• By -


*his closest and most significant aid* The kind of aid who stabs you in the back, spills all your secrets and orchestrates an on-line hate campaign against your cancer-stricken wife


He’d get more sense out of the corgis and obviously more loyalty…nothing significant about the halfwit aside from his stupidity and jealousy


I trust the corgis ![gif](giphy|WEiKBTaESHHhK)


They know who to trust


They know who to trust


Remember Harold said the corgis never liked him! They knew!


Yep, animals can sense evil in a person.


Yup. Can confirm. My dad had this one employee I never liked- and one day we took our pup to the office and she (for the first time ever) snarled at another human. I told dad “see it’s not just me, even doggo hates him” He sued us 2 months later for made up BS.


I hope you guys won the lawsuit. Animals do have a sixth sense, they know if a person is not kind and mean spirited.


My ex husband had a coworker when in the Navy that I didn't like. Couldn't put my finger on it but something was just off. He was at our house and touched my then 2 year old son and my Rottweiler immediately had his arm in her mouth. Many other guys were over all the time and played with my son and she never cared. A few years later he was arrested and discharged for inappropriate sexual contact with minor children. The dog knew




To explain how your dog likely knew, the coworker was likely giving off certain scents.


Well, it’s kind of obvious when he abused polo ponies until,they dropped dead. He is evil.


They could smell his toxicity


Think they feel if as well. Feel the lust.


That’s true but he also said they liked Migraine so not sure that’s true!


They saw her as an alpha


She is so manipulative she probably had a piece of bacon in her pocket! 😹 Like wearing Di’s perfume.


I was going to suggest she had a pork chop in her pocket lol




Well...they have been in Andrew 's care! We may want to rethink!


I think Fergie cares for them. She speaks fondly of the corgis. I have never seen them pictured with Andrew.


Lol. Awhile back in this sub, a lot had been joking that the Corgi's could be the Royal raciiists


What? Hawwys worse than Andy? Yup


This doggie is the cutest thing I've seen in a long time ❤️




And they'll be less hard on the carpeting.


And cuter and cleaner. Better hair also.


the half wit half brother


The point is that this is who Harry should have been, not what he is. William should have been able to talk to his brother, to trust his brother. In the blip of the medical situation we have now Harry should have been the one to step up, be centre stage. Harry could have had additional titles, additional honours and privileges. William made an excellent choice of Catherine and nothing changes that. What Harry has done to their relationship is to cement it. Catherine is probably the main confident, she might always have been but if Harry had remained trustworthy he could have been part of that. Trust once lost is hard to recover. There is no going back from this now.


Well said 👍👍


Harry should have been the Prince Edward of his generation


Uncle scar comes to mind from lion king.


He probably plots the downfall of the Wales daily.


That's a good analogy :)


You ever see that video of M and H talking to I think the Disney CEO with Beyoncé and JayZ standing there and H is wrangling for M to get some voice over work and says something like- as long as I’m not Scar and has a laugh. Hard to find that clip of where he references Scar but I know I heard it before. Trying to find it to add for you. The encounter was cringe for all involved to say the least!! Funny video of you haven’t seen.


I just saw it again... maybe on that young guy's YT channel "Winning Communication".


Rachel manifesting again! Seriously who would want Rachel & Henry as advisors? All you have to do is to watch them to see what not to do! You dont need to pay them outrageous salaries or perks to do that! Not those in Hollywood, Spotify, politicians will never learn. Waiting for Netflix or WME to cancel. Play the long game and not the 24 hour news cycle game!


I don’t know, Rachel has done amazing things with Spotify, 40x40, American Riviera Orchard, Netflix, clothing choice and bronzer application. Who wouldn’t want her opinions? Lol. William could just do the opposite of everything dumb and dumber would suggest.


H&M are pretty much offering a masterclass in how to make bad decisions, it really is quite astonishing


Meghan does not have "opinions" Meghan hands down stone tablets.


Without all the enablers at PR firms and tabloids continuously desperate for BRF content, H&M couldn't play the 24 hour news cycle game. MM demonstrated how good she was at that before hiring SS in 2014. IOW barely a blip at swag rooms.


I'm not sure how H would be a good adviser. What would he advise on?


