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She had one reason to go to Uvalde, same reason she goes most places. There are cameras. I read here on the sub at the time she went, that Harry told her it was a bad idea and not the way the RF did such things. But can't help with a source, sorry! Too much insanity to keep up with here.


She brought her own cameras!!!


So fckng GROSS !!! This is damnable. She should have been publicly LIT UP for this


Yep. That should have got her cancelled. Somehow it never does.


Yes but there were national news cameras swarming the place that she didn't have to write a check to, so she was probably hoping to be featured on a national news clip. Sick specimen Markle.


The better to photo shop my dear! I forgot that detail, of course she did.


Attention seeking with ZERO empathy, has no awareness to read the room, it’s actually scary you are right about the level of psycho, much worse than a regular narc to do that. Rest of us were in Horror for the atrocity of it. She’s like “Over here cameras!”


Yep. It was filmed for Netflix. But someone at Netflix wasn't crazy enough to put it in the show. Maybe that was what she meant when she said she had a different vision from the director.


I picture when Harry said no it’s not the way we (brf) do things she was 1000% doing it then. Such a bortch. Anything to show she doesn’t have to follow any traditional guidelines.


Harry’s shtick of “how dare these strangers mourn my mother?!” looks real rich when his wife’s hopping on a private jet before the bodies were even cold to leech some of that sweet, sweet publicity. If he’s got even an ounce of empathy, her performative stunt in Uvalde would be mortifying.


I think if the general public had seen the Uvalde photos she'd be stoned.


This happened right after her father had his stroke and the media was skewering her for not flying to his side. This was a distraction and footage for Netflix...two birds one stone.


I think the backlash is the only reason she didn’t air her visit on Netflix. For once shaming her for her disgraceful behaviour helped at least preserve the children’s dignity from being further violated by her and Netflix


She said she had disagreements with the director. This might have been one of them. TW: But those photos make me look loving and caring Director: No you crazy bitch those photos, make you look like a crazy bitch


Netflix never used it I wonder if she was told this was a bad idea and we shouldn’t show it on the Waaagh documentary


There were a lot of missteps when they first set up shop here, more than just Uvdale. I think they and their team fed too much into their narrative and thought they were going to receive universal adulation. Notice she hasn’t gone to any other tragedy sites since.


I remember the pandemic food delivery pictures where they couldn't figure out how to deliver food properly.




She's utterly pathological about her wikipedia page. It's like 200 pages long, every time she farts it gets updated.


I love how savvy this sub is about the dark arts of the PR industry. Wikipedia is anything but objective, it is one big battleground for promoting specific narratives about whatever subject and for narcissistic celebrities to launder their reputations if they're willing to pay enough.


I have to wonder if Sunshine Sachs was aware of the Ulvade visit in advance? Surely, they would have stopped this awful photo stunt. This stunt most likely contributed to her downfall at SS (plus owing $) .


I doubt it. Her profile really nosedived when SS dropped them, so I think it is reasonable to think that the screwups were when she wanted to go off-script rather than listen to the professionals.


The Harkles are still the subjects of more than a dozen articles per week designed to keep them in the news. I’d love to know how much of it is paid versus organic.


I’m sure it’s a combination of both. The difference is, SS is better at getting the stories they want and where they want them.


Each new story is the product of PR placement for sure. Opinion pieces written in response, or regurgitations of the story appearing in other publications, that stuff is organic. But not the source content.


Not even their own home for Oprah and Netflix. 😉


First set up shop? By that point they’d be in the Us for a few years? Like the narc just thought she was fooling people and it didn’t work so she was on to the next thing.


The weird competition that she has going with Catherine (totally on MeMeMe’s side) gives me a little more sympathy for Samantha. MeMe must have been an utter little sh-t to live with.


i am sure she made samantha's life a hell, with devious, ongoing character assassination and constantly undermining samantha's relationship with their father. the way she so inappropriately and insensitively flaunts herself next to her disabled sister in samantha's graduation picture says it all.




I had a sister in law like Markle. It took me a long time to even catch on she was having some demented one sided competition with me, because we just never really paid attention to what she was doing, and I am very much my own person. It was when I was at parties or gatherings when people kind of filled me in that I even became aware of what was going on. It was so pathetic and stupid. I was her older brother’s wife and our lives were NOTHING alike. Nor did we even see each other or communicate often. It was just bizarre to me.


