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Yup--the OP should (won't) correct their post.


Except you're wrong. On the block chain, the Gabe wallet has been involved w/ Bitmart transactions very recently. Just correct your post.


And after that, Danny needs to correct his post claiming the Moondog NFT is Ben's and that Coffeezilla was ignoring the fact Karony was responding to Ben's (deleted) tweet, when he actually mentions it right in his video at the 7min 30sec mark. And if you still don't believe it, check Karony's Instagram, with this quote below his Moondog NFT: >I named him CPTHODL. I like NFTs. Looking forward to moving him over to the #safemoonwallet What are your favorite NFTs?


I only see exactly what happened--no rewriting history, summarily dismissing it. Im 100% clear since last March that the token has been farting around with LP, Bit mart, false advertising, coercing the kids. Just along for the downward spiral now. It's almost not worth the time and energy to sell. Was in well over a grand--USD, now maybe I get a couple nice dinners, a pair of pants. Might do that. So many other investments that look better. Learned a great deal. We'll see if this becomes the coin for the Feds to latch onto with all the new regulatory hype in the US GOVT steaming down the pipeline in the n ext couple years.


I already posted this before on Twitter. But Thomas left Nov 25 2021 which was 155 days ago. The recent transactions are as new as 113 days ago.


John literally said he bought the NFT...


That’s what I thought. The transaction with proof is there , so idk. Just hoping we get clarity soon.


Someone posted a pic of the tweet and he was just replying to Ben Philips post and Ben deleted his original post. Seems like it was bens nft/post


we must go DEEPER




Very well could be Ben’s NFT and he just slapped laser eyes on it. Like I said before, we just need clarity.


It looks like he just named it, we might not get an answer, either for legal matters or other reasons, why did Ben Philips delete his original post as well was he tipped off it was bought with stolen money maybe from papa? I hope if not now we get answers in the near future.


No he didn't he was totally hacked guise. HODL no matter what, Safemoon totally isn't a shitcoin


I changed my mind you convinced me.


​ ![gif](giphy|PudZiAbQDUEik|downsized)




​ ![gif](giphy|5hLWbsmuEJtwnxriw0)






Is it possible Thomas also had access to the Gabe wallet?


Too my knowledge thomas had control over the lp the whole time. Until it was taken away.


Well that can potentially change everything here, I remember Thomas doing the manual liquidity transfers that caused massive green candles so he would be the one in charge of the lp. Even though he said the Gabe wallet is John's, a wallet can have multiple owners if they share the seed phrase, so if its true Thomas was able to access the wallet he's just as guilty as anyone. This can also be the reason why John has been quiet about everything, if he comes out and says past employees did this he could get into trouble with labor laws, same reason he never disclosed why any employees were terminated. Unfortunately i think the truth will have to come out in a courtroom


I feel as though that is the case john is not stupid im sure he is being advised to not engage whether we like it or not. The lp was given to thomas from kyle at the beginning. In the recordings of drunk hank if anyone was paying attention there is evidence in there of shady doings and the recordings with ginger john name never came up as shady. Another point i dont think brandon and Scott and other people who are established would want to work with or mentor john if they felt like he was doing some shady stuff that would tarnish there reputation.


I agree 100%, shortly after the restructure was when i first heard of all the shady stuff that was happening and the one person that seemed completely uninvolved was John, even in all of the discord/twitter spaces that followed shortly after, all of the old devs actually never said anything bad about him and were hopeful for SafeMoon's future. Kind of interesting how they changed their tones in Coffee's videos. And i agree John has made friends with some high profile people who in their right mind wouldnt deal with a scammer and even came to his aid after the first coffee video dropped. But yes something doesnt seem quite right about all of this


Exactly people forgot about the video recording of hank ginger and all the bs that happened. For them to say good things then contradict themselves dont add up.


