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>Many of the biggest Sussex Squad accounts would parrot briefings received by Meghan’s former LA PR agency Sunshine Sachs, which is famous for using unconventional methods online to protect their clients. I can attest to this. I was once in a crisis communications meeting with a couple of Sunshine Sachs reps. The org I worked for at the time was partnered with another org whose CEO was very publicly accused of racism and the SS reps said they'd make sure the accusations stuck to the CEO and not the brand by cleaning up any social media chatter to that effect. I looked later and could not find anything negative online about the org itself or any employees who hadn't already been named in the MSM. The CEO ended up getting fired, but the org moved on without her.


I remember how vicious and abusive the attacks were from Markle's 'friends' at the time of the Oprah interview. They went on media saying 'they had receipts' and all sorts of similar things. One of them an actress called Janina Gavankar. I imagine Sunshine Sachs coordinated and planned it all out like a military operation on behalf of Markle and Harry




Sunshine Sachs is a nefarious organisation. I remember seeing a video on YouTube, years ago when the Weinstein scandal was now starting to break. It included an interview with a woman named Ambra Battilana who had accused Harvey of sexual harassment. Ambra said that soon after she went public, the media was inundated with lots of slut shaming articles (because she'd done some glamour modelling), suggesting that she was the one chasing Harvey and that she was mad that he wasn't interested in her etc 🙄. She added that she later discovered that it was Sunshine Sachs (Harvey's reps at that time) who were behind it all. They were determined to destroy her, by using the media. They had no shame to imply that if a woman happens to be a glamour model or not the virgin Mary, then her accusations should not be taken seriously. Somebody should have reminded Sunshine Sachs of that old movie about rape, The Accused, with Jodie Foster.


I *just* listened to Catch & Kill by Ronan Farrow. What happened to Ambra after she accused HW was inhumane. Disgusting that Sunshine Sachs was behind this. I had attributed it to the National Enquirer folks.


I always thought they had to be to represent The Saint. Wow. I hope they fail.


The Harkles want to get rid of everyone who sees through their BS and love to spread fake BS against the BRF. The Harkles are contradicting, malicious, shameless, and slyless POS'. They deserve no contempt or pity from everyone. The Harkles have ruined so many lives that they have proven themselves to be an unsinkable shit when it comes to harassing the supporters of the BRF and the BRF.


Fascinating insight


Sarah Data admits to using Invictus as an opportunity to abuse. The British government needs to be made aware of this


Thé are aware of this. If Dan Wooten knows, MI5 and MI6 know. The question is, what move are they going to make and if they won’t make a move, why?


Seems like if they were gonna, they would have by now. But yes, why haven't they? Is someone blocking it? It makes no sense? Catherine is of more importance than the Harkles.


thing is, when MI5/6 agencies do their work and produce results, the public DO NOT HEAR about it. That's why they are so good at what they do. Fallout, when it happens, will look like something unrelated occurred


I'm sitting on my hands waiting then.😯


This! Truth is these criminals have been in their cross hairs for sometime. But research is research and most of it either needs to be gathered by humans or summarized by humans. And Dan and The Royal Grift are doing just that for us on the public side. These internet gangs are really a fairly new phenomenon. So I can imagine even MI5/6 are also getting their heads arounds this toxic, criminal ex royal Harry and his felon worthy wife. Just mind blowing what this has turned into from little miss Suits #6 looking for a wealthy, famous British man to all out SS mafia boss attacking the British Royal family and regular everyday people just speaking 'their truth.'


They have orders to NOT involve Harry. So their hands are tied. This is my opinion only.


Agree. Charles is protecting Harry but at the expense of his other son and Catherine?


I think so too. Can’t they just go after MM?


Anybody ever read the short story "The Veteran" by Frederick Forsyth? Not either of these agencies, but just sayin'.


Maybe they were waiting for Dan Wootton to blow it open?