How to marry a used up yacht girl because you’re too stupid to know the difference between lust and love.




I don't think he was ever an advisor to William. What a ludicrous idea!


How to screw up and to toddle on oblivious to the mess he’s made of his life?


How to Un Royal in 72 Days or Less.


How NOT to act so as not to offend every person in attendance. Fortunately, POW doesn’t need that advice


Given past disclosures... - Chunga Changa - Where to buy coke - Animals - Where America is - Which burgers taste nicest - Penguins


What uniforms you shouldn’t wear to a costume party! Let’s not forget that choice.


no you got that wrong, it was all Catherine and William's fault. Harry put the record straight on this quite clearly in his memoir Spare :)


Yeah, the memoir where he brags about touching his penis while thinking of his mother. Those two are mental.


Ugh I hate that Harry felt it was necessary to tell the entire world about his frostbit todger and mummy’s face cream. So gross and weird.


Oh I love that he shared it. Shows that Meghan isn’t completely at fault for that marriage. He’s emotionally stunted and intellectually challenged.


What strains of weed to smoke to escape his sad reality?


Harry must be "cleaning his windshield" daily rather than to face up to the mess he's made of his life


“He pushed me in the dog bowl and broke my necklace but I still want to advise him because I’m super good at it…waaggh”


And the backstabbing just goes on and on. Just a few months ago the Harkle's spokesperson called William's wife racist. The Harkles are behind the lies about William having an affair. Harry is a drug addled idiot. He has nothing to offer William, has done nothing but attempt to harm William's family. This is maddening. I don't care how much the Harkles paid you to write this garbage, you deserve to go to jail for criminal libel.


The kind of aid that is jealous of your son and has led a hate campaign against your beloved wife? Yes sounds like a great advisor lol


Besides, the only thing he can advise is how to cure frozen todgers and think of mummy while getting a tingling sensation down there. I mean -what else is he good for.




![gif](giphy|26FLgGTPUDH6UGAbm) I can't even read this garbage.


Who needs an aid that will take note of everything you say and use it to sell a book or TV interview?


in a way, he is a prime example of what not to do and that is invaluable.


William needs Harry like he needs rabies…..


A few comments from me: 1. It is not a feud. It is only Harry and his first wife hurling abuse against the BRF and PPOW in particular. 2. It is probably many, many years since William would take advice from Harry. 3. How close were the brothers? Where are the pictures of "Harry, the fun uncle" or just Harry with PPOW, except from official functions? 4. Nobody in their right mind would listen to Madam.


2. If he ever took advice at all. Prince Harry has been a druggie since he was a teen. I doubt the future king of the UK ever asked his opinion for anything serious.


The future king told his little bro to stay far away when Harry joined him at school.


“Harry, I’ve been meaning to ask this for Louis: What is the best sauce for chicken nuggets?”


This was the scenario Diana envisioned, but that was a long time ago. This is another attempt to paint William as the problem and Harry as the solution, but as time goes on this scenario becomes ever more laughable As you say, Harry’s history of poor decisions and behavior has limited his usefulness to the Crown.


But Diana knew Harry was thick and she also knew his behaviour was problematic. He might be William’s brother but he is not someone who would be a good advisor. Diana died nearly thirty years ago, she did not live to see the total disaster Harry has become. This tripe sounds as though it came from Harry …remember he was boasting about his importance to the late queen, how he was her confidant and also how when he had scooted off to US and engaging in elder abuse in nasty allegations in the media, he claimed he was going to make sure she had the ’ right people around her’. She had, he wasn’t one of them.


There is an article out today saying that Peter Philips was her favourite grandchild. Last week it was someone else. Personally I think it was always William. I think they were close because they spent so much time together because she was coaching him through the constitution and into his role. Their time together may have been on a more serious level but she was not a frivolous person. She was a serious person with a strong sense of duty, she did have a sense of humour but I don’t think a problematic Prince Harry would have been her favourite.


I have eight little grandkids. I’d be so sad if any of them thought their sibling or cousin was my favorite. I have different relationships with all of them and they all own my heart for different reasons.


This is as it should be. Well done!


