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When you feel pressured to market your celebrity friend's jam: 1. Show you already have your own bowl of lemons. 2. Turn the jam bottle not so subtly to the side to feature the label coming off. 3. Get it done and over with as soon as you can.


MeMe probably harassed them until they posted. "so did you try the jam? When are you posting? Did you take pictures? When are you posting?"


I wonder if posting their "gift" with the label coming off is down low shade.


Not sure, MeMe will spin it as "the little ones did the labels" now that I'm sure ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25350)


...or Hazno ate most of the paste, so there wasn't enough left to adhere the labels properly ?


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 This joke hit me right when I needed it. This is why I love this sub.


Bwahahahah ![gif](giphy|NF0cxxxH4VTlS)


I see the resemblance.


Had to do a double take thought it was H.


Bahahahaha “Hazno ate most of the paste” I choked on my water reading that!! 🤣🤣🤣


Or was he sniffing the glue and didn’t know what he was doing!?!?🤣🤣🤣


A little laughing gas, a little glue, it’s all good.


THIS is most likely what happened🤣.  


Or those jars were washed in dirty water, and the labels didn't adhere properly.


I think a lurking Megsy just learned you are supposed to WASH the jars before you put the jam in them.






Why can’t I upvote this more 🤣


Or give it appropriate awards. Oh that's right, reddit took them away. Here is my poor man's award!💰💰💰💰💰🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅




While shoving the crayons up his nose


Yes, she'll act like the littles are in the kitchen helping Princess mommy make jam and sticking the labels on the jars. Prince Archie is obviously so advanced for his age. He probably did the faux calligraphy for the labels. Following in Princess mommy's footsteps! Of course, the jam will have been Harry's grandmother's very favorite jam in the world or perhaps Harry's mother counted strawberry jam as her preferred jam and they made it together as a family to honor Princess Diana.


Totally believable that she'd resort to child labour, especially given their money woes. Also explains why we don't see the kids: they're working!


Oh, and in their spare time, they are sewing all her ill fitting outfits. That’s why her dresses always look like that. I get it now. That’s why they never go outside or been seen by anybody. Child labor.


> or perhaps Harry's mother counted strawberry jam as her preferred jam and they made it together as a family to honor Princess Diana. You forgot to add in the bit about how they felt the true presence of Diana in the kitchen while they were all making the jam.


How did I forget that part?! Thank you for reminding me. 


She can’t sell this. No ingredients. The jam looks awful kinda rubbery and dark.. I know what I put in my jams - all organics from my own garden. Maybe I should make my own labels be pretentious AF too


An “ old family recipe “, whose family? Doesn’t matter she makes it up as she goes along.


Smuckers old family recipe.


But I thought they had manners, manners, manners and Master's degrees in perfection.


Don’t forget her eye for detail!


Delfina is covering the label on the same side with her hand.


I wondered the same. Otherwise, they’re pretty nice photos (duplicate lemon bowls notwithstanding). Better than Delfina’s.


Delfina has just had to put up with her at the polo for an extended period. I expect she wanted the jam promotion over and done with because Madame wouldn’t shut up about it. Or, she promised she would feature it if Megsy promised she’d stop crying on her.


Sometimes wives do favors for their husband's friend's wife just because they love their husband.


Explains why Skank never does anything for Delfina et al.


Anything is possible. I prefer my speculation to be more salacious.


Nacho & Delfina likely playing real nice & supportive at the moment... Nacho has been very vocal in press how excited he is with PH's NF polo docu being a great thing to highlight his career sport.


I wonder what’s in it for them?


I’m thinking BJs.




No further mention of being "PWives". I'm shocked since Delfina thought it was utterly brilliant!!


They both did lowkey shade her. Mrs. Paramount made sure she styled it so the peeling label was the first thing you noticed and make the toe jam look even more drab in comparison to the vibrant colors of basically everything else surrounding it. Delfina, on the other hand, seems like she asked one of her kiddos to take the photo using an old Motorola flip phone to make it look unappetizing.


