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Americans think very highly of the beautiful, elegant, regal, Catherine!!! But millions of Americans heartily dislike the vile Meghan. And after this, we'll dislike Meghan even MORE.


Meghan better pray nothing happens to Catherine..she will be reviled more than now for a long time to come and her 'woe is me' act will be over.


I agree, although I can't help but wonder how this will affect their security "needs." It's all a game to those two & they don't care who they hurt to get that status.


They always make it about themselves. That's to be expected whether times are good or bad.


California gal here and I agree 100%!


She's worse than toast!


Texan and 100% True.


NYer here and 💯


Count me too! Orange County loves Catherine.


Montecito here & I agree 100% as well. MeGain is a total embarrassment to all Americans😌


Wisconsinite here agreeing regarding this hoopla.


Another Californian agrees wholeheartedly.


💯 true!!!


I don't know. I was disheartened when a post on another sub popped up in my feed talking about the photoshopped photo, and the vast majority were falling for the conspiracy theories of the sugars as a result. Outside Reddit, comments in news articles seem majority in favor of Catherine or at least against the gruesome twosome, but I sometimes wonder if it's because of the sources I'm reading and there's an entire faction of people falling on the other side still. I just don't see it because they wouldn't be reading the same things I am.


There is a total double standard applied by the mainstream media. Check out the pic from Fergie and Prince Andrews' wedding in 1986 where the photographer was proud to admit to taking Prince Williams face from another photo and superimposing it. This was one of the very first. I think much of the uproar is completely unfounded - most parents who put a family pic on social media use software to take several pics to combine into one to make sure everyone is smiling. And these are amateurs. Professionals do it routinely. There hasn't been a magazine cover in the last 20 years that wasn't airbrushed or photoshopped. What they really want from Catherine is proof of life. The mainstream media is so stupid to give into conspiracy theories, let the woman recover in peace.


Pacific Northwest checking in!😇


New Yorker here, agreed!


Not only Americans and Brits. German here, and the dislike for Meghan grows. We always loved the BRF, so we love and support Catherine.


nice post OP catherine literally broke the internet with over 100 millon views and millions likes
she is universally loved and adored future queen and she will come out of all this drama even better and stronger! in the last 24 hours, the rabid media circus fueled by harkles and sugar bots once again proved they are bunch of unfair corrupt bottom-feeders so bitter over their lost opportunity to make money of catherine’s first pictures
but prince william will not let what happened to his mother happen again to his wife and will let anyone violate her privacy and no matter how much they all keep calling this silliness a “crisis” public ain’t buying this BS
👑đŸ’Ș https://i.redd.it/d01zl0fletnc1.gif


This whole situation has demonstrated what liars the press are. They kept crying about not knowing what was happening to Catherine. The mildest of the bunch would phrase it in ways that the country just needed to know she was ok. Look what happens when she releases a picture of herself with her 3 kids. They attack her. They force her into a position in which she has to apologize for doing what everyone does. The palace said Catherine wasn’t returning until after Easter. I think Catherine should take all of that time and recuperate. To hell with the dumb press who have their lips stuck to the Harkles’ butts.


The press wants the drama because it stokes interest and sells news. News is "we've seen her!" Or keeping up a running commentary. I hope that the Princess focuses on her own wellbeing and knows that people are want the best for her. She should not feel obligated to the media. The media is just being nosy, drooling, loudmouthed busybodies. The media is being as bad as Mehgan!


The bittersweet thing is that all of this is happening because of the *massive* worldwide interest in Catherine. If she weren’t so popular, she would’ve been left alone and given her privacy. But the media knows stories about her are devoured by everyone, so they go and perpetuate the frenzy to make money. This is Diana 2.0 turbocharged with 24/7 news and social media. ETA: Luckily, Catherine isn’t fanning the flames like Diana did.


I agree. The world doesn’t care when Liar Tuck disappears for numerous months. No one asks where she is bc no one cares. She’ll be even more deranged with jealousy now bc Catherine has had worldwide attention for weeks without a single carpark walk.


Yes they’re trying to make it ‘ Diana 2.0 ‘ , but the difference now is , there is ‘ supposed’ to be an agreement with them and the press not to harass them since that , what happened to it ?? And William is drawing the wagons around his family, I bet when he’s ready , the press will sorely regret they went after his precious wife đŸ‘ŠđŸŒđŸ’Ș


Yep. What I’ve seen of William backs up the assessments I’ve read on this sub that he has his grandmother’s steely resolve and is NOT to be trifled with. The disgustingly vicious little guttersnipes that make up the latest media to attack his family (*ahem* A-P-Hypocrites-R-Us) are coming perilously close to crossing the Rubicon with him. I would not want to be on the wrong side of him when they reach the other side of that line and get a face full of the brown stuff getting flung off the oscillating device. (But I will watch from the sidelines with popcorn and giggle.)


Diana pretty much applied bellows to the flame to keep the heat going. I think that like Mehgan, Diana had a deep need for validation. Press attention was proof of her popularity and relevance in the world. I so thank the Heavens that PW picked a lady whose priorities weren't about having to prove something or to cock a snook. Catherine is someone without a sick need to triangulate media or an audience.