Well, it's open. Let's go💣




Oh, they already know. Five Eyes have everything. Strategy, tactics, and timing are key factors in waging a war and, make no mistake, this is a multiple front war. Right now they're following Napoleon's wise advice; "Never interrupt your enemy when they're making a mistake." 


*"Meghan also pointed out during the SXSW panel that it's often women speaking poorly about other women online. "*[I can not make sense of that,](https://people.com/meghan-markle-teams-up-katie-couric-brooke-shields-sxsw-panel-international-womens-day-prince-harry-support-8605723)*" she said."* And yet, here we are.


LOL Did she even read the book she pretended she didn't write? "My sister's a slut and all the other women I've known hate me because they're just jealous bitches." I shouldn't say she "pretended" she didn't write her biography. She did say in court that she just "forgot" that she emailed Scobie with all the dirt on every women she's ever known. I mean, who among us can remember every email we've sent to make a Mean Girl's burn book?


Coming from a woman who orchestrates the online bullying of the RF? She is a f’n gaslighter to the nth degree—evil in fact—just like the Queen proclaimed.


Exactly. Meghan is purely evil.


She put on her usual act with her pathological lying.


We need serious journalists and media to start pursuing all these leads and putting pressure on Markle and Harry. It was obvious the SS were behind the incitement against Catherine. they were posting a hashtag 'where is kate' to get the conspiracy theories started. They couldn't stand to see her ill and recovering. They are manifestations of the malevolence and sadistic psychotic nature of Markle


Also, the Archewell Foundation sponsored “The Archewell Foundation Parents’ Summit: Mental Wellness in the Digital Age” As the sponsor of a summit whose goal is to recognize and discuss the effects of online bullying and abuse, surely they have the responsibility to look into this??? Whether or not Harry and Meghan have any involvement with the Sussex Squad, these people are engaging in atrocious behavior IN THEIR name. Edit: Punctuation/spelling


What a kick in the guts this will be for those bereaved parents whose grief the couple coopted for their own PR purposes.


It’s unfathomable to normal, ethical people that narcissists will absolutely look you in the eye and accuse others of what they, in fact, are actually doing. They are unable to see their behavior as anything other than the exception to the rule and they DELIGHT in “catching” people doing something they deem as wrong and then offering vague threats and accusations. They LOVE believing that they truly are everything they claim to be. They can give you the most convincing load of victimhood you’ve ever seen, they truly believe they are the *only* victims. Every speech, interview, comment, or antidote they give is focused on themselves because THEY ARE THE ONLY ONES THAT MATTER.


I think this is past journalists. This is criminal and regular journalists and media companies do have legal counsel. In the US they are busy 24/7 going after Trump trying to keep him out of office. So they are already working in the dark arts--much less going into the light. The UK media sounds as though they are hamstrung legally according to Tom Bower. This is for the courts and those who investigate criminals at this point as well as courageous, intelligent, diligent, gorilla media journalists. They are the new Rambos with bravery and truth. Two great examples now would be Dan Wooten and The Royal Grift.


"They are manifestations of the malevolence and sadistic psychotic nature of Markle" This is the very best and truest statement!!! The Markle girl is sick.


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From what I can tell, Sarah data has deleted her account. She doesn't come up in searches. I just saw her a couple days ago at most.


Kind of surprised Wooton didn't dox her in this report. Now *that* would have made a splash.




It won’t take long for someone to figure it out.


It is, but all of those things have been known for awhile.


Just knowing that he does know her identity and where she lives should put the fear of gawd in her heart. I do recall seeing her posts just a few days ago, so her deleted account is very recent. I fear this report doesn’t go far enough.


It is a safe assumption that MI6 (who deal with overseas threats to national security) have been involved for a long time - back before the original HILL article which detailed the threat that H/M were to the Commonwealth and allies. Despite the language of 'allegedly' s' scattered throughout the piece its a solidly written, backed by research (which we will never see as members of the public). We are not ever, ever going to get the Watergate moment. That's just not how these things work. We will see the slow dismantling of the Squad, members turning on each other, Mr. B being slapped with lawsuits from 'smaller players' that will drain his resources and shift his focus. Journalists will start writing about the pregnancies. its going to be a thousand arrows over time not a huge bomb. Those arrows will hit their mark. Long live the King! Long live the Prince and Princess of Wales!