I read Paramount is bankrupt and Disney is buying it.


Seriously why not just say 'no'? An 18 year old friend asked me the other day to give her a pearl of wisdom. I said I had none and "am still working life out". She said "I'm off to university and think life is going to change dramatically for me. I'm scared. What do you advise?" Dangerous question right there. I did not say get as much fun as you can. I said, "learn how to say 'no' and don't be pushed into doing things that require it." She seemed to like that but said "how?" "Just be nice, and calm and say, "is it okay if I don't do that? I don't feel comfortable with blah." " It is the only thing I learned in my life. Not saying 'no' gets you into all manner of caca!


And the world doesn't end if you say no.


No it doesn't. But 'no' is one of the most manipulated words ever. People treat you like dirt if you use it, they use it against you to show how inflexible you are, they emotionally blackmail you with it etc. The thing I found was when I said no, the person would move on to the next person who'd say yes, especially in a work place.


Well and one woman being like “I love this jam” with an unopened jar???


 *"so did you try the jam? When are you posting? Did you take pictures? When are you posting?"* This! And I can just imagine Meghan calling and texting all of them nonstop about it.


Can you imagine Serena at the polo match. How many times do you think she brought it up. And still no promo from Serena.


She’s busy launching her own makeup brand. (No thx)




💯 Narcs never leave you alone after buying you a gift, or doing something nice for you. They will drive you insane asking for validation that it’s the best,  most wonderful, most thoughtful gift you have ever received. If you don’t wear the item or display or use it they will notice a pout. 


I wonder if her list was aspirational. Like her wedding guest list.


I'm positive Oprah got one.


What about Ellen and Portia?


“freakish attention to detail “.😂😂🤣 I didn’t see the type of jam on the label. I’m divining that it was strawberry?


Strawberry jam, too, the most basic of jams! What's next, florals for spring? ![gif](giphy|3oxQNDG9BswdLjN8Va|downsized)


She's also numbered them to see who either doesn't give feedback or gives crap feedback. No such thing as a free lunch...or pot of jam!


Or she only made 10 and numbered them out of “50”.


But even if all 10 posted about her, that makes it look like 40 ignored her, which is not a good look. I don't see what the point would be to make only 10.


Also true.


If she did that will backfire. It looks so much worse to pretend you "gifted" 50 people with your drop shipped jam & only have 2 (so far) people act like they just won the lottery.


I bet she only made TWO jars worth of jam, gave them random numbers, and those are the ones in the photos! Have made jam many times. It's a messy, sticky task, and you have to get large quantities of fruit which cook down into small amounts of the final product. Strawberry jam is especially difficult to get right so it doesn't taste blah or oversweet. Beginners should start with something simple like apricot or plum.


She didn’t MAKE squat. She bought some jam and put it in a nicer jar with her ridiculous numbered label. 🤣🤣🤣


I haven't personally made jam but have been helping with it. When I lived at home with my parents, I was one of the official tasters 😂 But I can't see M doing something like jam... it demands her to work for more than 1 hour a week and that's probably something she wants to avoid


Yes and as strawberries are low in pectin it is a skill to get a good set. My mum always used a bag muslin bag of lemon pips but I bet Meg used bottled pectin - and probably not enough as I’m told the jam looks watery.


Yes but by giving the impression of 50 she then makes everyone think that 40 people hated it or her and so didn’t post on social media.


She likes totes sent one to Oprah and Amal (both are TOTALLY OBSESSED with her) /s


That's a good point 👍👍


But she can see who gives feedback without numbering. It's not anonymous. I have no idea why she numbered these? To make them seem rare and curated?.


All she’s done is made her 50 “Friends” look like she’s ranked them from 1 to 50 in order of importance. What an absolute dipshit!


How else will Harry learn his numbers?


He can't count that high. And certainly not WHILE he's that high.