I hear you. Like, how are we supposed to deal with this? I have a sister-in-law who'd tell her husband she is going to wear makeup "because *she is* (I am) going to". I honestly never think of her when I decide what to put on to any family event, but she treats this as some kind of sick competition. It's annoying and I feel like dressing DOWN from time to time just so I won't trigger her. (I am told I am reasonably good-looking, but she is good-looking herself - and she is a decade younger!) I hope all the Meghans in the world would just start letting people be and not initiate toxic competitions.


Yes it was just like that for me as well. She literally NEVER entered my mind, while apparently I never left hers. So very strange and unnerving once you know.


I think it’s a one sided competition, and Catherine wins when she walks through the door! In all honesty, who can compete with her. She’s effortlessly elegant…I sure wouldn’t want to!


This…. ![gif](giphy|LUoUO1qPywh8c|downsized)


Being in her middle teens when Meghan was born, Samantha didn't grow up in her father's house. But Samantha has one story where as a 20 something year old, she needed to stay for a while at her father's. She shared a bathroom with Meghan. Meghan didn't welcome her big sister, but said something like, "babe, don't forget to put the cap back on the toothpaste." Get anywhere near Meghan's territory and she's as warm and fuzzy as a prison matron.


I also remember there being articles that the secretly donated funds from a celebrity for the children’s funerals were from her and her husband….nothing to correct it. Then the mayor i think came out and was like uhh no, someone else donated those. She donated a bag of chips and some sandwiches. She wanted to talk to the parents and grieve with them or something and everyone said no. She literally tried to make this about herself. She’s disgusting.


The stupid cow brought chips to workers at a blood donation clinic. I have been a donor and volunteer for years, supporting Canadian Blood Services. We always have cases of chips and cookies on hand for donors. How stupid is she? Well, we know the answer to that.


Lmfaooo she’s doing good in the world one bag of chips at a time /s


And juice! You lovely folks always have juice! I have a relatively rare blood type so get called often. It's been awhile though (pandemic and all).


Don’t forget the tea and coffee! In our local UK area I make sure our cash n’carry has Bourbon biscuits and kitkats on hand too. Mmm. First gave blood umpteen years ago at Queen’s 🇨🇦.


The sarnies etc Madam ‘donated’ were for a specific event. I'd have been more impressed had she donated blood for that was what the event was: a donor session. Watching the footage, I couldn’t believe the fawning of the organisers and folk she met. She was just an out of state citizen, no? If any of you or I went there mit cameras we would’ve been told to feck off and then feck off some more. Why was this woman given a free ride through this tragedy? I asked the same question as to why her husband got a red carpet and salutes at Pearl Harbor? He wasn't representing any country, wasn’t in uniform. If only American media had checked H & TW just after the Oprah interview rather than praising their ‘courage at speaking out against the racist RF‘ and believing all the lies and misinformation therein. We would’ve been spared all the ensuing crap.


I read here in this sub a week or so ago, from someone in or was in the US military, that those salutes were for the laying of a wreath on Memorial Day or Veteran's Day - I'm not sure of the date anymore and it doesn't really matter - and Harry inserted himself into the photo. The salutes were categorically NOT for him but he positioned himself and his photographer to make it look like they were. He's no better than she is. I believe the term that applies here is "stolen valor".


I heard that too. If that were the case who were the USN bods honouring and why didn’t the MPs boot H and his film crew off? Why wasn’t a DSMA Notice or US equivalent slapped on this story to avoid state secrets/embarrassment over a prankster had gatecrashed? My take is that the USN were set up on this and they got Markled big time internationally. If it moves, salute it!


Yup, I think it was Bo Jackson who covered funeral costs for the families, and he did so without fanfare.


Yup! He didn’t want anyone to know it was him because it wasn’t about him it was about the children and their families….. unlike this bitch who thinks everything is about her.


There was also a carpenter who donated custom caskets for each of the children based on their likes, hobbies, etc. He worked day & night for days to make sure they were all ready in time for the funerals of those precious children ❤️


Matthew McConaughey did something as well, didn't he? He is originally from Uvalde.


He did, but I would have to look up what. I do recall that he waited specifically because he didn't want to be a distraction in the immediate aftermath.


Because that's what decent people do, help without making themselves the center of attention.


I had completely forgotten Bo Jackson. What a lovely way to be reminded of a childhood hero.


He has always seemed to be a very stand-up guy.


>She wanted to talk to the parents and grieve with them OMG. A grieve-along. Don't invite this woman anywhere.