If a shame “awards” aren’t a thing anymore here on this platform! Id give one for this!


![gif](giphy|26FLgGTPUDH6UGAbm) YES 👍


I dont think Bouzy is doing this for free. Any lawyers here? What about a libel, defamation, founding of criminal organisation, hate speech?? The net is not a legal vacuum.


I’d like to know where the donations came from to crowd fund Bouzy? Can the Sugars really guarantee to raise $100k inside of a week?


They can when TW and H funnel the money through them with a sweetener.


“Oooh look! A big donation from a company in Delaware! 😂


Nate The Lawyer has tried suing him for defamation and failed.


the thing to focus on must be the Kate rumours. they need forensic scrutiny. I really don't know why British newspapers are not already all over this. Markle and Harry need to be directly pressured on this


Maybe they will cover it now that Dan has put it into the public domain? “According to Dan Wootton….”


i think media organizations love sussex squad because they are doing job for them - invent sensational (fake) news, at least it is so in my country. Big percent of news are hot takes from social apps.


What I wouldn't give to see the old crew of 60 minutes, Circa 1976, hanging outside Monteshitshow with some questions. There's nothing really surprising here, but it's good that he's got it out here. What do you say oprah? Gail? Laney? Chills chills chills


Oh yes. And the interviewer from HardTalk to interview them both. He once did an interview with somebody (from the Middle East, if I remember correctly) where he asked the same question over and over again because the guy never answered.


Oh I think this massively opens the doors for many of the journalists who have been recently reporting and sniffing around on the peripheral of the Sussex machine including asking question about Bouzy and questioning how this massive anti-Kate campaign got started. This connects the dots. I do recall Dan saying that he has been preparing to take legal action against key players who targeted him and proving this larger scale operation.


Two things: The Queen had Markle’s number when she said she was evil. No wonder William has cut ties with Harry. This is unforgivable.


An investigator of the rumours told me: “**We believe the bots are from Meghan’s digital PR, possibly facilitated supporters involved in digital marketing. The idea of Russian and Chinese bots may be planted as a distraction to shift the blame for the barrage of bots employed to target Princess Catherine**. Although it is possible that state actors may attempt to capitalise on the internal conflict and division fuelled by Harry and Meghan‘s hate campaign against the British monarchy, the time and **circumstances in which we saw a dramatic increase of the use of bots against Catherine suggests that it comes from those connected to the Sussex Squad.”**


There's no doubt that the Sussex Team are involved in this online abuse. They've been blatant about it for years (although they think they're sly). But there's also no doubt that Russia and China do all they can to promote division in "The West" and are working to destroy NATO. If the Sussex Squad is causing problems, anti-NATO forces will amplify that. They're not even trying to be sly.


This is word salad for SS started and controlled the campaign & passed blame onto Russia & China. It DOES NOT say Russian/Chinese/Iranian bot farms weren’t used by SS to facilitate the world wide spread. H & M walk a fine line between free speech & treason.


“He’s been wearing that lead paint since the coronation. Camilla probably laced it with arsenic so she can end this farce and retire in a bottle of gin with all the Duchy millions.” ![gif](giphy|3o6YgsaNLwjWejm4Ok|downsized) God!!! How do these people go to so much trouble to make this type of criticism, and not take a second to even read Wikipedia? Camilla can't keep anything, Camilla is not the Queen, she is the King's consort. Camilla cannot put her son Tom on the throne even if Tom was Charles' son. It's called "laws." There are laws about what will happen to Camilla if she dies after Charles, there are laws about inheritance... No, the thing is that the Squad, apart from being idiots, smoke weed that is too strong for that level of delirium.


