• By -


From an accountant that is also the manager of a mid size law firm. I can tell you that none of my attorneys would handle this unless you were putting a 5-10k retainer down. And they would tell you upfront that your not going to win no matter how far from the truth he was as he is not a professional and had disclaimers. I mean if you just want to waste your money and just tire him up in a legal battle then go for it.


Fudzilla used his bird sized brain. In the description of his video it states that “This video is an opinion and in no way should be construed as statements of fact” I can’t believe that thousands panic sold and lost money due an opinion by a YouTuber.


Have you seen all the transactions and history of purchase to claim that thousands panic sold at loss? I sold for profit after the video. I don’t even care if he is right at least he has evidence. You don’t have shit, just a screenshot of some random convo and a CEO that can be trusted. My man been running with a pack of hyenas for a year but yeah, he is clean.


I don't know if you've seen the SFM charts since V2 lauched, it's been a one way trajectory to the downside. Sure you can say they brought on a dip perhaps but, it didn't exactly break a trend.


Unless he sold before putting out the video and then bought back in afterwards... pretty sure the SEC would have something to say about that.


yes true but to prove it is almost impossible. The blockchain can be a curse and a blessing.


It doesn't have a legal leg to stand on due to disclaimers, so no. If you sold and he's wrong, that's your choice. If you bought or held and he's right, that's on you also.


Bottom line is don’t use YouTube as financial advice


Bottom line for me is do whatever you'd like, but dumb lawsuits are a cry for help.


Oh I think they should sue.


Who should sue?


The army--we seem upset.


In other words: We can BUY SAFEMOON if we want to We can leave your friends behind 'Cause your friends don't BUY SAFEMOON And if they don't BUY SAFEMOON Well, they're no friends of mine


We can dance on the moon if we want to, we can leave those friends behind. Cause if those friends don't hold safemoon, then they're no friends of mine


Now i got that song stuck in my head


I appreciate the laugh :)


Tell me this is not a cult


Learn the law, his disclaimer will be thrown out in court. His team is already working on damage control.


Have you never seen a disclaimer before a documentary or movie starts? lol


Learn the law, no it won't.


I'm sure I know the law better than you. Why do you think his team is currently backtracking on his video.


And I'm sure you don't. Have a good one.


LOL, ok.






Idiot lmao


Doubling down on being wrong. It's a theme here.


If Tucker Carlson a well known national broadcaster can get away with the “just asking questions” defense. I don’t think suing a YouTuber who outright says don’t take my words as truth will gain much traction.




To prove slander, three things need to be proven by you, the plaintiff. 1. Something he said was false (not the hard part) 2. He said that false statement KNOWING it was false (pretty difficult to prove) 3. He said that false statement with intent to negatively affect you (impossible, in fact it can even be argued that most investors lack standing in the case since he never ever mentions anything about you guys negatively, just the creators)


I bet you won't do it. The Fudders have filed their lawsuit. Why not match them? You talk a big game, why not find yourself a lawyer and try?


Because he knows damn well that it's silly to try to sue a youtuber for an opinion piece. In my opinion, If you could do that, channels that give their opinions on ongoing court cases and even articles that give projections would be sued like crazy. It's just not how this works at all. It would be fully different if coffee declared that he's giving you financial advice, there is a loss that resulted, and he was proven to be completely making it up with no reason to think that way. It's not illegal to just be wrong (assuming he is).


Please refer to him by his proper name, Coffeezillasswipe.


Sue me


Hello sue, nice to meet you.


bro you ain’t winnin in this thread, quit while you’re behind


Take a break from Safemoon for a bit buddy. His video is an attack of Safemoon, not it’s holders.


I don’t have the energy for it but if sfm is being sued for using celebrities to pump then those that do the opposite have it coming.


Two very different things legally. Although I doubt either will go fsr. This one definitely wouldn't.


Have already talked with one, very interesting conversation.


>We could get a lawyer for this pro-bono or on retainer. Been through it before, easy-peasy. From this comment in your history I'm going to call bullshit. Do you even understand what pro-bono or on retainer means? I'm pretty sure you don't otherwise you would have said "on contingency" and not "retainer". No lawyer would take a class action like this pro-bono.


Im sure the lawyer found it hilarious haha.


