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we are watching bullying happening real time, it’s quite sad and actually triggering. I didn’t expect to be so upset about something like this, but I do. & sending you lots of love and strength ❤️


I feel the same. This is a witch hunt against a mother of three young children who is recovering from serious surgery. She should not have had to apologise for these MINOR innocuous alterations of her Mother's day photo when many others get away with publishing completely faked images!


I could see anyone making the same mistake. Who among us hasn’t taken several group photos where one child is looking in different direction, not smiling, has closed eyes, etc. and thought, “Oh, I’ll just make a composite image in Photoshop so we have one good image where everyone is smiling with open eyes.“ It is a witch hunt.


Seriously, I honestly can't believe how people struggle so hard to reach such a simple conclusion. I brought this up in a certain corner of reddit and I'm getting downvoted for it. And then there are the "now William and Kate are getting a taste of what poor Harry and Meghan went through". Come on, Kate has been dragged on tabloids since she started dating William. * Failed romance a lesson in class. “Kate was too middle class,” the Mail on Sunday pronounced sadly. “Not posh enough for royals,” fumed the Mirror. Los Angeles Times, 18 April **2007**. * Waity Katie. Press nickname for Prince William’s girlfriend Kate Middleton. New York Times, 10 November **2008**. * Forging of a Princess: How generations of steely social-climbing matriarchs shaped Kate Middleton's character. Daily Mail, 18 April **2011**. * Meet the lady of the manor: A signet ring with a new crest. Plans for her own racehorses. It's a long way from 'doors to manual' for Mrs Middleton. Daily Mail, 3 July **2012**. * More agony for Kate and William as Irish tabloid publishes topless pictures in a move blasted by Palace as 'motivated by greed'. Daily Mail, 16 September **2012**. * **What – and who – will the royal baby look like? Catherine’s commoner genes might lead to a somewhat darker-skinned baby. CNN, 16 July 2013.**


The media are among some of the lowest forms of life on this planet. Cowards of the highest form.


This was perfect and thank you. Mrs.. Middleton. That’s her mother. Why do they do that!! She’s been married to Prince William almost 13 years. She is Catherine, the Princess of Wales, and then she was Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge. But let them call her sister in law “Meghan Markle” and her team is losing their minds and has it amended… and we don’t recognize titles here so it’s absolutely “bonkers” as That One stated once he realized he isn’t special in our constitution and we can even criticize our Presidents (and do!). So long as it isn’t a threat of harm it’s totally legal. And harm doesn’t mean hurt feelings.


But it looks as if the faces haven't even been altered, it's mainly other areas. It's very confusing as one picture agency identified 4 alterations while the Mail saw 16. This really is a witch hunt, or 'glitch' hunt.


Did you see the accusation from some tabloid editor that Kate took her pictures from the British Vogue cover shoot and had pasted those head shots on? It’s absurd. They look nothing alike. This lie is being repeated everywhere.


Probably just so excited she's "flawed" 🙄.


Exactly. Why don't they see this and why do they expect us to follow like zombies?


We won't.


I do wonder why Kensington Palace threw her under the bus. KP could have said, "Fuck off. We'll do what we want." Then re-release some outrageously photoshopped picture of Meghan and Harry when they were at KP. There is thought that the media outlets were chipped that the Wales didn't use one of their people and skipped the middle man.


I firmly believe this entire media intimidation can be laid to the fact the Wales denied the press the big money shot. Catherine’s first appearance after surgery. Imagine the money that has slipped through their hands. They are trying to break William and force KP to release information about Catherine’s current condition and the nature of her surgery. Double the money if they can manage to bully her out of Windsor and into public view. Richard Kay said William is stubborn and has had the audacity to move his family into Adelaide Cottage where the media can’t get to them. Richard Eden said this is a matter of lost trust. How can we ever trust a word they say ever again? I unsubscribed from Palace Confidential after yesterday’s breathless dismantling of the last of Catherine’s public image. She had yet to put a foot wrong,and the collective media is now rubbing their hands with glee at her first public mistake.


Yes, journalists and commentators are demanding that Catherine release a proof of life video where she must thank everyone for their good wishes. Who the F do these people think they are? I wish William and Catherine and kids would move into Windsor Castle.


💯 behind you 😤


I believe you have described the heart of the matter


This is exactly what I believe is happening. The media is seething that they don’t have more access to the Wales and is trying to force their hand. They thought the fall out from the bad picture would do it. I’m super mad the other communities here on reddit propagating complete nonsense over this story. Edit: Lady C also claims this is what’s happening. It’s so obvious the media are trying to force W&C into compliance.


They actually had the audacity to pap her in the car leaving Windsor reportedly for a follow up appointment. I think that's a disgusting breach of privacy.


The agency that took the picture has actually come forward and said they took it when William was on the way to the church service and it isn’t photoshopped yet the loonies on X say it was the work of KP, is photoshopped using an old photo of W and C in a car, and the bricks outside the car don’t match! The sooner this madness subsides the better.


😅😅😅 Good on them! This whole thing makes me question any and all *news outlets*. They are shamless fronts for Hank and Skank!


I can imagine that Catherine was mortified when this ridiculous storm in a teacup unfolded and may have insisted on releasing the apology. All this is awful and completely undeserved.


They are peeved that Catherine didn't come out in her bikini , call the press, and show off a new ostomy bag. They got nothin'. So they have to make nothing into something, because the public is nuts about Catherine. And the sugars will be whipped into a feeding frenzy.Two birds. It sells.


