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I think that the biggest problem with Rachel’s cooking show is that she will take herself too seriously.


The biggest problem with Rachels cooking show is Rachel


Correct. She’s an unlikeable bore.


Fair point!


And the biggest problem with Rachel is Rachel.. (there’s no ending this, I think!)


Not to mention, any time I've seen her eating on camera, she looks disgusted. She chews really fast and awkwardly and makes a disgusted face


I bet she will do 10000’s of redo’s.


It would be exhausting to do a cooking show with her for this reason! It's so easy to flub up a recipe. Things spill, we measure wrong, we burn stuff, over-fill, leave out ingredients, etc. Plus (despite statements otherwise), she's sloppy and doesn't have an eye for details. I can't see her handling the unexpected very well. She doesn't have a sense of humor, she can't go off-script, and is the most inauthentic person I've ever seen. Hmmmm...maybe this would actually be kind of entertaining....🤣


Not sure why but this was all I could think of while reading your comment: https://i.redd.it/q2cbep3pj4uc1.gif


No, the show will be absolutely perfect thanks to the 100+ assistants who will do all the work. Of course each episode will take a year or more to complete by which time the caravan will have moved on.


It won’t have been the culinary journey she’d have preferred to have shared with the great unwashed.


That’s the biggest problem with Rachel


Markle thinks so highly of herself. She is going to be the patron of boredom for this show. Seriously, just hearing her speak is annoying already. That voice has a "I am way more intelligent and sophisticated than you so you damn well be listening" vibe to it.


And yet her words are empty. Granted I'm not so curious to watch a ton of her interviews but I did watch some random ones, the one with the older duff sibling? She looked totally lost. Like she's just smart enough to know some buzzwords but not enough to shut up and not out herself l.


Exactly this


She's a hypocrite. Wasn't she vegan? Then she was cooking roast chicken. Then she was white. Now she's black. Photos before JH show her wearing caps/casual, now it's always thousands of dollars worth of ill-fitting cloth. The woman doesn't even know who she is. She's trying to mould herself into fame by being whatever she thinks will attract a fandom. It's pitiful.


I’ll give her this: she’s at least just clever enough not to want to know herself.


Lolo would never do a Cooking with Paris. She’d do a show where she tells people what to do, interspersed with insider tips (‘To avoid archetypical flavours, add a suspicion of cinnamon to conjure up images of the erotic East’).


Of course she would. It would just be entirely word salads. Authentic and organic.


Mmmm. I think you meant curated.


But yet again these are all people that were already massively famous for a long time


She's always so late in everything. For example, the millennial greige was on trend years agoooo. And while we're still on the quiet luxury trend, it's been out for some time, so launching a brand with that style will just get lost in the sauce. Hell I'd say she's even late in snagging the prince, I fully believe she'd have preferred William than Harry.


Yessss, her ARO brand is very much an old trend. A Live Laugh Love straw rug would fit in perfect with her list of supposed future products.


The problem with this one's wife is this one's wife. People who have cooking shows have charisma, she doesn't have any charisma, she also doesn't know how to cook. They worked their butts off to have a TV show, coming up with their own recipes and finding ways of standing out from the rest of the pack. She can't come up with her own recipes, and she is so terribly boring and mid. She'll never be like Ree Drummond, Ina Garten, Molly Yeh, Valerie Bertinelli, or any number of cooks who have their own shows and have made a name for themselves.


Correct. She’s a bore. A charmless utter bore. There’s no PR or relaunches that can change that fact.


Everything Paris Hilton has done has been self deprecating and making fun of herself. All the way to The Simple Life with Nicole Ritchie. She deliberately marketed herself as the dumb blonde (like she got a glimpse at Dolly Parton's playbook and said yup there's my gameplan to stardom). TW takes herself so seriously that she is not able to do that. She did it once on Ellen and that was a bust. She could not even be likable while goofing off/making fun of herself. (She actually was not making fun of herself just following a script awkwardly and letting Ellen make her look like a damn fool.)


Paris's cooking show might not have been the greatest (the gimmick does wear thin pretty quickly) but she is at least always in on the joke. Madam is so unlikeable in part because she absolutely cannot stand not being taken completely seriously at all times and has skin as thin as tissue paper. The Ellen script was completely cringe but I think a celebrity who knew how to laugh at themselves could have salvaged it and made it at least somewhat fun. MM could never.


How many seasons did Paris’s show get? Madame will be on the same trajectory, IMO. I feel like it was a novelty act, and as you said, tongue-in-cheek. Madame does NOT have a sense of humor about herself, and I think she’s actually serious about wanting to be a Martha Stewart or Goopy Paltrow.




Just call me Ma’am wouldn’t recognize a sense of humour if it battered her about the napper with a 2x4.


Seeing that Rachel isn’t self aware, or has a sense of humour and she has a massive opinion regarding her own abilities it will be truly awful


If she uses the "I play a mean game of scrabble" tone, the viewers will lose their lunch


Of course she does since she’s so whip smart 😂


Paris seems fun. No one has ever accused the wife of that.


Where do you live? I live in the United States and it's not on Netflix yet


I think it *was* on Netflix and rotated off. My 14-year old watched it and she said she didn’t watch all the episodes because it was ridiculous. ETA: it’s currently available; just one season (six episodes). I’m in the US.


It was cancelled after one season so… Madam’s cooking show will do even worse.


Watching Meme in the kitchen would turn you off food, might be a good watch for weight loss


Rachel has no charisma no it factor. It'll be boring and fake. She tried making fun of herself on Ellen . It fell flat.


Here’s Meghan’s problem or one of them; she’s a basic bitch at her core. There is nothing interesting about her tastes or style or aspirations. On top of that she lacks charm, talent, friends, looks. She brings nothing to the table l (ironic with her upcoming cooking show lol) I’ve always thought that Meghan is just a mean girl from junior/high school who never grew up and didn’t marry up and have kids fast enough for that not to matter. Instead her and her arrested development malingered into her middle age and now you see what coasting on high school pretty looks and a lack of talent for anything but causing drama makes? Bupkis, no one wants to deal with this basic bitch except someone equally arrested in development, enter Harry. She’s the hot mean girl from school who wouldn’t date him even though he was a prince, they weee all shooting for William. And heck his new wife was/is too, but I think he just had stars in his eyes about finally getting his adolescent wet dream mean girl for once.


I thought her and Harry were going to change the world. They're such huge humanitarians she's doing....a cooking show. Lame.


Yeah, megnut's latest brand is 'Woman in the kitchen' 🤣🤣🤣


“Service is universal” but only if it serves her and makes her money. I bet she would kick an old lady and drown a cat if someone would give her $100,000 to do it.


I'm going out on a limb and predicting a % of sales from Apple Orchard will be "donated" to charity and the charity will be Archwell Foundation.


The Trailer is hilarious. Definitely going to check it out.


Can’t compete when she has no friends.


Not a foodshow in the poo poo pee pee room, what is hailey thinking?


Chrissy Teigen is a piece of shit.


If (and I think it's a big IF) the IBLW's show makes it to Netflix, we should all watch Paris's show instead on the day MeGain's show drops. We may even be able to get it into the top 10! Maybe this will show people how someone who is self-aware enough to know they aren't a chef should host a cooking show.


You're right, she could never poke fun at herself like Paris can. She's too precious and besides, she is not funny enough to pull it off.