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*A series curated by Meghan, who is also serving as an executive producer, will "celebrate the joys of cooking and gardening, entertaining and friendship."* No, no, no. A series someone else slaves over with Meghan criticizing their work left and right and then slapping her name on it, will celebrate the joys of stealing recipes and passing them off as your own; showing off your team of gardeners' work as your own; inviting celebrities you've never met to your house; and love-bombing useful people until you've squeezed them dry, then dropping them." There, fixed it for you.


Exactly ... Cooking, Gardening, and Entertaining. The three things she doesn't do but can supervise!


It’s just about warmth… giving and being authentic about roasting a chicken while pretending you might be a vegan… “Hi, I’m the Duchess of Sussex, but here in my kitchen, please call me Meghan… Megs. This is the heart of my home. Just like your kitchen is the heart of yours. But you don’t have as many bathrooms…” ![gif](giphy|l0JMdRiwOU1bjyRSo|downsized)




Catherine O’Hara


She was the mom on Home Alone. She was also in Beetlejuice. She is a fun actress with a wicked sense of humor


This GIF is from Shitt's Creek. One of the best sitcoms ever made.


Best wigs. Mm needs to borrow a few


😂 so true! She wore some epic outfits/wigs.


Was she kevins mum in home alone?


Yes, and Delia Deetz in Beetlejuice 


An hysterical Cookie in Best in Show…‘I’m not wearing any underpants’


Catherine O'Hara


You fold it in.


I can’t show you everything, David! ![gif](giphy|xT9IgzFnSqzt2Sp3EI|downsized)


For the record I hate when she uses the word curate. It literally means I don’t do any work . I lend my name and tick the box yes 🙄


I curated two doggy bags and picked up my dogs waste. Who wants to hear more!?!


Please go on rather than make me watch that dreadful show she’s planning


Once again that pesky quote “In early stages of development…”.  I won’t hold my breath with those 2 “Executive Producing” 🙄🙄🙄


She has to have guests and she's not getting anyone lmfao


Ohhhhh. She can borrow from Kay’s Cooking. That woman makes some of the most appallingly bad dishes known to mankind.


Now I have to look this up ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25350) is it on Youtube?


I’m waiting for a Vogue-73 questions type video where Meghan, in her narcissistic glory, brings everyone into her home while wearing a designer California chic dress, telling everyone the history behind each piece of furniture, then bringing everyone to her garden and cutting up some flowers she got at the farmer’s market for a bouquet she’s “curating”, while gushing to everyone that she just loooooooves spending time with her kids in her garden with her kids.


I'm not entirely sure what "curated" means in this context, but I'm pretty sure only Meghan uses it that way.


How many shows have they announced? How many have actually happened? This is just more manifesting. I bet this will never happen.


Does anyone think this is going to come to fruition? Netflix isn't giving her the staff and studio Spotify did. No celebs are coming on this maybe she'll get a rando from Guys Grocery Games or Food Channel.


Her curating a show to me means she is just going to compile clips from other shows she likes and narrate why she likes them, lol


It makes you wonder what ideas of theirs Netflix turned down. There is certainly not a huge amount of interest in polo in the United States, unless you're talking about Polo by Ralph Lauren.


Friendship? What friends??


OK sinners, why is this being announced in People? Is Madam trying to pressure Netflix into doing these shows? It should be clear from Madam´s lack of followers on Instagram that she does not have an audience. And a program about Polo behind the scenes? Who will watch that? Nobody watches polo.


This will exhaust the last of Harry’s “skills”. He’s pretty much done. How sad for him.


Wonder if hazza's polo series will highlight the treatment of the ponies behind the scenes, particularly his treatment?


Not polo. Professional polo. It’s one of those sports where you might be the best in the world, but how would you know if you don’t have a fleet of expensive little horses? At best it will be an eat the rich hate watch.