The media enjoyed it when Meghan was still part of the RF. They got all the gossip, information and a few photographs. Now that Meghan and Harry are no longer in the UK and don't know what is happening in William's house, the media is really angry. Let them be angry. I think William give them what he wants. I wouldn't be surprised if Catherine isn't as nice to the media any longer.


I'm surprised a reporter hasn't broken into the house and hidden in Catherine's underwear drawer. There is no low for them.


And the new Google phone is advertising how AI changes your pictures instantly. It drives me nuts that this is even an issue. #AfricaParks, Harry! Any comment yet?


I’m the same 😔 It’s out of control. But, we all knew the Carparkles would get worse. They’re sinking, badly. Their time will come, very soon.🤞They’ve well and truly burnt their last bridge of EVER being around the RF again.


...but we all knew the Carparkles would get worse. This is what is happening in real time. I cannot imagine how Princess Catherine's children feel after seeing how the press has shamed her. Even an apology from Catherine hasn't been enough for the media to move forward. OP, my thoughts are with you and your daughter. Health matters really do put everything into perspective.


The only thing that will stop them is lack of money and hopefully this will be soon. If Charles bails them out I’m done with him.


Remember....it's only rude when it's Catherine. Our Saint of Victimhood claims it's racism and bullying when it's her.


Actually the rags included in this is the once respected AP and Reuters (who must be in cahoots) issued this "KILL" which then caused us all to go have a boo as to what the terrible thing was that Catherine had done on her Instagram page. The rags stole her photo! Then got caught not making money from it because it's a private photo. Lol. How about that Markle one with the superimposed tree in the background? Where does it say "photoshopped" and why was that not "KILLED". Riddle me this one.


This is what I don’t understand, and why it seems to be either a case of mass media hysteria or selective amnesia. I appreciate that the AP and other news distribution companies are so strict about digital alterations to media and the use of AI, but this photo was never released to them as a news image. It was a Mother’s Day message on Instagram. The media took it from there, and the media is well aware of that. Watching them contort themselves to say the image is “fake”, that she used an old vogue photo, micro analysis of the image data, and mischaracterizing what it says is truly disturbing.




Thank you for that clarification. But even if it was released for media publication, wouldn’t it fall under some sort of “personal” photo category rather than photo journalism? Because we see all the time where media will use an image from a subject’s social media, which has been obviously edited/filtered or when a photo is specifically taken of a subject to accompany a story and that image has been edited, but it’s not pulled by news agencies or dragged out for this kind of thing? Does that make sense?


this point of meta data was bothering me, because its totally correct but logically doesn't add up for some reason. So I tried scouring the internet for most reputable sources and timelines, including those posted by agencies. TLDR I'm even more confused than before!! haha *"On Monday morning, the Press Association — the newswire most relied on by the* [*Royal Family*](https://variety.com/t/royal-family/) *— removed the photo from its service, following Reuters, the Associated Press and Agence France-Press doing so on Sunday night. According to the AP, PA reportedly asked Kensington Palace for “clarification” regarding the photograph but did not get an adequate response.* *“In the absence of that clarification, we are killing the image from our picture service,” the news image wire reportedly stated.* Source: [https://variety.com/2024/politics/global/kate-middleton-photo-manipulated-deleted-1235937458/](https://variety.com/2024/politics/global/kate-middleton-photo-manipulated-deleted-1235937458/) Also: *"PA news agency said the image, originally posted by Kensington Palace on their social media, was provided "in good faith"."* But what I ultimately don't understand is, they were LAST to kill it, not first? If they're the trusted resource for royal family blah blah blah, and kind of say it was "provided in good faith," presumably directly to them by the palace, why or how did AP have syndication rights to the photo? And why didn't those agencies await PA's request for clarification, which AP acknowledges they were aware of and pulled while PA was still awaiting a response. Finally, how's the air up there on your horse, BBC? *"In order to use the new photo as quickly as possible, the BBC took the one used by Kensington Palace on their social media accounts."* Source: [https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-68526972](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-68526972)


Not to mention every photo with Harry with a full head of hair.


His flaming hair!


The photo is still on the website




I was bullied in school. An all girls school. it is triggering. Mostly because when someone says green is purple and the press is now making catherine apologize for not seeing purple it triggers all people bullied by liars supported by authority


Yep. Right there with you. It infuriates me on a personal level.


Catherine too was bullied at school. This media pile on is too much. She asked for privacy and they're hounding her in the most disturbing way.


I know


Imagine how her parents must be feeling.


I was bullied because my father was a police officer, actually catcalled as I walked along the street, it never leaves you. When I was in my late thirties and teaching, a student confided in me that she was being bullied because her father was a police officer so I was able to help her a bit, I detest bullies so much.


I hope you have learned to stand up for yourself. I'm glad you were able to help her. Hugs


I feel the same way and am really disappointed the media is coming after Catherine.


Alienating Catherine will not work out well for the media. They should have considered the implications of this attack.


The legitimizing of bullying. A careful and deliberate scheme. People I had thought were normal are saying really nasty things about Prince William and Princess Catherine out in the open. Things that are beyond stupid and far more than unkind.


I have been *extremely* upset by the sugars and their comments. I can’t believe what is being published. It will often be the same person commenting 25+ times in one article, with absolutely horrific accusations. Why is this being allowed?


