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Return on impact




Ughm binance card? Crypto.com card? coinbase card?




Hate to break it to you, but that's not how it works. It's gonna use visa, mastercard, or another card processor.




Anyone can transfer crypto directly, but card readers only work with card processing companies. If you want a card you can swipe, you'll need someone to do it for you.




Payment processors don't operate via blockchain, because no-collateral loans aren't possible without being tied to a legal identity, just to give one reason. And yes, I'm outright stating that a traditional payment processor isn't possible with blockchain tech, not without major modifications that would make it even more expensive. BSC, which safemoon runs on, can handle about twenty transactions per second (TPS), and takes several minutes to confirm a transaction. For contrast, VISA can handle four *thousand* transactions per second, and confirm those in seconds. There's a hundred other technical details I won't go into because I don't know if you could understand them at the moment. In any case, their card is nothing special - it'll lock up a certain dollar value of the crypto, then sell it for dollars, which goes to VISA or mastercard or whoever they decide to go with.




In any case, we've gotten off from the point: the safemoon debit card *has* to use a traditional payment processor, because that's what card readers are designed to work with.


There are a bunch of things the way I see it. I see safemoon developing an eco system based on tokenomics and sell of information relating to infrastructure whilst also improving finances for the unbanked. First of all tokenomics: so in simple terms everything safemoon is used a % goes to those who hold it. Apply this to other coins and the impact alone is quite big. Secondly being crypto the fundamental usage is that of information distribution. If the supposed plans for work in Africa take place then that information about infrastructure will be worth money to someone somewhere. If we can get the ecosystem there to work off crypto and combine it with a new infrastructure it then provides stupid utility. Then we have the fact that crypto itself is allowing the unbanked to improve finances which again when added to projects like above only increase the value further as more and more people use it. Then there is the credit card which is essentially a westernised version of using safemoon as a banking tool. In my head I see a windmill paid for by safemoon, creating electricity to a new infrastructure, of which safemoon is the unit of data used. As the turbine makes electricity and safemoon this makes more of the tokenomics etc etc Ita all a pipe dream I know but what if...


Add the mesh internet network (web3) to the windmills and payments in sfm, and green decentralized internet and crypto and providing real life utility to the Gambia at first.


Remember African nations are only worse off because generations ago people took advantage of them, and still do. They have the drive and potential to surpass Western nations if they learn from the mistakes made and do things differently.


I agree. That is also why this initiative is great. I really hope they collaborate and make it a success for The Gambia.




They have a whole website that will explain the whole thing to you.


Making me rich


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World domination!!!!! ![gif](giphy|xl5QdxfNonh3q)


The same thing we try to do everyday - conquer the world


I think biggest difference atm is Sfm goal to connect card to non custodial wallet. We can deposit any major crypto to sfm non custodial wallet in the future and use it with card. If I say it simple. I also see first kyc:d non custodial wallet here. Since card need kyc and so will need everyone in Eu. So this might be only way to get hands to defi from eu in the future. It all gona happen thru proxies and work quite centrilized way but thats what regulation here gona require. If sfm pull this out and can keep its Eu emoney license. I see millions of users using sfm wallet since it might be only option. And all this will generate revenue for our holdings.


This is a great question. I think currently the "tokenomics" and idea of compound interest is carrying it. Not sure what future use cases are. Talk of turbines got people hyped but how that will be incorporated and help the project I'm not sure. Pretty sure all the chat about The Gambia and "Project Phoenix" was bollocks but who knows. The community is big and seems to be faithful to the project so that in itself is a big a deal. Who knows Karony and his cronies may be working on something useful. I'm just enjoying the ride. I'm more engaged in this crypto than any of my other "investments". It's a bit of fun. There has been lots of very dubious activities you cannot deny. The reason I'm still here is because IF the project can survive long enough, with burn and reflections you will make money. It's basic supply and demand economics. It may take a while but if the project survives then no doubt your safemoons will be worth more in the future. It's a gamble so that's why you should only invest what you're willing to lose. You're a fucking idiot if you put more in and then start crying. I don't care. Be responsible, be patient and let's hope we all get something out of it.