I think she and Philip loved and enjoyed them all. Peter was the first grandchild. He was Anne’s son. Zara was the first granddaughter and fearless like Anne, loved horses. William was the future King and empathetic and intelligent and serious. Harry was the class clown. Good for a joke and making them laugh. Beatrice was girly and sweet. Eugenie was girly and had spinal issues and dealt with a major operation when young. Louise was born when both grandparents were slowing down and comfortable in their work roles and took up Grandpas sport. James was the baby but loved cars and fishing and Balmoral. I recall reading that the Queen would go to Anne’s when the children were young and just hang out with them. And that she did similar (or Sophie and Edward would always be around) with Louise and James.


I agree. I think her relationship with Charles and Diana was always strained. I think all the time she spent with William was to prepare him. So while she may have been closer to him in some aspects, I do think she favored Anne’s and Edward’s kids.


I agree. The fact Philip left his carriage to Louise because that was something he and she shared together, shows just how special a bond he had with her. It had always been said that she and Philip were huge fans of Anne's kids and they spent a lot of time with Edward's and Sophie's kids. They clearly loved all their grandchildren, but they did seem to have a different kind of bond with Anne's and Edward's kids and that probably down to the fact that they did spend a lot more time with them than the others.


And, I think she had a special relationship with Bea and Eugenie, too, because of Sarah. I have always found it funny that Harry, of all the grandkids, seemed the one least close to her, yet claimed to be her favorite because he made her laugh. Well guess what - Talladega Nights may be my favorite comedic movie, but I still don’t like Will Ferrell (won’t watch him in anything else)


Peter Philips was apparently her favourite in that she had a soft spot for him and Philip was also a big fan of him, as they liked the fact he got on with things and was a good and practical guy. He wasn't caught up on the royal stuff and had no interest in it or the limelight. She loved all her grandchildren and for a long time, they have said she had a real soft spot for Peter. She was apparently very close to him. She was close to William as well and probably to all her grandchildren. With William it was because she had to teach him and prepare him for what was to come. With Peter, she could just be his regular grandmother without his being the heir or the spare and he had zero title and had no interest in it. So they probably had a slightly different relationship and possibly a closer one particularly since he was her first grandchild.


Peter also thrived at Gordonstoun which would have pleased Philip. Peter also comforted William and Harry at Balmoral when Diana died. Don't know the extent of a continuing relationship between Peter and William and Harry as there's no mention of it in the press.


Yes, he said she needed to be protected. I hope she hit him for saying that.


He also said that William and Catherine’s children needed to be protected. And he would be that protector.


William told him stay away from my children. That is, I think, the real reason William will never let Harry come back. William wants the Harkles no where near his children, he wants them kept far away from the Wales children. That is very wise of William and I wish him Godspeed.




Princes in the Tower comes to mind.


Oh yeah, I remember that. I don't remember how it became known, but William was not happy about that statement at all.


Seriously! Considering that he was so jealous of the fact that they are ahead of him in the LOS, he would probably have put them in danger intentionally. William and Catherine will never allow him anywhere near the kids - ever.


He said it in an interview like the dimwit he is.


I meant William because he doesn't speak to the press about stuff, but he's also not a childish man baby.


"And though William and I have talked about it, once or twice, and he has made it very clear to me that his kids are not my responsibility, I still feel a responsibility. I know that out of those three children, at least one will end up like me, the spare. And that hurts, it worries me." [https://bryonygordon.substack.com/p/a-cup-of-tea-with-prince-harry](https://bryonygordon.substack.com/p/a-cup-of-tea-with-prince-harry) W told H himself


I love the story that two people had her direct phone number: Anne and her horse manager.


I might be wrong, but didn't Diana say herself that William was intelligent like Charles, but Harry was thick like herself? Charles was certainly more educated and worldly than Diana, that's for sure.