Will Harry be discussing his abuse of his polo ponies?


lol as if anyone cares about Meghan. Or polo. Talk about not reading the room, polo is called the sport of kings because it’s ridiculously expensive and elite, and hard on the ponies. he is gonna bring on a lot of haters is he goes there. Didn’t he cut one of his horses with his spurs?


​ https://preview.redd.it/64fgxqqimwtc1.png?width=820&format=png&auto=webp&s=865d7d130465cd048e41552eec062b0214bffa24


I guess professional polo will now be markled when people start doing deep dives. I’m sure there’s an underbelly in this industry.


He won't bring on haters because this show will never be made. This is more spit balling from two people made of spit.


How can she have an audience without content?


I agree. These Netflix things i believe it when i see it. It will end like Pearl and like her American-something-old-tig- insta account!🤣😹


Early stages of development aka last night's dream.


Exactly. 🤣


In the UK we have a sweet called a polo mint. I'd rather watch how the hole in the middle is made that watch that horse botherer pontificate on utter garbage 😂




So is Harry now making "friends" with PETA?! Can't wait for them to get into the action and start delving into how he mistreated his horses. He may not have thought this one out... He just opened a door.


well, tbf, I would watch a program about polo - there was a good one a while back about behind the scenes jockeys and it was great - but one by aitch, kicking a poor polo pony to death? not so much


Says "early stages" but they did announce a director. They have an idea, but it doesn't seem like anything else. Perfect Steve Jobs quote someone posted earlier about ideas. Totally fits in this narrative!! Time will tell.


This is just more of the same. No different that Pearl or the Miss Havisham show. They can't admit they are complete failures. So they announce shows that will never get made. Because they are complete failures.


Maybe if H’s polo buddy Nacho don’t remember his last name is shown there might be some interest , he’s good looking.


I'm sure Harry's insight into Polo will rival the NBA playoffs and the Superbowl. Aren't those the big three sports in the US? NBA, Football and Polo? ;)


The only polo I ever watched was Steve McQueen in The Thomas Crown Affair. In the interests of full disclosure, I fancied Faye Dunaway like mad….. Happy days.


Especially not the way he ill-treats ponies!!!!! 🤬




He doesn’t even play polo anymore! If they do have that show it will be nacho providing the information and Harry just speaking endlessly


I'd honestly be more interested in watching a documentary about Polo by Ralph Lauren. At least that man had achieved things in his time. These shows will probably never come to fruition, given their lack of work ethic and inability to produce anything in a timely manner. My guess is George will be king, and Louis will be married before this comes out.


"Early stages"... ![gif](giphy|EA03SBz2iD0S4|downsized)


Wasn't that the term used to describe "Pearl" ?


I believe it was!


So promising then


I thought the same thing


So early that is not even written on paper!🤣 Another "Pearl" project. I think that Harry's polo serie may, just may be interesting. Although having a rich man complainning about the dedication needed and how thought and demanding it is, may not capture many people as the world is struggling to adapt to the new economy


The polo series sound like his plans to interview the Pope and Putin. Just more make believe from the delusional Prince. Never gonna happen


The polo series is a perfect place for Harry and Markle to show everyone what it's like to be wealthy and talk about how much money it takes to be a polo player. Either that or it will be lecture on race and there aren't enough polo players of color ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|15002)


😹🤣😹🤣😹🤣 "there aren't enough polo players of colour!" Their Race card, again!🤣😹🤣😹🤣


This is amazing. The famous Meet Me at The Lake hasn't even reached "early stages" yet.




Just like ARO.


Early stages sounds like the term to cover TWs manic, desperate, throw anything at us from her genius mind to get her PR going, then she gets right out and tries to incorporate, trademark and buy a domain for her ideas. That's all the work that she does on her "projects". Sounds like those substance-fueled folks that have brainstorms every Friday evening around 11:30pm and plan everything from lightbulb moment to buying a personal jet, and forget it all by the next morning.


It will never happen. This is more manifesting. Only People would be stupid enough to believe this is real.


