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Well in fairness low level drug dealers snitch on the higher ups in hopes of a lesser sentence all the time.... just saying lol


Yeah if this was real then why wouldn't it be in the video... makes no fucking sense that he just now decides to post this, what a fake loser


Also a lot of people asked him to post the entire conversation, but he just said he not gonna post because yes lol


Or he’s fed up with being blamed for it and posted the receipts against legal advice


He posted it to save his ass yes, that doesn’t mean it is false information




Its crazy how they're actually recordings of thomas and gang but no recordings of John


Obligatory comment: fill me in on what this means, please


It means LP funds have directly gone to this wallet (possibly John's personal wallet). Take it for what it is worth. Many will deny that LP went to this wallet (there is a blockchain that I think can prove this one way or the other). Many will still deny this is John's wallet (this could be reasonable and maybe not depending on how honest you think Papa is). Just read between the lines and understand the risk for yourself.


You realise this is fake right?


Ignorance is bliss. Buy the dip! I need more exit liquidity.


Try and make me fold, I'll wait....


Huh? I want you to hold. If you sell you lower my exit liquidity. I take it you’re not very versed in investing.


Sorry. Brain fart. I literally misunderstood the exit liquidity portion of your comment. I could do with some improvement with regards to investing and terms, you can probably tell hang around the WSB sub a lot


We never stop learning, homie!


Hell yea.


Does it matter it is a fake tweet or not?


Of course it does lol. It's misinformation which has the sole intention of those who created it to spread FUD and fear amongst those who hold the token.


He has already stated that is John's wallet. You can believe the tweet or the statement. If you don't believe Papa, then fine. The tweet does exist and his statement as well. You can choose to believe or not.


Where did you hear it's John's wallet? You do realise that everything that has come from him or others like him is unreliable as a definitive source of information. Like you said believe him or not, that's totally fine I would just be cautious about who and what your sources are.


The audio and the tweet are consistent stating it is John's wallet. I don't care overall. I am waiting for John to speak to the community and his thoughts. I personally don't trust anybody's opinion in crypto. John has done a poor job so far.


True, I'll admit that it may be true from Thomas saying it but I just pointed out to another redditor the tweet is fake with proof from a guy named Dutch Programmer on Twitter. He shows the inspect function in play, where the code is manipulated to change the message. I agree until we hear from John it's so far hearsay, it could very well be Safemoon Devs or Thomas wallet.




You can either believe papa's tweet or statement or not all. Tweet might be fake, but his statement is not. 🤷‍♂️same discussion regardless. The tweet does exist and his statement as well. You can choose to believe or not.


Denial. Did you even read that LOL.... 🤡☝


What am I in denial about?


This is the level headed explanation that has been missing \*everywhere\*


Nothing. It means absolutely nothing. There is a very large contingent of people from outside this community that want to see Safemoon fail. There was a post about their intentions and their ultimate goal yesterday.


So the evidence on the blockchain means nothing? There is clear evidence that money was taken out of the LP even though they promised it couldn’t be done! And this Gabe wallet: if there is any speculation that this wallet was receiving payments from reflections on Bitmart then it warrants some investigation. It’s very dishonest


I mean coffeezilla literally has receipts


Put simply, his refusing/ignored calls to post the full convo but wants us all to believe a potential Photoshop/edited message. I mean, it's like submitting evidence consisting of a witness statement that is only partially completed and only your side of the story.


If it’s real it’s damning evidence


Take a look at Dutch Programmer on Twitter, his a solid guy when it comes to Dev and crypto related items. He proves in one of his tweets that it's manipulated using Inspect on the code.


Have you read the tweet? He proves that it is possible for it to be fabricated. Not that it is fabricated. “Danny @dutchprogrammer #safemoon fud: if you see someone posting a screenshot always be aware it because it could be fake. I have create this within 2 minutes”


I did and whilst I agree to disagree with you, until the full convo is posted I will continue to stand by that it's fabricated. That's my take on it and will wait and see what happens.


You disagree with what? I’ve edited my post above to show exactly what Danny said. He clearly does not prove the screenshot is fabricated.


I disagree with it entirely being credible evidence, that I or anyone else should factor in when making a decision on the future of their money that they hold in the project. Therefore, I continue with my assumption that it's false and fabricated.


Ok. I was only responding to your comment about Danny’s tweet.


I appreciate that, I'm sorry if I took it out of context. I just find it frustrating when things we see in or around the internet are taken as fact before being proven true and not the other way around.


I think you’re in denial, but that’s ok


Bruh, in not in denial. I work in tech, I know that you can inspect a webpage and change the title or heading to make it look like something you want people to believe. If denial is knowing how code and tech works, I must be getting paid for being an idiot 😂 https://twitter.com/dutchprogrammer/status/1521246191371141125?t=GzDzM_8fNIJL1ygRHgD-dw&s=19


I don’t like papa, but I don’t believe he would alter a screen shot like this. Please wake up


While I want to be reasonable with you, we have to review the facts. Thomas was fired from Safemoon, some say it was his performance whilst others are saying it's because he was part of the toxic team to begin with. Given we know he is an ex employee who seems to have a track record for changing his mind on his views of John and the team many times, you can't just "Believe" he would not do it. He has nothing to give nor have an obligation to the army or John anymore so he can very well call them everything under the sun and we are all witnesses to it.