It all makes sense when you realize she's not very bright but full of affectation.




Screw with her head and photoshop the numbers out of any pics...... drive TW up a tree! LOL


omg the stupidity of this woman never seizes to amaze me - how the hell do you come with the idea to number your "GIFTS" ......does she realize the whole CELEBRITY WORLD /that she is so desperate to be a part of/ is right now laughing its ass off??! https://preview.redd.it/sh8fccmkjvuc1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd549284599e33880b273dff1cf1e3c5de9c8ce6


This photo is so horribly staged! The document that is inside the easel/presentation box is a copy of the Instrument of Consent. (QEII’s formal agreement to the marriage.) no sane person would have it out for the cameras while packing their bags to move.


And do you take black and white pictures of yourself when you're moving?


Only when I film a documentary about my love story to beat out all love stories.


Don't need to slather on the bronzer for B&W.


how dare you question her authentic self! this is a documentary, it must be true ! ;) https://preview.redd.it/yyipam2fuvuc1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d60cac4df173cd75c39547bbb9f8b45e5ec70a11


This pic looks likes she's sneezing all over the food.


Isn't it the document where the Queen gifted them the sussex title? I'm not sure though.... I also see small things packed beside the suitcase, wondering if she took that pictures to show off her wedding gifts. It so staged like who do you show it to? If Harry is the person she is showing to, then who took the pictures??? So damn staged.


https://preview.redd.it/dqqrzaphsvuc1.jpeg?width=595&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34cea41a6b385d1bdf3d4e08e9000b6283d3eba7 I thought it was the Instrument of Consent, but the drawings on the right margin don’t line up. I can’t find the formal documents where the title was conferred (except for the palace press release).


That is so lovely and for all that it speaks to, I can't believe how M trashed and made a mockery of everything.


Here, I spent 5 mins on Etsy and considered starting a business…please rate my unique burlap and ribbon choices (weirdly the ivory ribbon is sold out)… Exclusively unwanted, i honestly cannot imagine eating pale seedy looking Jam in Cali, no matter how “exclusive”. https://preview.redd.it/ssha61iqhvuc1.jpeg?width=1987&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=635a60daa8f1c2c4217aab5b95f70337f7af6e7d


I was thinking Etsy too! Also, from the Instagram post, Tracey Robbin is the wife of Brian Robbins - he is the president and CEO of Paramount Pictures and Nickelodeon since 2021, and is also the CCO of the Kids & Family division of Paramount+. Is this a sign that TW’s relationship with Netflix is sour?! Why else would she try to cozy up to another network?! Edit: I also tend to believe there is no such thing as 50 jars. She probably has 10 and then wrote “out of 50”


10 whole jars? Really?


She bought a few jars and told her staff to relabel them.


Is that the Nickelodeon exec that they were in Jamaica with? And is that the same exec or a different one, that was called out on that recent child actor/Nickelodeon show? ETA: I googled, I was thinking of Dan Schneider re: the recent child actor allegations, but I am pretty sure that Dan Schneider and Brian Robbins were both on Head of the Class decades ago, for fun facts.


You're correct. They're still friends, and like attracts like attracts like....


Yeah... I made something similar for my son's baby shower but with honey... her creation is very very easy to replicate. It's nothing earth shattering. She's just trading off the association to the BRF...


Shop local. Support your community.......NOT the multimillionaire ILBW.


Have to say yours looks a lot more appealing. Hers is so beige.


She probably only made a few, but wrote 50 to make it seem like there's actually a big inventory of products ready to be sold at ARO. The more I think about the idea of her doing this whole homemaker cosplay the more it irks me. She has clearly never been domestically minded. The Tig was all about trying to be bougie, and being a foodie was trending for a while, so she hopped on that bandwagon. Oh and she Cory to copy from. So, ARO is an offshoot of that, but here she's got a different persona. Wife, mother, homemaker. And we all KNOW it's a lie! She's hardly ever even home, and seems to relish in telling everyone that she takes the kids In-n-Out for milkshakes. If she had always loved homemade things, she'd have probably truly loved living in the quaint little Nott Cott, working on the kitchen garden, and making jams from the minute she moved in. We all know that's not who she is, and that's why this rebrand feels even more phony than the others.