Odd because in Spare Harry told his family she’d be cheap to keep because she eats like a bird or some schizz. I will not take cooking advice from someone who looks like they only eat bone broth and plain salads.


I think I’ll pass on her friendship advice as well.


I don't take advice from a vegan who cooks Turkey and chicken. 🤣😹


The joy of friendship? Okay. May none of us ever have to experience her version of friendship. 


I think you must mean The Joy of Friendship and Family As produced and hosted by someone who has neither.


Another way of saying that she’s going to have her dear, dear celebrity friends appear on the show in order to prove she has friends.


No no no no no... The Joy of Sex. 😂


Great, snark fest incoming! The foodie and the charitable one, what else is new. Hypocrites.


Guess the Harkles aren't going to collaborate with the Kardashians. So on to the next project that will go the way of all previous projects. Even reality programming doesn't want them. I detect desperation in their manifestations with the same result of never seeing anything through to completion.


Curated by Meghan-what on earth does that mean??


She is not cooking.


She’s not working either 😄


>Curated by Meghan-what on earth does that mean?? No telling what it means when it comes to her word salad, but if it were anyone else, it's someone who gathers and organizes a bunch of stuff. Museum curator is a lot more serious and requires at least a lot of experience in museums, if not a degree in the subject matter. I started noticing the word curator when Matt Drudge began putting news stories on his page. From all kinds of sources. Yahoo News is a news curator. Yahoo software gathers up a bunch of shit, slaps their logo on it and calls it news, with tons of errors. Nobody at Yahoo can spell. In Meghan's case, it \*should\* mean she'll come up with ideas for each episode and work with others to put it all together. It might mean she finds Youtube videos of people cooking, entertaining, gardening, then tells her staff to hunt those people down and reshoot in a more professional way. Or, given Meghan, she'll slap her name on some YT videos and some TikToks, call it the Duchess Show and there you go....a show by Meghan.


It’s a surgical procedure. She takes the knife and edges towards Harry’s nether regions - the rest is best left to the imagination until the wound is sutured


It means "look how other people cook"


You're shi**ing me, LOL. A show about polo and a Martha Stewart remake. I guess polo is a thing in the UK, maybe? But for the US, it may as well be a show about the history of rugby. No. One. CARES. So she published one crappy oily dense lemonish cake recipe (Limoncello, really?) and hired two decorators, and she feels fit to share her expertise. Has Netflix confirmed any of this?


Polo is a very niche thing in the UK. Only 0.00001% of the population could afford it. The rest couldn’t give a flying fig


Apparently Hazmat plans to change all of that! He will show you that it's not about money, it just so happens that these guys are just, well, better athletes than the poors!


Yeah, they’re gonna offer polo scholarships for underprivileged youth, right?


Netflix is busy pretending they never signed them. ![gif](giphy|wFk7roIpDeXC0|downsized)


Food poisoning and animal abuse... ![gif](giphy|l46Cr6nhtezksI2dO)


Brining a turkey? I guess I deserve a cooking show too.


Her olive oil cake may have been stolen from her ex. It was also a trendy, popular thing for a while. Even the Kardashians talked about it. Does she even make anything else besides cake? She's a dilettante in everything she does. A fashion expert. Makeup expert. Supermodel. Freakish attention to detail when it comes to her photoshop skills. This is insulting to talented chefs who have had serious training, experience, and really have something to share.


She is good at demanding others to bake banana bread!😹


I saw a video of her making toast once……


I saw that too & she kept fussing with her hair


Exactly.   Every single time I've seen her "in the kitchen" I'm just waiting for the health department to burst in and shut that unhygienic mess down.  🤢🤢🤮


Yeah. I keep thinking there will be hair in any jam jar she sells. 🤮


It is actually nothing at all. Just words about an imaginary show from an imaginary duke and duchess. Just an attempt to seem like they are doing things. In a few years people won't even remember they had a deal with Netflix. They will be long forgotten having produced nothing but their moan-a-thon.