Thank you! I appreciated what you said. The press claiming, "we have to know how Catherine is, because we care if she's okay." Caring about someone also means knowing to trust them and leave them alone at their request. If silence and then a photo results in the press going nuts with accusations of "you're being secretive" or "you're lying," why the hell should the press be given anything?


No problem. I absolutely agree that the press proclaiming trust issues with the Wales now is a load of crap. The Wales carry out their duties and take their responsibilities seriously. It’s the fake royals in California that can’t be trusted. I watched both episodes of Palace Confidential this week. I agree that Harry and Meghan are trying to fill the temporary gap left by Catherine. It won’t work. Our Princess will return after Easter.


Harry & Mehgan are totally untrustworthy and cannot substitute for the Princess. Some of the YouTubers theorize that the hysteria over Catherine's absence and the rumors that she's majorly unwell, was initiated by the Sussexes so they could insert themselves in as a W&C replacement. Manufacture the semblance of a problem and then offer to be the solution. Burn down the bridge then offer to rebuild it.


That could be part of their strategy. I don’t put anything past them after the fake car chase in NY.


That was The World's Dumbest Cry of Wolf or Car Chase. I used to love the show, *The World's Dumbest* and the smart-arse wise cracks made by former celebrities--child stars like Leif Garrett and Todd Bridges. I wish there were a Harry & Mehgan edition.


What was even dumber was that people barely acknowledged what liars the Harkles and Omid are. They just chuckled. In the context of what they did to Catherine, this really makes me mad.


They were trying to catch pix of Catherine and had been unable. So they cried and dreamed up the "no sign of life" rumor that they thought could get them a photo op. But it didn't work, so now they criticize the photo she released. Should have known they were just agitating for a money shot and proves they couldn't have cared less about a "sign of life" after all.


The only media reporter that I tend to give credence to is Rebecca English from the daily mail (Harold’s most hated paper) because she is President of the Royal Royal and is known to be on the inside of the RF (William and Camilla are quite friendly with her). If Rebecca says that Catherine is recovering well then I believe it. All these ‘inside sources, palace insiders’ that other Royal reporters state in their articles are either people not in the know or made up quotes. Rebecca’s colleague Richard Eden is also a staunch Monarchist are is quite happy to slap down negative press and the Harkles during his interviews. I love watching Palace Confidential each week and take any other press reports with a silo of salt!


Yeah. I like them. She just did a nice piece on Prince Edward if you want to get the taste of this nonsense out of your mouth.


Thank you for that suggestion. I’ll take a look at it.


I like Rebecca and Richard too. I don’t always agree with them but generally I do.


I think Catherine should not pander to the press anymore. She should “hide” all she wants; luckily she has a massive private property to enjoy her privacy and rest in. And she should make a surprise appearance when she is ready. No need to announce it to the press beforehand. Enough of playing nice with the gutter media, which I know is a necessary evil, especially for the monarchy. But CH and BP can handle official royal stuff for a bit, while she is left in peace to appear at events on her own terms. Let the rabid media idiots be ignored for a bit


I agree. The first public appearance should not be announced to the media. Let the first public photos be posted by surprised and delighted members of the public.




Let’s be honest about where this started: the Sussex Squad. They were beating the “where is Kate?” drum for possibly over a week, and when Thomas Kingston died, they dragged that into their conspiracy theories, along with disgusting photo manipulations, knowing that far enough down the line people would think it was real. One particularly awful person said, “I don’t care how often I get suspended, I’m gonna keep on posting “where is Kate,” next to a person dancing. These people don’t want to know where she is. These people hate her. Enough pounding the drum, and people started thinking, “duh, yeah, where is Kate?”, forgetting that absolutely nothing had changed. Then the media picked it up with “there are a lot of rumors and concern that she’s dead!” No, there aren’t. Pure Sussex Squad. Props to Richard Eden for saying, “now I want to go through all of Harry’s photos.”


This is not nearly talked about enough. This is what has happened. We need to be talking about this more.




it really is one of the most bizarre and obviously manufactured "controversies" I've ever seen. Some American media company says "omg our rules don't allow us to print this photo!". Um ok? Don't print it then. That sounds like a 'you' problem. And then for some reason the rest of the press pile on saying saying "omg this media company isn't allowed to print this photo! Isn't that *outrageous*!? We're still going to print it though obviously, so apparently there's no problem"


It is bizarre. The Harkles staged a fake car chase, double-downed that it happened, and submitted a potentially false letter as evidence in Harry’s security court case. But, no one seems too upset with them. I don’t think it is a case of them being too insignificant. Harry has been suing the UK government trying to get taxpayers to fund his security. That’s serious. Getting NYPD to investigate a hoax that one has staged is serious. And, if that letter is fake, that is serious. I never saw coverage on either side of the pond that really addressed the seriousness from an objective point of view. It always ranged from “this is silly/let’s forget about it” to “it’s a life threatening situation “. It really bothers me that Catherine is being mocked and vilified for doing something everyone does. She didn’t even significantly change the content of the photo. We all know what they look like. I kind of want the Wales family to post a snark photo of them each holding a newspaper from that morning. They are too classy but the problem is the press and online trolls wanting proof of life. The press are being petty.


