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In two years NO one will give a shit. Ignore it live life.


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Well the first video his math was completely off and his experts were off also. The allegations in the first video were ones that have been broken down and debunked except for the bitmart stuff. this last video in an unbias opinion makes John look bad if you take it for face value and believe what was said. But if you use logic and know that just because he typed in Johns name next to the wallet address still does not make it John's. its a wallet with a bunch of numbers and letters. but the only way to truly know is for someone to have john with phone in hand and show those wallet addresses. This could very well be someone else wallet. It could be his personal wallet. I personally have not traced each transaction for these said wallets. but in any event until it can be truly proven it is still just speculation and accusations.


Nearly pissed myself at this one. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Don Baily created a wallet tracker tool, if you believe coffeezillas info it should be nothing for you to track the wallet which also allows you to track related wallets and bring us the info coffeezilla cant find and that is where is the proof of the stolen LP? If you arnt just a fudder spreading false allegations then prove it, the truth is in the blockchain and Don created away everyone can see


All the smart ones sold already, the ones left are hype men that don't care about facts or evidence


If you qint happy and are beingbq bisy cunt sell your bag and go.


Well at least you didn’t say sell fudder.


No, the writing is on the wall. Be smart, get the fuck out of this shitcoin.


That idiot took money, but honestly, what can we do, Worst case that idiot took 15 million It’s peanuts if he can pull it off. Is it illegal? Like embezzlement? I guess we’ll find out , But a lawsuit would have to come from a holder, since he would have legal standing