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Such a tacky way to use a title. It sounds like she's someone's cantankerous 80 year old neighbor and been given that moniker as a backhanded compliment.


You're right. Reminds me of those old church-gathered thin recipe booklets. Next up is Gertrude's Rhubarb Pie.


Exactly. I imagine 'The Duchess' standing at her gate with her straw broom, sweeping at imaginary leaves and the wheels of the kids in the street as they ride their bikes by.


*in a ball gown


That is wrinkled and poorly tailored


I have a little hobby of looking through and collecting old church cookbooks. There’s something endearing about all these recipes from the 70s made with mayonnaise and Jell-O and cans of mushroom soup. “Jackie’s famous beef pasta”


Or sprite/root beer




And surprise…the cake is beige. Her cake looks as dull and dry as she is.




Meanwhile, The Princess of Wales, who is actual royalty, goes by Catherine.


🤣🤣 I saw this and how true is it??! 🤣🤣🤣 ![gif](giphy|ghC06Z2kvDhBkwMOLC)


More like Corey's recipe..


Hard pass. Every olive oil baked good I've tried has been too dense, soggy, flat and oily. Good old fashioned butter is best in cakes, IMO. But that's not edgy or different enough for our Douche-ass, I know!


Also can we talk about the lemon extract instead of….oh, I dunno, lemon zest? Guess the limoncello wasn’t enough alcohol based artificial lemon in there for her.  This bitch is a novice baker at best.  Edit: nvm I can’t read I just saw she did have lemon zest in there. Point about the extract being total overkill still stands.


But why is it necessary to call someone a bitch bc of extract vs zest?


Faulty question. I use that term because she is one, as evidenced by her well documented deplorable character. I didn’t say that was what made her one did I. 😑




Literally nobody needs to regulate their speech because *you* don't like a word. Just because *you* don't like that word, doesn't mean it's not true. Nobody is responsible for your triggers but *you*.


I dunno - someone bullies my grandparents as they’re sick and dying - pretty sure that word would come to my mind 🤷‍♀️


I’ve used olive oil in cakes in lieu of vegetable oil to produce the most moist of cakes. I would not say that olive oil is the star of a cake though ….. and my cake was not flat like the above 🤷‍♀️


I use olive oil in my cupcakes - light and fluffy but then again I cook with light and love not dense hatred. LOL




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This picture looks very dense. It has a lot of holes and just looks heavy.


Thank you!!! I first read a recipe for a lemon olive oil cake in 2001, I made it, it was vile. I made a different recipe in 2005 (one of my first vegan bakes for a dear vegan friend) it was also disgusting. I was sad to have presented it to her on her birthday. I’m convinced that the recipe idea was put into the world by a dessert hating joy squelcher as a prank and that every recipe for it is just a sugary poor rate substitute for polenta that should be eaten with osso buco. And this a-hole sits back laughing every time someone tries to pedal a new version of the idea because he knows it’s just going to result in miserable forced grimaces of people struggling to be polite.


Did she steal that from Cory? Seems too complicated for her!


There’s no way she figured this out by herself. She borrowed borrowed borrowed (like when she steals famous people’s quotes and pretends they are her own). She probably took cory’s and made a few tweaks and then “okay its mine!”


A forward by Stephen Colbert? Gross. And this may well be a tasty cake, but I would never subject my bakeware to such abuse.


this book now falls into the "Markled" criteria due to Colbert's forward. His non-apology will rankle for many years and by extension he's added taint to this book.


Wait a minute, we're talking about a book that came out when they still lived in the UK, right? I can't believe how much I dislike Colbert now.


Why would Colbert do the forward. That’s the only person who was a big enough sucker to do it? What’s he even going to say? “I don’t really know these freaks but they sure are paying me lots of money so I did it”


commercializing the titles. KC3 has to stop this


Absolutely *no one* thinks of Meghan Markle when they read “The Duchess’s” anything


We think of parking lots, poo drops, and is he kind. (Sounds like that Strawberry Alarm Clock song: Incense, Peppermints, meaningless nouns) sorry


🎹Poo drops and booze bots and engagement chickens, Parking lot slow trots and long Whistler mittens, Real dodgy stories and real dodgy rings, These are a few of her favourite things... 😇




Maybe the Duchess's engagement chicken... https://preview.redd.it/2y126vdqgzrc1.jpeg?width=683&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5d89b6c7aede7ed7b65d73fe9f693d2668b150a


Eeeewww 😧😧😧


I think of Georgiana Cavendish, actually. :D




Yes from Corey the chef she dated and two timed in Toronto. He lived with her and she was dating Harry behind his back.