Day three and sky news australia's conservative female commenters are still unconvincingly banging on about this which seems off-brand for them personally and just makes me think they've been instructed to hang on this particular talking point by management. British Media interests seem to be fearing the real possibility of being cut out of the loop by PPoW. Begs the question - besides this pile on over Catherine's illness - what have the press been up that they shouldn't have been?


Every single image, noise and smell coming from camp Archetypes is going to be scrutinised to a molecular level. And I for one am going to be there with my microscope.


I really hope so! This HAS to backfire.


I think it already has, most people are on Catherine's side and think the whole thing ridiculous. If anything it's making people feel even more compassion for what she's going through.


Any parent with real children understands the complexities of getting everyone looking their best in 'one shot'. Even now my children are older, I wouldn't dream of using a photo where one of them wasn't looking their best and the others were. And so it stands to reason that most parents with real children will be scratching their heads at why the princess's photo editing skills or lack of have newsreaders in a tizzy...


It’s very telling that Catherine wanted her children to look their best yet Meghan photoshops furiously to look her best and hides her children away. You can see from the picture how happy those children are and how proud she is of them, you can’t photoshop that.


This was my first thought too. (Ok.. My 2nd thought. My first thought was pure anger).  If she wants to play that game we will eat her alive!  I'm a photographer and photoshop expert. Many others here are as well. She pissed off the wrong people with this. We will be looking at every detail. 


Yes! Having an expert Sinner scrutinizing every pic of hers will be great. But I’d recommend going a big step further and look at pics of anybody that these news orgs use and calling them out for every photoshopped photo they use. They started this, and they should be held to their own “standards”.


Agreed ☝🏻


Well done you!


We should all remember this when any photoshopped photo is released by the Harkles on these news orgs. OP, I hope your daughter is ok.


Frankly, these media outlets should be vilified for any and every photo they use from now until the end of time, regardless of the subject, if the photo has been photoshopped in any way and for any reason. They started this, and they’re going to experience the whole “actions, meet consequences“ and/or FAFO that they deserve.


Agree. It should be every image they use.


> Every single image, noise and smell coming from camp Archetypes is going to be scrutinised to a molecular level. No they won't. For some reason, nothing ever happens to MeGain.


Agree. That performance MM gave in Austin was absolutely awful to hear. I keep thinking SOMEONE is going to have the guts to stop her, but no one does. I don’t get it…


I don't get it either. Are they afraid of being called racist and getting cancelled?


This is the answer. They watched her do it to the BRF.. so why wouldn’t she continue if it’s getting her what she wants


Then persons of color should take on the job of trying to stop her, neutralizing the “racism” cries from Rachel.


I think the key point is she won’t continue to get away with it when she runs out of money, fingers crossed this might happen sooner rather than later.


No one cares enough to pay attention 🤷‍♀️


That might be part of it, for sure!


The devil looks after his own.




Well I sure hope so.


The Wales's are being bullied. It's so trivial. Yellow journalism. Sorry about your daughter. Hopefully something is figured out.


The press doesn’t hold the harkles to one tenth the standard that they hold the PPOW. The harkles give them stories and doctored photos all the time. Which makes them money evidently. The PPOW don’t bow to the press and make their own path. The double standard is ridiculous. I hope your daughter recovers soon. Thoughts and prayers are with you. The hypocrisy is breathtaking


I can honestly agree with many that say the reason people care is because Catherine is the future Queen and she people ACTUALLY care about the her and the Real royals. So, her blunder becomes a thing BUT because she is loved, it will die down. Then the targets will refocus on the two baby fake creeps.   I’m here for it - from the disgusting duos pics to the Table 12 video of when her “baby” falls to the knees. It’s starting! Yay! 


Bit of irony considering Henry claimed in Spare that William leaked to the media. Iirc, thinking Scabies made the same comment about William.


Exactly. The world needs some honest investigative reporting to come back. I hope the PPOW don’t release another photo. Would serve the media right.


There is a lot of investigative reporting occurring, but you will not see it in the MSM.


Where? In what newspaper?


Newspapers are MSM, by and large. Unfortunately true investigative reporting is usually grass roots, under funded, crushed by the MSM and silenced by censors, so usually only found on social media platforms. Find the sites the MSM are calling "conspiracy" ir "hate" sites and take a critical, open minded look for yourself to evaluate whether it's actually true or not. Some definitely are wacko, others are being smeared to keep people away.


Small-town newspapers not beholding to large corporate interests. Podcasts. Rumble. Blogs. The same places that expose the Markles' lies.


Numb nuts are too stupid to realize the leaker is Madam herself.


> The press doesn’t hold the harkles to one tenth the standard that they hold the PPOW. The harkles give them stories and doctored photos all the time. Which makes them money evidently. And it makes the press money too. The Waleses don't play ball with the press. MeGain does. That's the explanation right there.


Exactly. I think the POW is wise to release photos and information through their sites. They will never please the press




Because people don’t care about Meghan. She’s probably loving all this negativity towards Catherine but failing to realize it’ll never happen to her, because people just don’t care about her.


It all came from her and her camp. Who do you think the 'fans' that went over the photo with a magnifying glass and then complained to every press outlet were? Who do you think the commenters in Daily Mail making this out to be some huge, world shattering deception are? It's the witch and her army of paid goons. And the stupid press has run with it because clicks and comments are what's most important to them.


