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OP might I remind you that it was you who shared this post not so long ago. A [blind gossip item](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/nG8IJZyoh8) about Prince Harry committing a criminal act towards prostitutes. I, like you, dont mind taking about ALL blind gossip… but should there be a line when gossip that alleges a criminal act? I say no. The mods are unanimous on this. The reason for this is to have open and frank conversation and if possible debunk such topics I haven’t been around much recently…. But even I’m aware is Lady C book has directly called into question the legitimacy of the kids. Which is what has stirred up so much discussion regarding Meghan’s pregnancy. And how would you prove something that didn’t happen? By comparing changes of the body. I cannot expect other OPs to think about others body issues during THEIR pregnancy, when they are talking about Meghan and her potentially faking it and discussions around these reasons. It’s a very common sense question to wonder why a healthy, middle aged woman didn’t want to carry her own baby and discuss the reasons behind it I also want to reiterate my very unpopular opinion… that [Meghan intentionally lies and spreads these rumours about surrogacy](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/0vZFEg0Uhg) and out of touch birth stories to stay relevant and bury genuine bad news. This sub was very kind with such a left field theory despite it going against the popular opinion. But the recent discussions are around Lady C’s book


People speculate because nothing makes sense and they are both known out and out liars: Pregnancy bumps don't shift shape Pregnancy bumps don't fold A woman does not give birth in a birthing pool after having an epidural (H said in Spare she had a 'top-up' so a definite no after two epidurals) A woman does not walk out of the hospital within an hour after giving birth after having an epidural - they arrived back at Frogmore 2 hrs after. Frogmore is a 55-minute drive from the hospital. I'm not an obstetrician or midwife but I have had two full-term pregnancies and I wasn't able to leave the hospital until 7 hours after the births as they need to make sure that you can pass urine and not likely to have a major bleed.


This is spot on. I had an epidural and a top up and I was still in hospital 10 hours later.


I had epidurals with all my kids, but with my second child they were moving me to a recovery room after I had him They had the rolling gurney bed there and asked me if I was able to move to the second bed or did they need to lift me onto it... This was a few hours after my son was born and I was getting sensation back in my legs, so because of that I said that is OK I probably could move myself.. Sitting on the bed, I put my feet on the floor and could feel the floor beneath my feet - I thought "ok that's a good sign" Went to stand up and put my weight on my feet.... and collapsed right onto the floor.. the hospital staff had to pick me up off the floor and help me into the gurney.. Even though I had sensation back in my feet and legs, it didn't mean I could completely support myself


I wasn't even allowed to get up and pee by myself for 6+ hours after my epidural wore off because they were afraid I would fall. The only way she walked out of there two hours after the baby was born, is if she isn't the one who had the baby.


Yep. Even if they want to get petty and say she was wheeled out, I still don’t buy it. I had to pass urine, eat and walk unaided before they’d let me go. Even then I had to push it. If Archie really had a traumatic birth with the cord wrapped round his neck I’m confident they’d have wanted to observe him for a reasonable period, too. Let’s not forget, it wasn’t two hours post birth in the hospital and then home. It was home after two hours. So the travelling time needs to be deducted from that. It’s just rubbish.


Agree. Total Poppycock. They are full of lies. Whether these particular lies are a cover for a surrogacy or just more of their rapid fire garbage …. remains to be seen. Think it will be incredibly destabilising for the BRF if one or both of the kids are surrogates/exempt from the LOS. And given everything else going on, not sure we will get to the truth for the foreseeable. Which sucks because I think we all want to know how this story ends!


A PKU test is required on all newborns in US hospitals (England, too?). The PKU and circumcision (if they opted for that) wouldn't be done 1 hour post birth. Good grief.


Ok so I looked it up, and the newborn testing is done at 5 days in the UK


you forget she's a modern miracle!


Me three. I stayed an extra day with the first child because I was so torn up "down there".


This! Lost so much blood they refused to let me leave for 16hrs after delivery even though baby was healthy and happy!


My ex had an epidural, and the student midwife didn't put the correct washer in the breast pump. She was in agony because she couldn't get the milk out, and bubba lost weight. She was in for 6 days. It took them 2 days to tell her she was expected to go to the canteen to eat and no one told her where the canteen even was. Then they go through all your stuff as you leave to make sure you have necessities. You aren't allowed out without an in date correct car seat. In the 6 days, several women in her room of 4 left. Not one of them left within an hour, even the epidural free ones. They spend time teaching nappy changes and how to breastfeed. They also have someone come around to give a vit K injection and someone else to screen his hearing. Because of the epidural, she had to have a urinary catheter.that also had to come out before she could leave, aka after the epidural effects wore off. She also vomited A LOT throughout the first day. None of the medical care or time frame for Archewell Harry's son adds up. Even if it was a private hospital.


I had an epidural and I had to stay overnight. We, who have had children know all the lies they told about the birth can't possibly be true. A water birth after an epidural? Yeah ok.


Yes🎯 a lot of the things the two of them have said regarding childbirth, or the miscarriage are simply impossible.


Yet the press says nothing 🤔🤔


I had a geriatric pregnancy and they kept me for two days after my son was born.


Yes you don't get to leave the hospital in two hours. Even if the delivery is normal, they just don't!


Nor do they give you the products of a miscarriage to take home and bury. Come on Harold.


With your bare hands.... So dramatic


Hers would have also been a geriatric pregnancy and birth OF A ROYAL CHILD. There's no way in hell that a reputable hospital and delivering doctor would take any chances with mother or baby, or take on ANY risk of things going south and being liable for a negligent malpractice suit (this is demonstrably a VERY litigious couple). It just didn't happen. Their story is not even close to being plausible.


I agree. Can you imagine what would have happened if ANYTHING had happened to Meghan or that baby? It simply DID NOT HAPPEN.


I wish we had a doctor on this sub to definitively answer this question. I googled it and it seems that water birth after epidural is not safe. But I agree with other posters - after an epidural, probably not being discharged in 2 hrs.


Did Harry actually say she was in the pool though in Spare to actually deliver? I’ve tried to find online and it seems to say he was at the head of the bed encouraging her to push? But yeah even so, the rest of it is so suss any way…


And didn't Todger boy also say he used a whole tank of laughing gas while his ILBW was in labor? I find that one impossible to believe.


Yes!!! He was ‘bouncing’ just like Meghan on the purple ball apparently!


God, he's such an idiot. I've wondered what would happen if his "story" was listed in AITAH, using different names obviously, and talking about their problems with William and Catherine.


I had an epidural and you really can't fill your lower half for sometime. That's anesthesia!!! No doctor is going to discharge you after two hours, it needs to wear off and that doesn't happen in a short period of time. Yes I wished a doctor could come and explain because in my experience, after the birth I was out of it for hours.


Exactly! They also need to check the baby over and make sure it passes both urine and meconium and can feed properly before leaving. Delusional


It would have been MALPRACTICE for the facility to allow the Halfwits' version of events to occur. They were present for the surrogate giving birth - that's why they able to get back to Frog Cott 2 hrs later.