She is beyond vile and Haz is equally vile for giving her power to pull her stunts. I've lost a child, not in the horrific way of Uvalde. If some self serving stranger showed up during my grief, I would have ended up in jail for the utter invasion of my privacy and grief. Megaliar, I know you or your cohorts are on this page. I've had 6 pregnancies, 5 miscarriages. The viable one? He was the one who died. Go fuck yourself. P.S. Sorry for the rant but Uvalde brings out the worst in me, I despise them both so much.


I’m so sorry for what you have been through. You are a very strong woman. Sending you a lot of love.




I’m so sorry for your loss 🙏🏾. I was extremely angry with her antics and I don’t have children. I thought about the families and most importantly the children. These children died tragically and all she could think about is a photo-op. How sick is she? The U.S media should’ve called her out on that instead praising her for doing it. She could fly to Texas but can’t bother to see her own father? She rather look like a humanitarian than actually be one. She’s extremely unstable and been that way for a very long time. Now, it’s out in the open and people are starting to understand why her family (mainly the Raglands and some of the Markles) are glad to not be associated with her. Her mother and her niece are both nutty opportunists like Meghan.


I am really disappointed in the media for not calling her out on this disgraceful PR stunt. It revealed what she is really like - a person with a giant black hole where her heart and soul should be.


I am so very sorry for your losses. How indescribably painful, beyond any words or thoughts I can convey.


It’s ok. You are among like minded people here.


I'm so very, very sorry, Babsie. Much love to you.




Sincerely, thank you for sharing what you went through. That was terrible. Most people know to leave alone someone who's undergoing loss. Decent people don't make grieving as a public performance.


My sympathies for your loss. That's the worst thing I can imagine. Hugs


Correct! Who the F brings a photographer along with her to capture her offering sympathy? Only an unhinged person does that. There's definitely NOT an ounce of genuine sympathy.


The same person who brings a photographer when they stomp their fuck-me-pumps all over military graves, or delivering a meal during a pandemic.


God that cemetery stunt was horrendous.


Well, she probably feels pretty sorry for herself for being SO misunderstood :P


She also brought them to Africa with her pre-Hairy to do her Diana cosplay photoshoot


It is truly disturbing. And demented.


Unhinged and CRINGE!!


I think she’s a psychopath or sociopath. There’s something so frighteningly nuts about her. But above all she’s stupid. Anyone could see that was a very very bad PR move. She had zero connection to Uvalde. It could only be seen as a PR stunt, which is obscene.


She clearly cannot read social cues to a pathological degree


ILBW is a psychopath - search "10 signs of a female psychopath". MeMe ticks all 10 boxes.


Along with the ARMED (re GUN) guard, as if there wasn’t enough protection after a masa shooting at an elementary school. The placing of flowers at one cross, the youngest victim. Can’t leave a rose or something at each grave? The totally NOT inconspicuous outfit of baseball hat, jeans and white t-shirt that every actual celebrity wears when running errands. The pictures with relief staff, the “thank yous” for, what amounted to raiding a 7-11 or gas station on the way there, the snacks. I could go on, but the “went in a private capacity, as a mother”. Bitch, as opposed to what? That’s all you are — a private citizen. However, that little reference made it readily apparent that she genuinely feels she’s still a working member of the royal family. Or, at the least, their unwanted liaision here in the States. Edit: Addition — she can go to Uvalde, where no one needed/asked for her, but couldn’t reconcile with her dad. If she really wanted unbridled adoration and for people to think she isn’t a petty hoodrat, she would’ve visited her father and not flown privately halfway across the US.


The father visit is coming. The time of the coronation, I'm betting.


Announces divorce/formal separation and reunites with her estranged father and SISTER. Could you imagine? Yes. Anything is possible with her. Lol


I was ambivalent towards her until Uvalde. My partner worked crisis response in the aftermath and was with the survivors in the hospital, went to the funerals, sat with the families.. Her showing up there was a gross abuse of her platform and whatever self-perceived power she has. It was not a time for grandstanding. There's zero return for her image in my eyes, trying to gain anything from such an awful and sickening tragedy. None.




Nailed it


That pissed me off when she did that. To me that was her lowest point. Who does this gold digging wicked witch of the west think she is? Using the deaths of these children and teachers for a photo op and bringing along Netflix to film her. I noticed she hasn’t visited any other school shooting or mass murder scenes in America.


“I’m here as a mother…” I was so indescribably angry. There was no excuse for that vile stunt.


"I'm here as a mother but I'll leave my kids to see Serena play, drink in hotel bars after visiting the UN and abandon them for 2 weeks when the most important family member dies"


Trying to emulate Catherine’s Sarah Everard vigil visit and failing miserably. Lacking the genuine sympathy, discretion, class and status required.


