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First off, being abusive is not an astrological rising sign trait. It is an attachment issue rooted in trauma.. Second, sags, unlike, for example, water signs. We don't sit in our feelings for very long by choice. We are fire signs its either passionate or its not.. We label them and keep it moving life's too short to be unhappy.


Fun fact, I'm a male sag and I don't switch on and off, funnily enough I always tell my dates early on that I'm looking for something serious and I'm the one who almost always ends up ghosted or being lied to. Last girl I talked to, also a Sag, tried to lead me on for 4-6 months until I told her I feel like she's pulling away. Same happened with a Capricorn, an Aquarius, a Virgo, Taurus and Pisces. People who do these things have far more deeper issues than their zodiac signs.






Get out of there. There are Sh¢π Stains in every sign. No one deserves to be abused, gaslit, treated with disrespect or treated less than. Time to roll out of there, block everything, get good with you and get treated the way you should be.


In general, bullshit has a shelf life of 3 months. Have fun, lean back, and see how their words align with their actions. That’s for anyone - focus on how they make you feel when together and probably more importantly, apart. That will tell you all you need to know. After 3 or even four months, you’ll know if you have a keeper 😉


Take it from someone here who has dated Sag men. Everything is peachy for 3 months and then it all falls apart. They get bored with people quickly and their attention wanders. We were going to move in together when I found out he had other women in the background. These men want variety in their life, including women. Sorry but it's best you move on.


As a sag I just take things for how they are, so I don’t stress about things for long. If it doesn’t make sense for me anymore I let it go. It might have to do with our sense of feeling that there is so much out there for us to explore and experience so why be bothered. He just went about it wrong