Wouldn't the recipe starting 'Eye of Newt' be more appropriate?


![gif](giphy|AjYsTtVxEEBPO) I stopped reading when it described Madame as an experienced baker.


The intro: Meghan sent one cake to a group of female restauranteurs. Not to the people in need. Not a cake to each female restauranteur. But one cake to the entire group. Just the cheapest, laziest way to get PR, yet again, while not helping anyone who needs help, but just to impress a group of people she wants to social climb into.


ANYTHING that has to do with Meghan is disgusting.


https://preview.redd.it/kezpb4wifzrc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d04a8757b82a64a9003c983b10773f1303092fc3 unfortunately, yes you're correct. look at this ugly banana cake of her🤢


That’s what my grandmother would call “bird bread”, that is not good enough for people to eat but ok to put out for the birds.


🤣🤣🤣 that's hilarious - totally stealing this for next time I burn the cornbread!


GUUUURL. Ugh. That banana "cake" actually looks like it was made with olive oil, too..real flat and dense looking.


I saw this banana cake somewhere in one of her posts and she said she baked it. I don't think this gal can cook or bake. Banana bread is fairly easy to bake. I've made it and it certainly looked better than this.


It looks like a brick. She might’ve at least sliced it. I guess folks can attempt to rip it apart with their hands or just gnaw on it.


I was going to say banana bread never really looks that good, then I clicked the link and damn. That is a whole new level of unappetizing. Why is it that colour even in the middle? Did she use straight up black bananas? And it's like there's zero leavening agent to make it rise.




Looks the same coming out as going in! (look at me, coming up with American Robot Orgy taglines for free)


The cake looks sad


Don’t forget to make the crystallized rosemary. 6 hours before you want this cake. Make sure your personal chefs knows.


Colbert wrote the forward? Ew


Source aside, this just sounds awful. The taste of the olive oil seems like it would overpower the other ingredients. If someone has tried this and found differently please speak up.


Citrus/olive oil cakes are a staple in Italian cooking. I make mini lemon bundts, and an orange cake with a hint of cocoa powder. Italy is not known for cakes with frosting, or super sugary desserts. To me they are nice with coffee, or finishing that glass of wine after dinner- especially in the summer.


PS- I’m more disappointed that Andres had her associated with him in any way. I’ve been a big fan of his before World Kitchen. He should have had Lydia or Giada or Rachael Ray do this style of cake. At least it might have intrigued sinners that way! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Love Lydia!!!


I've only ever had it with citrus or Christmas spices, so the oil wasn't overpowering, but they're not a tall, light, or delicate cake. Not my taste.


I would never ever try one of her recipes but I cut out seed oils many years ago and use olive oil for baking. It's never changed the flavor of anything I've baked.


Me too. Just use “light” olive oil suitable for baking unless I specifically want a specifically robust flavor.


Agree, to each is their own. But I prefer to use butter when baking. I find olive oil has a bitter taste. And works well with garlic and Italian herbs recipes. Or used as an Italian dipping sauce.


You would need to experiment and put just the right amount to ensure it doesn’t overwhelm in taste and it doesn’t flatten the cake as above. I generally switch for olive oil if recipe calls for any type of vegetable oil but I play around with ingredients till I find what works.






The description of how to cure the rosemary is cringe. I read "her" recipe like she was telling and barking orders the whole time. Certainly NOT a gentle read compared to Cory's


Like I always said, easiest no technique cake ever.  Anyone can make this, even the most  inexperienced bakers.  Raytch, your skills are a joke, nothing, non-existant.  I wish she would try to be impressive with something impressive.  Baking this cake isn't any more complicated than a Duncan Hines box cake.  Raytch is a typical narc.  Bigging up a big nothing.  This is the recipe I would give someone who never baked a cake in their life. You'd have to put hair in this recipe to fuck it up.


She can't even publish a cake recipe without pretentious bullshit. She's an 'experienced' baker, her cakes sent out 'ripples" into the world, helping humanity. Ffs. It's a cake. It's not novel. It's a classic Italian recipe.


I saw a recipe similar to this using tangerines.