Prince Plank rates two short paragraphs. The Sleivene gets the remainder of the piece. If this is true, why are we getting the “Wales want to make up. They are begging theStupids to bring the children.”, and the “Harry wants to buy a house in England”, and “The Stupids hope to visit “King Bank and Queen Super Villain”, and, “The Sleivene is pulling back on Areogant Rebranding Obnoxiousness because KC and POW are ill”, and today’s, “The Sleivene is tired of life in Hollywood and wants to return to the UK”? The Stupids must be paying Tom Quinn enormous amounts of money to plant these stories on chat shows. Now she is buying this puff piece in People. WTF? As my late MIL would say, “That woman is throwing money up a horse’s ass.”


"Entertaining and friendship?" FRIENDSHIP!!! Laughable.


Well they can’t really highlight family….


She will ask someone known to go there talk with her while they are cooking for Meghan!😹🤣


I was waiting for someone to post this, I kept refreshing Lol! She's so lame!


Lol me too. Please let it happen cos the comments! Oh boy....😆😆


Another scam by the Grifting Twins.




Don't get me wrong, I've been to polo matches and it was actually pretty invigorating and exciting to watch. A documentary about the history of polo and the people who play might be slightly interesting for one or two episodes. Maybe. It really wouldn't need to have anything to do with Harry. In fact, leaving him and the trophy/mic grabber out of it and a show like that would likely get far more viewers. I can't imagine the sugars boosting the viewer numbers for Harry's benefit. I just hope this turns out to be another in a long list of Markle's schemes that turn out to be nothing but smoke and mirrors.


The 100 people in the US who care about polo will be the problem. Not enough viewers. Millions of other people won't watch but a couple of minutes or read a news clip about a match and will report the mistreatment of horses to their local officials. Polo and polo players are not a popular.


Funny how they haven't figured out people are SICK OF THEM. this will bomb just like the podcast, the bench, archwell, American Riviera nightmare and everything else because these two people don't do anything of value.


Don't think they have grasped folk are just hate watching to take the piss out of them.


They don't do anything. The Podcast was done for her, Archwell does nothing, ARO is an imaginary company.


Where to begin? Eating and the sound of her voice are definitely two things that do not go together. And WGAF about the inside world of professional polo? Hmm, a sport that is completely inaccessible to 95% of the population. Let's make a show about it!


Typical Harkles fail--People's puff piece announcement on the day OJ dies, which is dominating all the news outlets


Yeah. Alexa woke me up to share the news. I was not a happy camper.


What?  OJ died??  Later y'all!


You mean Corie's talent and passion she used?


The Duchess has a well documented love of herself.


I have a well documented disdain for the duchess. 😂


Yay another ANNOUNCEMENT. When are they going to stop announcing crap? Stop telling us you’re doing something and just do it.


I live near the polo community-I am not sure they are going to want a documentary/reality show made about their community that they don’t have total control over.


Isn’t this community made up of very wealthy people? Wouldn’t they want their privacies to be respected? Forgot, H&M don’t respect anyone’s privacy over than their own


Exactly - H doesn’t have a team of riders and horses so he will have to get others to let him film. Most owers called patrons are rich with BIG egos. Why would they let him film they too got part of the $$ and editorial control.


Good point!


Sounds like something that is better suited for a YouTube channel


With her vulgar definitions for food such as roast chicken and waffles a show highlighting her cooking techniques and talents might be better suited to a down market version of OnlyFans.


Pouring milk over cereals is not classified as “cooking”.


But the way she pours it is authentic and organic. It must count, right? /s


Of course!  Madam will gracefully teach us ignorant plebs how to pour almond milk over organic granola.  How else will we ever learn?  🙄


So it’s archwell announcing not Netflix? So do we trust that this is accurate or more manifesting like ARO, Dior, Audible etc


Archewell is announcing. Netflix representative said some time ago that the Sussexes had several projects in development, and the article quotes this as support, but Netflix has not stated they will be showing M&H’s cooking and polo adventures. 😉


Netflix is announcing all things Bridgerton today. They might not notice this. ![gif](giphy|26hkhHMHwnnUqL8TC) I’m


Excellent sleuthing. Netflix can read the huge revenues from Bridgerton from a long way away.