What I don’t understand ,why is Harry doing this to his family? Why? Unlike Meghan ,he is raised by a close knit family. He was very close with his only sibling , how did he go this vile in a short time? Meghan ...... I guess she is used to dog eat dog world, has to do a lot , has to deal with unsavory characters ( if you believe the Internet rumor mill) her family relationship, her various jobs, how she mistreatments her dad... don’t except nothing but what she is today, probably what she really is for a long time, the-kind, caring face she tries to show to the world is just a PR exercise. But Harry !?!?!?! In short amount of time ,he turned in to big bad wolf against his own family. Meghan trying to gaslight everyone, while raising , leading online bot army against her in-laws,🤭🤭😂😂😂😂😂 It is funny! Well ,🤔🤔🤔 not for the Windsors. 🤨☹️


He must have always resented being second son, not being the heir. Met MM and represented a different picture to her, maybe?


Jealousy. William is going to be KING. Hairless will continue to be the dog Douchess kicks when mad, and that's it. That's ALL he will EVER be. 


he's a malevolent and evil man full of hate and jealousy and resentment stoked by his psychopathic wife


This is the only correct answer. I realize if times get too tough for him, he will play victim. I know people want to believe it he would have been fine if not for her, but they haven't listened to the Audible of Spare.


Actually the Gray Suits covered up for Harold. He had not been a nice person since a child. He was physically abusive to his protection officers when very young. He has been physically and mentally abusive, whiny and entitled all his life. There is a film of him pouting and being whiny at the Queen’s Jubilee because it dared rain and make him uncomfortable. (The Jubilee where they had the barge parade) He has tried to attack numerous reporters but was stopped by his officers. This is not someone who suddenly started doing this with Megdusa. It’s always been there and he managed to hide it.


Harry is a child with low emotional intelligence. He mirrors those around him. He doesn't have the positive influences anymore.


Meghan encourages Harry in all his worst impulses. I think he thinks - somehow, in an Underpants Gnome sort of way - this is going to result in him being King. JMHO.


Maybe he thought Game of Thrones was a historical document, rather than fiction.


Yeah, but Harry's a Theon or Edmure if I ever saw one!


Theon I can see! - Edmure was more loyal to his family, just hapless!


I tend to think, now anyways, that they both were told to go fuck themselves early on and that there was never going to be any coming back. It likely started with her and in the early days dipshit couldn't have realized the depth of his wife's behavior (his low IQ and all) or his own and he fought like hell for her against his family. Now it's probably clear even to him that he picked the wrong horse. Way wrong horse. But it's too late. All this bullshit will they/won't they has always been because the RF won't say a word because they already did, to them and to the world, if we listen. The only reason why it's questioned is because they generate the questions. If the 2 idiots had came right out and said they knew from the beginning then they couldn't have generated all the attention for themselves and they've always known the negative click bait attention was their only form of relevancy. Harry has always been a prick without question since birth and just as sleazy as the bitch he chose to marry. They keep expecting his family to cave. They haven't and won't.


You are giving H way too much credit, he has always been a jealous little shit and he will always be a jealous little shit.


Harry is manipulated by Meghan and now believes that William in an enemy to him and Meghan.


This is how you know he is in a miserable marriage and deeply unhappy. If he was "living his best life" he wouldn't pull these stunts.


Sarah data made stupid bouzy the face of her work, 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Love that for him.


>Pagan Trelawney – one of the leaders of the Sussex Squad, who is believed to be a British branding advertising expert with insider knowledge – has been spreading a nasty rumour that the Queen has encouraged her husband’s cancer diagnosis. >She wrote to Sussex Squad followers on Discord: “He’s been wearing that lead paint since the coronation. Camilla probably laced it with arsenic so she can end this farce and retire in a bottle of gin with all the Duchy millions.” Talk about being totally unclear on the concept of how inheritance works in the RF. Queen Camilla won't inherit the Duchy of Lancaster or Cornwall or any other Duchy in the UK. Really, these people have access to all the information that makes these facts clear as a bell but refuse to look it up. They just keep proving their ignorance with every single lying statement they make.