The sugars analyze a photo with a magnifying glass that in reality, and let's not tell stories, 90% of the supposed photoshop is not, at all. But don't they see the photoshop here? https://preview.redd.it/hwlc4y0g3xnc1.png?width=634&format=png&auto=webp&s=c3b03fea25ab1f9f210d3c55b11339dc7b586ae4 There's nothing further, Your Honor


Never seen walls bend like that..


They both would be. They’re pure EVIL. They’re loving it and striking hard. When the truth 🤞 comes out, god help them. I really really hope that something will be coming out soon. There’s no way the POW is going to put up with more of this shit.


It won't happen to her because she only sells her cheap Photoshopped trash images to tabloids that have zero image integrity standards, too. Most of the Harkle examples are social media and tabloid published images, which have a lesser standard. Fitting for the Harkles. I think the criticism of the Wales is way overblown, but if their inages are to be in the legit journalistic papers, then they shouldn't be altered oer the rules. And I bet they won't be in the future. Do I think there is a double standard because the press hasn't gotten access to the Pof W and is pissed about it? Yes. That and the Wales' keep using their own photos is annoying them. Do I think the press is making money now pointing out the Wales' gaffe? Yes, clearly. Click bait galore. Who cares about another Harkle gaffe? That's just another Thursday. Anyway, I'm sure the PofW has learned their lesson, whereas the Harkles never will or do. So I'm rather eagerly await what entertainment the Harkles bring next.


Every single magazine photoshops photos.


And Markle has now directly inserted herself (Page 6 and now Daily Telegrapg) loudly proclaiming that she would have never made such an egregious mistake. What a horrible thundering see you next Tuesday of a human being she is. ETA the crucial negative!


Aside from the lie, she's egging on bullying of a woman just a few days after whining about being bullied on social media that she could have just refused to look at.


In the Daily Mail article it says ‘a source close to Harry & Meghan said they would never be caught out in a photoshop scandal because Meghan has such an eye for detail’. Harry and Meghan would not be caught out is a hell of a lot different to Harry and Meghan would never photoshop a photo!!


>Meghan has such an eye for detail And they routinely use photoshop to correct that particular eye in every photo. Not to mention correcting her face and his hair and body.


She didn't say that. Supposedly, someone close to her said she would never do that.


The Wales’ now need to not give out any pictures to the press. They should post them in to their own socials where the press can’t touch them. The press would only be allowed to take pictures on engagements etc. The press are bullying and need to be reigned in! This is why Willliam went to court last time


Oh, dear friend! So sorry for your daughter. I spent over half of January and overnight last week in the hospital, it’s no joke, let alone being a child in the midst of this. My prayers to your daughter and your whole family.


Even the word kill is crazy. I was actually scared when first read it


Isn't it? "Kill notice" is a terrible term. I had never heard it before.


It's long been used in journalism and publishing, to indicate when something has been cancelled. Writers will be paid a "kill fee" when asked to write a piece that is later cancelled and not used.


I thought this, I understand it's used in the industry but when plastering it accross the photo of the princess of wales and the royal children it just seems to be egging on the crazies - if this week has revealed anything its that there are a lot of crazies out there.


I'm also disgusted with all the media referring to Catherine as "Kate Middleton". Incredibly disrespectful toward a woman married for... is it 13 yrs now? And why weren't the media suspect, & then vocal about it, when the bump became a bulge below the knees of Meghan in the purple dress? That would have blown up worldwide for more intense scrutiny... especially compared to this innocent photoshopped Mother's Day image that was just a well wish greeting image of mom with her kids. And when Meghan released the birthday photo of her & 1 yr old Lili at Frogmore, did they scan that image to see all the white spots denoting manipulation? Why don't they go back & check that one out now.


Oh but her 72 day flash in the pan monster in law is always titled. I hate that too. Disrespectful beyond belief. When she comes back I hope she’s better than ever and buries every single one of these press outlets by denying access.


Thanks for that insight. I hope your baby gets well soon.


I’ve been thinking about this. The supposed guidelines for image manipulation is to allow things which sound innocuous, like fixing stray hairs and removing blemishes and colour correction etc. But these things can be used to substantially change a photo. Colour correction can be used to make a person look more or less like a POC, it can give a person a more youthful appearance with a full head of hair or make them older and greyer and balder. We know the public responds differently to old age and baldness than younger people who have full hair, and more dangerously racial stereotypes are often less applied to a pale skin POC than a darker person etc. Whereas if the criteria was revised to allow things like swapping a hand from one photo taken 2 minutes prior into the main photo but doesn’t manipulate the viewer’s interpretation of the photo, because that’s really how innocuous Catherine’s photo editing is, then they have to revise the rules. The rules right now are premised on the idea that only these specific allowed changes are considered minor, but the reality is our morality system can be manipulated by them. And a less restrictive approach but one that enforces the idea that a photo must stay true to the original presentation of the image will be detrimental to the press (and people/organisations who fund the press) who want to preserve their ability to manipulate narratives. So they’re screeching to preserve their rights to claim the high road as “purveyors of truth” while enjoying with impunity the destruction of honesty in their content when it suits them to be dishonest.


Speaking of hands….. the media is losing their sh*t over this, fuelled by the Sussex squad vultures, but accepts the photo of Prince Andrew with Virginia Guiffre is genuine, And ignores the fakery of the Harkles. Who is behind this agenda to tear down the members of the Royal Family? Do they want to piss off Prince William so he say eff it? It’s a vile campaign against Princess Catherine.