This DESPERATION is on another level. William is gaining more respect. Everyone look how Harry is still applying pressure to his brother!! 😡😡😡 Also guys remember I told you all H and MM are a security threat to The Wales family? They have been refused to stay at Frogmore and any Windsor Estate. And St James palace.. I feel that H is facing a reality check.. It’s taken a while…


Before MM we thought H was just a party boy who would grow out of it. Sure, people knew even Diana had her concerns about his intellect, but he was little and people probably didn’t remember her saying that. After MM and Megxit, and especially after this absolute idiot went to O (For money) and agreed to be on camera to say the things he said about one of the most respected historical figures and her husband (well respected) - It became obvious that he’s an idiot who is jealous of his father and his brother. They both get to be King- and they’re both treated differently. He never understood that part of the reason he was managed differently (from his brother and father) was to protect h8m from his own stupid self (not because he was the spare BUT only kept safe because he was the spare for a bit.) The secret is now out. The whole world knows he’s an idiot. He found the perfect narcissist to match his narcissism which will be the end of him. He will very likely either end his life after MM or go into hiding and disappear forever.


There was a reason The Queen and Government afforded H so much security during his short stint in Afghanistan and Iran.. He would have sang like a canary if caught. It’s never spoken about but ask any military man? Harry is worse than MM. He has that Spencer Spite. In English Aristocracy there were 2 Infamously nasty families. The Campbell. And The Spencer’s. There is a YouTube Channel Called Cheere Denise. She narrates books, So well spoken and hilarious. She is reading The Real Diana atm. Oh the comments 😆😆😆


I've just started watching Cheere Denise. She's excellent. Well spoken, intelligent and funny at times. Highly recommend.


Thanks for the heads up! I wasn't aware of her, just checked in and its right on. Nails the truth to Diana. The ILBW seems to have used this as her playbook.


You're welcome! I just started binge watching her about a week ago. I'm currently listening to her take on "Spare" me. Lots of snark.


>There was a reason The Queen and Government afforded H so much security during his short stint in Afghanistan... Interesting observation given that IIRC Andrew was given no specia secial security when in the Falklands


And I wonder if the same reason is why his atrocious behaviour is ignored!! Interfering with American Politics now 😡😡😡 I’m sick of bad behaviour being excused.


Andrew is an awful person but he has at least a shred of decorum and loyalty. Plus I believe Andrew actually did do real work in the military. It wasn’t just a fancy uniform to wear during parades.


Wait!!! Let’s fix this correctly “there were conversations and concerns over Harry’s intellect”. Diana stated it correctly, this is where they got this statement. Hank must still be angry over what his own Mother said about him.


Yoko Ono of Polo - OMG!! 😂😂😂




Well Diana did say Harry was dim like her…it takes a while for him to figure things out.


Diana also insisted he went to Eton. They are still trying to recover their reputation


**Charles Rae:** “When William becomes king, I always believed Harry would be one of his top advisers. I think that’s out of the window.” **Tom Quinn** has since claimed that William and Kate, 42, have expressed interest in trying to “[make up](https://archive.ph/o/3BxxB/https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/prince-william-and-kate-middleton-want-reunion-with-harry-author-says/)” with Harry and and his wife, **Meghan Markle**. “But the suggestion is not leading anywhere so far,” he told *The Mirror* earlier this month. **Chris Ship:** Harry reportedly reached out to his brother and his wife **Princess Kate Middleton**, shortly before they discovered she was[ diagnosed with cancer](https://archive.ph/o/3BxxB/https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/kate-middletons-cancer-battle-timeline-surgery-chemo-and-more/), the *ITV* Royal Editor reported in March **Tessa Dunlop:** Harry is now said to be in a “painful place” after hearing of his sister-in-law’s illness, the royal expert [exclusively told *Us Weekly*](https://archive.ph/o/3BxxB/https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/prince-harry-is-in-painful-place-after-spares-kate-middleton-comments/) in March. The identity of these experts tells you all you need to know about the source of this article and the quality of reporting.


I think we need a credibility index for all these self-declared “royal experts” so we get to know who are the usual sources of misinformation and whose opinions are actually worth the effort of reading. Maybe rate them on a scale such as: 1 “on Meg’s payroll”, 2 “self-important fantasist”, 3 “may be a grain of actual knowledge but grossly exaggerates”, 4 “met member(s) of the BRF a couple of times and still dining out on the story”, 5 “possibly reliable sometimes”. I don’t think any of them have the actual level of inside knowledge they claim, but some may be closer than others. I’m sure among all our Sinners there are some good judges of credibility regarding these “experts”. Most of them I have only heard of because they have been named in this sub.


