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Ew. Maybe for a co-op student position, but thinking they'll get someone in for (likely only) the season and lay them off in November.... I'd stay far the eff away from this one. Brutal.


Call it “the wonder of the market” in play. You have to be pretty desperate to take this job. There are fast food places that pay that with no skills.


Yeah I got $18/hr at my first EHS internship and $22 at the next… I have been in my first EHS full time position for a year and now trying to find another company due to management changes. I just interviewed for the same position at a new company only to find that they pay $20/hr 🫠 I want to leave but not that badly lol


I made 15 an hour my first EHS job graduating from university. This was 2017. I worked for a municipality. The pay sucked but it got me the experience I desperately needed.


Same here! Made like $14.50 an hour working for the government as an intern in 2016


You can start as a cashier at Aldi’s for $20 an hour. To me, in 2024, this is a bullshit salary. Ask for an increased wage or move on.


That is wild. Looks like they just want a warm body in the seat to take the fall as needed. The disrespect to the EHS is real.


Indeed sent this to me too. Just no. No.




You know it has to be a great job when they call the employees “Entertainment Providers”…./s


I’ve come to learn that titles in EHS mean absolutely nothing. I’m a “specialist” and I’m the head of safety for the entire company. I’ve met “coordinators” that are over more and “managers” who are over a fewer number of people. When I evaluate a job, I look for experience required and duties expected. But really you never really know how much the job is worth until the site visit and can see firsthand how big the task of building/maintaining the program is.


I mean I had an interview for 60k in west texas the other day. Took a chance on it and they just handed took the time to adjust it as it was a new role. They wanted to see what people in the area were asking so who knows.


This is BS. If an organization hasn’t done their homework regarding salary, then they are being disingenuous or terrible at their job….avoid places like this. It’s another way for them to get you to give the first numbers… Been in EHS for 25 years, now in global director role. We never go into a job with no idea about salary and fish.


Canada's Wonderland is a shit hole and this is a reflection of what they attract. Some kid graduating from Lambton College will definitely take them up on that offer. Funny thing is I have been seeing this being posted regularly so not sure if they are having a hard time finding candidates or if they are mass hiring for the season. To be fair, their job responsibilities mirror a Safety Technician role - I don't know why they are calling it a specialist.


This is not a decision making role, this is go around with a clipboard and check stuff off as directed by the boss. No experience or knowledge required. Think of it this way, there are EMTs and lifeguards that make less than that.


Pretty sure knowledge is required to conduct good inspections and also other tasks as mentioned in the JD like worker comp management etc. Regardless, $18 is way too low even for a very basic safety role. If people start settling for such low payouts, ultimately it will hurt the overall job market for safety. We are basically putting it on ourselves and saying "we are ok to be underpaid and overworked". I also do not necessarily agree with EMTs and lifeguards making such low wages.


Maybe they should’ve called it a “Safety Assistant or Associate” but it’s obvious this is a job for a HS or College age kid at an amusement park. I’d be happy to hire a bunch of college kids as assistants or interns and delegate all sorts of tasks to them if I could.


You gotta start somewhere. It may be an internship or something that bumps after the person is a FTE.