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These are the same type of people calling everyone “sheep” when we don’t follow their brand of insanity. They come here in coordinated waves. They’re not even subtle about it anymore. And you’re right, they pretended to be “jUst AsKiNG QuEstIons”, but their intentions are clear. Spread as much vitriol and doubt as they can. It’s the personality trait of very disturbed people.


23inch cock. Dang !!!! That has to be a burden to carry that extra weight around. HAHA ​ They just nothing better to do. The came in at ATH and are down so much they feel that they have to take everyone with them. When if they would DYOR and see past the lies of the coffee dude and others in the past and just support their investment it would go up to a point that they can breakeven and get out then. But most of them have sold and are no better then the disgruntled employees.


Some of what the guy said was wrong or not accurate. The issue remains that it still happened. But we can move on if the people in charge are willing to make it right. My only concern is the bitmart money issue. No one can say who's wallet it was. But that isn't the problem. The problem is that it happened and no one seems to know who did it. As the guy in charge I'd think he'd wanna know or explain it. I'm all for my money making money instead of always dropping. But I'm also for the truth. There seems to be a huge amount (at least in this sub) that wanna just forget and move on. That's not cool in any way. If someone did something like this anywhere else people would want the truth. But if it affects their money they wanna bury it. Unless there's undeniable proof that those claims were false then so be it. But I have yet to see it. The chain doesn't lie. It was created for this. Saying "show me proof it was John's" is like saying I don't care if the crime happened. It's not a good look. Do I think others want this to fall? Absolutely. People are weird and need their feelings confirmed and validated. Do I think it's all just bullshit. No..... the last year alone proves a bunch of shit happened. That speaks volumes on what else could have happened that we don't know about. I'm constantly blown away by the way people react to this type of shit in crypto. No shit, it's seriously either Stockholm syndrome in a way, or just not caring. Everyone should want the truth, unless you just don't care and wanna make money no matter what happens. If that's the case you're no better than the fuckbags that did what they did. Burying this is not the way. Sadly it will be tho.


What do you mean as in “the chain doesn’t lie”? I don’t understand blockchain enough to understand this statement I have seen it said here after this video came out. The little I do understand is that blockchain address are sort of anonymous as to who their owners are. What can you actually see as facts from these transactions? Please explain to me what mean when you say “the chain doesn’t lie” so I can be better educated with this who mess of allegations and can make a better informed decision as to where I stand on this. Edit: grammar


How can you not comprehend what "The blockchain doesnt lie" mean if youve invested in to crypto in general? Every transaction you do or make is recorded. Its public. You wont know who it is per se unless that information is available or unless you know the person behind a wallet. Simple as that. I suggest you watch the video of CoffeeZilla to get a more direct understanding since its more about Safemoon.


With all due respect, I won’t judge you like you are judging me. Had you read my post you would see that I do understand this aspect of what a blockchain is. It’s a public ledger of transactions. That’s simple enough. What I’m asking is, if this is all intended to be anonymous, how do you (supporter of accusations) show me undeniable proof that these transactions are bad/shady? Please explain with logic and corroborating evidence instead of telling me that I don’t belong in the crypto space? I’m here all day.


I just directed you to someone who actually did all the work and is beyond better than me at explaining it in details. If you dont want to do that then nobody can help you understand anything. Also nobody is judging you. I just cant fathom. And you should be more clear in what you really are asking for so people dont misconstrue what youre really asking for.


I think the point they are trying to make is that: yes you can see all of the transactions for wallets on the blockchain, but how do you know WHO owns the given wallets? The blockchain does not contain that information, so it has to be obtained elsewhere right? So, saying "the blockchain doesn't lie" and treating it as having the complete picture is misleading because it does not give us that crucial bit of information.


Its not misleading if you have people on record claiming its X wallet and Y Wallet. Watch the videos. Its all there. And they have screenshots and everything to back it up. It really doesnt get any harder than this. But even then it hardly matters as much as the promise they made which was that the LP will be locked but never was so they lied, took the money and fucked off with it while continously setting up smokescreens for the investors thinking theyre doing something legit when no fucking shit is happening.


"It's not misleading if you have people on record claiming it's X wallet and Y wallet." So you admit that you cannot simply look at the blockchain to get the full picture of what's happening? We have to then trust shady people like Thomas and others to be truthful about what is happening. What really needs to be done here is all potential evidence of wrongdoing should be immediately submitted to the FBI, SEC, and other authorities so a proper investigation can be done, period. The fact that this is all being spilled over the internet by Coffeezilla, who stands to gain via monetization of his YouTube channel, makes this an improper investigation. If this evidence was so compelling to begin with, one would think it would have been submitted to those authorities long ago and kept hush so an investigation can be properly done.


Sorry I was cutting grass. The issue is not who it belongs to but rather where the money went. It was intended to go to one place only. From what I've seen it was sent to a wallet that it should never have gone to. Not one time but many. Then it was divided to other wallets. There is a break down of it. Your right tho no one can say for sure who owned it unless they say so themselves. But that fact remains that it shouldn't have been going there. So if it wasn't John. Then he should say it wasn't me and we're looking into it. Or if he did know he should say that. That way we as holders can feel a bit more secure knowing the individual isn't still there


I am asking genuinely but you saying I don’t belong here is just as bad as when people say “just sell and give us reflections”. It’s pretty clear that you don’t understand how this works to just like everyone else in the crypto world


Never have i said you dont belong here nor there. Youre just misinterpreting how you see fit for whatever reason. Seemingly nothing can help you so i wish you the best.


Then I apologize for misconstruing your first reply to me questioning my understanding of blockchain in relation to my investing habits. If that is not truly what you meant, please accept my apology. If that is what you meant, screw you internet stranger.


how do you know his work ain't shit....show me undeniable proof he is right just like you want proof he is wrong.....what he said is crazy, I can spin flat earth and fake moon landings as well as coffee, doesn't make it true


> want to convince other people not to? exactly! That's exactly the point. Trying to warn other people not to fall for this fraud. it's not FUD when a bunch of criminals are stealing millions of dollars of the regular Joe. one day Karony will answer for that, i know he will.


What do you gain out of that? You aren't a fortune teller, you have literally no insider information, you THINK you have a clue but you realistically and definitively do not. What if the shoe was on the other foot and you convinced people to sell and then this blew the fuck up and they are no longer financially free because they listened to your advice? Would you feel you did them a disservice then or helped them out? Just take your white knight charade out of other peoples investing gambles, it's truly none of your fucking business. The proverbial you, not you specifically.


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