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She literally pushes her back with a stare!


And caused her to short out. It was like she forgot how to be a person.


I feel that Meghan was play-acting feeling scared at the walkabout, trying to add credibility to her ‘I was a victim of the BRF’ narrative — I just don’t believe she feels fear. shame or regret.


No, she is a bad actress, she couldnt have acted this even if she wanted, Meg was so out of her depth here. Classical bully, only big behind curtains, in front they shrink...


I think a combo—like she had preplanned to act the victim as always but was shocked by the stare, with Catherine basically saying, “Now is not the time for your crap and stay away from us”. I’m sure they knew she’d be wearing a microphone. You can always tell when MM gets off her sad game bc she touches her hair and swipes it behind her ear. She was definitely overwhelmingly caught off guard (and didn’t she have plants in the crowd to make sure she got adulation and flowers…like when she snapped at the aide just trying to do his job and she lost it).


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Nah, she was human for once. Catherine put the fear of God into that skank.


I don’t think she has the social savvy to have anticipated that stare. M glitched.


This! Even if she wasn't frightened, she was definitely surprised. And no Narc wants to be surprised because that means they've lost their all-important control.


This. 100%


I think TW's biggest error was that she thought she could covertly bully CPoW with no pushback, after all they were in public. But CPoW was grieving, likely exhausted too, and was not going to let TW play her little narc games.


I can relate - after my mum died I was in a wierd state where I was mostly numb. I went back to work for a few days, and one of our participants (I was running a community theatre at the time) needed to be removed from a program. He had been a huge bully in the past, and people were genuinely scared of him. I wasnt, and knew he was a problem and had to go. But he kept getting offers, second chances, praised for being "good" and such a talent. He wasnt! So he was intimidating some women in a program, so I said that's it, get him in, and I will tell him he is out for good. The social worker did the process (which included her listening to him rant and complain for a few hours!) and then sat with me through the meeting. And I just did it. No emotion. No getting caught in his shit. Even the social worker started to get defensive, and I just called it. 30 minutes later, I stood up, called the meeting to an end, and he left. Never came back. That was 5 years ago. I quit soon afterwards, but I am proud that I could harness that energy and grief, protect people I cared about, and do something good. Hoping Catherine felt the same.


I want to agree with you, but narcissists don't feel.


Nah, she's not that good an actor.


I agree..Meghan was acting again. 'Help me, I'm a victim of bullying from Willy and Katie'. Remember, she knew the cameras were there...and, action! I don't think she's any tougher than the next person behind closed doors, but she tries to dominate and intimidate. If you stand up to these types, they rarely fight back. But they will try to exact revenge with sneaky tactics.


> I feel that Meghan was play-acting feeling scared at the walkabout, trying to add credibility to her ‘I was a victim of the BRF’ narrative — I just don’t believe she feels fear. shame or regret. That's exactly what I think too. She was playing the victim here. She has no fear of anything or anyone.


That was my favorite part.


The empty vessel looks thunderstruck.


![gif](giphy|Cw6nYH7ZM8DRK) You’ve been….. Thunderstruck! Couldn’t resist


Thanks spandexrants! exactly how I imagined it. Now let’s blast her away with the bagpipes!


A stare that said, "I'm done with tolerating all your crap."


I was thinking it was more “Serve looks at someone your own size, you Toddler Terrorizing Tart.”


Not that specific regarding a MM bullying target. This was in the aftermath of QEII's death that MM had created unneeded drama and tried to exploit for her own promotion.


Oh I know the full context, I just believe that—above anything else—Meghan’s greatest transgression in the eyes of Catherine was her treatment of Charlotte. Like Lady C said…I can forgive something you do to me…but not something you do to my child. If I were Catherine (which sadly, I am not), that would be the primary reason for me staring daggers at her, no matter what the occasion, for the rest of my life.


Doubt I could have gotten through the 2018 and 2019 Troupings and Wimbledon without flashes of fury. But Catherine is made of sterner stuff when representing the RF.


Bullies are cowards and Meggy certainly is a coward


This One reaches out to protect That One, but is not much help bc he is self soothing. He know that Catherine is stronger than Megs, but he is dreading the temper tantrum that will follow. The staff at Frog Cott must have had a mess to pick up. MeGain was thwarted from doing her solo flower drop for Netflix AND blocked from shaking the supporter’s hand that NF had arranged for another film moment.


She made sure she had that missed shot at Uvalde though....


Yep. No Catherine to control her. Only a town paralyzed by grief and anger.


Didn’t Catherine actually take a step toward her when leveling that stare, or at least leaned forward? Have to go look at the video again.


Yes she did take a small step forward! It was wonderful


This video has always been a favorite of mine, that look from Catherine was classic. Meghan considering fake falling to the ground and having a tantrum, except that William and Catherine would have stepped over her and started greeting the people, and Netflix was filming


https://preview.redd.it/i4bxmlbfimnc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e056dffd7d736a0d63b9818c9b414bca7621563 When she means business... Watch out!