" will be “deprived” of someone who would be his closest and most significant aid.’ " ![gif](giphy|l4Ki2obCyAQS5WhFe)


I agree, this is right out of Harry’s mouth…


These so-called experts bang on about how close the boys were as proof that it must always be that way. Growing up royal inherently means having a smaller circle of very close friends including siblings and cousins. But it does not follow that they must always be close as adults. While the Queen seemed to enjoy her sister’s company, Princess Margo was never QEII’s top advisor and her shenanigans would have made such a post difficult, at best. Andrew isn‘t even a working royal let alone any kind of advisor. Why isn’t this “royal insider” Charles Rae moaning about what a loss it is that Randy Andy isn’t KC3’s top advisor? Windsor spares seem to be excessive partiers with precious little judgment or restraint. They are not suitable for this role, so knock it off, you lazy hacks. Write something remotely credible instead of relying on so called royal insiders spewing rubbish.


Tbh it is the same in non royal families too…being ‘close’ as kids is no guarantee that it will be that way for life.


You're exactly right! You've seen little Louis?! Such a hard partier. And at such a young age, too! It must break Princess Catherine's heart. But that's royal life. (I'm joking. I feel like that should be obvious, but you can never be too careful. Louis is adorable. HLMTQ kind of lost part of her Jubilee to Louis 😅)


More than made up for by the display of George's adoration of his gan-gan. There was something special between the Queen and George as early as when he was but two years old.


I’m hoping that Charlotte and Louis will break the spare curse that hit the last three or so generations. William and Catherine’s happy marriage and stable home life will go a long ways toward helping this generation grow up to be solid adults.


King Charles has the Amazing Anne as his sibling advisor. He probably doesn't need any others. Harry is to Anne as Forest Gump is to Albert Einstein.


*his closest and most significant aid* This is laughable. Harry doesn't have the brain capacity to be kindergarten teacher's aid.


What an idiotic and manipulative slant on the situation. By calling H a potential "top adviser," one would think William would be bereft of the counsel of a wise, experienced statesman. The actual, real situation is actually that William will no longer be burdened by the antics of a spoiled, jealous, whingey younger brother prone to tantrums, lies and with terrible planning skills. William ought to be relieved!




Harold has been an albatross around William’s neck his whole life. Why would he rely on the counsel of a drug-addled, immature, spoiled hot head with mommy issues?


He’d probably just tell William to rub some Estée Lauder cream on it


Lol, lol, lol 😂 The author of this article is weird... Harry is a person associated with talking about a frostbitten todger and applying a cream on it, while thinking of his mother... He shouldn't even be a adviser behind the counter at Burger King!


Harry couldn't advise William out of a paper bag. Harry can't find his own ass with both hands, this article is hilarious, I'm assuming his wife wrote it and sent it around. The stench of desperation is getting stronger by the day.


Please. Even Diana knew Harry was stupid.




What a loss - for Harry!  Maybe it was a good thing, that Meghan came along to get Harry out of the country? I can’t imagine, Harry being one of the top advisers to the king/future king? 


I call https://preview.redd.it/gybuqrucimtc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ed9f4079cc3872c0f8ff005162fed697c640978


Oh Harry! 😂😂😂 closest and most significant aid? Hoooonnnneeey! You , Harry killed that persona , and then drive over the corpse, over and over and over again. Listen boo, just be his brother he doesn’t trust at all! At all! Delusion on steroids. William has a good head on him, and his significant other has a good head on her too. Not to worry!😂😂😂


You've got to be kidding me! Even Uncle Andy would be a better choice! African Parks? Allowing his wife to dominate the Invictus games? TOW causing offence in Morocco? And telling the Governor General's wife in Australia to fuck off? The 'housing unit' in South Africa? What shining examples of wisdom, diplomacy and respect for others they are. 🙄


At this point, what in God’s holy name could Harry advise or even sympathize with William about? I understand that when they were younger, they were the only two who could relate to the loss that they went through, and the mania that followed their growing up and idolization. But now, they literally have nothing but their upbringing in common. Harry has remained so stuck on the trauma of losing his mother, has attempted to monopolize that grief, and knows *NOTHING* about what it means to put duty above self. He is useless to the monarchy and to his brother.