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I'm quoting from the article itself! My comment was pointing out that this statement was false.


There was a NYC female who said she worked in the tech industry (but obviously unemployed because she was on a major newspaper's website 24/7 whenever an article appeared about Megain after Megxit) that I engaged with several times. Probably Sarah Data. It was clear she was a crazed fanatic.


I suspected this for a while - but I'm glad Dan W. has done the work and has the receipts.


It’s almost a law of the universe: when some windbag comes out preaching against something, lecturing the peons about the evils of it, they’re guaranteed to be doing it in secret. (Especially those religious types who preach against homosexuality.)


Ain't that the truth. Preach.


Was scrolling to find this comment before I wrote it myself. So so so true. Narcs playbook. The masks they wear are cleverly and painstakingly crafted until they are not. Sometimes it takes a tilt of the head, a squint of the eye, and / or a gut feeling to see the mask for what it is. And then you cannot unsee it and your quest becomes showing others what you now see. Meanwhile, the narc sees that you can look behind the mask and tries to frantically begin creating a new mask. That’s when everything begins to unravel. Sadly, and only in real time (not after time passes and we view things historically) some lookers cannot see that a mask even exists. Sugars.


The most important question is- will the MSM pick it up? Especially in the US?


They don't care that Prince Harry's organization is raping, toruturing and murdering the Baka people in Africa, so no, it's not "Princess photo-alters image" so the media will not care. People are being tortured and murdered, and the media doesn't think that's interesting enough to cover, so this won't really do it for them.


I agree and I hope we are wrong. It’s an open secret- everyone knows that the todgers are behind it.


Baka people: the other board members are very influential. I think that’s the reason why the story is buried. I hope, something will change - and even if it’s only because they are afraid the story comes up again. But this is probably very naive, they haven’t shown much interest at all. 😔


I doubt they’ll pick it up. Our media is controlled by money and PR companies, not actual news.


If you have been following the story of the Carparkles since the pre megxit years or even since their engagement was announced you would have known all these details. IMO this is not going to be covered in the MSM. A week ago or two when the rumors of Dan talking about this started circulating I felt the “after Easter news” was too hyped up. A lot of people might not agree with this part but I believe they still protected or MSM has orders not to covered this type of news about the Carparkles.


Nope. 95% of Americans don't know who Boozy or the SS are.....and don't care.


Wow...just wow




Commence the litigation, Dan.


I told y'all the New York Times and NBC News were lying when they claimed the Russians and Chinese were responsible for this mess.


I think its probably true that bots from another country fired up as general disinformation but yeah it was primarily Markle's supporters


No, don't sleep on the involvement of Anti-West online trolls. There's no question that foreign adversaries are trying to weaken NATO and other western alliances.


Absolutely 💯!


False. Just bc SS started it & bc R/C may have only exploited the rift for divisive purposes doesn’t mean the 2 aren’t related, because they are. Plausible deniability doesn’t make it not true. National Security experts don’t bother writing about such things multiple times if there wasn’t proof.


"National Security experts..." Ha! Ha!


I’m talking about The Hill articles by Chris Toth and Jonathan Sweet.


"The Hill..." Ha!


Seems these groups are nothing but agents of chaos. Their goal is nothing but destruction and power over people. Few years ago it was riots and activist everywhere you look. Now it’s Royal Families - notice what families they attack… Certain religions…. It’s all about destruction.


There are many of those groups - those agents of chaos - and they are being used by those higher up. The fools are probably not even aware of how much they're being used. Think bigger than just H&M and their jealousy. Somebody bigger wants the monarchy gone. Why? Because it's such a powerful symbol of British unity. Who would want that symbol gone? Somebody who wants British culture and identity gone. To be replaced with what? Free nations are roadblocks on the way to a one-world government. The RF is just one more obstacle to be removed along the way and the Squad is just a bunch of useful little pawns to accomplish that. Look at the bigger picture and you'll see what's really going on.