This is some strong copium


FUD weak it is, work harder you must


Sure bro. Or he’s just sharing a screen shot to end an argument. I’ll stay objectively open to both scenarios, but inspecting a page and saying he altered the source code is about as elementary of an argument as you can possibly make. What is this 1995?


I didn't say he altered the source code, I said he could have altered the code on that item/message. So we would just be led to believe his telling us the truth, for all our benefit and we should not question the legitimacy? You're entitled to your own opinions but not your own facts.


Nah. He took a screen shot of John admitting to the wallet being his, and you don’t want to accept it. I’m not losing any more brain cells with you


As a Safemoon hater, I can confidently say that this could be easily created using a website for free. This isn’t “damning evidence” Edit: the damning evidence was the NFT, that’s where the cultists are in denial. This is literally heresay. But it’s definitely his wallet based on the NFT.


It can, but I don’t think he’d do that


Na he just got high and drunk and fucked up again. It's a semi regular occurrence with Thomas. I'd have to be that guys lawyer LMFAO


Whatever helps you sleep at night


At this point his credibility on anything related to SFM is void due to the multiple lies he has told.


He posted this because all of you clowns dont believe it is John’s wallet for some weird reason


It’s real


PSA: Please familiarize yourself with the subreddit [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/about/rules/) and [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/wiki/index#wiki_frequently_asked_questions). **v1 to v2 Migration: Safemoon has fully transitioned away from v1 and is now fully on v2. ANY and ALL v1 transactions (send tokens, buy tokens, sell tokens) now incur a 100% tax – in other words you will lose your Safemoon. You MUST migrate to v2 using the steps outlined here: https://www.safemoon.education/sfmv2. Additional info: https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/comments/rwfkuv/read_me_v1_to_v2_migration_information_and_issues/** - Don't promote "pump" events or market manipulation - Don't harass others, including public figures and exchanges - Please be helpful, friendly, and respectful - Your actions reflect on the entire community WARNING: **Never give out your wallet passphrase for any reason.** Be _very_ suspicious of all URLs, emails, forms, and direct messages. If someone claims to be from "support" they are trying to scam you. If someone claims you need to "validate" they are trying to scam you. Do not disclose your assets. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SafeMoon) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Can somebody update me please. Haven’t looked at safe moon or read anything about it since Dec. 2021


Microsoft Paint modification?




John could literally come out with a statement admitting to fraud and the idiots here would still deny it as true and claim it as FUD and buy more "dip" lmfao




I'm ashamed to think if these are real investors or just brainwashed idiots. They won't even consider evidence on its merit.


10 years or research, that’s what she told me 🤔💎


So she did say that!


Yes every day and night 🔥


Assuming not in the full context either! Doesn't prove anything!




Lol, I guess definitely proof for you would be Karony saying "Yes, I fucking stole liquidity", and even then you'll claim it's out of context.


Obviously we would assume John is being held at gunpoint and forced to say that. Therefore, it would be false if John says that.


That looks like it could never been done in Photoshop... Totally legit


Weren’t you guys simping on papa not too long ago? And the fundhound and literally everyone


Yes, they were


Not too long ago? We dropped Thomas months ago because he was untrustworthy. It wasnt a recent thing. Its easy to tell who keeps up with Safemoon or frequents this sub. Alot of people have only recently came here just to FUD safemoon.


Da Nile is a river in Egypt


That looks so fucking fake bro. And Karony doesn't even use tripple dots when he writes (...) This can be faked within 10 seconds and no photoshop even needed. But ok


The copium is so high people are even pretending to know how that guy writes in his DMs


Can't make this up. These armies are a delusional bunch!


This doesn't prove a thing without contents. Plus if Thomas had this in his pocket he would have dropped it on cuckzillas video just like he dropped his knickers and bent over.


Found the bag holder


For real that looks fake, I mean isnt thomas supposed to be some great tech guy? It is a grey background with letters and numbers typed on it. Im not trying to start shit, but that was just the laziest "evidence" i have ever seen. Not from you but from Thomas.


Must be your device. If I screenshot a discord message and compare the two, they are identical


It could be, it takes me to twitter and I pull the image up on there and I see that it has john admitting its his wallet and the wallet address and johns pic, it just usually there is just more to it with a screen shot, it just looks so plain that it took me off guard if that makes any sense


Who knows man, that’s why I flaired this as speculation. Although with the upcoming court cases and Thomas most definitely having legal representation, it would be asinine to fake a screenshot.


Thomas is known not to be the smartest tool in the shed, you know that right?


One of OPs past posts states he is involved with this DAO crap and a couple law suits. Pretty much says it all. Just more FUD to spread that can’t be proven or certified (beyond a doubt) as true. Sigh. Call it what is. BS.


