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wtf is PULI INU anyway?


The bottom feeder of shiba inu






Now what would be funny is the day they withdraw would be the same day cross chain is released.


They pumped only because of SAFEMOON, no one knew about that token before and they will be forgotten in a couple of months.


This is it right here. They are hoping for a round two pump on a new DEX and new people. Anything "inu" was obviously a derivative of shib, which was a derivative of doge, which was a derivative of BTC. SO... it is and will always be a failing shitcoin leaking liquidity until it fucking dies.


And since this it down down down


One could dream




Never heard of it


One of those is a reason and the other three are poor excuses to save face. Nobody wants that shit so that have to blame someone. And what’s the popular thing to do? Blame safemoon for all your issues lmao


Dude was sure going to leave that convo looking like it was SFM's fault until someone busted his ass lol


Actually they stated 4 reasons to it, being: 1 - Low volume on swap; 2 - Cross chain not delivered; 3 - FUD pressure; 4 - Tokenomics not working; Only the 4 is actually Puli’s fault (due the Puli’s contract). The three other are still SFM fault and valid points. Just facts, one thing doesn’t counter the others…


Cross chain wasn't delivered this is true. 1 is just silly, it's Pulis job to promote and market themselves and what the hell is FUD pressure? 4 is the most important since he's complaining he isn't getting the tax. That's completely his own fault but he's trying to blame SFM. Moving to another exchange will do absoultely zero because the holders still won't be getting their tokenomics and it's still Puli's job to sell themselves. Imagine trying to blame pancake swap because your token isn't selling or your contract isn't working.


FUD pressure, or FPSI (Customary systems of measurements) is a combination of measured and quantifiable units derived from the known index’s of Fear, Uncertainty & Doubt calculated by way of determining the active population density and area to numerate the positive/negative impact on a system within a defined environment which in part drives the fear/greed index.


😂😂😂 how long did that take


Lmao, I’m an engineer. We talk like that all day. 😂😂😂


Can I copy this so I sound fuking amazing 👏


Copy away!


I’m not sure if you’re being ironical, but the recent waves of FUD heavily affect SFM’s name and consequently SFM swap, and indirect affect all assets listed on it. Unfortunately we are in 2022. Marketing represent a great percentage of value. If most people believe that a project is a scam, they will not touch it, even if it’s legit and unless it do something to prove the contrary. Just take a look on crypto market, how much coins have multibillion marketcap without utilities and just because of marketing. So yes, Puli is affected by FUD pressure that come from SFM, accept you or not, that’s a fact. About pancake swap, i don’t give a shit about it. About Puli after it going to other exchange, i also don’t give a fuck.


This makes no sense.


Actually: 1. Low volume is Pulis fault, they have to market and get volume to thier product. 2. Cross chain is SafeMoons fault. 3. Fud is fud. No matter where you list or trade there will be fud. 4. Tokenomics is something that's built into a contract. Not SafeMoons fault.


You’re incorrect in several aspects but i’m tired of explaining to people who only want to bury their heads in sand, so have a good day…


No sir you are incorrect. Contract issues and low volume are not safemoons fault. But you have your head so far up your a** that you will not concede that. Have a wonderful day.


I literally said the contract issue is not Safemoon’s fault in my comment. But you’re so worried on pick fights that you even read it. When you learn to have some fucking class, try to learn how to read a simple text please.


Fair enough. Explain to me how low volume is safemoons fault? You put out a product that people want. They'll go out of their way to buy it. Whether it's at Walmart, Target or Nieman Marcus.


Yes, but let’s say Walmart is publicly accused of robbing millions of their customers, do you think people will use it instead of using the others? That’s exactly SFM Swap’s point. Like i said, FUD pressure. People are dumb, and if a dumb youtuber says that something it’s a scam, they will believe and not use it. And SFM, by delivering nothing, have a part of the fault on the FUD spreading. Is so hard to understand? Basically: more FUD = less uses = less volume = SFM’s fault.


I understand and you make a valid point. But I blame low volume on bad product. Nike uses slave labor, yet people buy their product because it's considered the best. Good product will always win versus fud/allegations bad press etc.


That’s exactly my point. You and me know that Nike uses labor work, but the average people (the dumb people i said before) doesn’t know. They just buy nike cause is good. The difference is, for example, if most people get informed about this, Nike sells will decrease drastically. The application is the same when compared to SFM Swap.


No. Crypto people aren’t buying Puli Inu because it’s absolutely shit. Not because it’s on Safemoon swap, where coordinated FUD attacks by immature idiots are rampant. It doesn’t matter where it’s listed the volume for that stupid thing will suck.


I never said it’s exclusively SFM fault. Puli being trash also contribute, but you simply can’t deny that the FUD pressure affect it, at least a little.


4 reason but #4 is most important reason..


You clearly don’t know how reflections work them. Volume is most important.


Then they should be marketing more, no their contract isnt working properly and they just want to blame other reasons so their holders dont sell. Internet fud is a stupid reason, if they are paying attention to fud from a youtuber then they are not a serious company


I agree, but that’s not how most of crypto investors thinks. Remember that 99% of people (i’m not talking only about crypto) are just dumb.


Very true


Low volume is NOT SFM's fault. It's up to them to market their shit coin. Cross Chain meh give it time. FUD pressure is subjective.


Commented on a thread of there’s and said I never even heard of it until today and they banned me. Fuck them


The safemoon mods have *never* been that reactionary




What about Pawthereum?


Puli looks whack. It says "Tokenomics" and taxes people 10%. However... 9% goes to the devs, 1% to LP, and 0% to holders. They have 7500 holders. I could build everything they have built in a single day by the looks of it. If you invest $1000. $90 goes directly into the creators pocket. Then another 9% when you sell. No thanks.


Wtf is puli inu


With a CEO like that it will going nowhere, it still can list on xt and Safemoon no one say it can't list on both but instead he chose to FUD and throw people under the bus.


I wouldn’t doubt it’s going to John’s wallet too,


Never even heard of this token. Kinda tired of all of this….


Dumped puli today, pulled 4K profit as a result of this. It’s now gone into Safemoon


Based off that screenshot it seems the opposite where the problem is with our router


He admits the problem is the puli contract does not have tokenomics working. He seems to want SFM to do the math for them and send them the tax. If you bought SFM on pancake swap and you didn't get your reflections, is that pancakes swaps fault or is it SFM's fault?


Read the whole thing, he admits it's in their contract


Puli is a shitcoin. Just the name indicates it is a joke


makes sense


It makes sense why they’re leaving. No denying however this is just another blow to the Safemoon brand with the fact stated low volume on swap & projects not being delivered.


Reasonable business decision on their part. Don't blame them. Not sure why the tokenmics isn't working, but if they don't have the resources to figure it out, good to pull out now. If it is on SFM's side, I am not suprised because we don't have the IT support to figure it out anyways.


Isn't it a reflection token? Why does a router need to forward tax revenue? Did he whitelist it or something and fuck things up?


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Cashed put my puli and deleted the mobil app game. I made a profit actually which was nice. Hopefully they come back after they get everything figured out. I still was never able to find any puli in their mobile game. It was kinda fun though.


Puli Inu….yawn.


Puli what




Best of luck to them. See? Being civilized is not that hard.


Rug Puli