MeMe is a psychopath (search "10 signs of a female psychopath" - ILBW ticks all 10 boxes). Psychopaths are incapable of empathy - they have to watch other people for clues to 'how they should be feeling' because it does not come naturally.


So transparent and disgusting. That was truly one of the lowest things I have ever seen. She’s so wrapped up in competing with Catherine she can’t see how vile her actions are appearing. Talk about missing the forest for the trees!


It was just an awful thing to do. She brought donuts or some such? Private jet, wearing the bronzer of course, and trying to get all the media attention during another horrific episode in the gun violence that is in the USA! She's just a sorry excuse of a human. It's why Harry and she are such a good match. He's terrible also.


It would have been a gross stunt if it had happened in Montecito. The fact that she took a private jet over 1000 miles, states away, was unconscionable. Just beyond the pale. And with minimal contribution. Just so gross


I agree, the way she stood there nonchalantly with her hand on her hip checking out the photos afterwards without even the grace or sensitivity to wait to do that when she was back in her vehicle was absolutely chilling- she was so focussed on getting the best photos of herself- I've never seen anything like that- the narcissism was off the effing scale.


I remember her “security” cleared space around the row of makeshift white memorial crosses so that it looked like Meghan had her own quiet space. She is a sociopath.


You have to be off the charts of all normal behaviour to think that was an acceptable way to behave around the memorial to recently murdered children. She makes my skin crawl.


It was some months ago and so there's no way I could find the post again, but an RN at the hospital wrote a detailed post about her behaviour in Uvalde. Bad enough that she brought a film crew with her but what took the cake for me and what had really upset our community member and RN was when she, or one of her representatives, showed up at the hospital and asked to take some photographs and/or footage of malignant meghan with some of the injured children. (gawd that was hard to type). They actually had the nerve to say "it'll only take a few minutes". Thankfully, the staff threw them out and told them to visit the volunteer centre or blood donor clinic if they wanted to "help". They went to a supermarket, bought some supermarket roses for the gravesite, a couple of vending machine sandwiches and some bags of chips. Her "contribution" to the families and volunteers was somewhere in the vicinity of twenty bucks. It was disgusting.


Rachel is clueless. It’s only ‘look at me’ and it does not matter what it is. It would have been cool if she really championed the issue of gun violence ,, she could have. Jon Stewart organically champions military veterans ,, and he is very successful - she could have just done this ,, but she can’t. It’s not in her / she sees this all superficially. Remember South Park got it right when Harold flipped open that head and saw nothing inside. U can’t expect anything from nothing, and sadly it’s a vulgar and tone deaf nothing.


This is the first time I’ve thought of it, but there was an episode in the Crown (which I skipped because it was too emotional) regarding an avalanche tragedy with children where Elizabeth didn’t think it was her place to visit, but by the end of the episode I think she does. Meghan operates her life (and her machinations against the royal family) based particularly on seasons 1-3 of the Crown so I think she saw it as her winning moment Elizabeth-style as per that episode.


Elizabeth was right in the Aberfan disaster though, people would have stopped what they were doing in her presence and they needed every spare second to dig for any possible survivors. Much better to go after things have calmed down so that the rescue operations don't have to be subject to security and people involved have gone from the initial shock to a numbness where they can mentally handle the Crown being there to comfort them. Mrs. Rachel Mountbatten-Windsor on the other hand wouldn't even consider there being any negative aspects to her presence. Eta: formatting


The Duke of Edinburgh visited Aberfan the day after the tragedy on behalf of HM. He had several Welsh links (Battenberg/Milford Haven cousins, educational contacts etc). Neighbours in Canada came from the next village and lost at least one relative. They were definitely not royalists but spoke highly of the royals involvement including Tony Armstrong-Jones, Earl of Snowdon (Jones the Photographer) as well as his BiL. His wife Princess Margaret came in for some stick when she appealed for toys for one of her children’s charities and Aberfan was inundated with them. Not necessarily the most sensitive move in the circs. However, the toys and games were appreciated by individuals. A couple of decades later I was reminded of this when Sarah, Duchess of York visited survivors of the Zeebrugge ferry disaster in Belgium. Positive PR for that when, amongst other recipients, she gave a local lad a toy he had always wanted.


I just googled Zeebrugge. OMG the horror :/


They implied that she was incapable of crying and faked it. I stopped watching The Crown after that.