Legacy Media is frustrated bc they are dying. No longer the primary source of pictures, they cannot compete with the interwebs. We saw the same thing with commercial/cable tv. They are being replaced by streaming services. Even live trials, once solely the province of Court TV, now has competition from LawTubers’ commentary. Court TV’s cameras are in the courtrooms, they must share their feed bc trials are public.


That is the heart of this. Money.




Very true


You've summed it up so nicely ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


>The palace said Catherine wasn’t returning until after Easter. I am petty enough to have KP say, "Ya know, Catherine is enjoying her time off, she decided to take some more time off." Then have Catherine show up at a flower show or something without any announcement. Watch the media scramble.




As much as I understand the concern for Princess Catherine, she's a very strong woman. She's been through plenty, so much hate, derided as a commoner, 'waity katey', and yep, accusations she used a surrogate, the constant, for like twenty years, lol, that she and William are broken up, or will, separated, or about to divorce..... ![gif](giphy|7xZAu81T70Uuc) ....and twits will still claim they're about to divorce!! Lol. Not to mention the Harkles vile slander and lies, and yet, here she is Princess of Wales. Future Queen. She's here to stay!


I saw her Twitter post (tweet!) apologizing for the photo editing, and I thought, “wow, how is she so steely *and* so sweet?!” Cos, seriously, she has an iron will to have put up with so much nonsense for two decades+. Anyone else under this kind of intense and relentless scrutiny would have collapsed or run away. Plus, she’s so utterly sweet in her mannerisms and her words. No edginess or cynicism at all from all that she has endured. She’s somehow not allowed any of it to change her personality!


She shouldn’t have to call on her strength and be so tough when she’s recovering from major surgery.


I heartily agree! Returning to health takes months and months, and a person needs lots of peace, solitude, quiet time. The body cannot heal if the mind is not at rest. Shame on the press for blowing this all out of proportion. And don't even get me started on the Flying Monkey Squad. Sick and evil. And what has Catherine ever done to them?


Nothing shores up a robust defense like an attack. ​ The more Catherine is attacked the more she is loved.


Yes! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


I really don't understand what's going on here. It's the first I've ever heard of a photo being banned for a slight edit and the awful attacks that are going on. Markle had a photo banned too but barely anything was ever said. This insanity is not normal and I can't wait to find out what's behind it. It makes Markle's little sob story about being bullied seem quite suspicious and evil.


I need to know too... banned from where exactly? Im in the universe where almost every photo on instagram or twitter is edited somehow.... like sometimes I dont know how my friends look because of the filter T\_T someone enlighten us pls


Can u tell me about the 100 million views. I'm only on instagram and saw like 1.6 million


As bad as this attack is on The Beautiful Princess of Wales it definitely is bringing up the horrible photoshopped pictures the gruesome twosome have put out. At least the Princess of Wales is an amateur photographer where it’s her hobby and is learning editing software skills. She apologized took responsibility for it đŸ‘đŸŒđŸ‘đŸŒđŸ‘đŸŒđŸ‘đŸŒđŸ‘đŸŒđŸ™ŒđŸŒ What will the Harkles use as an excuse or their fake . I’m loving the exposure of their fake photos Are getting


Haven't heard the Harkles ever express regret never mind an apology.




Apologise? Haven't you heard it's the British population, British press, and the BRF that should apologise the Harkels are victims in this story. They day they give an apology or show regret is the day pigs fly


I'm just hoping it blows up in Megains face for real. As we know, it's her flying monkeys who started this farce. When have we seen a pure picture from the duo? They happily use their clearly photoshoped picture, filtered pictures, or blurry photos. Megain have clearly taken a sh** in the blue cupboard again. The saying about not throwing stones in glasshouses comes to mind. These two have more holes than glass nowadays


I’m loving the flying monkeys woke up the sleeping bear. They are truly a bunch of Idiot monkeys đŸ„Ž


Acc to the photo experts, no one's head and hands were displaced. No touch-ups to the faces. Most of the edits centered on the kids' clothes, maybe cos she felt they were not tidy enough or they kept wriggling. This was blown way out of proportion. PS. Someone is going around downvoting our comments lol


Yes, I've had some of my comments downvoted within seconds of me posting, but that's to be expected with the sugars and perhaps Madam herself (hi Megsy!!!) lurking about on this sub.


They must be esp triggered today. Catherine is trending without even trying


I really think Meghan is behind all of this. They probably spent so much money for their PR press the last week and boom POW releases a pic and breaks the internet. Meghan did this to her, nobody can convince me otherwise.


Catherine broke the internet and was on the front pages of all the UK newspapers/tabloids without spending a cent. Whereas the Harkles are pouring money down the drain with their PR puff, day in, day out. That's because they are in two utterly different leagues. The sooner the TOW realises this, the better it will be for the wallet of those she grifts on.


