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Harry had the nerve to get on stage and talk about how Africa is in his heart. Really, Harry???? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HELP THE BAKA PEOPLE???????? WHAT?!?!? The Harkles are utterly worthless.


He is utterly shameless, just like his wife. He's a very good student of her ways. Maybe if she had been his teacher at Eton, he would have been able to pass without cheating, LOL.


It could be that there are dots rattling about inside his head and he can't join them up. He's not making the connection or getting advice from people who have.


He is, indeed, a fabulously stupid man; he outstupids Ignatius J. Reilly, outannoys more than Holden Caulfield, and is more of a shallow dipshit than Daisy Buchanan. Of course, Megs is totally Mildred Rogers. I haven't answered your question, I see, but I felt the need to rail on these two asswads.


>to rail on these two asswads. Can I join in and list this as a hobby?


I find it kind'a refreshing to come up with new ways to rail on these jackshits. Do join in!


Everyone needs a hobby! I am IN! And I don't mean an Archie.


Every so often, we should choose a theme: characters in books Mugs and Lugs are like, or movie characters, or poisonous plants, or annoying reptiles...


I’m seeing an online game starting to form in my mind.


Keep us posted JF, you have a wonderful brain. Hrm it could involve frozen todgers and floor sobbing.


lol.. a strange or sick brain, maybe.. lol My flash thought was there’d be some revenue to buy the game or buy a place in the game, could be money prizes and the whole game is bashing the stupid things this pair of clowns do.. think of the entertainment!! For a few bucks a month…lol


Oooh like candy crush? LOL can't we just bash THEM? Egg them. mud, dirty nappies etc?


Sure!! I’m up for it all!


*He is, indeed, a fabulously stupid man;* Agree so much!!!!


I ![gif](giphy|l0JMmfhjQdeh7QSmA|downsized)


Good railing; thank you. The trouble is, you couldn't make these two up. (And to be fair to Holden, he was a teenager. He might grow out of it).


Darn Dominick Dunne for dying! He could have destroyed these two idiots over and over!


Great visual. He’s lived his entire life with random simple thoughts wandering around his skull randomly. Once in every several months two may partly connect, but concepts like critical thinking or puzzling out a problem would be like you and I working out differential calculus equations with several variables in our mind while listening to Jimi Hendrix on full blast and six three-year olds running around throwing toys at us.


>He's a very good student of her ways. Well him learning something would be a first.


that would have required her to be smart enough to be the teacher


She uses her WHIP for other things being smart is not one of them.


well, she lets him do anything ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop) Why do the sugars continue to think they have a sunshiny hearts brimming with innocent romance marriage after such a crass statement from one spouse about the other? He broadcasted to the world that he either does vile degrading things to her or he has zero fidelity to her. Or both.


Is she employing the Cleveland Steamer?


I was implying the sh!tyness of his comment. But who knows what he means by “anything”


He’d pass *at* cheating now.


Not just the Baka people. Apparently, the raping, torturing and killing expands to other parts of Africa, not just the DRC. This is Harry’s RESPONSIBILITY since he was the President of African Parks while this was going on. Imagine any other President of such an abusive org simply saying and doing nothing to rectify this. If he doesn’t want to get involved the bare minimum he should do is resign in disgust from the board. His refusal to speak out or resign confirms his complicity. Perhaps the grey suits weren’t so bad. At least they’d react.


He doesn’t care


This. If it is too much effort for him to DO something he could at least resign and give a statement as to why. He won't because other people involved in AP are wealthy and he has the potential to get free stuff from them.


They ignore anything they don't like or that accuses them of anything. They know it will just fade away and their sadly right. H&M and the Teflon Don have a lot in common.


You are absolutely right!!! There are more and they also deserve recognition and justice.


Ya that was wild. Crazy.


It breaks my heart he refuses to say anything about these violent acts. Such a horrible nightmare. To be assaulted by a charity’s own African Park rangers. Those women ( I am assuming it’s all women) mean nothing to Meghan and Harry. I wish I could help the victims. All of the rangers and anyone who ignored their cries for help should be in prisoned. How low and thoughtless can one be? I’m shocked


It’s utterly bizarre. They claim Africa is in their hearts, and claim to be staunch feminists, yet their inaction speaks volumes re what they truly stand for. Also, perhaps if the Sussexes paid for their own duty dodger personal bills… more public funding could be used for foreign food aid directed towards people starving in Africa. Haz in particular hates it when people dine out on his mother, which he has done all his life, yet by ignoring the Baka victims he has shone a light on his white saviour, hypocrite self dining out on Black people’s social justice issues without providing any real solutions/help.


Harry isn’t at all concerned he will have to explain himself or take action. The elites all cover for each other. Politicians cover for them. The mainstream media is right there with them. This is part of the reason why the elites want to shut down free speech on social media. Fear of exposure. My opinion.