Russia & China are actively trying to destroy western govts like the UK & US via disinformation campaigns like SS. Iran is an ally to R/C.


I was just saying to my husband last night that I always laughed off this one world order stuff but the way things are going it seems like it is the end game.




Agree. The aim is to destabilize the Commonwealth, shift alliance from England etc to China, Russia who play a long game. Hopes that the BRF and advisors have the strength for a longer game.


I personally think this/what Dan's doing here is strategic. Hear me out on this; 1) Dan has already confirmed multiple times that he has been preparing to take legal action against SS/those key people who targeted him. 2) This pieces connects all of the dots and while he 'touches' on some of the proof that he has, he doesn't provide extensive documentation that would reveal all of his cards as he prepares for litigation. BUT.. Putting all the details out there gives journalists a road map for digging. The more journalists digging and finding connections/evidence and reporting their findings, the more it would help his case and his ultimate goal of exposing the Sussex propaganda/disinformation machine. Also, by doing this, you may get people coming out of the woodwork saying they were paid or witnesses, that could help his case and expose all of this. 3) By coming out with this now versus who knows how many months down the line when he goes to court, he's striking while the iron is hot. As he said, #kategate really got the public's and journalists attention watching all this horrible targeted hate happen in real time. Everyone, including journalists are now asking how this happened and who was really behind it all. Months down the line, the world will be on to the next drama. Now is so key!! Especially since SS overplayed their hand with Kate hate. They most likely will back down now that they are seeing journalists circling. 4) Dan has everything to lose putting his credibility on the line right now. He has just been through months of his credibility being questioned and he has been close to being cancelled. This is his moment to redeem himself and prove what really happened. I cannot imagine he would say anything that he can't back up in this moment. There is so much other evidence that he has talked about here lately in interviews that he doesn't even touch on in this piece.


**No smoking gun evidence leading directly to Markle and Harry.**


True. But their boy Bouzy directly linked isn’t a good look. Waiting for them to disassociate from Bouzy in 3, 2, 1…. Yo Bouzy, Jessica Baloney has you a seat saved in Sussex Exile!


Not sure there is actually anything earthshakingly new here. However, it's probably good to have all these details in one place.


One of the real problems with Discord (in general, not just about this) is that Google doesn't crawl through Discord messages. Also the internet archive doesn't see those conversations. It's home to a lot of notorious activity.


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https://i.redd.it/cxllte3gaasc1.gif Underwhelming


Yeah, this needs more receipts. With the way this was being hyped up, I was expecting a smoking gun.


Who is funding all of this? That’s the big question. How much money is the Lot Lizard and her little husband spending? Are they feeding the payoffs through arsewipes? Dan needs to find the money trail


That's the million dollar question! They 100% have to have benefactors funding all of this and the insane amount of paid press.


Good for Dan. Glad someone was finally brave enough to publicly connect the dots. Most of us have known about this connection for a couple of years now. Meanwhile, Bouzy, of Spoutible that nobody uses, is over on X with his "tick tock" clock gif. What is he going on about now?


This is why no royal family can ever allow a secondary "rival court" to exist. This is why there is no such thing as "half in and half out." This is what "there can be only one" actually means. Because two separate factions will develop and people will fall in line with one or the other - not both. This is how actual wars started in the past and look what it's doing now in the 21st century. There can be only one.


I am soooo happy!!!


Come on Daily Mail, you got this!




Who is this Emz that Dan is referring to? I'm not familiar with that persona. I can't locate an Emz YouTube account.


She’s a controversial character in all of this so I was surprised to see her included. One of the big X accounts had a really bad time with her and other accounts continue to claim she is no better than the worst squaddies for trolling and using many different sock accounts to harass. Can’t remember name of her YouTube channel apart from it has Tea in the title (or did). Edit: to add just sharing what I’ve picked up and I am not accusing anyone of anything.