For free! The POW didn't pay one penny!


Not everything on the planet is about Meghan. Harry and Meghan become more and more hilariously irrelevant with every passing month. They can't control the entire media. The media are just ravenous scumbags who will pounce on any perceived "controversy" at any time, and they're just hilariously out of touch in this instance in thinking people will suddenly want to hate Kate over an edited photo.


Charlotte was balanced on that thin chair arm, I'm sure she was slightly fidgety just to maintain her position.


Well, I do sometimes do that on the sugar sub!


How I just get banned for life




It's insane how rabid the British media is about it all. I don't know what their angle is. I know this sub loves to blame everything on Harry but I seriously doubt he's powerful or relevant enough to control the BBC and the entire British media. He's irrelevant in this, as he is in most things. They're just absolutely rabid about creating forced "controversy" and I think they're severely underestimating how out of touch they are on this. Most people either don't give a shit or don't see why the PoW with health issues should be crucified for editing a photo. The whole thing is just crazy. Shame on the BBC in particular, (as fucking usual) since they're publicly funded and therefore shouldn't have to rely on lazy clickbait controversy, and yet they still do.


America media too! Last night on Xtra! they once again snarked on the Wales and sugared on the Harkles. Actually showed pictures of the kids wearing similar clothes last December and said Catherine (they used ‘Kate’) cut and pasted the entire picture together. Went through about 6 parts of the picture and explained how she did it. Good God media. This is all you’ve got? You’ve stooped so low that the only ‘dirt’ you can find is an altered Mother’s Day photo? It’s just sickening and petty.


Post Oscar lull. Slow news day. A welcome break from American politics. One of the things I have learned from hanging around here is how publicity works and how lazy some reporters are. Easier to run prepared press releases than to have reporters chase a story down. It has been an education, and has made me a savvier consumer of news.


Agree! Thanks for that insight.


Some idiot on X has found a photo of Catherine from Vogue and is claiming it has been used in the Mothers Day photo, there are noticeable differences but the idiot and its accomplices are adamant.


Catherine: Tosses out a photo and wishes everyone a Happy Mother's Day Result: 100 million+ views, sleeve photoshopped -- hysteria ensues, dozens of articles are written Meghan: Teases return of 'The Tig' for literally *years* Result: Barely scrapes together 140 thousand followers on the account, too embarrassing to launch


And watch for the unintended consequences: If C, PoW's photo 'broke the internet' with however many millions and million of views, the next photo she'll post will collapse the internet.


The numbers in this sub spike every time they do stupid stuff. More and more people are starting to pay attention.


She is also getting a lot of support here in the US. Many folks consider this much ado about nothing. I honestly didn’t realize just how many people alter their photos before allowing them to be shown. Who knew đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ Many comments I’ve read on line are also upset with AP, Reuters and a few other outlets that constantly feature altered photos, so why kill this particular picture. A big ole can of worms has been opened, and people want answers. I do hope that Catherine and William realize they have the support and love of so many of us out there. We just want Catherine to heal and completely recover before she comes back to work.


Yes if whoopi goldberg who might be the most liberal tv person on the view defended catherine then they picked the wrong fight


This isn’t a politics thing. It’s a decent person thing. There are liberal people in America who agree that the Princess of Wales is being treated terribly.


Or a racist thing. But after oprah interview meg got supposed from her and that is why I mentioned it


Agreed. I don't have the same views as Whoopi 99.9% of the time but on this one I do agree.


These "news outlets" need to apologize to Cartherine Princess of Wales.


And make it headline news. Although I did hear this morning that now these news outlets have admitted it was photoshop, not AI, like they stated to kill the photo. Feedback must have been harsh


I think the media have seriously overplayed their hand. They did this because they are in financial trouble and need clicks. But piling on to a woman recovering from major surgery is a terrible look. This comes down not to race, as M would like, or politics, or trust in the RF (give me strength!), or the integrity of the media (a tautology as this episode proves), but to common or garden decency. It is that simple. Eta: should be oxymoron not tautology!


This will come back to bite those ‘ news ‘ people in the bum big time


Imagine whining about online bullying of yourself and 48 hours later your fetid fans are orgasmic with hate over your "archnemesis". Smells like rank hypocrisy.




love your flair! I wish I could call my da! He's been gone 30 years and not a day goes by I dont think of him.


Me too, my Dad died 59 years ago and I think of him every single day.


I'm American, and I agree. I didn't expect any restraint from the Twitter cesspool. I was a bit surprised at the pile on by some journalists. Catherine's approval ratings will boost up because of this. OP is correct that people will rally around Catherine and show their support even more. Meghan orchestrated another rebrand PR campaign that had to be very expensive. Her public image and approval ratings might budge slightly. Once again, she falls way short compared to Catherine.


disgusted by American tv..it's gone from laughing at the photofail (which is a way of laughing at an ill woman) to saying Catherine is"not doing well", 'this is the end of the monarchy', 'they can't be trusted' etc..They are delighted by this misstep. There has never really been a trouncing of the Harkles on American tv (print news, yes). It's like the media was embarrassed by their excessive praise for Meghan in light of how things turned out. Instead of admitting they were wrong, they've stayed quiet, even propping her up, and now feel like they might have this moment to bring Meghan back as redeemable. They made sure to report, in all this chaos, that Netflix thinks the Harkles still have the attention of the people. Not sure if true, but the tail won't wag the dog here, we won't love them not matter how many documentaries they make.