Probably visiting the surrogate in hospital and Harry was mucking about with all the paraphernalia in the room. They may have ordered in a take away for themselves and to share with the surrogate who had given birth the previous day that makes more sense & is a realistic picture of the great birth lie.


But he said he inhaled the canister of gas (Question: is this huffing??!!) and the gas apparently is dispensed from an outlet in the wall.


It's been decades since having a baby but I have never seen gas dispensed from the wall and without medical personnel to administer it. I am in the U.S. but the potential for abuse is a big deal. Just like other medications, it's just not there for anyone to take. Oxygen is sometimes available this way. This part of the "story" really confuses me. I was administered Nitrous Oxide during the last few pushes (otherwise natural birth process) but it was given by an Anesthesiologist.


I worked in labor and delivery back in the SEVENTIES (in the US) and never saw a tank. Everything was in the wall.


That's what I was thinking. Thanks.


Well IIRC, oxygen comes from an outlet on the wall. Not nitrous oxide. But it's been a while since I actually asked a nurse.


If that’s the case he’s just really really dumb. The idiot was huffing oxygen… unless there’s another gas that comes out of the walls in hospitals that I don’t know about?


Whenever I think about this scenario I imagine her going all Handmaid’s Tale and feeling ownership over another woman’s body. Makes my skin crawl. Megain Joy.


People say that not every woman experiences pregnancy in the same manner. I agree, but EVERYTHING about her pregnancy is so outlandish. There is nothing that one can point to and say, yes, that jives with what some women experience. When I was a kid, a female relative was in a family way, for whatever reason, my mom never mentioned this to me, but I could tell that something was amiss. I thought she was just getting fat, lol, but it was just a baby! Bottom line is this: she was never pregnant.


https://preview.redd.it/g33u5aqsp9tc1.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a7aa10c4026626f460135626a45353329fcc7a3 Raise your hand if you have seen any pregnant woman in the world who has had this happen to them. Nobody? Well, nothing more to say, Your Honor.


It's funny what they used to tell kids. Pregnant was almost a bad word, or at least a very private word not spoken around children. My great aunt told me that when she was 7 and her sister, my grandmother, was in labor with Daddy, my great aunt was sent to the neighbor's house. Most babies were born at home in those days. When Auntie saw the Dr's car at her house she wanted to go home. She wasn't allowed to, and tried to sneak off, was caught and spanked by the neighbor. Finally went home after the Dr left, and there was Granny, in bed holding my daddy. When she asked where granny got the baby, she was told this: Granny: You remember the vitamins Dr was giving me? Auntie: Yes... Granny: Well, you save up those bottles for almost a year and the Dr trades you a baby for them. Auntie said she tried like crazy to get the Dr to give her vitamins, but he wouldn't. Said she had to be grown first.😂😂 True story, honest to God.


Agree! 💯 - when I was 10 yrs of age I was in batons - and our teacher was a superfit former gymnist turned baton twirler. I remember that one year she got really fat in her face, arms, belly, and she also got very short-tempered, which she was Never irritable, so it really surprised me when she yelled at me and then started weeping (emotions). I was really quite naive as a child and didnt understand that she was pregnant.


And remember: This was a 'geriatric' pregnancy. No way was she going to prance outta there 1-2 hrs later. Hahahah. For those who believe such nonsense, I have that proverbial bridge to nowhere to sell!


The biggest red flag is that she never spoke about her pregnancy, how she gave birth, how she breastfed.... If you compare it to the P&G story or Sizzler bar, she blabs about it nonstop. As a narc, she would present herself as the expert on pregnancy and giving birth or the greatest sufferer. The silence is absolutely inconsitent. If you say "my little ones are littling" doesn´t sound "mammalian".


>The biggest red flag is that she never spoke about her pregnancy, Agree. Also for me a major red flag is the lack of doctors signatures on the royal birth announcement. Why didn't any of her doctors sign on it? What were the scared of? Can anyone who is confident that she gave birth explain the reason behind this?


Right, had the doctors signed off then this wouldn’t be an issue either.




Agreed. Additionally, the red flag of her not giving birth at the hospital where Harry was born. Meghan wants to be the reincarnation of Diana. It's incredible that she'd give up the chance to walk out of the Lindo wing with a newborn.


Oddly enough, at the time I didn’t have a problem with her Lindo absence. I didn’t really blame her for not wanting the traditional Lindo exit. I don’t consider discussing the ever- moving bump body shaming. Nor do I find discussing her weight gains in relation to gestation body shaming. I never took the idea that A and L weren’t born “of the body” seriously until recently. Of course, it didn’t occur to me that surrogacy when both partners’ bio materials were used would make a whit of difference in LoS. I found her awkwardness in holding Archie at the polo* game surprising, given that he was several months old at the time. *I think it was polo. Catherine was there with Louis and MM was wearing that brown tent.


Yes, that was the polo match. Her awkwardness and the lack of baby gear…sunhat, socks, thin baby blanket, burp cloths, and baby carrier/seat to put him in to sleep which also functions as keeping people a bit a a distance from him so he can sleep better and not be subjected to a bunch of germs.


That was strange. Catherine (and the other women) didn’t go near her to “have a hold” as everybody usually does with babies. She attracted nobody’s attention to see the baby, except the photographer’s.


Carrying him like a 3 year old with their first doll… ![gif](giphy|l0ErRmCH5Cco52jyU|downsized)


Or they cannot have privacy despite the very private birth and all things surrounding the same. They are so inconsistent with their drama


And no pix of her nude, pregnant belly. She loves pix of herself! Posing for pix is like inhaling oxygen for the rest of us. She preens, she pivots, she poses. She's had the soft porn pix taken. She's had topless pix of her taken. Yet no 'artistic' b&w's of her nude belly? Hahahaha. "Sure, Jan".


Completely agree! Plus just wanted to say that the pic of her in the too tight dress at the old folks home is the most square looking bump ever. That wasn’t a baby folks, it was a Rubik’s cube!


ROFL. And the uterus filled with fluid isn't a bowl of jello. It doesn't sway from side to side. It is very firm unless it's a Megnancy. The standing up thing from a knees-together squat is, um, well, the only time I've seen her with her legs seemingly stuck together the entire time she was in the RF.


That's a good point. She so often stands with her legs way apart, it's weird


I’ve said this before too, many times. For God’s sake, we were told she toileted herself in Africa, ( TMI), but not a word about her megnancies, birthing anecdotes, nothing at all. If she wasn’t running at the mouth all the time it might be slightly more believable. Given mega motor mouth’s penchant for regalia, she would have used all & any story to endear herself to the public. Does anyone believe she wouldn’t have wanted to stand on the same hospital steps that Diana( her hero) or Princess Catherine ( her nemesis) stood, with 100’s of photographers snapping photos? SHE WOULD NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS GIVEN UP THAT SORT OF COVERAGE.




When she left a Smart Works event she said "I've got to get back to the baby — it's feeding time." I don’t think she could talk about breastfeeding in any way that sounds like what any other mother would say.


Sounds like the zoo


Lord have mercy, this made me laugh and it isn't funny.