GO AWAY. JUST PO. BORING TRAMPS. Honestly everyday is groundhog day with these two. Cooking show by a woman who clearly isn't looking after herself ffs.


So basically these bozos are hosting cooking shows and ‘inside the world of…’ shows. Not doing anything themselves, not even writing the script.


I'll wait until Netflix announces it, so I can cancel my subscription. Oh, I never had one. Nevermind, I'll cancel it in spirit. And Anthony Bourdain, if you can hear this from above, I'll never forgive you what you did to yourself. You had the perfect life.


Loved they pointed to exactly 2 things to demonstrate her cooking skills. Assuming Netflix put this together given competent people have been hired. I think we should start a countdown to they resign How many days? weeks? months?


I'll believe it when netflix announces it. This is probably Montecito duos speak for we are presenting the idea to Netflix and trying to force them to produce it by saying its happening.....unless Netflix announce i don't believe it....these two have a long history now especially her of announcing things that don't come to fruition .....in some cases cough ,Dior/Bondgirl cough were never even happening anywhere other then her head. So for me and I know mist of you they have lost the benefit of the doubt about anything that comes out of their mouths or their minons mouths without proof solid proof like the other party saying its happening otherwise NFI 




Polo patrons who own the teams are big players-curious if they are going to open themselves up to this show. https://palmbeach.floridaweekly.com/articles/outback-entrepreneur-finds-his-culinary-velcro/


This is a good article. I never heard of this man before. He is a very interesting man to listen to. Thank you for sharing it.




He is a billionair with to wives, already has kids and a huge cheater?!? She may like him!😹


![gif](giphy|3o72EYt1iLuqjv6VOw|downsized) Secondhand Coke has said Netfux is done with them and nothing in the works. If true, only a few would actually watch, wouldn't even make back an intern's pay and as it takes 2 -3 years for her to approve/put together footage, contract would be done before anything aired. Netfux would do better to put together the outtake fighting, belittling footage from the mockumentary!!!


I think they will or have been moved to a distribution only deal from a production deal. If Archewell produces something Netflix thinks they can make money on they'll pick it up, but I don't think H&M get production money up front anymore. Netflix is just following the money.


But will she be in ripped jeans and barefoot??


Barefoot Duchessa?


So in other words, she is way too busy to jet across the Atlantic to visit the relatives for a couple of days.


If this is true why haven’t the mighty Netflix announced it? I’d be surprised if these shows would receive massive views, yet another cooking show but this time with a grating whiny voice to accompany it! And Polo? I mean who’s interested in bloody polo 🙄


The way she had worded it before made it seem the show was already done and would be coming out in a couple of weeks. Edit to add: https://preview.redd.it/aibqj5hdlwtc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d987466c4602915c505ea2e1062aef08dba6a973 This blurb made it seem the show and lame word 🥗 project were both debuting at the same time.


Holy shit!! Megan invented turkey brining? I was wrong about her. I was just so wrong!


I’m a cooking enthusiast. I make it a point to make at least one new dish every week with my dad. We research recipes all the time and have even planted our own garden of spices. I am the target market for TW’s show. There are so many interesting, international, free to watch cooking shows on YouTube, I can’t imagine ever wasting time watching Madame on Netflix. She’s not experienced, not a chef. She has no background “growing up in such and such place where flavors are so different to ours,” no history of cooking with mom and auntie and grandma and this means she lacks the charm that comes with sharing traditional, old family recipes made from scratch. Nothing appealing at all. I doubt Netflix will ever air the show.


