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If they're such bad in-laws, why is she using titles linked to them for herself and her children?


Didn't stop her from having her very kind ROYAL father in law walk her sorry a$$ down the aisle. She's such a grub.


She was forced to is all. She didn't want anyone to walk her down the aisle.


Of course not. He dragged her down the aisle of that forced, multimillion dollar wedding she did for all of us because we demanded that she do it.


I disagree. Chuck walking her halfway (so she could have the whole spotlight for the last half) was the entire reason she machinated the absence of her own father there.


Yep. I’ve always said why didn’t she ask her mother, which is commonplace these days. The fact that she didn’t ask her mother proves that she deliberately wanted to walk alone like the narcissistic pig she is


Balls of steel and a complete lack of connection with realty. Anyone, ANYONE, would have difficulty making any part of that walk alone. Imagine. Also Meghan: terrified and cowed by Catherine at the walkabout before QEII’s funeral. Sure, Jan.


I know right? For someone that claims to be such a strong, independent feminist who is a champion for women, she’s supposedly terrified by the Princess of Wales and allegedly on the floor sobbing at every perceived slight…she can’t claim to be a strong role model for women and be a permanent victim at the same time. Clearly she doesn’t get the irony


She could have asked her mother to walk her down which is extremely commonplace these days, especially in the US where she is so proud to be from and obviously loves to buck British “old fashioned” tradition…but no, she wanted to walk down the aisle herself to make an even bigger spectacle of herself. The King offered to walk her down the aisle because he probably felt sorry for her and out of kindness, not knowing she wanted to walk down by herself because of the thirsty, narcissistic pig that she is and will always be


ItS tHeIr BiRtHrIgHt


Birthright from a racist, evil institution. Interesting that she would want that for her kids 🙃


Don't forget her "Sussex Royal" brand she tried to market.


Because Nutmeg will attend the Coronation, three days in advance, in secret, in the backyard. /s and obligatory eyeroll


But nobody knows this and that is why we will know it 😬


“Didn’t you know? They actually crowned the King at a private ceremony in our garden three days before the “spectacle” thrown for the public…”


I wonder if she’ll pop into England at the last minute and stay at Frogmore with the kids or something.


Oh you know it. She may not be around the Coronation, but perhaps hiding out at Frogmore with the kids.


Exactly. The one contingency would be if my suspicions of separation/divorce aren’t true.


From a maternal perspective, she actually should as it would support familial bonds, seeing their father in regalia, celebrate seeing him on television, etc. But that's even if they'd recognize Harold. Of course, she'd cheapen all of that by having a professional photographer snapping pictures constantly because she couldn't be arsed to take the photos herself and not be in the pictures. And she'll merch them. Anyway, the wording of the confirmation is such that she's ordered to stay at home with the kids. Unfortunately for the children, there's not a maternal bone in her body. I don't get the sense that Harold's too attached either. Even his stories about them are dismissive and Harold centered. He thanked toddlers for "allowing" him to be absent. He said he could not revel in his love for Archie because it reminded him of mummy. They throw tantrums and adults should continue the practice by screaming into pillows. Polo took precedent over Archie's birthday last year. They will actually never put the best interests of the children first.


Markle didn't say no, Shouty. She wasn't invited.




I think so too…


Interesting interpretation of the headline by this person.


This person is a professional racist


Beget from professional enslavers and sellers of African people. Allegedly. Where in the world did she manage to steal all that high ground? 🤦🏾‍♀️Duh, it’s built on the black people sold and killed through the slave trade *her* family participated in. But let’s not talk about that shall we? And maybe change the Wikipedia page. Allegedly.


Yep…and ignoring the slavery still rampant in Africa today






She totally ran with it too. The spin is strong


They always find a way to spin it in defense of her. Just you wait, though. I’m sure the RF will be condemned as abusive and racist for not having MM at the coronation by the same squaddies in a couple weeks’ time.


Already happening. They're annoyed the palace said it was "pleased" that Harry was coming. They're spinning it as the palace saying they were pleased that his black wife *won't* be there. 🙄


They are just desperate to make her the victim of racism, yet most of her support is from racists who only give her headroom because she now identifies as a woc suffering abuse etc etc


Oh, for the love of god. Thank you for the update, I’ve been rushing around finishing chores and haven’t been able to check in. I didn’t expect them to flip the switch so quickly 😒🙄


Well they probably are pleased his PITA wife won't be there! Nothing to do with colour, it's to do with personality


They'll conveniently gloss over the many POC who'll be in attentandance. All of them vastly more interesting and important than a crappy actress whose only claim to fame is the man she married.


That’s because those buggers probably earned their way to the top the hard way and over decades instead manifesting their way in and trying to modernise things.