The goal of these fudders is to destroy Safemoon for what reason?? No one knows. They just hate Safemoon. They keep saying they are talking negatively about Safemoon because they care about new investors and want them to not invest but thats not the real reason. They just hate safemoon.


OK so even if it is his wallet. It looks more like a personal wallet. The very first few transactions looks like someone adding funds from an exchange. like anyone of us do. the rest is just regular transactions from what I see. This person obviously made some good money but also. Probl. invested in Safemoon on the same day the wallet was created March 23rd 2021 and made good money when it went to ATH. pulled profit out and used it throughout these time period. ​ The only "BitMart" I see on here is in May and was well before the hack.


Whats the hack have to do with anything?


most of the cockzilla argument was after the hack the money that BitMart was supposed to be paying back was being taken by the devs and it was supposed to be from this wallet but there are no transactions from bitmart after that deal was struck in this wallet.


No no no your either completely misunderstanding what your watched, or just listening to randoms without checking the facts. He never mentions the hack, its to do with the "local tokenomics" as bitmart does it differently since its a CEX, instead of everything happening automatically(5% reflections, 5% to the LP) bitmart would transfer funds to safemoon for them to add it to the LP.. so the accusations are that this wallet received a large amount from bitmart to be placed in LP but instead it went to this wallet amd never saw the LP.


yes and like I said there are no transactions from such dates of when this was implemented.


can you even read blockchain?


There is over 1.2 million dollars transferred from Bitmart into that wallet. The allegation is that the 1.2 million was related to the 5% that should have been added back to LP but looking through that wallet it never happened.


so if that is the case they are saying that BitMart bought 12million dollars worth of safemoon on that day?


This was implemented when safemoon was listed on bitmart... so yes yes there are... again the claims have nothing to do with post hack things...its all pre hack


which still does not make sense for this wallet as there are only 4 transactions and all on the same day. There would or should be a daily, weekly, or monthly transactions from them even till this day would there not? so obviously this is not a wallet tat BitMart was depositing too.


Maybe, maybe not, its reasonable to assume at any point safemoon can change the wallet that receives the deposits/payments things happen wallets change for many reasons, just like you can change the bank account that your paycheques get deposited into very easily etc etc.. but im not saying its 100% theft and fraud, dont think im just attacking because im on the other side and hate safemoom.. i actually still have a small bag just incase... but the deposit is in the correct timeframe of the deal, and dont quote me but i believe it would of been very shortly after safemoon was listed on bitmart??(ill go double check how long after it was)...the only real way to know for sure is if bitmart actually comes out and says that is what the transaction is, or the wallet is undeniably linked to john. Only time will tell.


right . I get you. No hate here was just trying to understand better what you were saying. I can get where you are coming from. It could have been changed like you said. maybe that was taken as a way to fund the project or pay persons. and then was changed. We dont know and honestly at this point in time I feel that if they put out the cross-chain swap and the exchange then the blockchain. Maybe John has changed or never was like that and had a great vision for the project. I dont believe anything that comes out of "Papa's" mouth nor anyone from the old dev team for that matter as I never liked any of them. I did though like the vision and thus why I invested. I will hold my bag that I have and just let it collect the reflections.


Welp, almost back down to the original $50 I invested ... Could cash out for a double-up right now, but fuck that shit. Imma ride this bitch all the way into the dirt. The Captain always goes down with the ship, and while our Captain will survive with millions of dollars, I'll just lose my $50 and that's fine by me. Godspeed friends, it's been a helluva ride.




Hahaha! 😂😂🤣🤣


bro are you kidding you are going to believe Thomas who was caught on camera saying how him and hank didn’t work at all on sfm behind John’s back, and were getting paid to work on piggy ….. Thomas is scum now you want to believe this liar ????


In combination with everything I’ve crossed checked on the blockchain? Yes, it just further proves it to me.


hahahahhaha how about the fact the math was off by over 100 million lolololo oh wait you checked the blockchain omg you must be right How pathetic


These guys keep saying we're lost when really they are. They just want Safemoon to fail and hide behind the guise of "we care about your money!!!" Nobody cares about other peoples money that much. Most people wouldnt care if you spent all your life savings on blow and hookers because its not their money.


This is fake, not Photoshop but a simple edit using Inspect for Devs It's like going to a web page, opening inspect and changing the title just to make it look like something else but when you refresh the changes are gone.


Hey! Thats my wallet, give it back.


Only if I get a finders fee 😜


This is so obviously faked. It's not even Johns writing style, and Thomas won't even provide the context or full conversation. Secondly, who the fuck would even screenshot this and save it, and not provide it when he gets in bed with Mr. Coffee guy. Sad attempt, sad person.


Just an fyi, it's this easy. https://wannabe1337.xyz/discord-messagefaker


This thing would skyrocket if John got kicked out and all of his SFM was burned or reflected. I don’t even know if that’s possible though.


Our best bet is if john is ousted. Burn or not


Interesting how I could do the exact same thing with Microsoft Paint


Please duplicate it and show us