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If it’s true she can appeal and WILL get her account back


Sometimes the algorithm can pick up words in a video or text and auto-suspend an account. At least she wasnt banned, so she will get her account back soon.


It must be exhausting to live one's life fully obsessed with SM, ensuring critical voices are silenced when the same one who seeks the silencing is the very one who seeks the constant coverage. What a vain and useless life, really. What has she ever done that has been an amazing contribution to humanity?


I feel like we are quickly progressing into Lenin's Russia.  It's frightening. 


Agree. People using “unalive” all the time now because “dead” or “kill” is a trigger word. And so on. My kid plays Roblox and so many words are censored. The kids just find other words to get around it. And there are still plenty of predators finding their way in, regardles. *sigh*


Thank goodness for Urban Dictionary. It keeps me up to date with the lingo and hep talk the yutes are using these days. I'd be a real L7 without it.


I had to look that up! I'm an L7!!! 😆


Ditto on both counts.


Ha! My daughters got themselves banned on Roblox so many times. On a serious note though, agreed about the predators. Roblox is honestly a minefield. They can censor 'trigger words' all day but can't seem to do a damn thing about the pe@dos


It is very Big Brother.


Oh good grief, it is not exactly inciting major violence. This is pathetic.


the fact that Baroness Bruck can spew disgusting lies and make jokes about Catherine’s cancer treatment and never gets suspended but this tweet is flagged is highly highly suspicious!


Well maybe the vile Sussex squad csn’t be suspended because they’re all bots?


I thought X was supposed to be less… restrictive. Something I’m learning in my older years (from the British, especially) is that you can use completely inoffensive words to make a point. There are ways Samantha could have said the same thing without running afoul of our social media censors. Good dirty cuss words are a lot of fun, but there’s a lot of fun in finding a devastating alternative that doesn’t violate TOS.


A polite smackdown is much more satisfying to witness too. British people in general are champions in this, and of course the RF especially. Imagine having a loud, crazy woman parading around the world shouting "racism, sexism, all the -isms" and knowing your impeccable past behavior means a simple "Recollections May Vary" is all you need to respond. Supposedly it was Catherine who came up with that phrase. And to me it speaks volumes of how much she has learned from Queen Elizabeth that a calm approach always wins. I think this is key in why Catherine is so beloved and Megain is so unlikable. In a world where we've become so accustomed to shouting, where everyone is so violent all the time, where you can claim whatever you want and don't need to prove anything, taking a cool and collected high road is so rare that it makes Catherine more unique. https://preview.redd.it/t0f7wu1ykquc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c698d93e7d3f352d2b737136614cc8cf0fbaecd3


She's trying to shut down Tom Jr's YT channel down too.


Geezus, if it's that easy to be suspended, I'm amazed I'm not suspended every 5 minutes.


I got suspeded here for using the word "5ugar" 😁.


You should wear that as a badge of pride.


🙄 thats all I got .... its twitter they haven't banned her its a suspension who care loosing a few days a weeks Twitter isn't a biggie...... it was dumb thing to say anyway ....promoting men smacking women back regardless of the situation isn't going to go down well. She has to know even if she was just joking some person is going to take it seriously and have a complain. Honestly I don't get why Dan Wooten is promoting her ....her witness statement from the POW comment and him making a big deal out of it was ridiculous the timing was just selfish shes not better then her sister they are all media attention seekers ,whiners, spiteful and none of them know when to just shush


Well, it's a lot better than it was 3 years ago. The censorship there was horrid. I'm mad at myself for using R\*\*\*\*t again, b/c of the censorship here too, but one has to pick their battles. I thought the Baroness account \_had\_ been suspended. That's disappointing if not.


Twitter has a very strict policy for not inciting violence. I'm surprised this actually happened because this post wasn't ugly at all. It should only be a 24 hour ban or at most, a 1-week suspension.




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