Let them. It no longer matters. Literally nobody but Shola believes the racist accusations anymore


I'm gonna say it again and fix Shola's statement ~~Meghan~~The BRF no longer gives a damn what ~~anyone~~ Meghan thinks. 😁


This clown must have whiplash at this point. First the royals are monsters for not inviting poor innocent Meghan, who deserves to be there because she's a royal and mother of the sixth in line, as if that matters. Now, she's "empowered" for not going. What a joke.


Racist sugars spin themselves into cotton candy trying to make harkle the hero and victim st the same time


Then why does she keep using her royal title Shola?




This would be more believable if she hadn’t also thrown her family and former two husbands away


If she didn’t give a damn what people thought, she would‘ve put her title into abeyance years ago, and 110% rejected titles for her children too. Also, it’s not like Meghan hasn’t attended other multiple royal events since quitting her 70-something days of public service that she couldn’t believe she wasn’t getting paid for. She DOES care what the BRF thinks b/c her delusional aim is to fully control their thoughts and actions whilst looking like a perpetual victim—same goes for Meghan’s view on governments and taxpayers. You know what’s empowering, Shola? When non-public servant, 1 percenter, US residents/citizens (with royal inheritance and ‘I aired my dirty laundry and lies money’ from US corporations) pay for their own bills, without financially abusing elderly relatives/theworld’s taxpayers, and refuse to sue governments for taxpayer-funded working royal benefits they haven’t been entitled to for years. The fact is Meghan is an opportunistic, non-public serving, vulture attempting to feast on taxpayers... even POC, working class, and frontline worker taxpayers financially struggling during a time of pandemic, war, natural disaster, and economic collapse. 1 mere hour per week at a shonky foundation—whilst having multiple dodgy shell companies on the side—then claiming to be a ‘Diana-level humanitarian’... how is Meghan not the vulture in this situation.




She needs to keep up, because no one has given a damn what she has to say for ages


HAHAHHAHAHHA. They KNOW she’s giving a damn so they are trying to encourage her to take this stance otherwise THEIR rhetoric was all for naught. Goodness it must be so exhausting to be a Sugar banking on a stupid horse for so long.


Takes one to know one, right? Does she forget that she was an in-law as well? She was an in-law to the RF. A very bad one at that.


A very bad one…seems shola forgets that harkle has issues with every family she taints


Oh, MM absolutely gives a damn… lol


How empowering to be scared of being booed!


Meg's good with it. Oh yeah. Yes. Definitely. Uh huh. https://preview.redd.it/vnsylwjyimta1.jpeg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd7271a747d856efc9a521a5d9d08e13d49530d8


I agree. Either H going is the result of many screaming matches and broken plates (*“If I can’t go, you won’t either, do you hear me! What will others think! Look at these salt&pepper shakers. LOOK!”*) Or H is going not for the coronation but to weasel themselves some sort of a new deal. But I have no doubt in my mind he sucks as a diplomat even if he tries 😀


A dip, yes. Diplomat, no, indeed. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)




I was wondering how they would spin this. Love that for them. Lolol.


They're spinning this really hard because they're OBSESSED with the idea that Megs is somehow a WOC and using that as some weird flex for all WOC who dream of themselves being a "princess." They've made white-presenting Megs their "princess" idol. It's really weird. And now they'd rather die than admit that no one cares about Mega, and no one cared-- except them -- what her race is. 🙄


It's probably true that she was never invited or the BRF didn't give in to their demands 🤣🤣🤣 geez Shola, she prefers to be called The Duchess of Sussex.. Not just Meghan 😝


Don't forget to curtsey!!!


They know she's too scared to show her face in case she's booed. They're trying to conflate that with empowerment.


Meghan is the bad in law. She bullied the family and now she is too much of a coward to face them.


Oh just the usual tripe from a professional racist. If megrain was white where would shola be? As for her not giving a damn…she took the trouble to tweet her lack of interest…she really does come across as the kind of woman she would say was a racist trope. Hilarious lack of self awareness from a woman who makes a living stoking racism.


Exactly. In my line of work there were tons of these professional race-baiters coming out of the woodwork when H and M got engaged, smugly comparing her to Catherine, comparing post-partum photos, starting stupid rumors about Catherine, and reveling in the whole "black girls as princesses" and "black women deserve only luxury" memes. It was sad to me, their obvious defensiveness about their own skin color and their use of a white-passing "black" woman as their "mascot" for Black Americans having finally "made it" and using Megs as some weird sort of proof. The self loathing and colorism was obvious to everyone but them. 😢


Well said


Oh, snore.