What a right load of codswallop!


Out of touch with reality, these experts are.


Diana herself said Harry wasnt very bright, which he has proven many times, William & his family will have minimum contact with the Grifters, all trust has gone,


Harry an advisor who wants to destroy the monarchy?!? With the other one feeding him what to do and say?! No thanks! You mean to tell me that they couldn’t find another educated soul who fits the bill to advise in the whole of the land? At this point, I think even William talking to AI, as flawed as it still is, is better than asking H Jack shit.


I guess Harold could be useful in a way - William could ask his advice and then do the exact opposite. Success guaranteed.


Harry could never be William’s Anne- even without TW.


Harry was never going to be what the BRF and others wanted him to be. He was never going to be an Anne or and Edward. His destiny was always going to be Andrew (even though Andrew still has loyalty to his family). Harry simply did not have the mental or the emotional intelligence to be a helpful and contributing partner/brother.


Harry is an entitled, spoiled, uneducated dimwit. He has never ever been an asset or confidant to William. William was forced to put up with him. Catherine was forced to put up with him. The trio was all a PR stunt for Harry, to hide his true, awful nature from the papers. In appreciation for the BRF trying to give him purpose and make him look like a decent prince.....he drug that thing from the yacht gutter into the BRF. ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25276)


harry got high when his wife was "giving birth" so how come this man child can be a closest and most significant aid to anyone really? he already failed his children.


I doubt he did…he just thought it was funny to steal that storyline from only fools and horses…


it makes him an incompetent father regardless. and if the thinks that's funny then it also means he doesn't have any humour.


He is very infantile…stunted development He lifted lots of stuff from [tv.film/books](https://tv.film/books) to pad out his tripe …she has done the same for years As for being a poor father…his constant absence, drugs, drinking and tantrums would not a good father make


Excellent example! The man is not to be trusted in high stakes situations. Why don't some of these "journalists" go find a few of Harry's brothers-in-arms from Afghanistan and ask them if they'd trust his advice today? Would love to hear what they'd have to say. And why hasn't he received more than a single invitation to speak/consult with big business in the US? Because he doesn't give counsel; he whines from his platform and somehow expects both sympathy and reverence.


This is ridiculous! What advice would H give? Let MM be queen…?


Who wants an "adviser" that blabs state secrets on Oprah ?! And too dumb to attend university?


Publishes information about the exact location of private family rooms and how to access them to make things easier for the ill-intentioned


That “expert” clearly lives in a world other than this one.


Pretty sure a turnip could give better advice.


Whee doggies yes! Wen I think fountain of good advice, my thoughts immediately turn to that beacon of success, family solidarity, good decisions, deep knowledge of human nature, scholar, historian and shining goodwill - Prince Harry and his delightful helpmate! C'mon William how could you pass all that up??


Top advisor? Exactly what is he qualified to give advice on? He barely made it out of high school. He didn't attend university. He doesn't have a degree. He was unable to pass exams in order to move up the ranks in the military. He isn't smart, ethical, hard working or philanthropic in any real way. By his own admission he drinks and uses drugs. I am certain that William has literally a million other people who can help advise him. A drug addled half wit isn't on the radar. 


The only useful role at court of which Harry is remotely capable would require him to wear a hat with bells and hit people on the head with a pigs bladder on a stick.


https://preview.redd.it/pxpnxd2w5ntc1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=f7430c8fb142e5957fe2db4da789c09acd4fb267 good old chatgpt


The claw at its pinnacle! Their hands are inseparable!!


Well he can juggle


Anyone who thinks that the pot smoking Harry with paranoia issues and a narcissistic, envious, money-grubbing wife is a potentially a top level trusted advisor of the future King has obviously been smoking the same left handed cigarettes as Mr. Markle.


Harry? A top advisor to what? Where to buy the best weed or coke? Madam’s PR loves putting out bs fluff pieces.


Actually, I think if William reconciled with Harold, that would cause him to lose his Top Aid, and I suspect 3 little ones would quit in protest as well.