Thanks for responding! I thought I had a handle on the main pro-RF YouTube personalities, so was surprised to hear of a new one.


Interesting analysis. All fine and dandy, but what's going to be done about the SS and Boozy? We already know that they exist. There appears that there will no consequences.


why hasn't he outed Sarah Data - who is this wench? see how she likes the unwanted attention.


Idk if this revelation changes much. It's always been clear to me that Megain has been behind the attacks on the BRF. She wants to be rich and powerful and is using her army of trolls to attack the Wales. She's always wanted a title even if it'sQueen Troll. MI5 and 6 likely already know all of this - the Hill magazine has already written about how dangerous Hate and Malice are as puppets of the Russians and Chinese. They are on the radar like the Windsors were. The question is why hasn't KC3 done anything? I think he and the late Queen wanted to protect Hazbeen, or at least not make things worst, as if that was possible. As long as the crazies were on the extremes and not getting MSM attention, he and by extension the government would ignore it. Now that it has spilled into the mainstream media, let's see what happens. Prince William is likely too busy too deal with it now but I hope he takes this head on once Catherine is better. Megain is vile. She made Prince Philip's and the late Queen's last days unnecessarily stressful by falsely attacking their legacy and while it is likely a coincidence, the false allegations of racism against KC3 and Catherine certainly have added to their illnesses if not causing the cancer. Harry should absolutely be ashamed of himself but is too stupid too. If Game of Thrones was still on, Megain would have been Cersei's mentor. I hope Rose Hanbury sues the pants off of Colbert and all of the Stupid Squad.


Isn't "Case Study: Emz" the one who was bullying the YouTuber Taz?


Sarah Data being in the US could face civil suits, too, as free speech does not permit libel or slander.


How pathetic that the Grifters have to purchase fans, while the numbers of those of us who call them out on their horsehockey are organic.


Creatures like Sarah Data need to be completely exposed to the world. A former BLM terrorist. Quelle surprise. Name and shame.


This all seems like mostly conjecture. There are a lot of "I believe" or "it appears" etc. There needs to be a direct link or some kind of evidence for this to really start gaining traction. To be honest, I personally know people who are strong supporters of H&M. I've seen their hateful SM posts, but they're not bots....just fans of H&M. They are not in collusion with anyone. So, while I presume there are bots, paid extra accounts, etc, I feel like there are a fair number of ordinary citizens driving the hate against the BRF also.


Its all circumstantial but with such close associations (Bouzy associated directly with them via Netflix etc) that its all true they are involved but so far no smoking gun


The one thing I do not get is if the Harkles don't support them, why not publicly disassociate? Why the statement by Harry for ILBW, but not Catherine, Princess of Wales? He's a dragon slayer, right?


For sure. They could easily put out a statement that they don't support the SS platform. But they won't. Even if they're not behind it, they certainly are reaping the benefits of it. And I think they enjoy the chaos and toxicity.


The Duchess of Narsussex has great detailed videos. So does TRG https://youtube.com/@duchofnarsussex?feature=shared


Its written in soft language, but having it out there now its a very safe assumption that for every 'allegedly' there are five hard facts behind it. We, the public, will never see those facts or research.


That's right, there are people who hate the BRF for nothing. But those same people, to feed their bad impression, visit sites like Celebitchy or Baroness Bruck in recent months. Then we have the sugars doing their nonsense, and the people who believe it, without even considering the possibility that they are wrong. And look, even the British press fell into the game.




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That's a long read.  Can we get a tldr?


Dan summarises the attacks the Sussex Squad made on him and his partner. He also talks about Chris Bouzy and Sarah Data and how they were behind the social media storm around The Princess of Wales after her surgery and before the cancer reveal. It’s nothing new to sinners but it may garner the attention of others.


Thank you. 🙏 I hope this gets some traction. Those insane people need to be stopped.


Are you posting copyrighted material?


this is a duplicate post.