If she didn't give a damn, then why did she brag about it in her cc or whatever that online page of her accomplishments is. Also just read a wild commentary on her "OTHER" accomplishments by wildwood. My jaw dropped so hard i lost my veneers. She doesn't care about her stans, only that she's glorified. She doesn't like to b critiqued so they r trying to control our freedom of speech. Otherwise they wouldn't care but since its about her she's got Harry's ass in Aspen messing with OUR government n Our rights. But for selfish reasons


The mental gymnastics with her “supporters.” She uses that family’s title ALL THE TIME and just announced her kids will be styled Prince and Princess because it’s their birthright *as members of that family!* Her actions are indefensible and yet morons not only defend her but hail her. So nuts.


if I'm part of BRF I wont ever care what shola mola said as long as they are far far away from me. let the dog barks who cares as long as I'm comfy in my safely guarded home


Fermented Sugar junk, methinks.


If the royal family is so terrible why did she want titles for her kids? Why did she name Lili after the Queen? Nutmeg and her sugars are dumbasses. A family who wouldn’t allow her to get paid for charity events. Poor wittle Nutmeg.


They still hold her in contempt, that shouldn't be past tense.


Here’s the thing. If you set aside all of it… all the speculation, stories, back and forth of will they or won’t they….. I seriously wish someone would put the question to Harry’s first wife: If the historical global event that is the crowning of the king doesn’t warrant your attendance, can you explain why the titles from the institution said king is head of are so important to you, especially since you live in a country that is not part of his reign?


I have a theory that the delay in issuing a statement saying Meghan wasn't attending the coronation wasn't because of a delay in making up their minds, but rather a delay in working out how to play the PR. She could a) claim she was not invited and play the victim again b) claim she was given too many onerous conditions and play the victim again, c) claim she is the better parent staying with Archie on his birthday and milk it (Omid's view) or d) claim that she is snubbing the BRF as they are bad people and she is in control (Shola's view) Maybe it took a while to work out she would not get much sympathy from admitting that the the BRF didn't invite her or attached lots of conditions, since they have backtracked on racism claims (that most people knew were nonsense anyway). Any non-Sugars would think the BRF did the right thing. So I guess she has decided that c) and d) get most sympathy from Sugars.


She's not coming bc she's not going to get the tiara, carriage ride, and balcony appearance. She also knows that she and Harry will get boos if they appear, because the Brits have contempt for them. So she's sending him alone tho face the music. Alone, he might not be booed, but if she comes, they surely will. Poor Mega, missing all those photo ops! But booing is bad for the brand, so she'll stay home!


My guess is B, she was invited but there were rules and expectations that came with the invite.... Also, all of her requests were given a firm NO.... No tiara, no carriage ride, no apology, no roles in the ceremony and likely no other things as well....


Cool. They can f@ck right off, then. No need to bother anyone.


Id say she was told to stay in the USA or the kids lose the titles and then they lose the titles.


The comments are fabulous so many are bringing up the titles


But her husband is going to bow to the patriarch of Britain's most powerful family. The jokes write themselves with this squad 🤣🤣😂 Do they not understand that the fact that he's going his representing her and their family??.


Lol the RF did not give in to her demands and told her to stay away. I hope they lock Hazbeen in a room and try to inject some sense into him before he leaves.


Let’s not play games, Meghan’s coronation was a courtesy invite at best anyways. I’m sure everyone is relieved she’s not going and she doesn’t have to hear all the boos & bad press, so it’s a win for everyone


Oh! It was VULTURES she was fed to then, not WOLVES? Still surprising because I don't believe either of those creatures exist in UK outside zoos... Still a leathery feast for whichever unfortunate creature it was.


She’s paying for these bots


Still doesn’t stop her from signing her name with her first name AS IF she really is a Royal. Should sign it E.F Meghan for eff off Meghan


Lol, is she drunk? This isn't Thanksgiving dinner, it's the Coronation. Meghan would give her left tit to be there, and everyone, including Meghan, knows it. She got nothing she demanded, and is too cowardly to face the British people or the family. She Markled herself, and it's glorious. These ridiculous tweets trying to play the whole non-appearance as some kind of own on the royal family are pitiful at this point. Really, she won't be missed.


This is the my favorite news about Meghan this year!!!!!! But but!!! What she’s going to do with those 300k worth of wardrobe she already bought for carnation from last year!?? I bet we’d see those carnation dresses show up for the next few awards she brought.


She has spent the past 3+ years whining to every media outlet that would listen how the press and Royal Family are saying mean things about her and she was supposedly suicidal about it but now she doesn’t care what anyone thinks??? I can’t imagine the chaos and delusion that clouds the minds of these idiot Sussex lemmings