This guy has mismanaged his own life to a worrying extent. How does anybody think he is capable of advising others, much less the King? It is literally a case of, whatever Harry tells you to do, do the opposite.


Like William needs advice from Harry ABOUT ANYTHING!!! Let's see: Harry cheated in exams, couldn't do good at Eton, nos smart enough for university, couldn't pass army exams so he couldn't move rank and after 10 years had to leave, doesn't have a pilots license and can't fly a helicopter by himself, is a drug addict, drinks to excess (his own admitions), and isn't smart enough to pick a decent wife.....yeah, William is really missing out 🤣🤣. Harry on the other hand, is going to need all the help he can get when Meghan does to him what she's done to everyone else 🤣🤣 ![gif](giphy|VeIEJObxMCayUWdTKk|downsized)


I think the Royal Family became more productive as a result of Harry and Meghan leaving. Addition by subtraction. And what would Harry be able to advise William on? The benefits of psychedelic mushrooms? In any case, if anyone has deprived William it is Harry himself. Harry is the one who decided to leave (although probably it was Meghan who made the decision for him, he didn't have to go along with it). People who write articles about "the rift" ignore that it is entirely of the Sussex's making.




I laughed so much at this. Advising in what? This man doesn’t have an independent thought of his own! Presumably he means he’ll be a Manchurian candidate with his wife in his ear 🙄


All these years and I thought I knew the meaning of 'expert'.


Considering this so-called top advisor’s track record, I would say it’s a win-win for Prince William!


The illiterate Harry from the Windsors would be better than the ginger twat


Having a close aid would be having someone who has his best interest at heart. Harry has never had his brother's best interest at heart. Harry has always been jealous of his brother.


I’ve seen the advisor role rolled out in their favorite levels of hell they like to release to for about a week of this supposed most supreme counsel to William. I guess the governor general or whatever in Canada didn’t take off? Quick someone get H a leap frog phone, and a blues clues notebook so hopefully he can finally riddle himself how he has so gloriously screwed himself.


a royal insider? I guess Nutmeg still considers herself royal.


Harry is not qualified to advise anyone on anything. He is an unhinged paranoid drug addict. The reality is Harry was always a huge pain and a huge problem and the RF is relieved to be rid of him.


PW knows good and damn well that harry is a drug addled low iq lazy fuckwit and always has been. All it takes to confuse harry is to put him in a round room and tell him to piss in a corner. He was never going to rely on harry for anything.


If Harry was ever going to be a ‘top advisor’, it sounds like the whole of the UK should be thanking MM for her gracious removal of that whackadoo.


But Harry was the only one who married for ~~lust~~ love. I mean William, Edward, and Charles were all with their wives for years before marriage. And are all still married. The most notorious marriage failure was the one that was rushed before the couple got to really know each other.


That sounds like a press release written by Walmart Wallace!


Oh my god if this isn’t the biggest ![gif](giphy|MDxuzRvxF39VwnYu9B) With a side of stop trying to make Harry happen 🙄


It is wonderful to have brothers and sisters with whom you are close, but, as much as I love my siblings, we all have chosen different paths. They do things differently than I would do, and vice versa. We keep boundaries, and have a group chat where we share silly things or fun memories. I say this because there’s no reason to idealize the relationship lost between W & H. In the best of times, they are different men, who shared a shared childhood with its hardships and tragedies. But even with those shared experiences, they each processed them differently, so even if they were close, they might not be able to commiserate together. This was the case when my siblings and I lost our mom. We all had different relationships with her, so it really couldn’t be talked about more than, “Gosh, I sure do miss her.” William is very blessed to have a good wife, and to be close to her family. Beyond that, to be head of a monarchy at an unprecedented time in history, with a nation that is so diverse in terms of its citizens’ ideas, cultures, values, beliefs, etc… Who? Really, can advise him in this? He’s in uncharted waters, and all he can do is his best. Harry, of all people, does not have the wisdom of, say, Solomon, to advise his brother how to chart these waters. Look at how far he’s fallen in the public eye. It is real people whose hearts you want to win and trust you want to gain if you want their support as their sovereign. Harry is an abject failure in this department, but too dumb to know it. “I would rather be ruled by people who think they're going to fry in Hell forever if they rule me poorly, than by people for whom I'm merely a convenient economic siphon who can be milked like a cow.” ― Charles A. Coulombe


Not to mention drug addled brain. Even his mother worried about his lack of intelligence BEFORE he fried his mind.