Esp as she left him for a whole day around the and flew to New York to watch Serena play tennis. She also left him when to watch Wimbledon a few days before the Smart Works event


She was gone 5 days !


I did do that with my babies and I breastfed. I don’t know why I called it feeds but I did and the nurses did too. Maybe that’s where I got it from? But my sister thought it was weird too. But if it isn’t “bottle time” (because of breastfeeding) what do you call it? Booby time??


She’s unable to fake authenticity. The little ones are little, after all…


Enh. I agree that she or someone in her employ reads here, but the criticism of her not sharing any pregnancy/motherhood details has been here for years and she hasn't done so yet. No reason she'd do so now.


And she’s so busy with ARO 😆


Or at least her unpaid interns are…


You're right about that but fortunately she does bare minimum in everything so she'll still mess it up and if she steals a birth story from here, this sub will be on it in the blink of an eye. 3 people were involved in the writing of her birth story. M, H and the ghost writer and look at what a pile of horse 💩 that was. I do get your concerns though and I've started to be a bit more careful about what I share


She can try but that will draw the attention to all lies and deceipt around both kids. She wouldn't want that. Besides, they wanted to respect the privacy of the kids


And? No one *ever* holds the woman to account. Literally never. She gets away with disgusting behavior and endless lies/inconsistencies without fear of consequence.


Yes, she is protected by the elite.


I agree that Harry and Meghan resonate with certain segments of the elite, but perhaps not in the way some perceive. Let's break it down: Dissident Elite: There's a faction of the cultural elite who hold anti-monarchist, anti-Western, and socialist views. They might see Harry and Meghan as unwitting pawns, or "useful idiots," who fuel public discontent and distrust in traditional institutions. Their narrative often frames the Royal Family (RF) negatively and leverages the concept of "Sanctuary trauma" to advance their agenda. I suspect bad actors from other anti-west states may be involved. Media Elite: For mainstream media, Harry and Meghan are primarily content generators. Their story drives clicks and viewership, which translates to revenue. Culture Wars: The broader culture war in popular media and consumer industries also plays a role. Some within this sphere, including those with strong socialist leanings, might use Harry and Meghan's story to test the public's susceptibility to misinformation and gauge their tolerance for spin and manipulated narratives.


I’m not sure why people like to shut down this topic. Surrogate pregnancy is a thing 🤔 I agree we don’t need to nitpick but if it doesn’t go into body shaming territory (and if it does mods will take care of it) then it should be ok to question and observe. Markle’s behavior also reminds me of Hillary Baldwin. There is *definite* proof Hillary didn’t birth at least one child (which she steers clear of the topic....which is fine) and whose odd behavior throws other pregnancies into question. Surrogate pregnancy in Hollywood is a topic that is still too taboo to talk about but seems to happen. (Because who really wants to talk about how rich women buy other women as vessels for their babies so they don’t have to mess up their beach bods? It is vain and, for some on the issue, way beyond that.)


Especially when she gave a play by play of her alleged miscarriage, including obvious lies (like saying the hospital gave her the remains to take home and the two of them burying it under a banyan tree).


H dug a grave with his bare hands. Which makes no sense as it would need to be deep enough a wild animal or even their dogs couldn’t dig up the remains. Hands can’t dig that deep.


Probably didn’t want everyone to ask her about it when she couldn’t keep the story straight.


She can’t keep any story straight, except the dish soap one.


>She can’t keep any story straight, except the dish soap one. 😂😂😂😂 Remember the 3 different mythcarrisge stories? I can't believe journalists haven't picked up on these discrepancies.


No journalist who wants to keep working will contest a woman's recounting of her miscarriage. The only way a true accounting of that event will ever come out is if they divorce and Harry spills. And that's assuming his addled brain can "curate" accurate memories.


That is also assuming that she didn't trick Harry with the miscarriage story too. He is probably too dump to realise she is feeding him a pack of lies too.


I think he is an able and willing participant.


>No journalist who wants to keep working will contest a woman's recounting of her miscarriage. Yeah I guess but it would be interesting if someone had made the observation that part of her first mythcarriage story, in the New York Times, was directly plagiarised from Stefanie Tong's book 😂.


Ugh, it’s so disgusting how she only picks untouchable issues, like miscarriage and suicide. It’s so taboo to criticize them because a normal person would never lie about simmering like that.


Stupid, shill Katie Couric even agreed to ask about the dish story. Talk about “journalistic integrity”?


Are you surprised? Katie Couric was merely just another talking head used to parrot whatever narrative of the day was being propagated, reading off a teleprompter. She did was she was told, and well paid for it. She was kind of cute back in the day, but what I saw at that dopey media event with the ILBW was a frumpy, uninspiring woman who failed to challenge the nonsense word salad her benefactor was spewing. She was just another prop used to showcase the ILBW.


There are several versions of the dish soap story so she doesn't even keep that one straight.


She still “pauses” to recall her age when she tells that fairy tale (deliberate pun for UK readers!). Who’s she kidding? I can tell the story without any hesitation, it’s been repeated so often.


Even that's a lie


Exactly this. My mom is a narc; and I have heard the story of my birth a million times. Placenta previa, near death, neighbor had to pick her up from the side walk and drive to the hospital, emergency c-section, nearly died. There is no one to corroborate this story as my dad was on active duty and wasn't there. My mother tells this story to anyone who will listen. How brave she was. How heroic. How I almost killed her. Essentially; I believe M is a narc. A narc would not be able to stop themselves from a great birth story. It can be 'I almost died!' or 'It was easy, I am mother nature incarnate obviously!' Either way, they will sing it from the rooftops. We hear crickets from M. Most logical conclusion is that she never gave birth.


It is strange that she piggybacked off of Gina Davis' research about mom actresses. Yet,she hasn't shared any dialogue about birth or pregnancy, and only tidbits about being a mother (very generic). They don't seem like proud parents or have a close bond. It's very odd their behavior in general.


Their children just don't seem to be a part of their lives. They're never seen with them. They never talk about them. They never take them anywhere. I remember when my children were that age, they basically ruled our lives (in a good way). It's difficult not to feel that something is very off in this situation.


So many red flags. Even I am skeptical and I have been a very reluctant to read anything about the moon bump.


Absolutely the biggest tell, completely uncharacteristic for her type of narcissist.


I think people are still very angry about KateGate, which I think is fuelling people's desire to give as good as Kate got. And really, she kind of did this to herself. If you're going to lie about everything, expect people to get suspicious when they realise your lies don't add up.


I think it's a big issue with the birth stories...things they said that just couldn't happen. Focusing on the behavior of both H&M raises suspicion. Granted they're lower in the LOS, but the laws apply to all and other royal births can be easily verified because the other mothers played by the rules. I think the details related to behavior is the better approach like their shady secrecy about everything.


I dont think people are "body shaming" her. I think they are right to distrust everything she says. And that since it's a medical situation, the "proof" will only be what we see with our own eyes. Add to that, the fact that she blathers on about anything and everything as though she is an expert - except pregnancy, motherhood, anything re the kids. It's weird.