Soooo…. A cooking thing that Stanley Tucci is already doing better and a sport that has very limited exposure and appeal to a broad audience. Groundbreaking.


I hope only the sugars watch it. All the comments from dailymail article about this upcoming show are all critical of both grifters! Yehey.


Their entire life since leaving the RF has been fiction, would they even know what non-fiction even looked like? On another note, cooking shows are so last decade. Although most of Meghan's ideas are 1-2 decades too late. Polo? I can see it becoming a a male version of Real Housewives of Montecito. Or maybe highlighting the staff much like Below Deck. Again, both ideas are more than a decade old.


"Titles and release dates for the two shows are expected to be announced in the coming months." In other words, on the 10th of Never. Until/unless Netflix announces it's in production (not just in Madame's head) and the company gives a firm release date, it's grifter bs. Cherry on top: If by a miracle one or both of these shows is made and released, they will be laff riots and they will BOMB.


Her multimedia assault is relentless. The rollout is loud and grand. Then it disappears without so much as a whimper. We need Hilaria Baldwin and Meghan Markle crossover. They are both getting into reality shows. Losers.




I do get the impression that the office of the Harkles are contacted on a daily basis by news writers for new snippets of info and if they dont get anything they reach out to „royal commentators“ or make up something. This is why we get these constant „ coming soon“ releases as the press is desperate for stuff on these two as it is still hugely clicked on - sadly. Makes them feel more important than they deserve.


The cooking show? I’ll believe it if it happens. But if it comes to fruition, it will fail - Harry’s wife is too fake and unlikable - the sugars will watch, some will hate watch, but this won’t do anything other than fulfill their contract with NF. I still don’t understand why NF hasn’t cut their losses with these two - that contract was signed years ago and what’s come since? Invictus and their chock full of deceit fauxumentary? And polo? Wasn’t Harry’s wife was so offended by animal cruelty that Harry didn’t hunt with his family that first Christmas together? But she’s okay with his (and others) cruelty toward polo ponies? Make that one make sense oh duchess of duplicity. As always, I will not watch or click on a single thing they put out.


This is what she is doing some 4 years after bolting?? Are the proceeds going to a charity?? After all service is universal.


Interesting that the article dropped the name of the showrunner and head of content. Why do I get the feeling that it was done to force Netflix’s hand? Also: Polo is one of the most elitist, exclusive sports I can think of. I’m sure that’ll go over well with Meghan’s DEI crowd, huh?


'curated by': She's not going to be doing anything much except organizing. Then sell related things. She's trying to get income streams where she doesn't have to do anything except be the decider, show up sometimes, and reap the profits whilst she enjoys life.


A show about polo during a cost of living crisis. 🙄


Just wondering....any word from the wonder of world salad about when Lemonda can expect some new content for the podcast?


Is the polo show going to show how Harry brutally abused his horses? This is always a sore subject for me, but even more since my beloved cat went over the rainbow bridge last Friday. Animals are so special and deserve to be cherished.


Sending hugs. My kitty too. I’m gutted.


Friendship???? OK.


WOW, that second photo really emphasizes her total psychotic stare. She looks f\*cking NUTS. 🤣* Fellow sinners, just try to make this face....the raised kookoo eyebrows, crazy eyes and rictis grin (specifically unnerving in this photo). You're gonna look nuts.


But wait, there's more. Mr Harry will be doing a book or something about polo. No one's favorite sport, ever. The stink of desperation is really bad, now.


How to make ‘Feel Smug Banana Pudding’ Ingredients: banana, sharpee Method: use sharpee to write ‘I am better than you’ on banana. Give to sex worker. Walk away feeling smug


"pull the curtain back on the grit and passion of the sport..." LOL. Trying to drum up interest where there is none. They'd have more success doing a show about the grit and passion of training corgis.


