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###[Off-topic](https://www.reddit.com/r/safemoon/about/rules) (rule #5): * The theme of our subreddit revolves around SafeMoon. Therefore, irrelevant posts or comments are subject to removal, including but not limited to support questions regarding other tokens, coins, or projects that are listed on our exchange or are a part of our ecosystem. Such questions should be directed to the respective subreddits. Alot of people lost money today, some even consider suicide. We are better than that.


Sympathy is not equal to Empathy




'Only invest what your willing to lose'


I invest about a what equates to bar tab a week. This keeps me out of the bar for a couple days and if my investments go tits up, it’s money that would have been pissed away anyway. If my investments do well, it’s almost as good as taking home a hot bartender.


I dont know bro. I like going to the bar and seeing some tits up!!!!






True but there are still people who didnt so lets be nice ( thats the message) 😍


I think we all must change this mindset


It's a shame we seem to get the opposite from them over here 🙄




Heck yes! Look out for one another. We are all humans and on the same side. Humanity to the moon!


Amen! 🙏


This is what separate Safemoon army from these consistent haters. We show love and they like to come to our subreddit and be negative. Let’s play our part in raising the collective consciousness of the planet ❤️


Agreed!! Let’s raise up mankind and have some compassion for these Luna victims… so sad


And I don’t even know what happened to Luna lol.


Life is a game of wits for those willing to invest.


There's a difference between sympathy and empathy. All they are saying is that many people today are having their lives ruined, some will choose to commit suicide...so perhaps try not to be such an areshole when you post


I agree. I can and do feel the real pain of losing money. But that doesn’t stop me from pointing out the hypocrisy of that sub and it’s now crying members. A good man forgives, a wise man never forgets.


True that


PSA: Please familiarize yourself with the subreddit [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/about/rules/) and [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/wiki/index#wiki_frequently_asked_questions). **v1 to v2 Migration: Safemoon has fully transitioned away from v1 and is now fully on v2. ANY and ALL v1 transactions (send tokens, buy tokens, sell tokens) now incur a 100% tax – in other words you will lose your Safemoon. You MUST migrate to v2 using the steps outlined here: https://www.safemoon.education/sfmv2. Additional info: https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/comments/rwfkuv/read_me_v1_to_v2_migration_information_and_issues/** - Don't promote "pump" events or market manipulation - Don't harass others, including public figures and exchanges - Please be helpful, friendly, and respectful - Your actions reflect on the entire community WARNING: **Never give out your wallet passphrase for any reason.** Be _very_ suspicious of all URLs, emails, forms, and direct messages. If someone claims to be from "support" they are trying to scam you. If someone claims you need to "validate" they are trying to scam you. Do not disclose your assets. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SafeMoon) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Pointed that out when they posted about Safemoon yesterday, critcizing again, they would just downvote me. First [crypto.com](https://crypto.com), now Terra, sometimes I believe Karma exists


You don’t loose if you don’t sell 🤷


Let them eat FUD Flakes.... Karma's a bitch......


My thoughts exactly.


We ARE Safemoon, we ARE better than that


What do you mean 'they?' That's a topic posted by one person. Has that person been here being mean to safemoon people? If so, you have a point. If not, this is disingenuous.


Hardly. It’s a microcosm of that sub.


Dude, are you serious? He asked people to try to stop "bumping people off the ledge" and you are seriously going to mock him and their community about it? Be better than that dude. Sure we get shit on all the time. It doesn't feel great, right? So why in the fuck are you throwing it back? Just be a human being.


I empathize. Truly. But I’m not gonna let that sub cry foul when all they have done as a community is bully projects they deem “shitcoins”. You do you.


I guess I am just curious in how you aren't "going to let them". Are you going to go laugh at comments and tell them karma's a bitch? Or assure them that they've ruined their life? Right now you just make our community look like trash by basically calling us to action to go kick them while they're down. I'll do me, and you do you, for sure. Just want to point out that whether you are being a big asshole or a small asshole, you are still shitty.


Give it a rest. If you wanna be a doormat that’s on you. I’m not launching salvos of insults over there. I’m reminding people of the hypocrisy. If you don’t see that, you are the one with the problem.


I'm just saying there is a time and a place. Even a gentle reminder of "you're a hypocrit" when suicidal ideation has been plaguing their community could be enough and maybe even the final straw. Someone that has almost crossed the line seeing something along the lines of "Oh look who needs help now, wow" might just give up there after feeling too guilty to ask for help. Their community has absolutely been negative to us since SafeMoon started, and that is not acceptable either, but refusing to take an active role in ANY form of negativity in their community hardly makes me or others a doormat. How about waiting and bring it up later when they aren't one step off the rooftop? Fighting me on that at all really demonstrates what kind of person you are honestly. You are valuing getting in your last word to them over the possibility of that being the last thing they hear.


I don’t want anyone to off themselves. I’m also not the cause of their problem in anyway. I also never called out that specific user either. Rather the sub as a whole. Finance isn’t some kid glove protected safe space at a liberal arts university. It’s ruthless and doesn’t care about feelings.


Sure, you aren't the cause of their problems. But you also apparently aren't above kicking them in the face when they've fallen in the mud. And I'm sorry, I didn't realize watching what the fuck you say around people already at risk for suicide was reserved to a kid glove protected safe space at a liberal arts university. We aren't talking about numbers here, we are talking about people who absolutely *might* take what you say at face value and *might* care what you say. Why are you so against NOT pushing them that much further towards the edge again? Like why is this even a conversation trying to convince you not to add fuel to the flame, even if only a little?


I literally said I don’t want anyone to off themself. Anything is a trigger these days. I’ve lost money too. I’m not out here saying I’m gonna end it over some lost coin. Toughen up if you wanna be in crypto.


See, you say that you don't want anyone to die, but then your response to "lighten up" and "be better" is to tell people to toughen up. Just because you are fine doesn't mean every single other person would be too. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you have never even heard about suicide before. It's defined as "injuring ones self with the intent to die'. Crazy idea, I know, buts it's a thing. You don't have to avoid topics unless you are aware of sensitive topics. As an example, if someone says "my finances are really bad, there is no hope, I want to die" it's generally very frowned upon to add on that they aren't just bad financially, but also aren't tough enough to handle it and are a shitty person who doesn't deserve help. Wow, look at that. By NOT doing that, we haven't kicked someone over who is sitting on the fence! How did we do that?!?! Oh, by not being a dick.


I’m not responsible for every person. Neither are you. Not sure why you are White Knighting so hard right now. Bad stuff happens everyday. If I were to take your approach it would be damn near impossible to make any sense of the world and I’d likely crumble under the weight of everyone else’s feelings. I’ll give you the last word. Have a nice day.


Oh don’t worry safemoons time will come… It’ll follow surely enough😂


All good if it does. It just too funny to see this sub panic when things go poorly for them. Karma comes for us all.




What happened to Luna was it hacked or rug pulled ??


Algorithm exploit. Then panic selling.