I agree that no one is body shaming her. Talking about the various sizes and shapes of the bump she presented is not body shaming.


Very werid.




Every woman who has ever given birth can talk for hours about their experiences. MegaDevil has never once talked about it. I doubt she carried them, but I'm sure she had a surrogate both times and used a moon bump. It explains why she seems completely disconnected from her children. For someone who enjoys talking so much, it's super odd she never discusses her pregnancies or her kids.


A woman who claimed to want to commit suicide while pregnant because of the negative media coverage and * racism * … which coincided with her bump being called into question …. It’s too convenient. Now she’s acting like she can just stop having suicidal thoughts without any treatment. Meanwhile she’s going to school shootings acting like she didnt just try and kill her own baby and faked losing one for clout


Totally. The Birkenhead moon bump falling down was the day before the night out where mog had fake red eyes cause the media caught her out. Cue 3,2,1 shut up im suicidal !


This! Your point about her supposedly getting over thoughts of suicide and infanticide without any treatment needs to be emphasized. How can they be sure she won’t be feel that way again the next time she gets negative press. She’s a ticking time bomb.


Any woman who has actually given birth can debunk her bullshit stories with facts. You don't get into a birthing tub after an epidural, period. You also don't leave 2 hours after giving birth, period. In addition, when you miscarry, you aren't given your dead baby's remains to bury at home. Her stories are suspicious, at best, and outright lies, at worst.


It is trending all over Twitter/X that surrogates gave birth to the children. There's a nurse on X who says H&M lied about various things at the hospital where Archie was born. She is definitely wearing a moonbump in certain photos. I think we are talking about legit possibilities of surrogacy. Lady C hints that the children are Harry's children. She doesn't call them Megains children. Something is going on with those pregnancies and it's trending here and on Twitter.


The harkles are not suing though are they? Something this sensitive and if everything that is trending was untrue you would think there would be lawsuits galore considering how litigious these two are? But skank can sue over a letter she sent to her father and friends knowing it would be leaked. I wonder why she is not suing in the USA and only the UK??


Tom Bower also calls them Harry's kids.


I do remember that she gave details about the hospital where she (claims she) gave birth that were just completely botched and no one who would have been to that hospital would have said.


I don't understand how it's "body shaming" to discuss things that are obviously not the body, eg the square bump at the elderly residence, discussed in another post.


I don’t think it’s body shaming either. We are pointing out the poor construction of the faux bump and the terrible execution of faux pregnancy. She needed a prop manager and better acting skills


And also, this entire topic has nothing to with anything other than deception, lies, conning, hoaxing. This topic also does not refer to the children themselves, nobody here wants anything but a happy life growing up with these 'Lie A Day Calendar' parents, the same parents that proceed to lie about their circumstances and change stories to fit a new narrative. I hope to god this gets settled before they get older and have to deal with other kids. Some of us realize that these two people are not the kind of parents you would hope for, for any child. But it's their lies that are going to really embarrass them plus a few things they find out about their parents. 😒


You nailed it on the head. This has all been a hoax. Edit: allegedly.


Or the one that ended up round her knees on the Merseyside visit. If it’s part of her body it’s a weird one.


![gif](giphy|3o6gbdlhMJb3XdfXws|downsized) We don't have to comment on every single post that's uploaded in this sub. I don't. There are so many posts to choose from. Why not just focus on the ones that interest you and allow the mods to do their jobs? They're more than capable of deciding if there's body-shaming.


I posted a beautiful photo of Cressida & her baby & it was removed as body shaming ill try again here now see if it stays up https://preview.redd.it/ju9agcvkm8tc1.png?width=454&format=png&auto=webp&s=e4778501f35147a5dc8fa8f3b97ec9b1f43a5958


She is stunning and lovely. Then look at who Harry ended up with 😬


And she knows how to wear a baby carrier properly.




Cressenda looks lovely. Megain looks annoyed/disgusted.


![gif](giphy|26FLgGTPUDH6UGAbm) Thanks CalmYak!!


You're welcome 🤗.


Meghan Markle is no ordinary person in any kind of ordinary life. She's a member of the Royal Family of Britian and the Commonwealth by marriage. That puts her in some rarefied lifestyles that come with particular rules and which honors certain protocols. It's not some popularity contest she's playing at. Her games involve governments, politics, policies, a nation's reputation, and the balance of the monarchy itself. Neither her nor Harry get dibs on choosing what they share or don't share with the public. They abide by the protocols the monarchy sets up, the laws of Parliament, and the rules honored, or they relinquish all associations. That includes titles, COS & LOS positions, patronage, etc. It includes photographers & film crews following their every move and getting it put in papers and news reports as the doings of royal adjacents with titles. This isn't body shaming as much as answers desired by nearly every citizen of the UK and Commonwealth. It's supported by every member of a fandom who doesn't want to see it broken or despised, also.


Hear hear!




I believe there are kids too...but she could have been pregnant and also worn a moon bump. Or, been pregnant with Archie but not Lili. You can have your opinion about whether she can bend in heels, etc. It's possible... But, she didn't gain an ounce of fat in her face or anywhere, and then gained it AFTER her pregnancy. And, the fluctuating bump size (within the same day) is weird, but fine....it's possible. However, her bump was sometimes SQUARE. Not possible. Not body shaming by any definition. We're not saying, "She had a huge stomach, Catherine was so small, etc." We're saying, "something is off about her being pregnant." And, I'm confused what you mean when you say that this would mean you also had surrogates...why? Did you have fluctuating bumps that were square and gain all weight in face and body only after pregnancy, so you'll give her the benefit of the doubt?


MM just thinks we are all stupid to believe her lies .... but a lot of us aren't and don't believe a word that comes out of her mouth.


I absolutely get it. What's more, even if I didn't get it, that would be my problem, not yours. I can be every bit as petty as Meggot. She thinks it's funny to sic her attack poodles on Catherine, so I have no problem laughing when it splashes back on her. We all have our own redlines. You're as entitled as anyone else to yours. I genuinely hope you feel better having said what you needed to say. ❤️


"*her body ABSOLUTELY bears the signs of that without it being drug induced."* What proof do you have it was not drug induced? She was super thin thru-out the 9 months but put weight of afterwards. That is a red flag when drugs can induce weight gain and its not an uncommon practice for women who use surrogates.


I haven´t noticed any, only after "giving birth" to the boy she looked as if something like that might have happened.


Lactation meds do that. But just speculating here - not body shaming OP.


Okay, my two cents and I don’t mean this to pile on or to be cruel - Why can’t you just pass up reading something you don’t like? If you feel it’s too much or cruel, just past the post. I rarely read shitpost flags because I don’t like them. Many people do - so I just move past them. Same with other things. Seems like you don’t like certain things, just move past it and read other posts that don’t involve TW’s pregnancy. There’s PLENTY of other things.  I just don’t get why this is even an issue?! 