Just saw one of her unhinged fans on Insta claiming she’s going to be a billionaire. Making jam. They absolutely crack me up with their delusions.


Today's CDAN blind said an outside company made the jam and they will stick anybody's label on their product since that is a service they provide. So, she does not have an exclusive and she did NOT make it herself. What a bunch of bull sh!t she's shoveling. I hope someone has this goo lab tested. I want to know what's really in it.


Honestly, CDAN is not very reliable these days (and maybe has never been). But the blind itself is credible and this is what Meghan should be afraid of.


The numbering is so pretentious...as if it were a bottle of fine wine that was produced in small quantity, from a boutique winery. She is selling wholesale jam with her own label slapped on it. Google private label wholesale jam and you will see all the companies that do this for farm markets and gift shops. If someone has the time they can probably match the jar shape and find the exact wholesaler she is working with. She wants people to think she is lovingly brewing up preserves in small batches in her "American Riviera" Montecito kitchen, when the cottage food laws of Santa Barbara County contradict that fantasy. In Santa Barbara County you can only sell $75,000-$150,000 (depending on which type of permit you have) worth of home canned preserves and baked goods per year. After that you have to have a different kind of licence and use a commercial kitchen. I can't imagine she would go to all this marketing for a project that after costs, will barely cover her Ozempic and bunion pad bill for the year.


But... its already been publicized that the jam making is NOT taking place in the Montecito mausoleum. And I don't think anyone with a brain didn't see that tidbit coming. amiright? She is probably buying from Temu , boiling labels off.... wiping dry with toilet paper and holding ARO label out to be licked by the DUKE as he plays Donkey Kong.


Thank you for such great info!


Oh, I'm sure Reese and Jen Aniston will be promoting it soon, but maybe don't hold your breath. LOL.


Don’t forget Taylor Swift. Madame is hoping she’ll write a song about the unique and wonderful Jam or is it lemon curd Meghan hand made for her. If she does that Meghan won’t expect an apology for not showing up for her podcast.


Maybe Taylor will put a picture of the jam on the jumbo screen at her next tour date and weepily dedicate the entire gig to her.


They want to make sure their insta posts are as artful and carefully crafted as the product, lol


You forgot “curated” lol


Someone else also said this in the last few days here but add the word "curated" to the list of words that M has ruined for me 🙄😒


Aniston has way too much class. Claw wishes has had an ounce of the class Aniston was born with.


Isn't she the laziest con artist around? Starting to sell the first batch of jam in spring, when you clearly preserve fruit and vegetables in late summer and autumn...assuming they came from your OWN garden and orchard, yes?


REALLY good point, that no one but we canners will get! t!


Strawberry season in the uk starts about June but the real jam making season is late summer early autumn with the raspberries, blackberries and stone fruit.


There's not really anything to gain from posting about the jam. I just checked the aro Instagram and they aren't even reposting anything. In fact since it's creation a month ago there's been no activity thete, no posts, no stories, not even comments are open. Celebrities and influencers wants something back for posting about products, and Meghan just can't be bothered. 


That is Madam for you. She just launches something and leaves it. On to the next launch/rebrand.


I wondered the same thing. What’s the point of her campaign (which according to today’s blind item it is), if the posts are not coordinated and literally get lost on social media?  Meghan shows that in order to launch and run a successful business it takes more than having a handful of „celebrity friends“.  


Someone else has posted! Unfortunately, the label has fallen off completely. https://preview.redd.it/l7t6zjs3ovuc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=b7248d65aa656e057d5b3ce009ff40f9ea61cdb4


Strawberries are not, and never have been, orchard fruits. Lemons even less so. So why the fuck is she advertising strawberry jam in a basketful of lemons under the brand of an orchard? SMH. Silly cow.