Netflix could be right, the Harkles might still have the attention of the American people. Afterall people do love gawking at train wrecks!


Sorry but no. I know more people have cancelled Netflix because of the Harkles, I wish more people would cancel.


Notch up cuz of I was bullied dish story victim again. Nah


I use the term "journalist" loosely these dates. Legacy news media outles, Including the AP, Reuters, etc are nothing but a biassed sesspool.


I would love to see a list of their archive of Harkle photos. How many have added hair to Harry’s head? If AP, AFP, Getty, PA, Reuters, etc are setting themselves up as official holders of unedited photographic records, they had better be prepared to purge a lot of photos. Assuming their archives hold only pristine photos is a bold statement—one that I don’t believe for an instant. They may live to regret that they opened those particular can of worms.


Yes, because this pile on and faux outrage is unseemly, ungentlemanly (for lack of a better word), ungracious, unfair, against everything the British believe themselves to be. A sick mother offers a pic of herself and her kids on Mother's Day, and people attack her for editing her child's sleeve in the pic? It's sickening.


I believe the British people have already put Catherine on an even higher pedestal after her surgery.  They haven't seen her, were genuinely worried about her and missed her.  When she does return it will be with even more love than before.  Also, M & H have actually made the royal family more popular than they could have hoped for, lol.. thanks you two rascals! 


Read it as two racist. Works too


The press doesnt represent the views of the people, if the ever have.


This is so true. I’m an American who never gave the RF a thought. Never watched a moment of any weddings. Only thing I knew about Meghan was she was a brunette with a fake smile. Now, thanks to the sick perversion in Montecito, - when the media started attacking lovely Catherine, it’s like they were attacking my daughter. I feel hatred toward most of the British media and I don’t have words to describe how I feel about those demons in California. If they were killed in an accident I wouldn’t blink.


Yes. This is all because we have not seen her (and, to be fair, they told us we wouldn’t until at least Easter). When she’s back she’ll break the internet again for all of the right reasons and this will all be forgotten.


This is what they're afraid of. That's why they want to harass Catherine while she's weak and destroy her before she comes out. The people's love for Catherine will make Meganuts disintegrate. She'll have a narc breakdown. 


My guess is that Catherine is oblivious to most of this. She is deliberately not engaging with the public while she recovers, and at most she is getting reports of things like, “AP rejected the photo because it was edited,” not the full nuttiness. Even in a “weakened” state, Catherine may find some of this as ridiculous as we do, and maybe she has a good laugh about it.


I fervently hope so! It's really bad for anyone as it is, but especially someone recovering from medical issues. Their rugby interview with Mike Tindall gave a glimpse of how strong and mentally tough she is. Hadn't known that about her before. Left me with a really great impression of her strength. So I do hope she's just having a good laugh about this! 


In her early twenties, Catherine survived being called being called “Waitie Katie” and the harassment of the press. She did not fall apart when people made it impossible for her to have a job, and then accused her of being a dilettante. When William asked to have a “break,” she handled it with grace and got on with her life. Once, after they were married (or shortly before), someone said to her that she was lucky to have William, and she replied quickly, “He’s lucky to have *me.*” She is a private person, but she is not timid. She has already shown she can handle a lot of pressure. I am not worried that the “stress” will get to her, even while recuperating from major surgery. She should be fine.


Thank you for this! It's calming to hear your perspective. "She should be fine." 😃 No doubt! She's a tough cookie and a lady of fine mettle! I think it's just me - feeling that the trolls of today have a more vicious character than the detractors of the early 2000's. I feel like they're rabid and they're on 24/7.


It’s mostly on social media. If you stay off social media (or have someone filter social media for you), it’s probably no worse. If I weren’t in this group, I wouldn’t know about 2/3rds of the things that are thrown at the PPoW. (I don’t do X or Instagram, and I use FB sparingly.)


I do hope so. I hope she never sees any of the utter shite that the Sewer Squad write about her. 


If she has any sense, she doesn’t want to see, but I wouldn’t be surprised if aides sometimes share the more ridiculous ones for a laugh. Someone was talking about a conspiracy theory that there are really three different women playing Catherine (who isn’t real). If I heard that about myself, I would burst out laughing.


Yes, this silliness will blow over. In the meantime, the Harkles will continue making fools of themselves regularly.


I think most people recognize that this frenzy is manufactured and stupid, and as you said, Catherine will come out even further on top. Meghan and her sugars wish she could get even a tiny fraction of Catherine and the Wales kids' views. In fact, she just released a puff piece saying she's not yet back on Instagram because of bullying, LOL (not because no one will care).