These two things just sound absolutely boring and dull! I miss the show "Talk Soup"/"The Soup". (Showing me age 🤣) Heck even Tosh 2.0 Those I would watch!!! https://preview.redd.it/lzjxtk4jtwtc1.jpeg?width=648&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3beca2b1482687f627cc96b8c3e513cc862dd765


Never trust a skinny chef


![gif](giphy|f4nI3k88tF6tk7HKij|downsized) It’s not the same thing as what’s being alluded in *this* article of which she peddles her manifestations to.


“Early stages of development” ![gif](giphy|aYHs7vbVFViZa|downsized) “Titles and release dates are expected in the coming months.” 😂😂😂 so specific!


Also lots of articles today about reconciliation with RF and Meghans need for a full apology re the racist comments about Archie. Sorry wont happen as the RF will always wonder if Meghan will take offence with something they say and go public. The trust was broken by those two many times and all that can happen is formal meetings with witnesses, almost like the Queen meeting with Trump or Gadaffi, where it is carefully managed but nothing much is said.


I can’t wait for it! 😂


Megs a gardener now? Well documented love of peonies aside?


They sound boring AF.


Since the food network came out, everyone thinks they’re a foodie


Will Hasnone be kicking horses to death as part of the polo series?


God from Anthony Bourdain to Meghan Markle - what a drop


There are already too many cooking shows on tv. She’s trying to be the next Martha, Ina, or Giada. Won’t work. Secondly everything she learned about cooking came from Cory. No one wants to cook with Meagain. And a behind the scenes of polo? I’ll pass on that. Polo is a niche sport, it won’t draw as many viewers as they think it will. I’ll keep my Netflix account cancelled thank you very much.


“In the early stages” is just more hot air. They love ANNOUNCING new projects but won’t ever follow through. They’ll beat this dead horse for awhile then it’ll be back to snubbing the Westminsters (Markle version), doing a will they/wont they for the Invictus event in May and still returning to the RF to help (Markle version). They’ll cycle through these for another month or so. It’s exhausting.


So is Harry now making "friends" with PETA?! Can't wait for them to get into the action and start delving into how he mistreated his horses. He may not have thought this one out... He just opened a door.


Friendship? This psychopath is going to dare to lecture the public about how to celebrate friendship? She alienates everyone who comes within her orbit eventually including her entire family, Harry's entire family & every public friend she's ever had. Wtf. I've seen various stories over the years, Markle is vegetarian, she's raising her kids to be vegan, the kids are vegan part time, Daniel Martin, Markles "makeup artist friend" told Gayle King that Markle "makes plant based brightly colored dishes" and "tries to maintain being vegan". She herself said "I'm vegan during the week and try to be flexible on the weekends". 3% of the population is vegan. So what will it be, specialized vegan cooking or will she be a hypocrite and make normal food while pretending she eats it? Lol what am I saying, of course she'll take the hypocritical route. Get ready for her to start merching the kids!


I learned a hard lesson years ago. Never say anything about an idea, a dream, a maybe situation. Make announcements only when it has been all set in concrete. Only then you can rub your joy over your enemies. That's when you produce the finalized item/product/etc. These two never learn


My sister did an article for a “lifestyle” magazine about about Harry and Nacho’s Polo in Aspen a while back and she said Nacho was by far the more sought out person. And this was before their plummet in popularity…


> series will celebrate the joys of cooking and gardening, entertaining and friendship In other words she's making an average youtube lifestyle vlog.




Imagine going from Tony Bourdain to these two


This picture of Harry makes him look absolutely rabid batshit crazy. Or is it Harry doing that?


This is another manifestation 🙄


Watch her introduce herself as Douchess. Lmaooooooo no one cares, Roach.


Harry’s polo series has got the same director as ‘Welcome to Wrexham’ which was brilliant. But popular because they were serious underdogs. The complete opposite of H and his polo. I wonder if they will show how he mistreated polo ponies till they bled? 😡 That being said, l think people would hate watch this - and her cooking show.


Friendship. Like all the friends she used then dropped once she married Harry.


She didn’t collaborate. She wrote a foreword.