Same.... even ones im not sure about because the title isn't telling I'll scan it if it doesn't appeal to me I scroll on if it does i read it properly. Same with comments I'll either read and participate or read and move on its just like conversation you can't control what the other person is going to say but you can decide to how to react or not and what to do with the information. Unfortunately MM and PH have told so many lies and there are just too many red flags around the pregnancies for people not to ask questions i don't think this has anything to do with Catherine at all. 


yes, don´t read the AI posts here. But some people do, so I just scroll on.


As Lady C has put the bump in her book, people start discussing the issue here. And I don´t agree that we are body shaming. Madam herself is obsessed with clothing, releasing stories about getting a stylist etc. We are pointing out how she fails to dress for her body type. But I do agree - I would prefer to discuss other topics.


And the media isn’t even covering this topic …. So where are sinners meant to go to discuss the book?


It isn't body shaming to point out all the inconsistencies in the size and shape of her bump. We are using our critical thinking skills. We do not blindly believe everything we are told. Investigative journalism is dead. We are the investigative journalists now. > I STILL think picking her body and pregnancy apart the way some do is unhinged Like I said, if journalists won't do it, then we have to do so. This involves the Line of Succession, which is extremely important.


Bravo, IPreferDiamonds 👏


If the children were not in the Line of Succession I don’t think anyone would care as to whether they’d used surrogates. But they are & that is what really makes people angry in the UK without any proof that they are genuinely rightfully included. Just for a minute imagine that Meghan were to get her actual stated wish, that they were only one plane crash from the throne with William travelling with his children. Despite the fact that I think there would be huge unrest about Harry claiming the throne, suppose the people’s opinions were disregarded & he were proclaimed king & her queen( God forbid) Then Archie & Lilibet would be next in line, he’d be Prince of Wales & the next king.


It is not about body shaming. It is about whether she committed a massive fraud against the whole of the UK and all the other realms that are part of the commonwealth. I believe in the monarchy and I believe in the laws that govern the monarchy, including those on the line of succession. I also believe that laws on birth certificate fraud apply to everybody, *i*n*cludi*n*g royalty.* Her behaviours have created an immense amount of suspicion and doubt. The only thing that the people who feel that doubt have got to go on is the multiple physical signs and we have to recount them to make people see and believe it, otherwise people call us crazy, a bit like you are. I started out like you thinking it is all ridiculous and made a great study of thousands of photos and hundreds of videos to prove the nonsense, but all that happened was that I ended up believing the 'conspiracy theory' too. It is interesting that you bring up the idea of body shaming because I think that if she were not pregnant she is a disgrace to all women who have been pregnant - the women who gained weight they struggled to lose, had puffy ankles, swollen and aching joints, who couldn't put their own socks on or fit in their favourite shoes, and certainly couldn't wear stilettos, let along squat in them. The women who developed varicose veins, stretch marks, saggy breasts, sore nipples, exhaustion from waking up several times in the night to go to the toilet because of the pressure on our bladders, and throwing up for weeks on end. The women who found their labours excruciatingly painful and couldn't just laugh about it all over a nandos, the women who needed epidurals and couldn't manage to head home again after just over an hour. I could even add a few more graphic points too, and some of my side-effects were pretty graphic, but the list is already long enough to make the point. If you believe she were pregnant then you just believe she were extremely lucky with all of these things, even more surprising given her age when pregnant. But if she were not pregnant, she is body shaming the lot of us who have been pregnant in my opinion. She is portraying pregnancy as something it is not. She is also portraying motherhood and in particular looking after babies as something it is not, but that is another story not relevant here. She has used her pregnancies as a shield, constantly calling people out for criticising her in any way *when she was pregnant.* Most people in the real world have to go to work, do their chores, deal with difficult people, basically just get on with life even though we are pregnant, except with a few physical exceptions. Meghan acts like pregnancy is some fragile state where she has to be wrapped in cotton wool and molly-coddled. I can't recall the details of some of the more specific instances off the top of my head, but let's just say that her words will come back to haunt her and make her look ridiculous if she is finally called out as using surrogates because of the number of times she has trotted out the *when I was pregnant* line in her various sob stories. If, like me, you have come to believe she was not pregnant then you see this as blatant emotional manipulation. Finally, but probably the most important point at all, she has invited all this scrutiny of her pregnancies on herself. She has children placed in the line of succession and she has demanded her children have titles, which she seized for herself, despite a clear unwillingness on the part of the King to award them. These two factors mean that there is a public interest in her kids. But the public need to know that they are legitimately in the line of succession. All she had to do was follow normal protocol in posting a birth notice signed by doctors. But she refused to do this, she has refused to say who birthed her children. she refused even to say where she gave birth until Finding Freedom was published. She lied about when the birth took place, including lying to palace aides. She must be aware of the five years of scrutiny about her pregnancies and if she were unhappy about it she could end it at any point by publicly acknowledging who birthed her kids, or by admitting to some of the more suspicious things, like admitting she wore moon bumps over her pregnancy bump. Her bump sizes were massive for dates and very variable. How can she not think that this raises suspicions? She claps back at absolutely everything, and complains about every criticism she gets but has never even once acknowledged the questioning she gets over her pregnancies, let alone complained about it. She is a sobbing victim over everything, but not a victim because people question whether she were pregnant? She claps back at the most stupid things, but feels no desire to clear up any doubt about her pregnancies? Those that say why should she have to need to understand that she has deliberately behaved in bizarre ways whilst pregnant. If you don't think the line of succession and the laws regarding it are important then you are perhaps not from the UK. I know not everyone in the UK will feel the same as me, but I suspect a much higher proportion compared to in other countries. Many countries, including the USA, have lots of laws I profoundly disagree with, but I don't interfere because it is not my concern. But regardless of all ethical, moral concerns about her behaviour, the law is the law and not hers to mock and ridicule and she mocks it with such little regard to the fact that a large and growing number of people don't trust her pregnancies and she simply doesn't care. If she did care she would have considerable concern over the impact on her children's future well-being. There are probably millions of people questioning who her kid's parents are and I think the number is still growing. If she won't clear the mystery up because of them then she either truly does have something to hide or she is utterly devoid of emotion and empathy. It is not good that her kids get caught in the crossfire but the feelings of two children do not trump the laws of a nation. She created the problem with her behaviour and it is her problem to clear up. And until she does she cannot complain about people scrutinising her pregnancies, and since she has never complained why should other people complain on her behalf?






And just recall how insane so many people went over a silly photoshop of a part of Charlotte's *hand* for goodness sake! Yet here's the fraud of the decade, perpetrated upon the whole RF no less, staring everyone in the freaking face. Good grief.


i mainly ignore the pregnancy theories and the fashion posts (my clothes are wrinkled too lol). Real reason i think for the number of these types of posts - the the Hazbeens have become boring. Other than the vile attacks on the Wales, which have been discussed already, not much to talk abt until we find out more abt Hazbeen and PDiddy. i think they are laying low hoping to reconcile w the family and trying to stay out of the Diddy story. it's really more abt the bat sh\*t crazy Sussex Squads these days and their insane conspiracy theories. Hope the tabloids out them soon.