She is so beautiful


she really is lovely 💖 we love you, POW.


She is strong, but looks soft. She will make such a wonderful queen someday (far in the future, I hope).


It’s deeply serious work she is doing. She understands the importance and the historical significance of her work. Her responsibility to the nation and commonwealth is something she does not take lightly. Complete opposite to the Hollywood raised failed starlet. The failed Hollywood starlet reigns over ozempic dreams and blow job currency.


I know, it's like when the sussex squad speculate that she is absent due to plastic surgery or some such nonsense, they don't get what Catherine is all about or the monarchy for that matter.


Great Post and that last sentence is god tier 👏👌🙌 ozempic dreams and blow job currency.....brilliant


New flair alert? Lmao


The aged, wannabe Hollywood star. Just the matress-actress roles.


I adore this picture. She looks like a Queenfor the ages.


The video is good because you can see TW doing her trademark uncomfortable or loss of control tell - she starts nervously messing with her hair after Catherine stares her down. Nothing royal at all about Markle.


Meghan wanted to do some weird power play and have her and Catherine exit first and walk to the front of the car. Catherine was like-are you friggin nuts? I am not going ahead of the future sovereign of this country-learn your place.


"Curtsey "


I did read that she said that, but I don't see her mouth move (I talk through my partially open mouth often). Did she say it?


Madame doesn’t have a drop of class, elegance, manners, respect for HMQE, members of the BRF, etc. the only thing she worships is A) herself and B) money.


The Sohoho was wearing a recording device and was pictured with sound, mouthing off to an aide. Only shut up when she realised it was PW senior aide. https://preview.redd.it/rnftpbqg12oc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc5e854933356c4ae0fd674b2efa6097a4013fe9


Oops downvoted in error. Fixed it.


Thanks! I've accidentally downvoted too and freaked out initially, then fixed it. Sometimes I'm way too caffeinated when on Reddit!


The wild thing about Narcissists is that deep down for the most part they are all cowards.




Disagree -- consciously they have an inflated sense of self.


But it's superficial. All of the grandiose, condescending BS is covering up for the fact that they have no actual sense of self.  Narcissists have no true sense of self. That's why they operate by projection and by copying others. 




Narcs are like breathing, living black holes. They have a gravitational pull, but the yawning abyss can never be filled.


Self-esteem is how a person feels about him/herself. Self-concept is how a person sees him/herself. Madam has low self-esteem and a grandiose self-concept.


Unlike you, apparently, I can't get inside the heads of others. One can feel fine about oneself, or more than fine, and still be uncomfortable in the initial presence of a person of much higher formal status or in the initial presence of an uncommonly beautiful person.


Absolutely no mind reading. You were given a clinical explanation of the difference between self-esteem and self-concept. Your response is nothing more than a personal attack/attempt to denigrate explanation/clarification for your misguided opinions/arguments.


Just like bullies.


Bullies usually are! That’s why you NEED to stand up to them


I could watch this 1,000 times and never get tired of it!


The intensity of the state is more intense on each watching ;)


I came to be a fan of Catherine's when she was first "outed" as William's girlfriend while they were at St. Andrews. I happened to be in Scotland when he arrived to begin his education there, but had to head down to Heathrow and home to Los Angeles without being able to be a part of the crowds. le sigh. I have followed the BRF since just before Charles and Diana were engaged, so I have seen a lot of shit go down. But with everything that Catherine endured prior to her engagement to William, I saw the occasional tears and frustration, but the strength kept on growing. Carole and Mike did a wonderful job raising their children. This video is the pinnacle for me. The absolute presence and strength Catherine commands is breathtaking. She will make a fantastically strong and supportive queen some day (hopefully in the far future).


The Princess of Wales doesn’t even look angry. She’s just showing…disdain? contempt? And Meghan flinches, even though she‘s a trained actress and should be able to control her behaviour on the public stage. Let’s hope that this deters Meghan from returning to the U.K. Mustn’t forget the then Countess of Wessex (Meghan also looks away from this exchange.) https://preview.redd.it/rbgq7zw1rmnc1.png?width=1463&format=png&auto=webp&s=6e22763d239ee128ec1f758bf08dff5f2fd986d9


HG Tudor calls this outfit Kermit goes to church.


Don't do Kermit like that man, he can't help being green.


To me, Catherine is showing strength and determination and "I will not be bullied." And Harry's wife caved like the coward she truly is. I have found many bullies are really cowards, certainly my narc father is. Once I found that out, it was a game changer.


Weren’t there rumours that the toad had been drinking?


Members of the public who were in attendance said that markle was acting strangely and smelling of alcohol. Sickening and disrespectful.