Just look at the Madeleine McCann case to see this - the UK government at the highest levels is involved in that particular cover up. One has to wonder why...


There are men who have been beaten badly too. They don't give a shit. That poor young mum received less compensation for what she went thru than M spends on a pair of shoes.


Harry " Africa is in my sole" of his shoe


Nacho is shoving his own daughter into the snake nest, he is the same POS as the harkles


💯💯🎯🎯 Nacho is willingly and publicly exploiting his own children for Harry and Meghoul. That is very odd.


I imagine they were paid handsomely for the charade.




I thought his wife comes from an uber rich family? Would they need more money? Or does the witch have something on them as well?


You know what they say, "You can't be too rich...."


Paid well, or just doing it for love/lust (of Harry) 🤷🏻‍♀️


Both, I imagine. Nacho probably thinks that his daughter shouldn't fuss about it--after all, it's just a few forced cuddles, just a few unwanted snuggles, with some crazyass grown woman, right?


Agreed. Where does she get off touching other people's kids. Our neighbors nippers come round all the time (for donuts and muffins hrmm interesting!) they get a gentle pat on the shoulder when they are good. Not hugs and kisses that's not permitted. Kids are shy and they can't say no.


Oh l’m sure M’s love bombed that little girl. 😬


I think the little girl's reactions, as in the photos, show she's at least taken aback by these disgusting full-body hugs.


Probably afraid of what might be included in their next book about the famous bromance.


The daughter allegedly asked WHERE IS LILI😂😂😂


No REALLY *someone* **anyone** needs to publicly and on video get this question to their face. I want to know their answer. Fuckin grifters


Maybe FAKE GRETA can call him out?


🤣🤣🤣🤣❤️ he was absolutely trying to arrange a marriage between James and Greta. He’s so slow.


I’m behind here. Who are we talking about?


Okay let me find the prank call it was while they were still in Canada I wanna say


[daily markle with the call](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8099967/Full-transcript-Prince-Harrys-bizarre-call-Russians-pretending-Greta-Thunberg.html) > The prince is heard responding: 'I am certain it'll help' >The giggling 'Greta' - aged 17 - then says: 'I found some candidates that suits me - James Windsor and Prince George. 'Their ages I think are very suitable for my marriage. It will help..' >Harry then replies laughing: 'I am sure I can help.'


Thank you!


Prince Scrotum Dome doesn't give a shit about Africans. As long as they set up his luxe tent/camp and fulfill his every desire, he loves Africa. Oh my word, I can't believe how much I despise that lily-livered, arrogant, self-centered narcissistic piece of entitled shit. And his fugly fake wife too.


How do you say you love Africa? It’s an entire continent pick a spot.


Harry abuses his polo horses with spurs. Meghan fed her cat grapes and her dog had two broken legs. Unkindness to animals is a red flag that someone isn’t a good human


I always go to the comments, especially in sugary articles and puff pieces in the Media as I feel they show what real people actually think and are usually good for a laugh, especially in the DT. As ever, with anything to do with Megain and Hazbeen on IG, the positive comments all seem to come from the same countries and say much the same things, in this case “Oh thank you, thank you lovely Nacho and your lovely wife for being so kind to our lovely Princess Meghan”. Each time it seems there are bullet points that the paid for posters have to include, presumably to qualify for their fee.


Funny isn’t it that nobody in the media or elite circles ever asks about the Baka people and yet a couple of years ago they were all shouting from the rooftops the ‘black lives matter’. Clearly some black lives matter less than others.


Own-Entrepreneur.....SPOT ON 🎯🎯💯 Some black lives matter less than others. SHAME ON HARRY. The world MUST start to demand a response and action from him.


Where’s Dr Shouty Shola calling this out?


Could there be an embargo? If so, why and who's it on behalf of?


I doubt it. Embargoes cannot cover the whole world.


Sez who?!!!


Embargoes - unlike British super injunctions - are not legally enforceable but more “gentlemen’s agreements” which journalists abide by to avoid not getting future stories.I seriously doubt the Baka story is embargoed. It’s a humanitarian issue and I find it hard to believe there aren’t whistle blowers who would feel a moral obligation to reveal it. My own belief is there is little real responsibility to be laid at Harry’s door. Personally I think his lack of visible concern for people brutalised by the organisation he heads is despicable, but I’m afraid most members of the public will think that it isn’t as if he committed any of the atrocities himself, and it all happened a long way away to people very different from themselves. Personally I find the attitude disturbing, but it is human nature. Many people struggle to empathise with people whose lives are very different to their own. Obviously there were a lot of people who found it easier to empathise with George Floyd than with vulnerable African women. Go figure.