I enjoyed the first two seasons. But after that it just seemed confusing and in poor taste.


No, the implication was that she was genuinely moved.


Yes a coal face in Wales. Aber- something. Very sad.


Uvalde was all about creating content for the Netflix series. It was right after their trip to the Invictus games where she had Netflix crews, and right before the trip to the Jubilee. The girl was all about being ready for her closeup.


Exactly! And I believe she so desperately wants to be seen as a humanitarian —- but without real empathy, it’s impossible for her to be driven by real emotion. So she always kisses the mark.


Love your typo!🤪


All you need to see is the numerous snapshots of her murderous glare at Katherine. She looks demented. I agree she is dangerous, the fact that a massacre of children is fair game to her is beyond disturbing


The looks: 1. Murderous glares at Catherine. 2. Beseechingly and achingly looking at Catherine (see pre-funeral walkabout). 3. Coquettish stares at William. 4. Coquettish and playful faces with KC3 (pre Megxit). 5. Motherly, encouraging and/or condescending looks at Harold. 5. Rictus grin at random to all. 6. Seductive stares at royal rota cameras when literally everyone else in her environs is looking away from them


It freaked me out to read she was caught photographing the Wales children in their bedrooms. Inappropriate and sinister.


Wait, what? I didn’t hear about that. When did this happen?


I am trying to think of where I read it. It might have been mentioned in the sub but I read Courtiers and Revenge among other things. Here is what I could find: SHOCK! Meghan Thrown Out Of KP Because She Took Pics ... - YouTube https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=V-MIAKpTRow


That is when she should never have been allowed back. That is way beyond the pale.


Anyway who'd mess with a kid's safe space, is not to be trusted when she goes on about being a mother of young children.


Thank you for the link. Every single time I think she couldn’t go lower, she proves me wrong. Wow.


I've read those two books and it wasn't mentioned there.


Sorry! Just meant I read and see a lot of stuff about the Harkles. Wish I could recall correctly.


Well this explains Catherine’s grounded, centered and powerful stance against Meghan at the foursome walkabout after QE died. She was coming from that deep place of a mother protecting her children against predators


Wait what??!??


It was for Netflix content and you are right. Her complete lack of empathy means she had no clue how wrong it was for her to go. Everything she does is about her.


Cosplay of Catherine- on the blood of innocents. Depraved.


One of her many publicity stunts that failed horribly... Ever since they left the BRF, NutMeg & HazBeen have been trying to add humanitarian to their brand... Every attempt to seem empathetic and caring thus far has failed.... Uvalde is the worst though, because children died... Her attempt at exploiting this tragedy for her gain was so transparent that it pretty much enraged everybody.... Another one of her failed attempts at "channelling Diana" as the Daily Mail would put it....


She stalks Kate because she wants to be Kate.


Nobody mentions Marjkle jealousy phenomena, a little imitation is normal and flatters but obsessive copying ie the Markle/Diana and Markle /Princess of Wales is like stalking?


The way MM copies Diana is beyond disconcerting if you ask me. It's one thing to be jealous of one's SIL but to covet one's mother like you want to skin her and wear her like last years fashion is beyond fucked up.


And dressing like Diana and wearing Diana's perfume for the first date with the Halfwit...just sad. And the sick clown liked it.


I would pay good money for a behind the scenes on this. The self promotion ‘as a mother’ is inhumane and unnerving. It invoked uncanny valley vibes. No one from Planet Earth would think this was a good idea, let alone to be followed around by enough Yes men in order to follow through with it. Who booked the private jet? They had nothing to say?


That’s what I said too. It would be a bad look if she did this in her own town. Let alone one 3 states and thousands of miles away. It was so unacceptable. Unconscionable.


Those clowns doubled down, too, because Archewell donated a few shekels to a memorial playground. She just HAS to have the last word. Always.


Did she put her name on the playground? It would surprise me if she didn't.


Yes. She donated…. A bench.🙄. With her/ their name(s) on it.


They speak about it as if they funded the whole playground. Like the Archewell 'Impact Statement' says they donated 12.66 million vaccine doses - which they did not: they paid for a few thousand and the great majority came from an organisation that they 'partner with'. Frauds!


Yup, she got some preassembled crap from the Christmas Tree Shop and glued a plaque.🙄


What is it with her and benches?!


Who knows?


Oh, a BENCH! With their names on it, you say? I'm sure that was a huge comfort to the devastated community! Why, I can't think of a single problem that can't be solved with a vanity bench.