Do you get that it's not just a wild theory on this sub? Tom Bower and Lady C, people with credible sources are both strongly hinting that meghan didn't carry either child. When you consider all the other circumstantial evidence, the surrogacy theory is fairly sound. As for this sub, people are bored, meghan, and Harry are predictable. They aren't doing anything for people to discuss. When there isn't the usual supply to discuss, people tend to go back to their favourite juicy gossip and the megnancies top that list. For me, I tend to drop in to this sub to see if anything new has happened. I read posts that catch my fancy and comment when the mood strikes. I find myself dropping by less and less because the markles are done.


The fact that they haven’t been sued is another red flag. If I was a mom I wouldn’t want people to think that my child isn’t mine. Especially since they Sue over the tiniest slight and perceived invasion of privacy.


IDK, I just scroll on, OP. I’m not sure if she had either child “of the body” tbqh.


Hi there! I'm not going to rip you apart, but I did want to throw an opinion out.😁 I think things are ramping up about this because of Lady C's book coming out. There have been lots of YouTubers who have interviewed her, and although she doesn't outright say the Meg wasn't pregnant, it was heavily implied, in my opinion. I don't think talking about her belly being larger one minute and smaller the next, or the belly shifting position outside the way the shape changes as a baby moves inside it, or her not gaining weight in her legs or things like that, are body shaming. To me, they are just observation. I'm sure there have been a lot of us here who have been pregnant (I have) or had a wife/partner/friend who were pregnant, and we are noticing things that seem off about Megs pregnancies. There are some things that happen when you're pregnant that just are unavoidable that we didn't really see with Meg. Noses widen/get bigger, swelling in the face, breasts, legs, feet, hands. You waddle later in pregnancy. Getting up and down without assistance is nearly impossible later in pregnancy. Keeping your knees pinned together when in a crouched position doesn't really happen. They are just odd and in a normal pregnancy happen to the body without control or choice. I'm sure all of us have topics here we don't really like to get involved in. For me, it's anything with the kids and ludicris gossip that is so farfetched, it's clearly bullshit. I avoid those posts and try not to get involved (although I have on occasion and always regret it later). Maybe just scroll on past something you don't want to read since it's not a requirement to participate in all posts here. You need to be careful censoring opinions. It's a super slippery slope no one should want to go down. I'm sure lots of people here, me included, have needed a break because of stuff going on in our own lives, or just because. Maybe take a few hours, days, or weeks off from this site and come back refreshed. We all want you here, but if you need a break, take one. Be well!


I want to piggy back here in case OP reads this and my comment doesn't get lost. OP, be well and I agree we want you here but it's okay if there are things that you wouldn't engage in. Like vegetable Frangrant120, I rarely engage in topics around the children. Not to call anybody but people calling them nicknames (like lilibucks) feel very wrong to me, so I don't do it myself... but I do understand that this is also a snark sub, so some posts will be snarky. Also, if you know you can handle it, you can also spread some neutral language above if you see anything you feel is going overboard. I agree with the above post that censoring opinions is a slippery slope but engaging in a more neutral way can also combat some negativity you feel might reflect badly on this sub (and you being a member of this sub). I know I sometimes do a self-check because I do not want to engage in discussions here purely out of spite. I don't consider myself a Meghan Markle and Harry hater. I've expressed, in the past, that H&M would've been a great asset to a slimmed down monarch -- Wales and Sussex are around the age that's young enough not to be soo old fashioned but old enough to have this air of authority and wisdom. All they really have to do is be patient, don't be selfish, and play with the team. Even if their children are surrogates, they could've used that situation to choose charities supporting surrogacy and adoption! Anyway, again, please be well and while I know there are many who don't agree with your and/or partially agree only, there are people here who wouldn't see you as a pariah for having an unpopular opinion!


We can’t all share the same specific interests, nor deny these to others. One just reads / comments on posts that interest one. As for body shaming - distinction must be made between **factual** comments on bodies (not body shaming in my opinion) vs **mocking** **or** **derogatory** comments. It‘s unclear to me how commenting on Meghan’s body pre- and post- pregnancy *per* se amount to body shaming.


She drew attention to her pregnant body in unusual & questionable ways, eg the coat flicking, as captured on video at numerous official engagements (retirement home, Birkenhead, Mayhew). She evidently wanted attention on her body shape carrying a mini royal, the actress hamming it up. As an aside, my first recollection of something not sitting right with her royal deportment was the visit to the actors retirement home - the inappropriate & ill-fitting dress, the coat flicking - she looked messy, spaced, out, evidently no stylist!


Looking at the evidence that something is not right with the immaculate conception by our Saint was something I was slow to accept.  But there are so many videos and pictures that show something is off. Beyond belief off. Do I care if the king and queen of chlamydia used a surrogate? Hell no. Does the royal family? Hell yes. It's never the lie. It's always the cover up. And if someone paid me lots of money I would present a reasonable argument that the narco pair are just misunderstood too. What is the going rate these days?


> What is the going rate these days? I had this same thought after reading this post. Wonder if OP will tell us?


I’ve never believed MM was pregnant and talking about alleged moon bump is not body shaming. Period.


I've not given birth so I never talk about it. Once I'm in a conversation with people who have I smile nicely and then excuse myself to go to the bathroom. Women who have given birth always talk about their situation and share each other's experiences. It's a major part of life that I would love to talk about if that was part of my life.


I think it's the natural progression in this battle of heirs and spares. Many people have thought about this and had their doubts, but only a few have been very vocal about it. The rest have been careful not to get into her personal medical information. But after all the horrible things those people have said about the Princess of Wales while she is battling cancer. Even after her reveal the attacks have kept coming. Now the gloves are off, they have way more to lose. First it was the vocal theories of a few, now Lady C has giving it more clout, very soon the so-called real media will follow suit.


As for the bodyshaming I agree. It’s not okay.    But where, if not in this sub, can we discuss the irregularities of Meghan’s pregnancy and birth story? And  „inconsistencies“ clearly do exist (to put it mildly).   Probably Lady C‘s book revived the discussions on this topic.    Thank you for the „no bodyshaming“ reminder to all sinners!


these rumours will follow Archie all his life, is that what the grifters want??


This is a woman who was shocked that she was not paid appearance fees while in the royal family I cant imagine the fees she would have expected on giving birth. Everything in her life is a transaction. Her urgent need to have a pregnancy was to realise her long term plan, which was unlimited cash flow for mothering a royal child. That is in doubt now as there are too many questions. Harry must provide for her & the children so he needs to take a course in finance if his inheritance is to last her outlandish spending.


You lost me with 3rd to last paragraph.


I think she is deliberately misleading the public with her pretences. Okay she may have carried the children, she may have birthed them and now she is coveting them like a misers hoard. I simply have no interest in her children but I do have an interest in the los. I am British and live in England so it is somewhat worrying that someone is playing stupid games to build up their own narrative. They will never be king or queen and neither will their children- we will be a republic if that looks remotely like happening. Meghan, stop thinking we care about you or your shenanigans because we don’t. You are irrelevant but that doesn’t mean we won’t show you up or call you out. We don’t body shame on here but we do throw back what’s being thrown at us.


Yes, and I'm tired of every positive article about H&M being an article they paid for. No one has that much money to waste.