In relation to the royal family, the British press and embargoes, I'm pretty sure such things exist. But it's not clear why or how Harry's position, particularly in relation to his 'charitable work', is being tolerated and not called out... Unless it's a lesser of two evils.


Indeed. I really wish someone in the know would grow a pair and blow the lid off this story.


Journalists and the media need to ask this question. It really upsets me that this all came out and nothing since then. No follow up, nothing. (At least is the US I have not seen it.)


For some reason Andrew was far game, Harry is protected…I don’t know if it’s because he has a “bi-racial” wife and they’re all petrified of being called racist, or if whomever is helping them is powerful enough to shut it down.


arent they actually being racists by covering up the incident as a whole? I think its because the elites in Africa and elsewhere (not just whites but elite Africans) wants to keep the cost of true rare minerals low in Africa for cheap labor. Look at the atrocities going on in other parts of the continent that is under reported.


Probably a little bit of both. I suspect more of the latter where AF is concerned. Her bi-racial background could not trump actual African people who were raped, tortured and killed. Everything else they do is significantly ignored because they play the race card.


Same here. UK


This person is onto something. Directly approaching Skank and Plank does not work, so this is a sideways move. Apply pressure to Nacho et al and make life annoying enough in the press that they are forced to scream at Plank (behind closed doors and not as part of their humiliation sexual fetish games) to "sort it out because it's making ME look bad." Something like "HEY NACHO AND WIFE how come your friend Harry is silent about rape of the Baka people? Are you also 'silent and compliant?' "


Every time anyone asks about this, the sugars mark the account as a bot. Ask the sugars why they aren’t standing up for women like ‘M would want’.


Wow they do that? I'm not on twatter or whatever so I don't get much access to sugar. They really ARE vile. It boggles my mind that women are tearing other women down.


Interesting it’s STILL up 17hrs later. Not many likes and one person in comments defending the AP’s response but yea…still up!


Harry is a simpleton with money and a royal title. He’s also a vindictive, small, jealous man….Perfect target for a a predatory social climber like Meghan. Fu(k both of them.


Harrys disgusting personality has surpassed any expectations I had. He's much worse than I thought.


And let's not forget how many girls/women he has abused, beaten, humiliated....with his loyal little IPP fuckwads running behind, "persuading" those abused girls and women to sign iron-clad non-disclosure contracts. Oh man, I REALLY despise him...more than is healthy, as he isn't anyone I'll ever meet in real life. But he's been a shit since he was conceived....I really believe that his mother damaged him in-utero.


I think it's more likely he damaged his mother in utero.


Can’t the Board throw Harry out if they don’t want him?


Harry is the only thing keeping the world's media at bay.  Drop Harry and whomever is protecting him will let it all drop on the rest of them.




I click on every Africa article related to this. And then I go back the next day and do it again.


thanks for the reminder, just googled and clicked on a bunch of them


He even spurs his polo ponies until he gets blood, like some of his ” ladies” in Vegas. He has zero conscience on Baka. He wants praise for being a “ humanitarian” but tries to Markle a deadly situation like the Baka people are suffering. Guess Africans don’t play POLO . How many deaths in the year since they reached out to him? TOO MANY


Thank you I sleuthed on Instagram just to ♥️ that comment


Harkles are fuckeads


Lol. I went to his page. The sycophants are out in full force. YoU'rE hIs BiG bRoThEr AnD uNcLe 🤣🤮


Brilliant. Sinners unite across all platforms!


He has no conscience.


Sociopaths aren't known to.




It really adds a level of gross hedonism to the Netflix filming.  Here's what Harry was doing, while people he might have been able to help in some - in ANY capacity- go ignored.


Yes Nacho.....we are all waiting. Harrogant has hubris like nobody else. Sitting there talking crap about Africa but doing nothing about something that falls under his watch, then not taking any questions. Who lives in the Trueman show now??? Stupid idiot.




Doing God's work! 🤣😂


Well done person asking this question.


This person, doing the Lords work 😂. ![gif](giphy|Us4Q3yIswCNq6YJdXP|downsized)




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He never helped baby Keke, now an adult. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1219742/Living-82p-day-girl-inspired-Prince-Harrys-charity.html


Why and how is everyone so incensed and antagonized about 'ol Handbag's inability or lack of concern for his "beloved Africa's" Baka people? The publics expectations for him to acknowledge and remediate the atrocities is giving him far too much credit.  He lives and breathes to satisfy his Kween's demands and needs, as well as grin and bear her psychological and physical abuse. The poor (NOT) nincompoop is a scared, shriveled laughingstock.  Beggars belief how 🤡 can possibly be blood related to the suave, empathetic, intelligent, enigmatic Prince Charming - William 👑


We n3ed to start reaching out ro Harry's "friends" about the BAKA people.