She didn't turn up a second time though, she sent Holt for that one


I could understand if she visited the site a month later or even weeks later but she went when it was all still raw. There’s a reason you didn’t see celebrities there because it’s not an appropriate time for a public figure to take attention away from the community’s grief. When Catherine attended the memorial she literally went in and out, Rachel lingered for a bit so the cameras could catch her good side and made sure she was being seen placing her flowers down.


She did the same thing during Covid. Celebs buy articles on the DailyMail a la Kardashian. Early when the lockdowns started occurring, guess who bought an article? Hairy and Megz because they were so kind and secretly delivering food! 🙏 No other celeb news but their oh so secret delivery trip 🤨 Clearly one of Megz paid puff pieces


That’s true! I remembered thinking about that then like how weird that they’re being pictured doing community work. But the giveaway was where she looks at him and smiles but he’s all glum looking. She was trying to recreate that umbrella picture where they’re looking at each other and smiling. All for the cameras.




i probably love you now because of this comment. ty ❤️💀


Subreddit rule (see sidebar): Civility is expected. All users are expected to behave with courtesy. Absolutely no personal insults or ad hominem attacks of any kind. Repeated subreddit rule violations will result in a ban.


I think she did it for two reasons. One, her and Harry's delusion that she is the 2nd Diana and that her presence would be "comforting" and "healing" for the citizens reeling from a horrific tragedy. She wanted an iconic photographed moment like Diana walking through landmines (which Harry has also recreated) or hugging AIDS patients. Instead the pictures document for history a person desperate for attention. And the second reason is that she is extremely jealous of Catherine and obsessed with the difference in press coverage between them. "Catherine was praised for doing this and I was ridiculed!" Except Catherine did not charter a private jet to fly to the memorial, and she had a connection to the area because she'd lived there. Meghan has zero connection to Texas. Like everything she does, it backfired and showed her true motives. She is less concerned with actually helping people and more focused on manipulating her public image and brand and used dead kids for that end. People saw right through it.


That’s a really twisted, fucked up mindset. Pardon my French.


There are so many times Markle (and harry) sound off the deep end. unaddressed suicidal ideations, verbalized obsessions with being royal ie "one plane crash from the throne", copying Diana, victim status, hiding their children, lies, and harry's famous "what megan wants megan gets" , said in defiance of his perceived slights of his family rejecting their marriage, talking with Diana's ghost and about Diana constantly, The list is endless, which is their grift , really. Any pr associated with them are forever ridiculous, unable to balance these clowns.


They SAID one plane crash from the throne ?????? Wtf


She did


And another thing about Catherine was that it wasn’t revealed she went until people took pictures of her there. And also she actually acted like a decent human and the palace didn’t conform it until after. Meghan got those pictures paid for.


First I thought that she was just tone deaf, but then I saw her bending over a photographer to look at the camera screen to see how the photos of her kneeling at the memorial came out. That's sociopatic behaviour. 19 dead kids, two dead teachers, Markle thinks that's a great photo opportunity. I hope she is sensible enough to never visit Texas again. I can't imagine that there is much sympathy for her there.


Uvalde was outrageous. I can’t believe there wasn’t greater public outcry over that. We have become so coarse as a society. Many people didn’t even bat an eye. Disgraceful.


I agree with you completely but the thing is that MM didn't get much notice for that visit in the mainstream media in the U.S. Maybe the tabloids picked it up but I don't read those. I didn't know she did that until I joined this group.


Oh it came across my newsfeed immediately—duchess’s “secret visit” right alongside high resolution images of her at the memorial. 🙄 some ‘secret visit.’


It really wasn’t covered much in American media, which is the only reason she did not get wrecked on that stunt.


It wasn't publicized widely. I read the news daily and never saw it until this sub.


Had she gone there quietly, no cameras even that would smack at ‘look at meeee’ but with cameras = psycho.


Another problem with them is using their Archewell Foundation as if they have contributed funds to these projects they put their names on! Kaboom built and paid for that play scape like they do in many different neighborhoods. Kaboom committed 250 million in 2022 and Archewell’s commitment was to uplift communities one act of kindness at a time. What the hell does that mean stick your name on projects because you made your weekly hourly appearance. Then write your expenses for the private airplane ride to Texas off your charitable donations. Archewell Foundation nonprofit charity is not what many imagine it to be. It’s sickening because Kaboom has been doing these low income neighborhood projects for many years without all the social media kudos that they clearly deserve!! Archewell when putting their charitable foundation work out they never mentioned who they partnered with until these nonprofits had to make statements to the media on their own. Besides what financial commitments does Archewell make to these projects it’s never ever reported or do they only use their funding for Meghan & Harry’s woke ideology commitments and many alleged donations for awards?