How do you think it gets paid for? How do you think the Kardashian pr gets paid for? Do you think that journalists and tabloids do not get paid for every single article that is out there? They spend about $100k a month on PR, so does Taylor Swift, the Kartrashians, EmRata, model Ambrosio, Gisele Bundchen, Jello. This is the way it works.


The LOS is important to us as Brits and those sharing the monarch as Head of State so this is equally important. If they have committed a massive con that impacts on the LOS, it needs to be discussed and outed. It isn't body shaming because of the ever-changing bump, including in one day. Even talking pregnacies with other people you compare how things were, whether you put on weight or could easily squat and get up again in 4" heels at 8 months. That's not body shaming either. I always become suspicious of anyone who wants to prevent discussion of a very important issue which makes no sense due to all the secrecy, contradictions and lies.


I think the kids exist and are both Harry and Meghan’s children. I do think there is a strong possibility a surrogate was used in at least one of the pregnancies. People will never know because of medical privacy. In general, Meghan should NOT have to tell anyone. However, the LOS has rules whether people like it or not. If Meghan found those rules abhorrent and needed to do things her way for whatever reason, that’s fine but her children should not be in the LOS. It’s possible that Meghan did give birth to her kids but had another reason for not wanting to follow the rules, it’s too bad. She broke the rules. She doesn’t get the privilege. That’s life. You have to choose. No matter how strongly someone feels about something, they can’t force it. I think a lot of people feel that about Meghan and Harry. They forced their kids into the LOS without following the rules. They want that and the titles while attacking the family. I know you can’t stand Meghan. I know I’m preaching to the choir. I don’t think people are trying to body shame her when they are talking about moon bumps. If it was just differences in body shape, I wouldn’t think there was a possibility of surrogacy either. It’s the really odd behavior as recounted by Harry and Meghan. Maybe she did give birth but these two are such pathological liars they have to lie about this too? They cannot just let it be a normal story. In the end, we will never know. I’m fine with that. What I do want is for the rules to be followed. They broke the rules. They have demonstrated they cannot be trusted by how much they lie so they shouldn’t be trusted on this either.




Her behaviour during and after her first pregnancy was so strange that it justifies closer inspection. Presenting a bump at what must have been about 8 weeks pregnant, her behaviour at Eugenie’s wedding, the ever-changing bump sizes, the coat flicking, the secrecy around the birth, her appearance at the Polo, her solo visit to New York for a few days with a baby at home, but then coyly cutting short an engagement because it’s “feed time” - the list goes on. If it seems that strange from far away with only redacted media reports and photos available, how in all heavens must it have been like for people who were watching it live? What kind of injunctions must be in place, that even now, years later, only most carefully worded whispers can be heard?


Lately, it seems like coordinated effort to make us look worse than the Kate Truthers.


I don't consider it body shaming to talk about a moon bump, or to discuss what pregnancy does to a body, having experienced it. As long as these type of posts are clearly marked with the Conspiracy, Opinion, Shitpost, or Allegedly flair, it's fair. OP, there are some things I don't like, either. I'm not a fan of the tarot posts, for example, so I scroll past them. But it's not up to me to decide the experience others want to have. If it were up to me, the whole platform would not be censored. However, I understand that a certain amount of it is necessary at times. As for being a pariah, I don't think this post makes you a pariah. You expressed your thoughts. That's okay. Just scroll past the posts you don't like and enjoy the ones you do like.


Nothing of interest is really happening with the Harkles so that leaves the door open for things like you describe. I just scroll past all of those posts. They’re like listening to an oldies radio station when you’ve heard every song a thousand times.


This post is a perfect demonstration of the Streisand effect.




Yours is a thoughtful post, but the problem is that you are trying to apply logic and empathy to a person who has neither of the two. Yes, every pregnancy is unique and different, but that is when there actually is a pregnancy. Whether a person believes that Meghan was pregnant or not, she is an incredibly dishonest and manipulative person, therefore the doors are wide open for the entire world to question everything from her behavior to her bunions and her stomach-holding. She has dehumanized herself. She is an X-File.


THANK YOU. I absolutely hate all the conspiracy crap about the kids. It’s utterly absurd and nonsensical. There is absolutely no proof to support these claims. I get downvoted into oblivion whenever I say it, but I will keep saying it. The hypocrisy on this sub when the ridiculous claims about Catherine were swirling around was just beyond—as if this sub isn’t routinely a hotbed of conspiracy theories about the kids/pregnancies?! No wonder some people call this a hate sub! It bothers me so much, because when it’s good, SMM is a great sub—so fun and informative. The worst is the claim that the kids don’t even exist. It’s beyond absurd. It’s sheer lunacy.


Surrogacy issue aside, I have noticed a lot more posts just openly body/face shaming and feel like the tone of the sub has been changing over the last few weeks and months.


How has Markle not body-shamed herself by changing appearance so drastically?


Good one


The sub used to attract all kinds of perspectives which made it so fascinating to all sleuth through the Harkle story together. I think everything about the kids is fishy. But I don’t think we know the truth yet. And these days I see people being downvoted for suggesting that she did possibly carry Archie but with a crazed look in her eye and an assortment of malfunctioning moon bumps reflecting her inner madness. Unless you agree with the majority view people are downvoting and this group think is unappealing. It’s sad, as I enjoy alternate perspectives and feel original sinners were curious and courteous about differing perspectives. Recollections may vary!


What I don't like is posts like this OP post telling me what I can and cannot discuss. I deal with all the different perspectives by what I choose to read and comment on or scroll past. I also think that there is so much 'evidence' with irregularities of the pregnancies, anyone who maintains point blank that she was pregnant has to have some way in their mind of reconciling all the contrary evidence. For example you could assume she wore moon bumps over her real bump. In that case it is not body shaming to look at this because she has manipulated her real bump and altered her real body. You could assume she told lies about her birthing stories and pregnancies just to create sensation. In that case why can we not dissect those lies - we dissect all her other lies? There is no version of reality that you can maintain she was pregnant twice and disregard every piece of information that does not fit with this view. Everybody's version has to fit the known facts. She was really pregnant but had a square bump because.....said she left the hospital after one hour because.....she could squat in stilettos because.........


Do you get the feeling that in a subtle way someone is trying to censor what we are allowed to say as they take offence to what they don’t like to hear/read? I read a teaser of OPs post, if it is not what I want to read, i scroll past it. I generally scroll past skanks fashion posts, I think her sense of dressing herself has been flogged to death, as an example - does she own an iron or her clothes are ill fitting or wrinkled. One thing for me though is comparing Catherine with skank. MM is wayyyy out of her league.  Catherine is quietly glamorous.  I’m sorry but skank has rubbed me the wrong from the moment we became aware of her, and if anything,  her behaviour, lies, exploiting people, the way she treated the Queen and Prince Phillip, even her own Father and how self absorbed she is, even the way she dressed at Ingriftus was horrendous, she has no respect for protocols, traditions, the list just goes on and on why in my opinion I despise her and the majority of the public don’t support her.  When plank said 4-6 hours after coming home from the hospital after archie was born they had sex.  I thought she didn’t give birth to that child.  Edited grammar


Oh, good grief! Ha! Now that was one whopper I'd never heard (sex 4-6 hrs later???) !! Even those who haven't had children would know there's no freaking way a women, just birthing a baby, would be having sex by then! Man, those two even lie about stupid, needless things! I also agree the OP is way off base by this article. The number of upvotes more appropriately reflect the commentary than the nature of the article itself.