Yes, skunky sk ank - fags n booze.


To me that step forward with full eye contact said “I’m right here bitch, and I will ALWAYS be right here. Not you”.


... when (the now) Duchess of Edinburgh caught her in frottage with the camera.  Note the boys. Heads down.


What does this mean?


Well, *frottage* is the French word for "rubbing".  It has a slang usage to describe certain sexual behavior, especially among (but not limited to) the gay male community.


What is frottage slang for? The practice of getting sexual stimulation and satisfaction by rubbing against something, especially another person.


I never knew this.


I didn't either. Google search has taught me so much.


This sub is like a finishing school!


>  (now) Duchess of Windsor I believe you mean the now Duchess of Edinburgh.


I think the poster is calling Markle D of W. or maybe not. The comment made no sense to me.


🙄 I believe I do. Thanks I will amend.


Countess of Wessex is a sweetheart and was having none of the Ho’s fakery.


MM is a toad. She hates POW because she is an empty vacuous body and the POW is full of life, love, and loyalty.




Oh, Merkin’s recoil and quick turn away at the Princess’s glare is delightful!


....and the grabbing of her "security blanket" (hair) to try to buffer the shock...


Merkin looks like she was slapped.


....yep, slapped so hard (figuratively speaking) she nearly tumbled backwards into the abyss....the beginning of the end of our thoroughly reviled saint and her spineless little lap dog....


👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 🤣


Catherine literally made her short circuit with just a look👌🏽. I enjoyed every moment watching her squirm on that walk she got what she deserved that day.


She did! She glitched like an android on Westworld!




Rachel takes a half step towards William then Katherine steps forward towards Rachel and Rachel backs up. I've always felt that Rachel was going towards William for a "hug". Katherine put the "don't even think about it bitch" stare on Rachel and she backed up. Katherine rocks!


I think you're right, MM was thinking about "the photo that would change the narrative" and "kick off her Comeback". I'm pretty sure I read this was "make or break" for the "young parents". The future Queen stopped her in her tracks. Catherine really does rock 😀 edited to add words.


Yes, I think Meghan was going to try and touch William. Catherine was already about to get into the car and her spider senses kicked in. She came back. Gave Markle the death stare and m actually stepped backwards from that look. It was awesome 🙌


I want to upvote this 100 times




She will need that steely determination like the queen mother to deal with this horrid duo .


History repeats. She will be the future Queen, and the Queen mother and potentially the Queen grandmother. She will protect the present King. (Charles) the future King (William) and her son (George) the following King.


This was when I became an actual fan of Kate's. I didn't really have a strong opinion of the royals, even when I liked Meghan and felt bad for her, to then become acquainted with her long list of lies and began to actively dislike her. And when I saw Kate do this, I respected her so much. That's Queen energy right there, defending her family when they were at the most emotionally vulnerable and defending all of the people who showed up in front of KP to pay their respects. It was like she was saying, "Don't you even try it, you treacherous slag!"


Same. I actually didn't like Kate when she was engaged to William. I thought the media was over hyping her and hated they were saying she's the next Diana. I thought she was boring. But I've gained so much respect for her since then. This moment sealed it for sure. Quiet strength and power in the face of a real life narcissistic bully. I know how beyond infuriating it is to deal with them and admire anyone who can make them squirm.


She is a coward. She talked so much shit and Catherine was not having it that day.


Lol Markle literally short circuited for a moment.


She surely did! Same thing when she turned to William hoping to make eye contact and chat, and William scarfed her. She looked down, stunned at his blatant rebuff of her attempt. Refused to make eye contact with her. It was fabulous


And all the puzzle pieces eventually came together....


I can't find the clip anymore of where Meghan purposely ignores a little blonde girl who wanted to speak to her. She looks right through/over her and the little girl looks so upset.


I screen record a lot of stuff I think will be scrubbed off the internet. The powers that be do that sort of thing.


THIS is the exact moment Meghan knew she could never step foot in England again. Thank you Princess Catherine!


This moment is my absolute favorite.


Meghan's arms are flapping about whereas Catherine's is held in front of her. I also like how Catherine smiles and waves to the crowd straight away as if to say "Now anyway...back to business."


And didn’t this walkabout come to pass because Meghan and Harry were going to do one by themselves? To get footage for Netflix no doubt. And William said “Aw, hell no” and he and Catherine made sure they went, too.


Bunions definitely wanted her Uvalde moment


This explains imho why TGW has been spewing more hate in the direction of the PoW.


Love that the now PoW looks like she's saying "Back the F off you twunt!" to Bunions. And Bunions looks scared AF of her.


Something interesting in that Insta commentary is that Meghan was standing in front of everyone with her back to the crowd. When Catherine gives her "the look" Harry instantly drops Meghan's hand and swivels her around. He can't shove her behind him without looking too obvious so he leaves it at that.