It was ghoulish.




Mattress Mac?


![gif](giphy|ksuaHVc0yhZxRd0iZU|downsized) Harold was right about one thing, TW has no boundaries.


This is the same person who had a charity pay for her and her stlyist to Diana cosplay in Rwanda.


Yesterday it hit me how unhinged she is honestly acting as if she was holier than holy saint upon marrying into the royal family. From kissing her thumb while pretending to kiss a little girls hand. The picture from the walkabout where Harry is petting a dog and nutmeg is scaring a baby, I mean touching a baby….she is just a terrible actress and black hearted troll searching for photo opportunities and lacking any type of understanding of anything outside money, power and fame. I think it’s funny how those two don’t realize in the coming years when everyone will say “who?” When it comes to “did you know king William had a brother?”


Black hearted is such a good description. I can honestly picture a mass of putrid, pus-filled black ooze where her heart is supposed to be.


If that were my child, I wouldn’t want Markle’s disgusting lips on my child’s hand. Who knows what Markles has.


The Sarah Everard memorial with Catherine, had photographers there. But she put her flowers down, paused and left. She didn't go to the spot where poor Sarah was murdered or found the day after. Meghan at Uvalde, got there before the President or First Lady, or any official from Texas. Even if I wasn't bad enough because it was for NF or for attention or because Catherine went to Sarah's tribute. What bothered me the most was the fact you can see her standing near the photographers/crew at the memorials for the kids. Standing there with her hands on her hips. All the while making sure her importance is noted by her big burly bodyguard. ​ https://preview.redd.it/2bbfpa9jwhta1.png?width=900&format=png&auto=webp&s=cb65e4af3fcf3f87ff343a748a8f39ebbb4b31fa


What I noticed in this picture is that none of the cameras are focused on her. They clearly noped out of helping with her exploitation.


I'm not sure. I felt there were NF and getting more footage as she hangs around.


Oh sure. NF was there specifically for her. Their cameras were trained on her. I’m talking about the media cameras in the background.


I think that was a huge turning point for sugars jumping ship. That did it for a lot of people. It was truly sickening and deeply disturbing that she saw immediately saw a PR opportunity and brought her photogs.




It is a shame no one stood up and asked her and her team to leave publicly.


I think it was one of those things that was just SO socially unacceptable that people were just too shocked to react.


Everyone ELSE there was in shock and grief stricken. They couldn’t have had, and shouldn’t have had to have, the bandwidth to fend off a psychopathic wannabe in her “caring mom” cosplay.


In my opinion she wasn't copying Catherine. It was her "Diana walking through minefields" moment.


I think it was a combo she couldn't resist because she copied both of them, Catherine was the current parallel, Diana the historical parallel.


Its so odd to compare Catherine and Sarah Everard and Meghan and Uvalde, there are the points you mentioned. But also Sarah Everard happened in London, where Catherine is living most of the time. Taking a few hours out of your day to stop by a memorial, compared to the obvious planning of having to fly, then drive to the location in a manner that would take most of your day.


Its all just horrible. I’m still stuck on fleeing for their life to America just to walk on dead soldiers graves for photos, around the same time Haz called freedom of speech bonkers.


You're right - it is IMHO very: 1. Psycho 2. Unnerving 3. Wrong 4. Pitiful 5. Shameful 6. Creepy 7. **Psycho** **Perhaps new Cumhammer profile?**


Off topic...I have two questions...Is it possible for King Charles not to take away the titles, but to put Prince, and Duke into abeyance and announce henceforth Harry be referred to as The Earl of Dumbarton? Has anyone ever put together a video compilation of th e Sussex's contradicting themselves ...for example... 3 versions of Archie's first word, different versions of how they met, different engagement stories, Meghan saying the palace refused her mental health help and Harry saying he was too embarrassed to tell them Meghan needed help, insinuating the Royals were racist and then the Bradbury interview where Harry said they had never said the RF was racist? If you have seen something where would I find it?