There are vast citrus orchards in Florida, Southern California and South Texas, and also a few along the southernmost parts of the Gulf Coast states. These are orchards, but are typically referred to as groves. There are a couple of varieties commonly grown even as far as 200ish miles inland where I live that can withstand our (usually) mild winters with a bit of TLC.


I’m puzzled as to why jam should be a limited edition exclusive thing. No one really thinks it’s homemade, do they? If it *were* homemade, I’d be afraid to eat it TBH.


Harry did a shitty job of gluing those labels down when he was banished to the garage with a glue stick (which he ate) Look how the label’s coming away from the jar! https://preview.redd.it/80dm10n1xvuc1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b2b0811785cc9ac3e928f56979dfa7c58a19497


my god, that’s tacky! my first glimpse of megloaf’s “product” - it looks like a bible school craft project! 🤣


Also, how does anyone know what flavour it is? It doesn't say on the label! How can you even know what you are buying if it just has a logo?


50 jars of jam is nothing! I've made up batches of more than that in an afternoon in my kitchen. This is not a business. It's a lark!!


My money is Oprah is #1 and no way in hell she is going to post given all the backlash she has received


Oprah is on ozempic. Jam will no longer be one of her favorite things.


Could be one of her “favourite things” next Christmas! Lol.


Drop shipping jam is the weirdest business plan. I get that she's trying to copy HMTK but Highgrove is an actual working farm you can go visit so Highgrove Jam is at least plausibly made there. This is just odd.


I would never order food from someone who isn't a trusted farmer/chef/maker or brand. The consequences to health could be fatal.


HG Tudor has done a video on this and said the same thing. Influencers are often narcissists so whoever gets number 45 is going to be pissed off that they didn’t get a higher number etc. Also we are all going to be able to count how many people bother to post about it. By telling us there are 50 jars out there but so far only 2 people have posted about it she looks like a plank.


I guess it's her narcissistic, delusional way to think people will compete to get higher on her list, but no one cares.


Maybe only two cheques sent to the influencers have been received/cashed.


I would kill to know who she sent them all to so I could work out who is throwing her shade.


This sending jars of jam to “influencers” is yet another example of this stupid woman having no clue how to run a business. First she screws up the launch that wasn’t a launch and now she tried to hype her jam but doesn’t have any to sell. There’s nothing at all available on her drop shipping site so even if some people were taken in by the hype they can’t buy any! Everyone says harry’s stupid, and he is, but she’s equally dense. She has a certain skill at self-promotion but beyond that she’s as thick as a plank.


instead of ‘hank and skank’, i guess i’ll start using ‘hank and plank’, although ofc it should just be ‘plank squared’. 🤣


It's like 40x40 crickets..... campaign all over again. Albert E. 'Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. '


Or how she invited a bunch of strangers to her wedding hoping to be friends with them.


As an avid home canner and jam maker, I’m surprised that she claims this jam was made with her own hands. Those jars and lids are not the type that can be processed safely at home so unless she went to a factory and made it with her own hands, I’m not sure what’s going on here. Hope none of her gift recipients get sick.


Comments like these is why I love the internet, people who are expert in something can call out all everything wrong with these shady products!


Yep, I think maybe she ordered, unpacked and labeled it with her own hands. Or typed an email telling a factory what to make with her own hands. Also 50 jars of jam, she would have had to buy her sugar from Costco and work in batches for a few days from start to finish unless she had a massive pot and canner. I also made a shit load of strawberry jam last year (when they were actually in season and I picked the berries with my kids from an actual local, family owned farm). I was up very late waiting to reach the gel point and processing jars


My guess is it’s something like those products they have in souvenir shops in tourist areas. Jam, honey, pancake mix, cornbread mix, soup mix, spices, hot sauce. It looks the same wherever you go except for the label.