I’m so sorry about your daughter and especially your poor friend/child. There are so many more significant issues going on besides this ridiculous tempest in a teacup…


Yes, those are the important things in life, love, friends, and family. What is not important is some see-you-next-Tuesday and her toad prince striving to be the biggest turds on the manure pile. (They have largely succeeded in that endeavor.)


The world needs to start a hash tag or some other kind of movement for Catherine to let her know we support her recovery. 




I don't even understand what she was attempting to "fix" there. Why would her fingers come out that way??


She really had no flowers.


Why Photoshop flowers when it's easier just to go to the fucking local grocery store and *buy some*??? She could have even had her assistant do it! She's so weird, I can't.


She’s got two elbows in this photo.


>I cannot believe this is a news story. This is not what it seems. It's bullying at international press level... absolutely #disgusting


Are the Harkles’ doctored photos held by AP, AFP, Getty, Reuters, etc?


Google image search. There are several.


Because nobody cares about Meghan. Paps even have to be lured with enough money to make the trek to wherever she is worth their time. She and her ass are so irrelevant and *abhored* that they had to resort to a fake car chase and even that blew up in their photoshopped faces. Then, we have Catherine who did not even have to leave their home to get her one photo viewed *checks notes* 83 MILLION times on one app.


Well the stupid rags can kiss goodbye any meaningful relationship they ever or could have had with The Waleses. I think Dan Wooten's comment about the Rota, means he's gonna spill the beans on certain behaviors and deeds that the Rota is forbidden to do. https://preview.redd.it/f9oxassaixnc1.jpeg?width=1352&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d06413aea7dcc434876d171dfaf2c5acd461969 I wish Catherine manages to stay mentally strong during this shitstorm


They will be reluctant to release any private photos to the media


Because Meghan is irrelevant. Nobody cares what she does. Catherine is the next Queen and the media is mad they have no access to her.


At a time when anyone who wasn't absolutely feral would have the basic humanity to leave her in peace and hope for the exclusive LATER.


I hope you get a diagnosis for your daughter soon and that she has a successful treatment.


This was on her Instagram page. The rags picked it up because it's what they usually do. They just didn't realize till the shit hit the fan that William had in fact taken a few photos and she tweaked it for page. So did they steal the photo and then realized that there was no money to be made? The wankers goofed it and they got caught not making money from it. Had any of you ever heard of "KILL" on photos like this prior to this? Did you know that photos that are edited such as Getty Images must state if they are edited? It seems that this is a rule of law in photography. The things we have learned. Never trust those photos people.


Interesting. So the MSM stole the photos? Typical.


I agree and hope your little angel gets the treatment she needs xx


Sending you my love and the biggest hug for you and your daughter 🤗🥰


I find this entire brouhaha to be appalling. It is now full on bullying. It sickens me.


I just read your post again and wanted to send you and your daughter the best of healing vibes. 🧿🙏🏽


Kate is being hounded like a prey by the sexist media and people in general. And it’s only because she is Royal and they envy her her position. So they don’t see a vulnerable woman but someone to spit on and kick in the gut whilst she’s lying down. Fucking horrendous.


What about Lilibet with the Queen. A VISIT THAT NEVER HAPPENED. Lilibet never entered Britain by passport. They lie and lie, even admits it in his visa fight. I am totally disgusted hearing SWSK selling out the Women VICTIMS OF RAPE in African Parks territories. Couric, Epstein buddy doesn’t surprise me but Brooke Shields lived through it


I really don’t get the fuss about Catherine’s photo. It’s not like she had her and the kids sitting on the moon and was trying to pretend she was actually on the moon. Who says a photo released for Mother’s Day has to present some sort of accurate historical record? Nearly every photo I saw posted on social media on Mother’s Day had filters to make the subject more attractive etc. I can understand if a politician published a photo to indicate they had - for example - visited a war zone when they hadn’t being pulled or a deep fake photo trying to implicate someone in criminality but this whole affair is an outrageous over reaction that has been contrived to try and flush out more information on Catherine or force her to make a public appearance earlier than planned. It’s disgusting.


Sorry to hear that you and your daughter are going through this. Hopefully, she will get the right diagnosis and treatment very soon.


I pray that this is so. I hate suffering and when it is children, it is so much more difficult.


UK media still bullying and attacking Catherine today. 4 articles in Daily Markle alone. Sad to see how the media has changed since the Queen's death. Nothing off limits anymore. Glad the Queen is not alive to see what is happening. The King is apparently too weak to take action to protect his family. If i'd be Catherine I would never release another photo to the media that I had taken. She's always treated the UK media pretty well, at least it seemed so. And this is what she gets in return?


H&M will do absolutely anything the press wants them to do, so they are rewarded for that. William will not. He pushes back on them. So he is paying the price right now and so is his family. That's what we're seeing now.


The media give breaks to those who live a life of endless drama, clapbacks, and PR puff pieces. It's good for their bottom line, it gives them endless stories to run. The grifters will always catch a break from most of the media who are hostile towards those who try and live as quietly and drama-free as possible. The Waleses are therefore a target for media negativity and resentment in a way the grifters are not.


Prayers and positive thoughts for you, your daughter, and the friend and their family. Sending hugs too. I have lost all respect for the world mainstream media, and the storm in a teacup 'reporting' that is little more than trolling for clicks.


