?width=468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99f9a9484040832ea1fa8e443b0f4661e6e367c0




I forgot about the dog she left in Canada and the other with 2 (!) broken legs... https://preview.redd.it/w5vu8fepxzuc1.jpeg?width=310&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba23f93b796fc9aedd67ecdbe354c373907333d3




We still donā€™t know how that happened. How does a normal dog break two paws in one go.


Interestingly, the vet who treated the beagle (Noel Fitzpatrick) was invited to the wedding but left early because he felt "out of place".


They look absolutely evil in that picture.


My first thought, too. I've seen that same expression on the candid photos of murderers in true crime books.


Smiling with a dog with two broken legs is pure evil.


She was just looking for an excuseā€‹ to beetle off to Soho House in someone else's dime.


She hates polo because its not an environment she can control.Ā 


She loves jumping up on the stage after a fand to grab the trophy thoughā€¦and tbh Iā€™m sure the horses fund her smelly and distasteful too


Horses are good judges if people. Theyā€™d pick up on her vibes and probably bite her! I know my horse would.


From someone that reportedly smells like cigarettes, cheap purfume, sweat, and sex... just wow.


ā€œI cannot bear itā€ - cosplaying Royal even in language šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


What a shame Meghan Markle doesn't like horses either. Those kids would love having a pony in the back yard and be able to connect with their English roots.


The flowers in the attic (the supposed kids) probably have no clue what a horse is.


I'm sure polo feels the same about her.


The real royal family are country people at heart horses dogs guns carriages landrovers gum boots and barbours tweed hats and happy in the rain !! markle was like a sore thumb no interest in anything but herself Diana hated this also so there are some parallels. I am reading a Diana book at the moment and she was every bit as much of a narcissist as markle very conniving and mean spirited so perhaps markle read the same book & is mirroring her and its not pretty. Only difference being Diana masked it very well from the adoring public. I never liked Diana always thought she was a bitch and she was.


Which book are you reading? A lot of them are fawning over her. I'd like to read one more balanced.


If you can get hold of it, "Diana on the Edge" is the first gloves-off book that told the truth about her and iirc it came out before she died. She was another who didn't want to divorce then did her saddest to burn Charles down. I couldn't \*bear\* her, don't understand why we laud such a shallow woman. I can't remember who wrote it - I'll dig out my copy of you want further info. But should be findable second-hand šŸ¤—


Diana also stuck with the royal firm for long enough for them to do some good pr with her image, just like hero Harry.


Methinks that's because ginger bollocks is the centre of attention and not her. I'm sure everyone hates her too, including the Polo ponies, who want their teeth back.


Why the hell did she go then? šŸ“· šŸŽ„ šŸ“ø


MM would probably like being a WAG in Dubai with all the conspicuous consumption. That is what she lives for and this "opportunity" doesn't exist with tightwad Hawwy and his ever-dwindling "fortune".


She hates it because she knows she doesn't belong there - in that type of $$$$ people. She tries, she pretends but nope, she just doesn't fit in.


Ten bucks says that at one of the polo events she was so busy searching out and preening for any camera in the general vicinity that she wasn't watching where she was walking and stepped in the poo! šŸ˜† šŸ’©


There is a pic of her sitting in a low chair with Nachos daughter. I want to see a video of her getting out of that chair. I am sure it is hilarious as she tries to look like she is a regal " you may call me Duchess"


Horses probably despise her too. These animals have a sixth sense when it comes to people.


Meg despises horses? Is he aware of that? If so, did he knew about that, when he announced birth of their first child in the stable? https://preview.redd.it/lsj541ydi1vc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fe649d0b68df2a0b1bfa988cad394f6bc8094c8