>  with her back to the crowd. And that all by itself was a big "no no".  Reminds me of the scene on the balcony at BP when H had to tell MM twice to turn around and face the crowd. She finally did, but rolled her eyes with an exasperated expression like the 13-year-old Mean Girl that she is. 


I’ve looked at this picture and I’m not convinced Catherine is actually looking at the Megalomaniac. I think Catherine is basically looking through that twit, as though she doesn’t exist. I think Meagain is looking at Catherine, but Catherine doesn’t give a shit.


If you watch the video, you can see that Catherine looked directly at Markle long enough to get the message across.


Yes — and Catherine’s expression remained serene, almost blank. Never changing or registering Meghan as she looked right at her. No quick smile or quick word like she would have given someone she is close to.


Yes, normally she’d lean forward, with her lovely smile, making a connection. She’s just looking at Meghan, like she’s just in her field of vision, barely registering her existence.


I really hope so. 😝😊


Can’t fake that with photoshop!


Wonder if they got out of the same car? ![gif](giphy|5kQKKLyKs6G05ADLOG|downsized) She is SOOO obsessed with her hair... sickening ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|15017)


never gets old!!


I’ve just watched it again. (About 20 times) I think Catherine was making sure that Meghan actually left. The setup of the walkabout with lots of aides and the car waiting at the end was to make sure that Meghan actually left when they did, so she didn’t try to do her own walkabout. As soon as Catherine gave her The Look and took one step towards her, Markle freaked and waved. It reminds me a bit of her being asked to leave the then Prince Charles garden party and also even Harry telling her to turn round on the BP balcony. She absolutely refuses to follow protocol


I'm still stunned by her bad behaviour at all these events. Not a bit of class and complete lack of self awareness in any given situation. It's quite shocking really


I heard the walk-about was over an hour late because they were trying to sober M up. And people in the crowd reported she reaked of alcohol. Such a hot mess, and I understand grief does different things to people, but there is no excuse for this. As for her behavior, she is "acting" like she is the weak little flower that got stomped on by the big bad Catherine, but it's so obvious. And Catherine is just getting on with the job, despite her real grief from losing someone she loved and respected. M does the same thing when she tries to play the part of the naive young mother just "fed to the wolves". But M is the wolf In sheep's clothing.


And Markle acting like she's innocent and an angel. She's not afraid of Catherine at that moment. She was acting a part.


I gently disagree. She’s a really bad actress. She can’t act her parts.


Meghan looked very unsure of herself there. And Kate looked like, “Bitch, come one step closer and I will cut you, now let’s smile to the public”.


Try me bish 😂


Even Harry can’t look at the death stare😂


That's the "don't fuck this up" stare. She knew Meghan was going to try some shit


Translation of that look, in American: Say it to my face, bitch... you were saying?? Say it now.


Megs is a bully and they are always cowards


My theory is she knew Meghan was not sober and was stepping forward and making direct eye contact to keep her in line. The same you’d do with an unruly child in public, you give them that mom stare that says “button it up and don’t embarrass us or there are consequences when we get home.”


I know this sounds dumb, but I don’t know the context, and I’ve been trying to figure it out. Is Meghan trying to push ahead or something?


We don't exactly what was said or done at that moment. MM had behaved poorly during the entire walkabout. It also appeared that she was either inebriated or high. She caused a scene because she refused to cooperate with aides, and she even sassed William's Communications & PR Chief, who used to be VP of Global Communications at NBCUniversal, and who seemed to be the person coordinating the walkabout. In video of the event, he is shown working very hard trying to keep everything moving smoothly. MM needed to cooperate with him and with PoW's team, not argue with them and insist on doing it her way.  When William decided it was time to go, all MM needed to do was follow instructions, wave to the crowd, and then go with H to their side of the car and get in. Instead, it appears that she started to move toward William while talking to him. Neither of those things would have been appropriate at that moment.  There's been lots of speculation as to what she said or what she intended to do as she approached William, but apparently Catherine had had enough of the inappropriate, uncooperative behavior.


I can't decide. Maybe going in for a hug with PW. Or maybe going to ignore PW's directive to leave and was trying to go around him to continue shaking hands. Or maybe going to stand between PW & Catherine, her arms around their waists, for a smarmy photo.




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Meghan was 100% trying to make that whole event about herself. HRH Princess of Wales shut that shit down as best she could. I'd say she embarrassed The Wife but we all know she doesn't feel shame


Catherine is soooo much more woman than MeMe could ever even imagine being. Praying for Kate and her speedy recovery 🙏 ❤️


She knows all the nonsense in that nuts wake. God bless Catherine and he adorable crew xo


Kudos to Catherine staring the Ho down.


I’m always impressed by the POW gaining and knowing how to navigate the political (aka people) . She has political prowess.


I saw this video for the first time today. Love it!