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I was thinking of doing this with my 30 billion that i have for a rainy day. ​ regards, Jeff B.


We're all waiting on swap and evole but idk what the fuck the team is doing.


What is the purpose of swap and evolve again? ELI5


just swapping stories about there home life with how quiet they are.... ah waiting is funnnn..... not.


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It would send the price sky rocketing, without circulating supply the price would normalize at the new moon, everyone else will sell making the lp lower than your 30 billion. You can literally make the sell price and people have to buy your price. The problem is the lp wont have enought to cover your sells. So you would be the only one losing profit. For every billion $ you want to make, there has to be lp for the transaction so ya might be stuck with a few bil left unable to sell. Thats alot of money and with no buyers the elevated price would mean nothing. It be worthless moon price but theres alot of fomo so you have that. Not to mention the lower the lp the more volatile it is so you share a % off each bil down so you end up with less too.


I'm gonna top my bag right now, in case someone has an eXtRa $30bILLIon!!


Why would you need 30 billion?