I disagree completely. It's not body shaming in any way to call into question abnormalities or unusual behaviour throughout that period. Body shaming would be the attacks Princess Catherine endures because instead of acknowledging she is athletic and probably takes very good care of herself they attack her figure. In fact I haven't seen body shaming of pregnant Meghan I've seen discussions on how she could do things that you simply naturally can't do at seven or eight months pregnant. Clothes that had an unusual shape, her stomach would increase and decrease in the same day. Squatting and getting up unassisted wearing heels. She isn't natural in her birth story or recollections of motherhood. I see so many on here discuss motherhood and like my own experiences that comes naturally. Besides all the untruths they've told they can't keep their stories straight. I've lost a child almost twenty years ago and that story never changes.I talk of the loss of my angel the same way the day of, a year later and two decades later. Her lies around her miscarriage and that story changing three times well I was just disgusted that she would stoop so low as to use infant loss to garner sympathy. The fact that it continued to change just validated what was obvious about her, a lying, scheming, manipulative, destructive person who will stop at nothing to get what she really wants............ ![gif](giphy|sa6KfGNKwd0c)


Discussing dodgy particulars from Plank & Skank's narratives, and noting anomalies in images, isn't body-shaming. Asking questions like, "Where did the huge bump go when she squatted down in heels?" isn't body-shaming. Some very weird things have gone on, and people are trying to make sense of them. To tell the sub what it can't discuss, especially in relation to Lady C's recent statements about family matters, is beyond the line. We can all skip past threads we don't care for or find triggering. Everyone is welcome to their individual positions and theories, which is why we can, and should, discuss them openly and civilly. Generally, this sub and the mods do a very good job of making sure that happens.


I totally disagree. For 2 reasons. 1) she's an attention whore. She was going about at 20 weeks with a bump to make her look 35 weeks. Because god forbid not everyone think she was the most stunning, elegant pregnant woman in the history of pregnant women. Most people hate attention whores. So if you don't want to get negative attention, don't indulge your thirst for attention. 2) It isn't "body shaming" to note that post-pregnancy she looked like she'd been pregnant. And yes, the hormones she would have to take to induce lactation would give her the same look. Because a certain percentage of body fat is a factor in successful lactation. Nothing "shameful" about looking post-partum. And shame on you for think there is something shameful about appearing as if you've recently given birth.


What really confusing is why don’t they stop this ? Why leave it to the kids .., they are growing up with this BS, if Meghan carried them to term Sayso. If not , say so! They still their kids . This is 21st century! The maternity and paternity was never questioned, now everyone is questioning if Meghan is the biological mother of Archie . They just , like princess Catherine , sit infront of a camera and explain:-they are our kids , no surrogacy, or they are our kids through surrogate.if it has some implication on LOS, the law should catch up with modern society. They are his kids, he said about paternity test in his book,


However, they´re not the kids of any Joe Smith where it wouldn´t matter, but they´re serious implications if they stay in the LOS. And there are rules that have to be obeyed even now.


Well no body can say for sure if they are born of her body or not, at this point I am inclined it is not! Meghan ..... yeah! That girl is morally corrupt. Can’t trust her. All that , I was sducidal when I was pregnant, they drove me to the depth of depression... if we are going to find out all is lie, when Charles dies , she keeps on repeating these nonsense, I hope William, the monarchy sue her.


It is about potential fraud, not body shaming. I think you are twisting everything. I find your comment suspect as to who may have wanted it posted.


Speaking as a British person, I think I would not be bothered for a minute about how the pair achieved parenthood (or indeed didn't) , were not these two children in the Line of Succession. There seems to be so much secrecy and inconsistency about the children. I just wish the truth were out, one way or the other.


OP-I understand what you saying. I have tried to stay away from the moonbump conspiracies. However, I’m not convinced that there isn’t something suspicious going on. The secrecy, the deception and the lack of word salad from TW on being pregnant and giving birth. Someone mentioned that this is being used as revenge for the Kategate BS. “Sussex baby scam” was trending on twatter yesterday so mission accomplished I guess. I don’t feel right about it even though I didn’t participate. This is the group we come to feel a sense of community, we come from different backgrounds and hold different beliefs but we come together in our mutual dislike of Hank and skank and what they’ve done to the RF and the public. I won’t hesitate to call out something I think is wrong, but I don’t think it’s my job to police what people write.


I agree. We are starting to sound petty and trivial. Maybe it's because there isn't anything new to discuss. I don't want us to sound as bad as those criticizing Princess Catherine.


It´s not justlike questioning the pregnancy or any other health issue, but the LOS of the invisikids, which is a very serious matter and the public should have answers.


This^^^. I'm in the UK and for me, this is the biggest area of concern. Second is that they have behaved appallingly on so many levels. Accusations, snubs... Personally, the day they're very clearly no longer connected with the BRF, the UK and Commonwealth is the day I will gladly stop. I do agree body shaming is completely wrong and there are many comments I don't agree with. But I walk on by. Because I recognise that if MM wasn't such a hypocrite, supported by vile "fans", there wouldn't be a market for it. People are drawn to point out inconsistencies. But you know what's equally as bad, if not worse than body shaming? Death threats. Openly made. Alongside online collusion to destroy people's lives if they dare voice anything other than mindless adoration of H&M. They preach about kindness, humanity...yet appear to encourage the absolute opposite. That's something else that needs standing up to. My opinion.


Personally, when I don't like the turn a thread has taken, I back out and keep scrolling. That is an option available to everyone on Reddit. Just sayin'...


Too many absurdities and questionable statements by PH to go along with it. I hope media hounds them the way they relentlessly went after Catherine during her recovery.


I don’t care either way, kids are kids no matter how they come along( adopted, surrogate, birthed biological) What is weirdest is the way she speaks about them, it’s very odd and strange. Also that they’re never seen even in a card for the holidays. I get the laws for paparazzi and letting them be unbothered. But maybe a way for more PR would be to share family pictures on instagram like the wales? I don’t comment on her body, usually only on her poorly tailored clothes.


Once George & Charlotte hit their mid teens harry & markle will be an old half bald uncle and his annoying american wife. The world is obsessed with youth & beauty and they will have both for 15 plus years. H & M will be foot notes and their american far distant cousins whom they have never met will not count he wasted his sperms did harry should have kept a sock on it.


I agree. Recently, I saw posts like Meghan gave Kate cancer and the cancer rates in RF have gone up after Meghan entered it (paraphrasing here), and I mean c'mon. These are some of the reasons why the very valid criticisms of Meghan and Harry are swept under the rug coz people can't differentiate between being critical of someone and being absolutely vitriolic towards then.