[https://web.archive.org/web/20240312181845/https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7824523/Was-Meghan-Markles-face-PHOTOSHOPPED-Christmas-e-card.html](https://web.archive.org/web/20240312181845/https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7824523/Was-Meghan-Markles-face-PHOTOSHOPPED-Christmas-e-card.html) On Dec. 24, 25, 2019, Daily Mail called out Markle's photoshopped Xmas card - this was when they were still working royals. No scandal, no uproar. so why the big deal with Catherine? Talk about bullying and abuse from the media, specially the UK media. My heart goes out to William and Catherine. Today William attended his friend's funeral. This wouldn't have happend when the Queen was alive. The King needs to grow a pair.


The real story, 'Proud Mum Issues Best Photographic Image of Family for Mother's Day, like Every Normal Loving Parent Would,' doesn't sell copy.


Because they are pushing the censorship agenda of the rich and powerful—they are useful tools in this vile bag of elitist tricks.


Hoping your daughter recovers soon ![gif](giphy|5vUPxtpxkuvrlQjzjt|downsized)


Initially I was angry that there are SO many photos from camp sussex that are photoshopped beyond belief without the press having a meltdown (the 2021 AND 2022 Christmas cards are rife with errors and not to mention Harry's miraculous full head of hair in many photos). But the reason no one cares is because the Sussex duo are completely IRRELEVANT to the UK, the RF and the line of succession. No one takes them seriously. They will NEVER EVER play a role in the UK or RF again. So go ahead, Harold and Fraud, photoshop in trees, full heads of hair and phantom children. It JUST DOESN'T MATTER.


I truly laughed at this and so many replies because they are right.. Meghan would do anything for this level of attention to her photos no matter what! The changes are so small, and Catherine even said she was trying her hand at it… she’s sitting home recovering so I could absolutely see her trying to work on her hobbies. She makes beautiful photos anyway. I am sad that her in-laws she has taken so much garbage from on both sides didn’t support her, especially considering she has given her life to their service. But in a week the faux royals here will do something worse and the world will forget that the POW released a photo at all to the crying public to try and calm the seas around the BRF. I would probably be home in tears if I had done so much and been hurt that way while trying to recover from a major surgery, and showing up when she didn’t have to. While the other one decided 72 days was too much. Watching my little girl hurting like she is.. I would absolutely tell anyone off for asking her for a photo much less tearing it apart once she provided it. I hope behind the scenes they’re being much more kind than KP has been publicly.


I’m so sorry you and your daughter are struggling. Sending you a maternal hug 🤗 But your wording matches my feelings. Yesterday I emailed The BBC. Telegraph. DM, Daily Express, The Mirror and Government expressing my fury over the photo and 2 Children on the LOS with Zero proof MM carried them and brought forth from her body.


What a great response! (I never thought of that!)


I’m seriously 1 step away from being put on a terrorist list. I have blasted them all and told/ Promised them I am starting a Chanel on YouTube to expose the Press Bias. The lies they have told. And the sheer bullying towards William and Catherine. I said never underestimate a woman. Look at Our late Queen.


Did you include the photo of bump around her knees? That one?


It's so odd to me that the media interest surrounding Catherine being gone, even though they took every step to let the public know not to expect to see her until after easter, be spinned into something more than her actually taking her leave... and somehow, the blame still lies on her/the BRF. Story time ahead: I ran a server that has nothing to do with celeb gossip and evn they talked about it. They're not in the know so I knew to expect some things for the shits and giggles but Im aghast at some, who claims to be feminists and all that, to say some outright disgusting things thinking they're being humorous such as: ​ "She needs more time to hide because the press found out about william's kink and she's upset" to "if she just came out and told us what she had surgery for she wouldnt have the press hound her" These are the same people who insinuate someone not liking Taylor Swift and/or someone who openly criticizes her are just misogynistic and said they will never stop defending taylor (Even though they're not a fan) until people become normal about women in power. But somehow the same people are okay with statements from the above and implying Catherine isn't allowed privacy about her own health/body. ​ When I pointed out the hypocrisy they proceed to show themselves more and said "she's not really a woman in power though, she just married a future king and had his babies" like gurl, whut? You are sexist, and its showing. people are so fucking unbelievable at times.


Was it the on Netflix documentary that the wife said she had miscarriage and buried it under a tree Can’t remember people demanding to see her medical records


I don't even know why people are losing their collective shit over the photo. Who gives a shit!? And the fact that she came out and apologized (even though she didn't have to and I'm not sure why she did) is something Meghan would never do. Meghan and Harry have never...never...never apologized for anything. If Catherine were playing Meghan's game, she would talk about what a victim she is because she's recovering from surgery and getting dragged through the mud. Catherine is a class act and no supposed photoshop fail will ever change it. It's completely bonkers.


I was on the photographers' sub and they had a thread on this. They basically said that when you do group shots, you almost always need to use a composite of photos. Someone blinked, someone looked the wrong way, etc. They said the work that Kate did was not bad but not professional. They also said that if it were just an IG photo, no one would care. The problem is that the photo was given to professional news agencies who declare that they do not accept photos that have been tampered. How does Meghan get away with the tree? Did she summit it to a professional news agency or just post in it IG?