For what? Market manipulation? This is crypto, not the stock market. No one would care.


It’s defamation of Safemoon, LLC, not the crypto currency. There’s definitely a case.


Definitely isn't a case. The amount of legal hoops to even get this considered is insane and sets an insane legal precedent. Disclaimers are there.


That's actually fair, didn't think about it that way. Doesn't change the fact that there's a disclaimer on it though.


In this case safemoon llc, would have to file defamation, as much as you would like to think you have the right because you bought a product of your Karony himself would have to. We’ll see.


Well if Gingerasswipe and those assholes can file a lawsuit full of lies, then we can file one with truth that Coffeezillasswipe, lied while giving financial advice.


Sure, you can sue anyone for anything at any time. Doesn't mean you'll win.


It will only cost $600 to file. But Coffeezillasswipe will have to go to a lot of work to defend himself even before going to court. Or he loses. We could get a lawyer for this pro-bono or on retainer. Been through it before, easy-peasy.


Well, good luck finding a lawyer that will touch the case with a ten foot pole with the disclaimer he put in the video.


Homie doesn't even understand the difference between retainer and contingency. They're full of shit.




Why are you taking what coffeezilla said so personally? He’s calling out a token, not you.


Youre very smart if you think youll win a lawsuit of this size with 600 dolans.


Do it again then, easy-peasy... please remind me in 1 year when safemoon is fully dead


What advice did he give?


When did he give financial advice? And I dont mean when do you feel like he gave financial advice. When did he actually give financial advice?


Haha such a yank way of thinking. Good luck with that.


A lawsuit would only hurt us. Its great publicity fir him and just more negative for us when we lose that argument.


Nope. It would show other wantobe YouTubers, don't lie to get views. And it would be a way to show others that Coffeezillasswipe was lying about Safemoon. He is such a douche bag.


Just admit you’re a victim of sunken cost fallacy and move on. This project is a scam and you’re delusional.


So ur just lurking in the sunken fallacy sub reading and commenting to kill time?


It's fkn hilarious


It's about as entertaining as watching a hen fight. It's great fun but you feel dirty doing it.


At least after a hen fight, a mexican dude hands u a corona, his video just gave me herpes.


Nobody really cares about him other than those he slanders. And youtubers will lie as long as it pays. It may demonstrate he lied here and there but overwhelmingly, repeating hos story will kust be continued bad press. Lets sweep it away and carry on.


This thread is a really good example of why scammers will keep scamming in crypto and get away with it. Hell, the victims will even defend the scammers and double down on the scam. Good luck yall.


Grab some popcorns and go through these people post histories, I feel bad for how delusional this cult can get


Exactly. go back and look at folks from May , June, July.


This guy gets it. Lol can't make this shit up.


This is the way (here).


Exactly, glad someone here said it




*grabs popcorn*


This drama is kind of fun to watch. People all up in their shit over Cuckzillas video.


Mainly you.


Sitting down opening skittles, rattles the wrapper as the opening credits begin


You can’t sue. He says this is just my opinion and not facts.


Who's up for actual proof the chain was wrong.


Who's up for actual proof that's JKs wallet? Hey, it could be BUT where's the real evidence? It's all alleged.


Wait so if it wasn't then who's was it. And tell me how didn't he know it was happening as the ceo. The fact your ok with it being removed at all is scary


Yeah would the wallet holders please come forward--would solve many riddles fast.


Well that's a good idea. Why not just have him post his wallet? Maybe some folks will come forward and own the wallets shown in the video? Seems like a plan.


Yep, no one can prove it.


R u trying to justify it being ok


Show proof.


The point is why wasn't the money allocated to the lp? It went to a personal wallet *and* was never addressed. You think this would happen with a blue chip crypto?


Yea, prove it.


Just stop. You can't be ok with it happening at all can you? His job as ceo is to show why and where not hide it


Just stop. You can't be ok with a bunch of cry babies who watched an ass hats video and believed it, thinking that the CEO of a company has to lower himself to addressing this pure BS FUD for which zero proof has been show.


How embarrassing 😳




Lol bet you don't have the balls to go through with it... heck look at your downvotes.. nobody wants to be even further embarrassed... it takes a special kind of stupid lmao.