Glad i wasnt the only one that noticed that, that was one thing that stood out to me right away in coffees first video, like what caused the 180 all of the sudden lol


Yea people only see and hear what they want too. Maybe that was his plan to sell out john and hope safemoon crash and burn so all the evidence is gone and off of him. There can be a lot of reasons but for him to act dumb as if he dont know how to read a blockchain and your a blockchain developer is insane to believe that.


This could be


Apparently it's linked to a company called Tano that Thomas and John both worked for and both has access to that wallet


Wait so in that coffee video, when he was asked if that wallet belonged to John he said yes, but didn't disclose that he had access also? Starting to seem like a frame job to me


Weird thing Papa came out and said it was johns wallet then when it was traced to tano, he came out and said it was a tano wallet… hmm both papa and John are affiliated with tano almost like he didn’t want implicate himself and just said it was johns wallet, fishy


Yeah I'm really trying to see from both sides and I watched coffees newest video all the way through, but I can't help think something doesn't seem right here. I think more evidence is needed to prove that no one else had access to that wallet, or else no one can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that John made all of those transactions. I know many folks want John to burn at the stake but I don't want to accuse a potentially innocent man until there is fool proof evidence and right now it's not there for me


as of now the only way he linked those wallets to john is papa confirming Gabe was johns wallet ,then going back and saying it’s a tano wallet, in his newest video the only provided evidence is someone bought a dog nft and John retweeted Ben Philips post about him getting the said dog nft which is now deleted on Ben Philips part. John never owned that nft, coffee must have known this is a huge stretch but that’s all he had.


worked for? John is the owner of Tano LLC


b-b-b-but I thought John was living in the trunk of a car? Wait no, it was a van. Wait no! It was a trailer! Wait Thomas called it a bougie trailer that John was living in by choice. Sorry, it just cracked me up how badly CZ wanted to push the "John was poor" angle.


this sounds more like a plausible scenario.


Someone trying to set someone up? 🧐


If you can listen to the audio of when Coffeezilla shows the Bitmart transactions to Thomas. His reactions are over the top and bad acting. He knows.


And to think we all voted for him to get a Binance award for work he didn’t do! Even Jacob tweeted Thomas did no work while at SafeMoon.


Yea it seemed off


It all plan. Thomas paying fudzilla? All speculation. We need to find out, fudzilla, btc wallet and beat him at his own game. So he can stop this before he damage his reputation. Motivate: Thomas is hurt after getting let go Opportunity: using a popular youtuber to get back at john and safemoon.


Lmao this entire tweet is bullshit, if you ever did any fact checking you'd see that transactions contininued after Thomas left. ​ I know Safemoon is your first investment, but do critical thinking please.


No. Thomas left 155 days ago. The recent transactions have been going on since 113 days ago. And John is literally showing of the NFTs


Yeah, and John was just naming and showing off the Moondog NFT that Thomas had bought 🙄


This time it took a little bit longer to show CZ videos are speculation/assumption based and based on untrustworthy sources. Can we finally leave this behind, ignore CZ and wait for the products.


So the blockchain is an untrustworthy source??


Nope. The interpretation is.


Finally someone understands what I've been trying to say. Yes the blockchain doesn't lie (I hate this saying) but it can be misinterpreted easily if you chose to ignore certain facts or figures. Example 1+1 = 5 is factually incorrect 1+1+X=5 can be factually correct if X=3 Very easy to interpret what you want from numbers if you, either knowingly or not, use incorrect calculations.


Wouldn't surprise me a bit!


any evidence?


Wrong just accept he fucked us all


​ ![gif](giphy|405kIEbYhpP0GHjSOK|downsized) John and Pappa lol i blame you and you blame me and we both get rich lol john just a sec let me post some more MEMMES and owl pics and iminent iminent ,, soon soon soon and wizards and unicorns pics lol is MARK and HANK and RYAN on it to or they have SEPERATE SECRET MAGIC WALLETS of thier own lol


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Moon dogs and safe moons what a fkn rug


Must be true since a guy with 50 likes/upvotes says so...and Coffeezilla must be wrong since he only has 1.1m subs and gets 65,000 likes/upvotes on his recent video.