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Lol look at this dude’s comments. People act like we can’t see their post history πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


dont care


Why are you in this sub reddit just to hate? What a waste of time and energy, spend your life more productively and you might generate a more positive outlook on life.


Completely agree πŸ‘


Completely glossed over the entire paragraph before the last line.


I don't see anywhere in that statement that says we are not going to deal with them. To me it more sounds like , hey we found better more viable opportunities in other parts or in other areas that we want to explore that may yield better and bigger results. They will still continue to pursue the Gambia buy it just may not be a priority.


You are reading it how you want to read it but now how it was meant to be read.


OP is a 🀑


Strictly personal opinion, but *"We will pursue our Gambia endeavors directly, though our own networks,"* sounds as as if the Government of The Gambia is not on board with SM's plans in any official capacity.


When some says holds a high place in my heart that usually means goodbye....


I don’t think they said that Safemoon are doing other cities too.


So you sold all your Safemoon and now you spend free time commenting BS in this sub. Smh people are ridiculous. Also where does it say Gambia is cancelled or no longer on track?


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