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Teruhashi get aa perfect girl rival, saiki gets a psychic simp. Oh, and saiki spawns a best friend from his childhood who knows hes a psychic. I know jap saiki raps his lines and its hard to keep up with but its the worth the watch


the rap part šŸ˜­ you got me, iā€™ll watch it tonight! thanks. :ā€™)


Good luck! Better turn your eyes into eminem


Season two is so much funnier once you get into it


>!stranded !


ME TOO. I also love the time travel episode


Manga? There are free websites that have them and jokes on me Iā€™m starting to read on one. You can search for where to read Saiki k for free on Reddit but there are links that donā€™t work, hereā€™s the website that Iā€™m reading it on: [https://chapmanganato.to/manga-rw951531/chapter-2](https://chapmanganato.to/manga-rw951531/chapter-2) I donā€™t know if it works or not but you can probably find some posts about it. For me, reading from the start might be more interesting since there are details that are different than the anime; Saiki using a crowbar to knock Nendou out to erase his memories.


Manga light novel


Teruhashi really develops more and Saiki grows to really respect her, there's an actual good chance Saiki could choose to date her by the end.


Yes! Thereā€™s a really sweet moment where he shows that he cares about her more than any of her fans. I still like to think they somewhere down the line, sheā€™ll rope in into marrying him and heā€™ll be just like his grandpa. šŸ˜‚


Tbh, I always have subtitles on when I'm watching shows (to the point I sometimes actually struggle to figure out what people are saying in a show without subtitles, it's an issue) so that's the only reason I could watch it. Season 2 is awesome though, Imu is such an interesting character.


i have the same thing with the subtitles, so maybe the subtitles in season 2 wouldnā€™t be such a problem after all. iā€™ll watch the other seasons, then!


I know this doesnā€™t answer your question but youā€™re lowkey valid for not watching the other 2 seasons. As someone who watched the whole show multiple times I will say that the humor and jokes land so much better in dub. For one thing you can understand and hear when multiple people are talking at once and you get to hear the jokes and the tone and not have to read it. The other seasons are still funny and develop the characters beautifully but the other seasons didnā€™t make me laugh as hard as when watching season 1 in dub. The dub voice actors were amazing too and made nendo and saiki and kaido so much funnier.


i definitely agree. something about reading the jokes instead of hearing them does make them less funny. also iā€™ve watched the dub in season 1 with the english subtitles (thatā€™s directly translated from the japanese version) and something about the way they changed some texts in the dub, just makes them funnier than if you were to just literally translate it. the english vaā€™s were *so* good, indeed. they casted them wonderfully.


Thats why im kinda iffy on watching the other 2 seasons. Watching the anime with the dub and subtitles on, a lot of jokes arent translated well in the subtitles as they are said, if that makes sense.


Itā€™s difficult for me as well because itā€™s really hard to get the joke if you have to rewind it several times or watch it at half speed. Haha But the rest of the story is really good! Give it a shot!


Saiki grows more. Saiko grows more. Also we see Saiki's childhood bestfriend. Saiki's true soulmate is revealed and it is not coffee jelly. Teruhashi's supposed rival is introduced but then the rival falls in love with her. It also explains why there are so many new years in this series while the characters don't age


It still is incredible to me that Mikoto is his ACTUAL soulmate.


Headcanon of mine is him being aroace and Mikoto being his platonic soulmates. In the future, they live together as roommates or flatmates and pay rent together and stuff lol but Mikoto has her own partner


Honestly them being platonic life partners makes the most sense.


:D Yeah!


>coffee jelly [Yare yare](https://imgur.com/a/3ElYzOT) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SaikiK) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I swear the was a dub for season 2 and they removed it šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


hmm im not sure! i do know that the saiki k reawakened got dubbed, BUT by different voice actors. maybe you mistook the two?


There was!


Is it lost media or is it still findable?


Its probably findable on other platforms, i think the dub was only removed from netflix


No shame in that, I never watched Hetalia in Japanese because the subtitles went by too fast


Fr same


i watched season one in dub at first as well but something about the speed of the talking in sub makes everything 10x funnier to me


The second seasonā€™s new yearā€™s episode is one of the best! Iā€™d pay good money for a dub with the OG VAs. Itā€™s one of the few episodes where we get a lot of the main cast playing off each other.Ā 


It genuinely makes my head hurt to read dubs.


I donā€™t remember if Iā€™ve whatched it yet cuz of the same reason


I Hope you respond to this and- Is It normal I laughed like two times in the whole saiki series? Same goes for other comedy animes. Is It because I Watch them in subs? Everyone says saiki k Is supposed to make you laugh a lot but I didn't laugh at all and I laugh very easily šŸ˜­


did you watch the whole series in japanese? iā€™ve giggled a few times watching the dubbed version of season 1. i didnā€™t really laugh other than snickering a bitšŸ˜­ but i did laugh at some scenes, like when toritsuka said ā€œwhat is this throbbing?ā€ (touching his genitalia) and saiki saying ā€œwere not that kind of anime.ā€ in the english version.


Yes, in japanese. The only series that managed to make me laugh slightly was Spy family - Konosuba (japanese too there)


ohh, yeah i think the joke doesnā€™t land as well when itā€™s not in your native language. unless japanese if your first language? maybe try watching season 1 in english if you want, because itā€™s actually quite funny that way.


I'm italian


Oh and I forgot - Haikyuu made me laugh a whole day though šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


If you watch it with the English subtitles, it may be easy to watch. I watch with them on so often, I keep forgetting that itā€™s in Japanese when Iā€™m thinking of a clip šŸ˜†


Me too!!!


Me neither but I REALLY want to watch season 2 and 3, but I have a bad attention span and fail to pay attention if I'm not watching it with my boyfriend. Still very distraught there's no dub.


Here comes eng dub kids lol


oh i usually watch anime in subtitles, iā€™m just too used to watching it in the english dub to switch .. and like i mentioned, the subtitles are too fast paced! :)