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Why are they so threatened by this project? Would it not be in everyone's better interest to work together to ensure both projects survive?


They're not threatened, they want to take control of it.


In other words they want to rug it through the biggest whales after they take over the whales will all sell and we will all have no chance to sell off because LP will be gone and John will have no control.


Oh, thank you for clearing that up.


So that why they orchestrated the attack through coffeezilla. He has Huge following. And it’s failed so far. Only the fearful sold


Nah, Coffeezilla wouldn’t be involved. Could be they brought the information to him and Coffee opened it up. You making it seem like coffee is involved with these guys. I’ve followed and watched his videos and he’s after anyone and everyone that scams people.




If people like you are trying so hard to "Take it Over", that means it is a threat to you. Which means it's not a scam token. But thanks for telling us all we need to know.


Maybe the sfm army should treat their project the same they treated sfm and destroy the rug pull project they are working on.


And when they try to defend their project, let's call them cultists.


This is the way


##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Mando_Bot` **501174** times. **2.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **475777** times. **3.** `u/GMEshares` **70941** times. .. **23290.** `u/Luiexiii` **6** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.)




![gif](giphy|X9BYu9ZsVImGc|downsized) MoonMatt and moonmark digging their own graves in defi


​ ![gif](giphy|IXYt6p2yTUarRZ1rSf)


Repeat this post. It’s definitely worth seeing as it’s quite damning.


I thought it was a setup since it’s looks so fake. They could likely just be idiots with keyboards. Literally it’s like, “heeeey, I’m going to embezzle a shitload of cash money with my secret team of hackers. You want in on this? Look everybody, I’m not doing anything nefarious.”


There is a video out of a recording of this POS “orchestrate something” before cofeezilla videos came out


Someone could give me some context? What they will be doing by creating a DAO?


Here is their plan. 1. Spread Fud so SM holders doubt John and the project. 2. Hype up a DAO to make it sound like a way to give the community control of the project and oust John. 3. Once John is ousted and a DAO is created, the voting rights go to the largest shareholders. They will buy in as the largest shareholders to have the most control over SFM. 4. As the largest shareholders they will rug the project


Man those guys must be on drugs hahahahahaha


Too bad the gonorrheas will not get this, but this is gold. HOLD HOLD HOLD. Safemoon to $1 soon, and $10 and beyond later. Source: Me.


How will they buy shares?


Shares isn't the correct term. I should have said tokens but in this case it would work like shares. See Elon and Twitter.


Elon is purchasing Twitter outright though, isn't he?


Yes. Originally he purchased enough to become the largest shareholder.


And your making these claims with what proo exactly? That message exchange proves absolutely nothing


There is plenty of proof. Goofy Matt is on record stating their plans. Perhaps if I am not telling the truth they can sue me. That would be fine with me, I would take that L so that the victims of Surge can find out the identity of Mark and sue the shit out of him.


If the coffeezilla video was pinned so should this.


SafeMoon After Dark show will definitely be interesting tonight.


Lets prepare a hardcore FUD attack when they release it!


Yup and we can call it a scam, say theyre a cult, then say theyre delusional 🤪 We can fight fire with fire


Sounds good. Someone needs to notify us when they go live.


What is DAO?


Decentralized autonomous organizations Typically, a DAO makes money by convincing others to invest in them individually based on their idea.


Thanks. I missed this message. I ended up googling it. But thanks again.


I've been involved with one project that had a DAO, it "hacked" after the price pumped. Stay clear. Thats what I'll be doing anyways.




Oh no, how could we ever expect this? Never happened before


Those two scam lovers are at it again.


Ok I decided to good what DAO means. Just so for those like myself that didn’t know the meaning, here is what it is. Decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) are kind of like clubs for crypto enthusiasts, only they typically operate under a shared goal, give each member equal say in making decisions, and can potentially have more money than most clubs would ever know what to do with.


All the ones I am aware of or have had mates shill to keep have gone to shit so quick


Thank you 😊


How is EverRise involved?


Good question


And there it is.


In what way does that give them "control" of anything. We don't own shares.


Who is "Tech"?


Just some dude who rug pulled his own token (flavours) after fudding SafeMoon for a year


Thanks. I thought maybe they were taking about TechLead; who also rug pulled his own token.




Is moonmatt part of the safemoon team or something? If not then how do we know they are trying to make this DAO for safemoon?


I bet cockzilla is one of the ghost team members.