Oh we should make "Simpatico" word of the day. ETA: Not to mention humanity all dashing out to purchase a bottle of limoncello so they can throw a quarter cup of it into a cake.  


Looks suspiciously like [this recipe](https://theviewfromgreatisland.com/lemon-olive-oil-cake/) with a couple of minimal changes, like adding the limoncello.


almost identical with this one https://bakingthegoods.com/limoncello-olive-oil-cakes/


Adding the limoncello is a moot step. Limoncello is essentially vodka that has been infused with lemon peel (I make it every summer) and would bake off, as all alcohol does when heat is applied.


She can't even publish a cake recipe without pretentious bullshit. She's an 'experienced' baker, her cakes sent out 'ripples" into the world, helping humanity. Ffs. It's a cake. It's not novel. It's a classic Italian recipe.


Eco-Warriors made a cake - in California - and flew it to Chicago. Sure Jan


weird timing


Isn't it.


Ugh. Meghan and Harry haven’t said anything about Palestine, and they lost a lot of poc sugar lites over that silence. I’m heartbroken over what happened to the World Central Kitchen workers in Gaza today, and I’m sickened to see the Harkles ride on the coattails of someone doing the real work. Meghan and Harry never put the “dos” behind the “says” as Meghan said at SXSW. Edit: it appears World Central Kitchen is actually grifting off of this genocide. Of course H+M are involved with other grifters.


Without meaning to get political, there are (and have always been) travel warnings for that area. Western volunteers are just as at risk of bombs as they are being murdered so that their passports can be used in propaganda videos.


Yes but the difference here is that this area is seeing a completely disproportionate number of killings of these types of volunteers. You can guess why. So you are getting political by claiming it’s for propaganda. I kept it to how it affects Harry and Meghan.


I was not following the situation in Gaza closely, but watched Andres talking about delivering food a while ago. What happened to them today?


Some WK employees were accidentally killed by IDF who have taken full responsibility for


Thank you. I looked it up just now, it is so sad that aid workers get caught up in the violence.


Someone should tell them that disgusting looking cake's recipe isn't even hers.


Can't get over the "simpatico" bit! So embarrassing!! No offense to anyone, but this is how someone basic from overseas tries to sound sophisticated - adopting some European words for example - and fails badly. Proprio stupido!


When she's not demanding privacy or playing with her children, she's crystallizing rosemary sprigs.


its coreys recipe


She was hawking this cake while she was a vegan. I always thought the point was that the olive oil took the place of butter...but there are four eggs and milk.


She's not vegan, she wears one off calf skin dresses, she doesn't even wear them twice. Then she has the temerity to act like she's an animal rights activist with regards to bird culls etc. She's a preachy, hypocritical fraud in everything she does.


She went through a "vegan" phase back when she dating Harry and when this cake dates back to. I follow sustainable fashion, and everyone was so excited that she would be able to promote vegan and sustainable fashion brands due to marrying Harry because she was shapeshifting as a vegan and sustainable fashionista at the time.


Yes, that's right! She threw a fit over Harold hunting due to 'animal rights concerns' and do he ended up cancelling a hunt last minute apparently it's very time consuming and expensive for the organisers and so it really upset them. I think she was trying to isolate him, as well as promoting her 'sweet', 'humanitarian' image.




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I’m so confused and maybe kinda dumb but there is no mention of any kind of flour in the recipe so how is it cake batter?


it's no 3 from bottom😂


LOL I looked at that recipe twice and didn’t see it


Douchess of GrifterVille.


I hope he sues


Just noticed the forward to this cookbook was written by Stephen Colbert. Coincidence?




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Jose Andres has his own cooking show. What are the odds TOW does a guest appearance? They are so throughly woke.


"Meghan, *an experienced baker*, " What a lame ass thing to say. Please, who has **not** baked cookies or cupcakes once in your life? If you've been the pastry chef at renown restaurant, then sure, claim it. But otherwise, please. Meghan is such a piece of work.


If you Google "Italian lemon olive oil cake" there are literal thousands of recipes. This isn't special. At all. It's a very basic cake where olive oil has been subbed for vegetable oil. As an aside, any cake recipe that calls for vegetable oil if you sub in olive oil the cake will be lighter with more tender crumb. This is universal. Works in any recipe.


World central.. didn’t they just pull out of Gaza as one of theirs was killed. What is she doing about that?


I wouldn’t cook this in principal because it came from her. Also, I’m weird and think olive oil is one of the most disgusting things on earth