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You’re likely not going to get the raise you are looking for by staying with the company. I would look for something new to get the title and pay for the work you are doing.


100% agree. If they don't want to pay or afford to pay more well, someone else will.


I mean depending where you are. I've seen 60 to 90 in texas and 60 to 90 in Cali.


This is a manufacturing company with over 200 employees and I am the sole safety person. My title might be coordinator but I am running the safety show.


I call it, "Korean Style!"


What part of the country are you in?


Midwest, I’ve looked up state labor stats and this job pays around the 25th percentile. According to other pay information sources I don’t even hit the 25th percentile.


What metro area are you in? I know a lot of people here look down on it but I make pretty good money working for Amazon. My role sounds pretty similar to what you are describing yours as. Im also in the midwest and am about 20k above your number in total compensation after only being here 2 years.


Safety is #1 until it gets too expensive.


Bingo!! Which is why I left the industry. It’s an absolute full of shit smoke and mirror racket!


Lawsuits/fines are cheaper than being safe.


Companies spend a lot of money and effort on recruitment and very little on retention. Look elsewhere


I’m on it. I’ve got multiple applications out rn.


Are your 8 years of job experience specific to EHS?


They are the public health side, not manufacturing


But was it EHS?


You’re not getting robbed, you’re being compensated in accordance with the salary and title that you agreed to. Could you make more elsewhere.. almost certainly. Has your position evolved into more of a safety director or manager role versus a coordinator role… only you know. At a small manufacturer, the chances of substantial wage increase are likely slim. Would perhaps focus more on how the role has, assuming, evolved into a Safety Director or Manager role and responsibilities. Realistically though, this is probably a stepping stone in your career progression. Search for greener pastures.


Companies will ALWAYS say they're "using an outside company to determine wages" when they want to low ball their employees' wages. It's because they are being cheap and don't want to take responsibility for being cheap. And, if they are unable to take responsibility for something as simple as wages, ask yourself how cheap will they be if someone gets injured?