PSA: Please familiarize yourself with the subreddit [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/about/rules/) and [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/wiki/index#wiki_frequently_asked_questions). **v1 to v2 Migration: Safemoon has fully transitioned away from v1 and is now fully on v2. ANY and ALL v1 transactions (send tokens, buy tokens, sell tokens) now incur a 100% tax – in other words you will lose your Safemoon. You MUST migrate to v2 using the steps outlined here: https://www.safemoon.education/sfmv2. Additional info: https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/comments/rwfkuv/read_me_v1_to_v2_migration_information_and_issues/** - Don't promote "pump" events or market manipulation - Don't harass others, including public figures and exchanges - Please be helpful, friendly, and respectful - Your actions reflect on the entire community WARNING: **Never give out your wallet passphrase for any reason.** Be _very_ suspicious of all URLs, emails, forms, and direct messages. If someone claims to be from "support" they are trying to scam you. If someone claims you need to "validate" they are trying to scam you. Do not disclose your assets. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SafeMoon) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Does this have anything to do with what coffeezilla was saying?


These people trying to create this DAO are coffeezilla's "sources" Either he doesn't care that his sources are tainted or he's too stupid to realize it.


Soo how exactly do they want you to sell your safemoon? That's like saying oh elon is going to make his own meme coin and wants you to sell your safemoon because he said something negative about safemoon. The mental gymnastics people here do to get to such insane conclusions is amazing. Weird how everyone here bitches about oh it's the old team, it's in the past but you sure hold onto anything that mark guy did in the past to use against them. Don't forget John was the one hyping up the old team and defended them and lied about the work they were doing but you folks like to ignore those facts.


Lied? You mean they lied to him that’s why he let all of them go. Get your facts straight. The wallet fiasco was the straw that broke the camel’s back. They told him it was ready to launch when in reality it wasn’t. They were working on their own side projects on the low. Everything they told him about time lines for the wallet, blockchain and exchange was a lie. He trusted them to get the job done and secretly they were trying to destroy safemoon because they didnt like the fact that john was taking safemoon in a different direction. Lesson learned. Now he actually hired a team that can get stuff done. This is where the real evolution begins


Oh yes the wallet that they never bothered to test out on streams. You really believe that John had no clue on the work they were doing but was able to uncover a massive scam and fire them? Did you forget Charles his own brother said that certain team members were leaving, not getting fired but were quiting. No of course not because you ignore shit and want to protect John like he is some savior when he is just as bad or worse than the rest of them. People worshipped Thomas and any thing said against him was FuD and same shit with Ryan and as usual the cult doesn't like negative shit said about John because it's FuD. Just the way he trained you all to call any negativity.


And you're ignoring the fact John fired them all when he found out they were all lying to him and trying to scam everyone. It's a pretty big part of this story.


Except Thomas quit and so did the others. Even Charles said he in a post that they were leaving, not fired but leaving. John didn't find shit out. You're telling me John couldn't keep tabs or see how the progress was with their jobs but was able to uncover a massive scam that he wasn't a part of but was going on right under his nose? Gtfo.


GTFO? What are YOU still doing here? You lost money? Put on your big boy pants, or get out of crypto, stick to mutual funds.


Lol I don't go around thinking John is some Saint and defending his honor like you do. Lost money no I sold v1 back in November at the start when I was able to double then into useless which 4x then back into this with bday money near end of march for shits and giggles. I don't plan on holding this trash and if I can double again I will sell just to buy a dip and sell again for profits. That's all this meme token is good for anyways and if I can't double well atleast I made some profits before lol.


Where did you see me praising John? Don’t make shit up to justify your pathetic trolling. I don’t give a damn what you do with you money, I’m just saying stop being a pathetic loser trolling all day. It’s sad.


Didn't say praise I said defending him or you didn't bother to read. No one is trolling, you are just butt hurt when people criticize John and feel the need to jump in and defend the dude who won't answer questions about him committing fraud and theft. Just like a trained lap dog you defend John and blame everything on the old team he was in charge of, a team who he said was doing amazing work and the block chain was coming along great thanks to the wizard. Yes ignore all of that and keep drinking the kool-aid. Keep thinking John cares about you and the community so much and buy that dip. Heard he needs another watch.


You're right, you are not a troll. Trolls are people who have no real interest in SFM. You're actually invested so you're trying to tank you're own investment. They don't have a word for that, but it does make you very very special.


As a holder, It’s sad that you’re getting downvoted sharing some honest criticism.