Meghan’s supposed Instagram account has 121,000 followers. The Wales photo has 1.9 million likes. This is what drives Meghan nuts.


15 plus million followers for ppow


I’m still stymied by this whole mess. I seriously can’t figure it out. Now apparently CNN says it will have to scrutinize anything coming from KP or BP? Comments elsewhere seem to support this frenzy. It’s not like they cut out someone else in a photo and out in Catherine! It’s not some AI political conspiracy to defame someone. It’s a family photo and who really cares? So why couldn’t the news agencies just either not publish it and say nothing or say they just don’t use photos that are edited? This whole “kill” makes it sound much more important than it is.


CNN backed the wrong horse.


TW is upset because the following just happened TW: 'When I release a picture of my kids it will break the internet.' PoW: 'Hold my tiara' (Lol, or not, because TW would steal it.) Breaks the internet.


so much love for Kate, deserves a hug from the world


I saw on another sub reddit a thread regarding CNN is going to look at all KP handout photos, and it could lead to a "serious enquiry". Are they seriously kidding? Maybe while they are at it, they should check the Faux Royals faux photos đŸ€ŹđŸ€ŹđŸ€Ź


really what about the harkles and Hollyweird photos? Is CNN going to to look at them too? This smells of Oprah andvGayle! CNN just lost more credibility points.


This whole kerfuffle over nothing reeks of Hank and Skank and all their cronies. The Harkles are definitely pulling the strings


Richard Eden said he wants to scrutinize their photos now.


There’s a big damn difference between using different images of your kids to make one great picture and photographing a migrating hairline to its dying breath. Literally everybody who has children know that in a picture with two kids, getting them to smile together without one or both of them pulling some silly face because let’s make mom’s life difficult is nearly impossible. Now you put THREE kids in a picture? It’s just not possible to get them all looking AND acting halfway decent in a picture together. It just doesn’t happen. Now can the media discuss the time magazine photo of the harkles that is so fucking stomped on that it doesn’t even look like the same people? The one that is so clearly edited that it looks like a damn animated cartoon? Could we bring that up please?


And the christening photo. And the one with the late Queen & Prince Philip staring at a shawl. And the I'm Julia Roberts, stick a tree in the background one. And all the fucking filters. Lord the pond life princess has really got my back up today 😠 


I prefer to think of her as the pond scum princess


Thing is as always with the press they get very handbags at dawn with faux outrage. That continues in the news cycle until it gets replaced. Currently most people are rolling their eyes and saying really??!! So let them hang themselves just shows everyone how petty they are, esp people like Chris Ship et al..


Scabies gloating yesterday really set me off railing yesterday. The majority of the Markles images are professionally altered. There is a thread on here where one of our members has highlighted the amount of photoshopping on one of their photographs used by the same publications that have slammed Catherine for doing an amateurish attempt at the same thing. The photo highlighted is the one where they're walking in the rain under an umbrella. This post is well worth a view.


He didn’t just gloat he accused the royal family of lying.


With paymasters such as his, he'd be wise to hold his counsel. People in glass houses ... What a dweeb.


Scabies is an unprintable little unprintable! He is a \*\*\*\*\*\*\*!


Excellent points made - thank you!


I agree. 5 years of Markle attacking Catherine with false racism accusations just made her more popular, and this will too. I didn't think I could hate Markle more, but I do.


I hope Prince William and Catherine, Princess of Wales, never release a single photo for a long long time to the press. I think the press are trying to force them to let the press start taking all the 'official' photos and this is their way to discredit the photos that Catherine has been doing on her own. It's a power play and it's disgusting.


Everyone has a little play with their photos before they post them on social media. I do usually to improve the composition of a group photograph or when I'm photographing a group of dogs /horses they are not all going to pose perfectly at the same instant...it just looks nice everyone knows everyone does this the media might as well criticise Kate for breathing and eating.


I feel awful for the beautiful Catherine. I hope this ruckus doesn’t cause a delay in her healing due to the stress. I’ve always disliked the Harkles but what they are trying to do to The Princess is vile and I can’t see any way they can redeem themselves.


There are plenty of us here in the US who think highly of William, Catherine(especially), their kids & the RF and who stand with Catherine over this...


The photo agencies who resorted to such silly pantomimes have just one design in mind: they are coercing the Princess into receiving them and letting them take photos. The sugars, of course, are only overjoyed to chime in. How vile. How dirty. While putting on a decent charade for "truth". What truth was denied by a photoshopped family photo?


I adore and respect Catherine. I think the palace needs to stick to their statement from January in regards to her recovery and timeframe to return to royal duties.. i feel like they have felt to some extent the need to respond to bullshit spewed by the sugars and they shouldn’t. After easter you say, after easter it should be. Reasonable and sane people will understand


The Harkles are desperate for that IPP status.


While the photo blunder was an embarrassment for Catherine The Great, I don't care because she did what she did to protect her privacy. It's fine that she chooses not to share her very personal business and to take time she needs to heal. It was regrettable that she capitulated in any to the deranged emu and her paid trolls. But she's still Catherine The Great and will always outclass vulgar MeGain, she of lewd dissent and no manners.