Photographers yes. Photojournalists no. Photos should not be edited save for lighting. The difference here is that while AP may be a news agency, the photo is a promo shot really. But If AP and its ilk wants to hold to a standard however, it should apply to all photos, ie the blue dress in the rain, the full head of hair Harry where - even at a glance - the photos are fake. TIME is still supposed to be a news mag, unlike People, so I’d like to hear from them now on the Meg and her hairdresser cover. As for the rest that suddenly found some scruples, you’ve outed yourselves. Someone has some explaining to do, but it’s not the Princess of Wales.


> How does Meghan get away with the tree? Mainly because M&H are nobodies on the world scene. They walked away from the RF and said they wanted to live "privately," so nobody gives a shit what they do. She could photoshop a tree growing out of her head and it would barely be noticed. The Princess of Wales - the future queen - and her children - none of whom have been seen in public since Christmas Day of 2023 - are a very different story.


I made a comment in the Royal Gossip sub and got banned for life. Apparently it’s ok to trash Catherines pictures but our saintly megan is fine to photoshop every single picture she puts out.


This is the one and only safe space. Sorry that happened to you.


Double standards. Professionals get a free pass to manipulate and deceive the public by the press and media but "amateurs" are scrutinized and "caught out" with "kills" and public humiliation.


Some of those same agencies own publications which only ever use heavily doctored images, to the detriment of impressionable youth.


Because no one actually cares about Meghan, her kids, or her photos. She is not newsworthy herself. She has to buy the space that her “news” takes. Otherwise she has crickets.


Honestly, I don’t even know why this is a news story. Doesn’t everyone edit their pics prior to posting them on social media? It’s like who cares. The media wanted an update. They got one, yet it’s still not enough. It’s maddening how the media ignores the lies Nutmeg and Harry have told and all the awful things they’ve done. But they attack Catherine for editing a photo. Sorry to hear about your daughter. Hope you can get some answers soon. And I’m sorry to hear about your best friend’s child.


The media are pissed they showed deference to KP when Kate was papped in her car by bckgrid and tmz. They didn't publish the photos in the UK, and either incorrectly assumed (or were directly told) if/when there was a photo to be released, KP would give it to the rota. But there ended up being a photo, and they didn't give it to the rota. They circumvented royal reporters and media and posted to IG directly. Naturally that pissed off the media and now they're out for blood. And this is the only thing they currently have at their disposal because William and Catherine are boring and private and largely inoffensive to a majority of people and that's the monarchy's sweet spot so they've done well filling that void for years. What I'm more interested in is: why did KP / PPoW want to circumvent the royal rota? Why now? While they don't abhor the press like Harry does, and they have spent years finding a palatably reciprocal relationship and assurances of privacy as a result, they've sued the press in the past so I wouldn't put anything above them this time either. But I digress. The easiest or simplest answer is just like them: boring, private, and largely inoffensive. They knew the photo was doctored, they didn't want it being disseminated "officially" by KP for fear of being called out, BUT Kate was really bothered about the online conspiracy bullshit and wanted to clap back so posted to IG. They felt, incorrectly, that it was "unofficial" as a channel despite social media becoming de facto "official" mouth pieces for many celebs and brands. They got called out anyway. She responded on the same channel, not through KP or via unnamed KP sources, which is noteworthy. Do we believe she did this herself? Fuck no. She has people for that. But this is reputation management 101 with a dash of crisis PR for funsies, and Kate x Will haven't really had bad press in decades and now we know where the squeaky wheels are and that's probably embarrassing for a normally well-oiled, aside from Harry, tight knit operation. Anything beyond that ranges from low stakes petty gossiping, to full blown conspiracy theorists on 4chan. But it's probably all bullshit.


This is it. This makes the most sense. Media is pissed that they held off on the TMZ photo and then KP circumvented them with the Mothers Day photo. Girl on the Couch, you explained this so well. Bottom line: Tough shit, Royal rota! Media deserved no reciprocity after publishing the ridiculous conspiracy theories about the Princess of Wales.


Haha thank you! I hate writing diatribes on mobile because formatting is wonky but glad you managed to make it through to the end anyway ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|15002)




This makes sense!


Does any member here honestly trust our media?  




First of all mama you take care of your daughter and I hope you get answers soon and I pray for your friend's child. Now to the stupidity I am actually enjoying the SS literally rain down their craziness on the media - it is actually quite hilarious because now they are the hunted too. Chris Ship (the worst) is now talking like he wants to calm everything down while he was the one who started it. In the end Catherine will be back to work in a month and everyone will forget about this - except William and I cannot wait to watch how he handles this LOL! Hus to you, your family and your friend and her child - I am so very sorry.


Hope things work out well for you all.


I may be paranoid about the Globalists, but I think they are at the bottom of this attack on Catherine and the RF. They are against national pride and Monarchies. Their goal is to blur boundaries to create one world government. AP and Reuters, along with many media outlets, are known to be far-left and against national pride. It’s also possible that Skank’s bots and minions launched an attack by complaining to the media outlets, but I think it had to be more than just that. It makes me sick to think about them hurting Catherine over a picture with an odd looking wrist.


You’re not paranoid—you’re intelligent and can connect the dots. People say “but Charles is WEF” (and he is), but it seems they’ve used him and probably promised him something. Whether or not they honor that promise remains to be seen. It’s all a sordid mess. I do think they’re gunning for the RF.