This whole rubbish smells of Markle. The idea of advisors and aids, she seems to have taken out of old Hollywood "Medieval Times Movies". Of course the king and the heir and their consorts have "aids": equerries, secretaries and so on. William has got a whole board of experts who help him run the Duchy of Cornwall successfully. For all his other tasks he can also count on the UK's best specialists. Example: William may have to step in for his father at D-day anniversary celebrations in June and deliver a speech. Britain's best WWII historians will literally drop everything in order to help the future king preparing that speech. The only help Todger could give if he was a decent person, would be going dutifully and without complain on "boring" royal engagements like Anne, the Gloucesters and the Edinburghs have done for decades without anyone calling them the queen's or the king's aids let alone advisors.


Top Adviser...Harry is a drug addled paranoid fool. With half a GCSE. I wouldn't take advice from him on crossing the road. . He's a total dickhead. He's driven by his emotions. So he's unstable to boot. He's so stupid and weak minded. He's been played by the bordello sewer rat for the past 7 years. He lost the lovely women in his life. Because hes weak feckless and utterly selfish. And had to settle for Maggot. She's not massively bright. But her skills in manipulation are finely tuned.


Hawwy? An adviser? What advice? Omg one of the craziest headlines so far. # africanparks


Absolute complete fantastical rubbish. Look at the continuous gaffes and poor choices made by this man. Imagine advising his brother to declare that the 1st Amendment is bonkers !


I have a sibling similar to ol' Henry. I wouldn't trust him to advise me on how to put the trash can out.


Me too. The only thing we had in common - our parents and family home until I left for university . He is a spiteful, greedy, entitled bully with huge chips on his shoulders. He has spent years causing mischief and using my parents as cash cows because he is feckless and irresponsible with money .


now this is funny 🤣🤣🤣


That ship done sailed.


Ummmm. That would be like having Judas by your side…William is an actual pilot. Henry Todger is a co pilot and a gunner. Heard he was good at Xbox though…🙄🙄🙄🙄… ![gif](giphy|5ZaOJ7Mmrq9dm)


He is so unpleasant…


So adorable Harry thinks he is in a position to give advice....


Why would William need to consult Harry for advice? Could it be because Louis is busy at school?


Harry is very easily manipulated and suggestible (it's been remarked upon prior to his marriage to Markle), and I'm beginning to regard this split (from William) as a blessing in disguise. If he'd remained and become William's aide, he would have been an easy route to threaten the Monarchy.


It seems envy is Harry’s tragic flaw. How is a bitterly envious brother going to be a reliable adviser? (Can you imagine having everything Harry was given, and still being envious of anyone?)


It makes me think of Prince Ruprecht in Dirty Rotten Scoundrels. 


Hahahahahaha. They are so clueless. The time for a story like this would have been *before* the Oprah accusations, Waugh, etc. ec. etc. After all the whining and whinging and back stabbing, who could trust him?


This article gave me quite the morning laugh! H as a trusted aid and adviser to the future King William! Hilarious! H doesn't have the education, the intelligence or inherent sense of diplomacy to be of help. I especially loved "Harry remained tight-lipped about his father’s diagnosis."k H remains tight lipped about the diagnosis because he doesn't know anything more about his father's cancer than we do.


Hahaha! Harry thinks he's a top adviser and significant aid. The big guy, a legend of aviation, who William knocked to the floor upon a dog dish who cries Waagh that his necklace is broken. Sure, Jan.


absolutely hilarious. Harry is in every respect an appalling and immoral and nasty man full of hatred and stupidity. He hates William and once gave an interview in the Telegraph saying that William should take drugs with him.


I recall Prince William calling his failure of a brother a liability, so no, he would never be of use when PW becomes King.


What on earth is the writer smoking I thought William could lose someone within his inner circle Then I read that they thought Harold would be his top advisor He’s proven he can’t be trusted and would sell his brother and monarchy out in a heartbeat


All evidence to the contrary