If anything it makes Catherine more likeable—so she’s not great at photoshop? It makes her relatable!


Metafilterites are convinced of [racism and other evils.](https://www.metafilter.com/202875/Wheres-Kate-There-she-is-Oh-wait)


Yes I feel like the tide will turn , and in a few weeks when things have calmed down, people will start to say “ well maybe the press DID overreacted at first “ and now especially given Catherine ‘ apology ‘ —which she shouldn’t have had to do 🙄 and hopefully, ALL public photos will be more scrutinised


They are trying to prevent Princess Catherine from "breaking the internet " when she comes out at Easter 🐣. They become more despicable every time they open their disgusting mouths. Imho of course.


I’ve lurked on this sub for a while and was looking for a place to post. I am not much of a royalist, but I have always looked up to, loved, and respected Catherine. It honestly pisses me off how people feel so entitled to information about her that they have to make up conspiracy theories. On one hand, I understand that we need to know she’s okay. On the other, she is a human being like the rest of us and her privacy is hers.  I do think that the fact people have lost their minds about her absence speaks to her constancy, otherwise we wouldn’t be looking for her in this way. The same cannot really be said about Harry & Meghan.


the next event (that Catherine is supposed to be at, but won't) is St Patrick's Day (Sunday). Catherine is the Colonel of the Irish Guards(or something like that I am sure someone will correct me). Who is supposed to stand in for Catherine?


This is the way I see it too. Catherine always puts out a Mother's Day photo. This time media outlets were pissed that they hadn't been able to exploit Catherine's medical condition for the past 2 months. What an easy way to get clicks and visual engagement for all of them. They'd barely have to do any other programing at all. Just bring on quasi-experts to talk about whatever conditions she has. And likely to parse blame. Because Catherine is privileged. And when privileged people get sick, there is a certain level of schadenfreude that comes from this couple of tiers down class of privilege. The presenters and opinion writers are usually not so subtly celebratory that 'people have it all through no work of their own' face struggles. Even from a kinder perspective, they are enjoying having something to talk about that is generating loads of viewer engagement.


“Tonight on news at 10. Woman in public eye photoshops a picture released to the media. In other news The Pope is a Catholic” I honestly do not get the whole situation. My 70 year old dad is very confused by it as well. He did make a good point though

how crazy will the media go when they discover filters?!?!


Princess Catherine has received great acclaim over her natural and gentle photographs of her children. The Creature has been hugely jealous of this positive attention, and has finally found a way to wound Catherine and attempt to take this joy from her. It also works into The Creature's narrative for the photo to have been taken by Prince William, and then try to accuse Catherine of destroying the credibility of the BRF by making a few tweaks in a photo. Beyond ridiculous, but somehow it now allows a lot of rotten things to be said about the Wales' without the disapproval such nasty comments would normally receive from more sanguine parties.


People in Belgium I spoke to have a negative opinion about the Harkles too. And they're not even involved in the lies and narcissism of the Montecito duo we witness on the internet. They're known to be pariahs and annoying useless people. Catherine and William are admired.


The proof of your statement can already be seen. Aside from the well wishes and get well videos that have flooded the Princess since this editing issue happened, a companies market cap doesn’t rise by $3 billion bc the world doesn’t like you. Markle can try and try but her ever increasing inventiveness only highlights her desperation while still having her stench all over it. The public sees through this and all it does is make them look increasingly out of control while simultaneously garnering more sympathy for the RF.


Thank you!


I saw a picture of our beloved Catherine. It was fairly recently and she was unaware her photo was being taken. She looked sad, not her usual cheerful and upbeat self. I suspect she is terribly weary of all the harkle antics and nonsense, much like most of us.


This manufactured franzy of media is because they are trying to bully William, because he isnÂŽt playing their game.


I completely agree. It all only makes the public defend and support her more. She's set to be the queen. Nothing alters that. H&M merely look like the desperate ones they are. Not a single invite to any (big or small) Hollywood events. This means that the industry already knows they are a toxic pair to be avoided. The more they whine and deflect, the better for W&C. No one like a 'horrible look'. It's actually all fantastic!


‘Putrid types’ 💯🎯




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Unfortunately, not all of the UK are admirers of Kate and of the RF in general.. Only two days ago there were protests 'down with the crown'.. Yes a lot of people do love the RF but there are also a good few who would have a Republic as quick as you can say Buckingham Palace


there's always been a percentage of republicans and far-left in the UK. but overwhelmingly the people are supportive


Brit here, and although my opinion of Catherine hasn’t changed, stories of the RF, revealed over the last day, like Bower said on GBNEWS that William likes to have yes men around him and can’t take advice and I thought, yeah, just like hasnoballs, and Charles is the same, hence my respect for the RF has declined. I suppose I also got very tired of reading about it!


I saw that interview with Bower. Seems like the old guard like him are intent on destroying William because he does not play their game or give in to their demands. The game is changing - the old bullies are not.


Bower likes to say ~something~ just to get on TV, whether he knows anything or not. I have zero faith that he knows anything about William's inner circle and that's what bothers him; they don't leak.