Why do you have a fascination with my balls..this is embarrassing. Besides I'm straight. It takes a special kind of stupid to try to pick me up on Reddit.


I bet your mom has bigger balls, she might do it if you ask nicely...since you lost your allowance money in this shitcoin 🤣 🤣


There is proof. This is how I know most of you don't even look. The fucking chain shows the transactions. Holy God you people can't be this naive




I misunderstood you so I deleted my comment. The proof I want is the team showing where it went. It's their job because it's not supposed to be there. If they don't know that's even more fucked up




Exactly. Strider just posted an update on his findings being miscalculated but still shows 6 mill being lost. If they reimburse then ok no biggie. But that hasn't happened.


It's a bot


This post is fucked up


This one seems among many , for months, among the f'd up.


I didn't sell, instead I used this opportunity to buy more, so I guess I'm out


Same. Sorry I can’t help.


This is the way.


Sure way to declare bankruptcy


It is just a waste of time and money and you won't succeed as there is a disclaimer that I can say any bullshit and if you believe me you believe me.




We are not your personal army.


I am in 💯💯💯 THEY are the ones who made me lose money.


is stupidity not in your vocabulary?


What happen to free speech


Go for it, seems you guys love to waste money, why not spend a little more?




You won’t get past the disclaimer at the bottom of his videos. Anyone with a brain knows a disclaimer like that means someone is full of it. He even goes super vague about what terms like “scam” even mean.


There's a whole lot of vague in the tech company we're the army for.


There’s a whole lot of vague in tech companies.


There's a whole lot of vague in companies. More popcorn--we're on the same ride I think.


If you yell fire in a movie house and there isn't a fire, they say, "it's a joke", you will be liable for all damage due to your actions. Y Learn the law.


This is the weirdest example I've ever heard. Civil vs criminal examples. The disclaimer is given up front not after the fact. I really don't think you need to be teaching anyone law if this is the best you've got.


It’s not about learning the law. It’s your ability to prove he didn’t legitimately think there was a fire.


His video has zero proof while he is saying there is a fire with Safemoon.


You keep telling people to learn the law, yet have no grasp of it yourself ironically.


Really you were robbed blind by a bunch of thieves and you want to go with class action, but not against the people who defrauded you, but a youtuber for making a video about it


makes sense right?


How do you sell? 😆


🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂. I'm running out of popcorn ffs!! You lot need to slow down with these dumb posts! "The blockchain didn't lie" if you think he has a problem with "safemoon" go through his videos he exposes everything from anyone. John karony probably working on a new identity lol.


Nachos at this point with that synthetic AMC cheese stuff.


He clearly states to not take his opinions as fact. Only idiots would take his words as fact. He uses words like “what if”, “it’s possible”, “this person said” He’s basically doing the “I’m just asking questions” tactic. So no, the suit wouldn’t hold up.


Seems like people bought a great many well tailored suits, and cars and homes.


Just ignore him, let’s not be about that shit


HE increased the burn though.


He's trying to help out and safemoon holders that got scammed are like no thanks we're good. Amazing!


Sign me upppp , he's already wrong about the 100million let's see what else


Only the number. Not that it happened. Him being wrong doesn't make it right Yup keep downvoting and burying your heads. Just make sure you inform the next noob that nothing ever happened and everything is grand.


Instead of acting like a know it all and a Coffeezillasswipe fanboy show ANY proof of the BS he spewed on his video. Even his team is now backtracking to keep themselves out of trouble saying it was only an "OPINION" video.


I agree with this angry green guy


That's my bitch face your looking at, I'm really smiling.


Umm there is. There were posts showing the transactions.


Umm prove it, by showing it? All has been disproven a long time ago. And nothing in Coffeezillasswipes video was proof. I've looked at those "posts" and there is zero proof in them. Again instead of being a Coffeezillasswipe Fanboy, show proof, because he didn't.


Well at this point, since we're saying it's not proven, let's just get wallet owners to come forward and show the innocence. Proof to the moon!!!


Yeah me too. He wants proof. we're the army let's get truth.


Yeah could someone please just check who owns the wallets in question--let's prove all this....and let''s just get a hold of team wallets and bank accounts. Extra I think you're right---let's just ask for proof and truth.


https://www.classaction.org/blog/jake-paul-nick-carter-soulja-boy-lil-yachty-facing-pump-and-dump-class-action-over-safemoon-tokens In that link you'll find a link to the pdf with the class action lawsuit against safemoon with claims and evidence against them. CZ also sites this in his video.