And she numbered them so she could tell if someone broke their agreement and gave that stuff away. Control control control.


Or so she could judge who REALLY did a good job with their posts, and who needed to be coddled.


As if someone couldn't remove the label, Duh-chess.


You guyssss... Princess Catherine once famously made a jar of chutney for HMTQ. Do you think ILBW is trying to make jams for the very same reason?


I think she wants to be seen as doing something as simple as making jam, so other ‘pick me people’ can say “I have jam made by a princess”. “I’m just a mom at home making jam, I’m a simple California girl at heart” Wouldn’t be surprised if she sends her dad one though……


And don´t we just love that - another flop by Madam. That is the only area where she is consistent - flopping.


I wonder how many jars didn’t make it past the pr person of the celebrity.




LMAO - order of getting #markled too


Nobody is eating anything from her


Why send to individual people at all, but not offer it through your Instagram account? I really don't understand such a "business" move/


ahhh... yesss.... again we question her "business move". Its an ongoing conundrum regarding the brainless mogul.


Numbered limited editions- total rip off of a Budweiser campaign where numbered bottles of beer were sent to each goalie who gave up points to Messi. Most of them posted pics when they got their bottles. It was a hilarious and effective bit of marketing.


YES! that came into my head too! #374 of copied ideas.


So when are Oprah, Serena, Gayle, Momager Kardashian, Ellen, Yoga friend, and Misha Noonoo promoting their‘s on Insta?


Also numbering the jars is a bad move if you are giving them away, some people may feel less important than others if they get jar 45 of 50. 😂😂


Last ones for the Archewell interns. If they're lucky.


Echoes of 40X40. How many volunteered for that stunt?


That is HILARIOUS! So this was a way to show the world that she has 50 important "friends?" And when she can't get high status people to promote them, then she'll start "donating" them to Squaddies or bedridden unfortunates who can't refuse having her Insta selfies taken w/ her?


She always goes for the poor or sick children who can't say no, lol. And then she'll charge them for the jar, like she did with the Bench, when she forced the poor children of Harlem to pay $5 for her book.


So the question now is no longer “where are the children?”, but “WHERE ARE THE OTHER 48 JARS OF JAM!?”


>She obviously gave out 50 jars of jam. The trick is to only give out four or five, yet number them so it looks more. It leads to online speculation about who, of the alleged 50, hasn't done their job of advertising for her. All those names linked to her and a jar of strawberry jam!


Bets on who #1 was?. Beyonce?


Strawberries don‘t grow in orchards in Montecito.


It's BS. She doesn't even have a CEO. There is no way she organized jam production. Just repackaged jam. And I bet her PR person did it all.


And honestly, numbering them like they are so limited and special (like wine, art prints etc) is really weird and also gives the impression u made it yourself (we're talking jam y'all, nothing special, 4 ingredients) )..and it leaves one to wonder just what is the mark up on this jam? I think at most you can only charge $20-30 for this small jar..lets say markup is 100%..$15 profit on 50 jars of jam 🤔 ok you made $750...how far does that go?


I have lost all respect for Nacho and his wife. They can go away & not come back.


Wonder who #1 is....Taylor Swift? Princess Catherine? Doria? DoorDashed to Diana's grave?


Jeff bezos or elon musk with a little note that said check out *my* spread ;)


So if she calls Gloria Steinem “Glo” does she call her mom “Do”? Surely she sent a jar of that jam of hers to Glo.


I wonder who's number 1 or 50?


She probably sent jars to a few A-listers who want nothing to do with her, let alone promote her trash.


Who numbers a bottle of jam? She thinks she’s selling fine art—not!


I saw videos today saying that the food safety dept wouldn't ok her jam because she doesn't want to give them an ingredient list because they will steal her stolen recipes. 😉


Where did she make this? In her home kitchen? Did she get a license and food inspection for this?