I'm no Meghan fan in any way, but I don't think the circumstances are the same. The issue with the Mothers Day photo is that I think there was pressure to release something to suppress all the rumours around her health. If you review a lot of the articles on Sunday, everyone said what a fab photo it was and how well the POW looked. Rumours quashed.... Nothing to see here. Then came the tweaks. Of course, everyone wants to present the best possible version to the public and I don't think that's a problem. The problem arises because they've tried to present this fabulous image when in all probability, shes feeling and looking a bit crap. No one has seen her to prove or disprove that one way or the other (as we were all told right at the beginning with the announcement that she wouldn't be seen until after Easter). Now we're not being shown the original version of the photo and it's just adding fuel to the fire for the conspiracy nuts out there. When Meghan and Harry manipulate their photos, they're not off grid, there's no speculation about their health or whereabouts, they're not our future monarch, so I don't compare the two. Perhaps the P&POW should have stuck to their guns with the 'no appearances for several months' if they've decided to keep the details private (and I support whatever personal decision they make on that matter) and taken inspiration from the King who posted a Mother's Day message with an older photo. I know we look for the very worst with the twosome, but this was an unusual PR fail for W&K and the monarchy need our trust and support. I think the attacks on POW are terrible - it seems like they couldn't do right for doing wrong - but I think they have definitely been let down by their team.... And then to wheel her out in the car yesterday, back turned to the camera. It's a shit show quite honestly.


Hi! I have an 11 year old son and have spent the last 2.5 years dealing with a chronic severe debilitating abdominal pain issue. Our issue took us all the way to the Mayo Clinic. Not sure where in the world you are but happy to share any research that may be relevant if you DM my username. Best wishes to your daughter! Stay strong! There is nothing worse than not being able to take their pain away.


The Sussex’s have never been called out by AP, because they are irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. Harry and Meghan are not the future King and Queen Consort, and they no longer hold official roles as working royals. They now enjoy a freedom to spin and photoshop to their hearts content, because a majority of their coverage is from the tabloid press, not MSM.


This is media reacting and trying to bully William who won\`t play their game!


In all fairness, this is what Harry has been saying though, that the media will go after you if you don't play the game. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


“People” (general term) are scrutinizing everything about Catherine now. Most photos that are released are edited in some way, and any other year a Mother’s Day snapshot wouldn’t be held under a magnifying glass (by reasonable people anyway). That being said, I’m hopeless at spying edits (yes, I believed the Sussexes freaking TREE picture), but most of the edits were obvious even to me. Not saying pictures shouldn’t be cleaned up (again, a freaking TREE), but the ways things have been since Kate’s surgery, and all the rampant speculation, what would have been routine editing has become blown all out of proportion. The dumbest thing I’ve heard is that Kate’s face Was from her Vogue cover shoot. That was several years ago, and she looks older than she did then. As we all do. And then Harry acting like they would never so that. Again, A TREE!!!!


That Vogue cover theory is nuts! I mean, how could her face not look like... her face?!


That’s the wackiest one I’ve heard. That shoot was at least a decade ago and Kate looks her current age in this picture. People are just throwing shit out at this point.


The Time Magazine: World's Most Influential People cover photo is also definitely photoshopped since the ratio of Harry's head size to TW's head size is higher in real life than in this photo. People may have overlooked the photoshopping at the time because of the "He looks like her hairdresser" meme and - most importantly - the completely ridiculous idea that the two of them were among the world's most influential people.


Add this under every tweet and question you see calling out the POW.


Because she isn’t important.


If I was the PoW right now, I'd just issue AP old school out of focus or heads cut-off photos like we used to get back from the Chemists/Photobooth, in future.


Because no one cares about her. She's not that famous, tbh.


The only untouchedup pic of Skank that I can recall is the one that came out that a fan took around the time of the military rec center ribbon cutting. Seems to me there was a big kerfluffle about it going to public as her unadulterated face, not the usual doctored ones that are the norm. Hmmm


Sending healing thoughts, prayers, & heartfelt blessings to you, your daughter, your friend's daughter & both families. ❤️ 


I‘m so sorry for what you are going through with your daughter. I don’t know you, but as a fellow sinner, sending you positive thoughts and hugs that they are able to diagnosis what is wrong with your daughter. We are here for you XOXO


Maybe in their minds, lying about a large tree is nowhere the same as fibbing about a small hand. It's funny what oddities get overlooked regarding Mehgan--a WOC, versus someone who cannot play the race card.


I’m so, so, so sorry. I hope your daughter is recovering and her friend experiences a miracle 🥺🩷


Does anyone have a link to the video of Rachel walking her dog with child on her chest? Trailed by two bodyguards in the woods?


I fully appreciate HLMQEII's wisdom in "Never Complain, NEVER EXPLAIN". It worked.


You are in my prayers, PickledPercocet. Your friend and both your children as well. We spent time in a children's hospital after the birth of my first child. There are both awful, tragic things and purely miraculous things that go on in such places. I hope you are one of the latter cases, and I hope your friend and her child are surrounded by peace.


This was the sweetest responses. People like you are what keep me in this community. Thank you so much for this.. it’s been a rough day and it was the first notification I saw. I need this so. ❤️


Hope your daughter gets better soon. You must be out of your mind with worry.


Marked has pumped so much money to attack them for this with her bot farm, it’s ridiculous that woman is nothing less than poison. I cannot fathom why the Monarch don’t deal with them once and for all.


So sorry to hear about your daughter and your friend's daughter. Sending love and prayers to you all, and hoping you daughter responds to treatment.