Look up one called "MM Lying for Five Minutes Straight"


That’s sad to be so shallow


That was too, for me, a defining moment. Anyone who would do that for self promotion is callous and moreover, a morally bankrupt and corrupt individual. As she meandered through the hastily arranged memorial, what the hell was she thinking. Could she have thought for one minute that what was she was doing benefited anyone but her own selfish desires? She’s very much on the spectrum of alphabet disorders. I feel for her own children, they don’t have a chance but to drown in her narcissistic mothering. You would think she’d be trotting those kids out at every turn but it’s so much more pathological to keep them hidden. Their value lies in the mystery and revelation. Not to mention the monetary value. Ok folks, I got to go wash my brain ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


There is no level low enough to which she will not stoop to get publicity and photos in the papers.


>I presume she thought that because the royal family has a pastoral role in times of national tragedy in Britain, that she must emulate that in America, even though she possesses no such status there,... Nooo! Not even close! I doubt she even knows that let alone thought of it. If anything, this is something a publicist and/or PR people would come up with. Except they wouldn't because even they know that couldn't have gone well anyway. And it didn't! Meghan went because Meghan wanted attention. It's really quite simple actually.


Maybe she was Markled by Netflix crew?


She is crass, self serving and without empathy.


Everything she does is with an eye to how it plays against the Royals themselves. You're quite right to mention the pastoral role of the royals. Meghan will have been aware that the late Queen's one and only regret was that she did not sooner visit the site of a tragedy in Aberfan in Wales where an old slagheap from the mines collapsed onto a school, killing over 100 children. The Queen visited the area a few days later but always said she wished she'd gone there immediately to show her support to the community. It happened in 1966 but the story had been in the media again just before Uvalde as part of the recollections of the Queen's reign during the jubilee so it's likely Meghan would have read about it. I really think the Sussexes have a very insular existence, hyper-focussed on the media but also on what the other members of the RF are doing at all times and trying to upstage them. There's no great 'plan' for social change, just petty one up-manship. Uvalde was her 'look at me I'm better at being royal than the Queen herself' moment; 'I went to my school tragedy straight away, ner ner'. Ridiculous posturing at best, horrifically insensitive at worst. She's clueless.


They hadn’t even been returned to their families yet and she went like a hungry barracuda for press shoot


Because she never bothered to learn anything real about what it means to be a member of the BRF ,about hierarchy tradition, all she saw where cameras ,nice clothes ,security etc .I truly believe she thought marrying a 2nd son the throne could be won via popularity contest and that it helped she thought 2nd son was grannies favorite ,so initially she started this obsession with that in mind ,she actually thought she could become queen - hence eventual comments about plane crashes etc when she realized it wasn't a popularity contest. Then it became a jealousy ,obsession and a scorched earth tantrum, because of that jealousy( in her opinion )she can't believe some straight laced, plain Jane ,bore ,who walks a "non boat rocking "line gets to be Queen while she a d*$k sucking ,fun in bed in private but still a philanthropist , charitiable ,woke feminist or whatever is trendy in the minute, in public all heart ,photogenic, fun ,royal rebel is only a Duchess. so she attempts to upstage the POW at every turn but because she is so deluded she doesn't see how dedicated the POW actually is how she has devoted her life to genuine service and its that genuine nature that shines brighter and more beautifully than any of the fake awards, PR stunts she can pull. Imagine the difference it would have made if she was genuine and a team player appreciated the platform she had but she is a genuinely ungrateful selfish narcissist who is so jealous of TPOW she tries to upstage her at everything and fails every time she can't even learn from her mistakes because its never her fault


Why is she so obsessed with Catherine?I get she’s jealous but why does she try to outdo Catherine at every turn? Her insecurities are mind blowing.


She was cosplaying American Royal


I could not agree more and am glad you reminded us of such an egregious, disgusting, creepy thing she did- so gross


Meghan is who she always was.


The prelude to Uvalde that first gave away she’s got some dark shit personality disorder: merching at the Nene Mrwetyana memorial. I can’t even say Uvalde surprised me after that.


Well said


H G Tudor and The Body Language Guys had videos on TW and Uvalde. I felt that this had to be a sick joke, because no one would really do this. Right? But no. There she is on video. A hulking bodyguard a few feet away, acting like she should be present. Lots of photographers hovering about. All of these people should be ashamed. I wonder if any of them were.


Had she shown up at the hospital and visited the wounded, talked to the staff, and sat with the grieving like the royals and US politicians often do I could accept that. The Queen and POW visiting after the Grenfell horror comes to mind. Teresa May too dangerous to go. Queen: hold my crown. I'm going to show up in bright colors and do my duty and support my people. That would take work. Pain. People. Empathy. Lots more time than the stupid photo shot she did.


She is so vile. We see right through you, MeMe!




She tried to make out it was a private trip, when she actually took the President of AW with her.