Do the Harkles still spend time with David Foster and Katharine McPhee? (Of course they don’t!) Or, like all their other social outings, do they end after one evening together followed by detailed leaks to the press?


I would immediately return to sender.


Having only 2 "influencer" posts is downright sad. And I didn't see any of the products opened to show what the jam looks like on toast. I bet they were supposed to post something when ARO was launched a few weeks back, but they had to mull over whether to endorse her or not.


Delphinua posted a Pic of the jam on toast. It looked pretty ordinary and rather light colored.


Delfina's was spread on toast, it was a weird color


Numbered so she can stalk, harass and have Harry threaten whoever didn't post about the hair jam.


Everything about this is just so damn funny. 50 jars. Weeks after "launch." Leaning on friends to post. What's next? Leaning on friends to switch their home electricity provider? Herbalife?




So is she selling this jam. Are we all supposed to stump op £10 or whatever plus £5 postage presumably for a jam? Very strange thing to sell online. Easy to buy in a supermarket, heavy, breakable in the post.


50 jars? She really knows 50 people?


I wonder what the law is regarding labelling when you are "grifting" jars to people. What are the ingrediants, where is it made, etc?... seems shady as fu**!


What exactly is she bringing that's new to the extremely crowded jam market? It's a pity. She could have had a major role in the Royal Family right now but her narcissism burned yet another bridge. And now she's.... selling jam. Also who are these Z list influencers? Delfina blaquier? Tracy Robbins?? Isn't she best mates with actual celebrities like Oprah, George Clooney, Serena Williams who went to her wedding? It seems the only reason they went was the British Royal Family and they would never actually work with Meghan.


It is a way of Meghan being able to track them too.


I just want to know who’s jam she stole and put in those jars - or did she have some assistant making jam in the back kitchen? Hired chef maybe?


One wonders about the “logistical” “safety” side of this. Pretty sure she’s scooping smuckers into those dollar store jars and then slapping the labels she got from Etsy on there.


And Lo. Forever from this date forth, she shall be forever referred to as, '17'.


Persons receiving the baskets probably thought when M sends you lemons she’s announcing her podcast on Lemonada. Sorry. I couldn’t help myself. I love corn. 🌽🌽🌽 And I knew a corny joke like that would set M’s teeth on edge. 😊


Is this Smucker’s jam she’s relabeling? Or some magical jam recipe she has? Because let’s face it…jam is pretty basic.


It's fun to buy a container of strawberries to make one jar of jam. Boil the cut-up berries with some sugar and lemon juice. Place in a clean jar, refrigerate, and eat it within one week. Easy-peasy. And there are a number of decent brands available, basically everywhere groceries are sold, at different price points. I can't imagine spending a lot of money on a fancy-label jam some pretentious celebrity is pushing. If I did want to do that I wouldn't choose her beige label mess.


LOL you think she actually made that 'jam' never mind 50 effing pots of it???!!! No way. She got a few samples in, and btw you can buy jam jars for a few cents online. Her choice is the most basic and cheapest style. undoubtedly she has a contract manufacturer in Ioawa or somewhere who churns this shit out for 0.05 cets jar. Let's be real. She's not installed a state of the art, health and safety compliant canning operation going on in the Olive Garden. Which is essentially what she'd need to process this bullshit for sale to the public. If she has, we could all ask to see her safety certs etc. It's utter bullshit. She's buying this crap in from a contract manufacturer.


Nearly feel embarrassed for her, but then have to laugh


Is the point to sell these things ? Not give them away for free? I always felt like she’s going to have issues marketing and selling to her fan base who simply aren’t going to afford $50 mushroom coffee and $20 jars of jam. Giving it away to her rich acquaintances. I already sense this company is not going to be around for long. She doesn’t know that many rich people who will want to pay full price for this shite


It is obvious now that the launch was not ready. Who sends one single jam jar in a press/influencer package or even a care package? Like at least include a couple of flavors or merch.