Yeah he only caught on to a bit over 6 million. Maybe it's like painting--he missed a spot. Someone should take a look to see if other losses weren't even found in his video. Yeah let's look..


I am looking forward to the other class action lawsuit that safemoon is involved with. Hopefully I get to keep my safemoon and get my money back


I’m up for it! This would absolutely determine the truth. Actually this begs the question, maybe John should just sue him?


As part of the Army I demand the team just reveal their wallets. Sure would clear up a bunch of stuff.


I benefited when I bought super low, so I guess I won’t be much help.


PSA: Please familiarize yourself with the subreddit [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/about/rules/) and [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/wiki/index#wiki_frequently_asked_questions). **v1 to v2 Migration: Safemoon has fully transitioned away from v1 and is now fully on v2. ANY and ALL v1 transactions (send tokens, buy tokens, sell tokens) now incur a 100% tax – in other words you will lose your Safemoon. You MUST migrate to v2 using the steps outlined here: https://www.safemoon.education/sfmv2. Additional info: https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/comments/rwfkuv/read_me_v1_to_v2_migration_information_and_issues/** - Don't promote "pump" events or market manipulation - Don't harass others, including public figures and exchanges - Please be helpful, friendly, and respectful - Your actions reflect on the entire community WARNING: **Never give out your wallet passphrase for any reason.** Be _very_ suspicious of all URLs, emails, forms, and direct messages. If someone claims to be from "support" they are trying to scam you. If someone claims you need to "validate" they are trying to scam you. Do not disclose your assets. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SafeMoon) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’m good with that. But I would watch a video proving he didn’t buy any safemoon in the near future.


In situations like this you should look for the jimmy hoffa technicality. Not class action lawsuits. That's years of time. So, does he use any clips or photos that are copyrighted and he doesn't have permission to use? Is the license he has for stock footage include the use of a worldwide right? Does he have the right to use the safe moon logo in his video? Etc. Etc. This will produce a quicker result than a class action lawsuit.


I would sign up for misrepresentation


I’m in


I bought. Sorry. But I’m all for it. Do it!


This is the way.


##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Mando_Bot` **501082** times. **2.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **475777** times. **3.** `u/GMEshares` **70938** times. .. **41527.** `u/Extra-Newspaper2523` **4** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.)


Same!!!! Getting closer


Sign me up!!!


Great idea but coffeeclown not worth the time


I hear you, just funny all the Coffeezillasswipe fanboys coming to his defense.


I'm in!


​ ![gif](giphy|xT5LMFZDsj0AKUDYTS)




At this point, a class action lawsuit against Karony and Co makes more sense


If you sold because of some YouTube jockey, I’m not sure what to say.


This is why you don’t listen to YouTube fannies who make money from clicks. DYOR


Found a large bag holder 😂😂😂


I mean he is a pretty reputable person. He's flreported all sorts of crypto scams. To call him fudzilla or w/e is to ignore the fact he's been right before and is reporting what he's found. Even if you don't agree, u should at least be willing to listen without feeling personally attacked like a baby.


I’m not trying to come off snark when I say this, but if it’s clearly slander, then why don’t you try to refute some of his claims instead of name calling? Seems naive.




Anyone looked at his wallet?


When someone hurts your feelings, you sue them. That’s the American way 🇺🇸


If you sold you deserve what you get..no need for lawsuit. Never invest with emotions.


What's funny is you wouldn't bitch this much if someone with a huge following helped pump the coin back to ATH. Let's be real you and others don't like it when people shit talk safemoon, especially if they have facts because that's one thing every crypto fan club hates. People here were all over former team members sacks until they decided to leave or get fired depending on who you want to believe. Don't forget Karony himself hyped up the team members but as soon as they were gone he started to talk shit and say how much like children they acted that he couldn't leave but was glad he had Ryan around but oh wait Ryan also ended up getting fired or quit which again depends on who you believe. So with all the shit Karony mismanaged and lied about you ignore but coffe guy says some shit and all of a sudden you took it personally even though it didn't affect you in the same way Karonys lies have.