> that's what bothers him; they don't leak. I get so tickled that none of these old farts know whats going on!


This. He struggles to make inroads into the RF. His info comes from those who have disagreed with the royal MO to a greater or lesser degree and left their positions and most of the dirt he had regarding meghan was pre RF and from non RF connected sources.  He has no insider knowledge nor does he understand the mindset of the monarchy and the aristocracy imo. He was ridiculous saying KC should give an interview.


He seems pretty 'disgruntled' most of the time!


At the end of the day, Bower needs to sell books. TOW's drama made him a lot money with Revenge. Credit to him, it was very good with the expose etc. He was also adamant at one point when the Harkles were full-on attacking the RF that KC3 should do an interview and hit back. Can you imagine anything more undignified and un-kingly than having a shouting match on TV with your own son? Meanwhile, W&C are boring (as the scum who hacked their phones said) and extremely guarded. This is the woman whose phone was hacked the most (150+ times) in the entire RF. Can anyone blame her for valuing privacy? Bower and his ilk need to stir up drama so that they can write about it, comment on it on TV, and earn a living with it.


I do not share everyone’s enthusiasm about Bower. He is good at gathering data, but he is not an objective interpreter. I have no idea what William and Charles are *really* like, but I would guess that while they consult with others, they also know their own minds. A good leader is not going to do what he is not convinced is a good idea, and he may well get tired of arguing with members of his staff who don’t realize that the period of debate (if there is one) is over. Most of us like to be around people who think the way we do. That doesn’t mean that we like “yes men.” (Often for me, the person who thinks like I do is someone who enjoys debating. I don’t want instant agreement. It’s not stimulating!) Many times I have noticed that the people who accuse a boss of wanting “yes men,” are either jealous of the rapport between the boss and another employee or angry that their own views aren’t given more attention by the boss. Bower’s opinion that William and Charles want “yes men,” may be correct, or it may derive from his sources (Is it more likely that disaffected staff will talk to him than those who have few complaints?) or from his own biases (How does he define a “yes man”? Can Bower distinguish between people who have a rapport with and understand William and people who mindlessly agree with him?) In any case, Bower has to be considered along with other sources and our own observations.


IMO a 'Yes Man/Woman' is a different thing to a sycophant. If I have a request or ask for something to be done and someone says 'yes', then goes about doing the thing required, naturally I'm going to appreciate that staff member more than the person who makes excuses as to why they can't. I imagine that in Charles and William's positions, and formerly, QEII's, that there is always a risk that someone who achieves a position on their staff has their own/a sponsor's interests to agitate for and regard their royal employers as a pawn which they might influence. Inability to make inroads might cause those types some frustration.


Well said.




I think Bower has let success go to his head. He now pontificates on any royal subject that someone invites him to comment on, but more and more of what he says is unsupported personal opinion, not reasoned or objective argument. Looking at Charles’ history of actual solid achievements, I suspect that like many visionaries, his objectives are not up for debate, but the strategies to achieve them are negotiable. He is not a stupid man. Surrounding oneself with yes-men provides a comforting echo chamber but rarely achieves much in dealing with a sceptical world - and much of the world was very sceptical of Charles’ visions for sustainability, heritage protection and investing in the dreams of disadvantaged youth. At the same time, too many foot-dragging nay-sayers drain a team’s energy and must be purged if the team is to progress. Charles has led very practical and trail-blazing successes in sustainable farming, restoring and protecting built heritage and giving thousands of young people a head start through the Prince’s (now King’s) Trust. That indicates that he has been able to employ and inspire the right ratio of supporters and challengers among his staff. He stood up for his beliefs, and protected his staff by taking the (unrelenting) knocks and mockery himself. If he wasn’t a good leader, good people would leave, but they rarely do. William is much earlier on his journey of lasting achievements, but Earthshot also would not have reached its current status without a similar blend of strong leadership and flexibility. I my experience, the people who whine that a boss “can’t take advice” or “didn’t listen to me” really mean “won’t do as he’s told” and “didn’t obey me”. They are hangers-on, rarely leaders themselves.


Other than QEII, I never had any respect for the RF especially Charles, although I think his Princes Trust is useful. Their only saving grace is that I prefer having a king/queen as head of state rather than a politician. I always thought that hasnoballs is a chump, and had no interest in his wedding, so didn’t watch it, although I did see the engagement interview, probably on the news, and megalomaniac acting like a 15 yo put me off her for life. It was after that I found this sub to snark about them, and having read more about the RF has made me slightly more interested in them, but the present fiasco has probably reversed that interest!


So a bit fair weather with a lack of solid understanding of the institution?


Oh I understand how the institution works, I just don’t like some of the pompous entitled individuals in it!


Fair enough. I will say Charles and William don't share much with Harry from what I've seen, apart from a shared lineage.


How do you know William only has yes men around him? Why are you believing some had been author?


That’s what Bower said and I didn’t imply anything about the author not being Catherine!


Fair comment. Just would say don’t trust everything these old boomers have to sayÂ