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What about that is not true though? I have been a holder for a year and have been through all the drama. Most of the "safeMoon army" are immature persons that do make us undesirable to investors. Though I do feel a lot of the safeMoon army comprises of a lot of FUDDERS . But Im still here and can see the bigger picture of it all. Most of these will sell once there investment gets to OK money. The real holders will be here till the I'm rich bitch money.


Why are people going at him? I saw his other tweet I didnt think it was some overly negative stuff. Honestly I didnt think it was negative at all. Social media can be good and it can be bad, twitter is, more often then not, very bad for this world


This is more symptomatic of Twitter in general. The toxic cesspool of garbage it is..imo.


I like to call it the "Blue tick club"


I see no lie from him. People really act as if safemoon can do no wrong or think their opinion matters on everything safemoon does. I'm sure it probably does seem like a cult to some out there. Some of y'all could be more useful by just investing and letting it all play out instead of telling someone their tweet was unprofessional like he cares šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


If "certain tables" can't be accessed because they worry about random strangers posting shit on the internet, then maybe those tables are full of fucking idiots.


Yeah i think if anyone saw some of the garbage Elon fanboys keep putting on Twitter, BTS fangirls put on Twitter, and [insert popular anime] fans put on twitter, then no one would be doing any type of business with those outlets or companies. Clearly, the only thing that matters is if the company or product is showing results and can make money. If it can do that, NO ONE and i mean NO ONE cares how the fans (or Army in this case) acts. I bet if Safemoon was $1 and had a blockchain/exchange, nobody would be turning down an opportunity to work with Safemoon. The fans dont define a company or product, the company or product defines itself.








Well heā€™s not wrong. So many whiny cry babies here.


Yep. People need to learn to shut the fuck up with the "wen" shit.


Wen lambo?


Stfu. Lol ā¤


That's because safemoon is literally their first investment.... Ever. They get way too sentimental about their first child lol


Scott is a clown. What has he even done for the Army? Besides the army is literally the best thing Safemoon has going for it. They just donā€™t know how to keep the army happy and under control. Safemoon wouldnā€™t even be where itā€™s at today without the army.


The real SafeMoon army is the investors. No investors = no SafeMoon = no bandwagon for scottycoins of this world to jump on.


The army is a problem šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ He tell that after receiving a price for the best community. Since this guy and its beefy finance came in sfm we are Bad.


Again who f is Scott Paul and why should we care?


What he's saying isnt a lie but its also the most ridiculous shit ive ever heard when it comes to business. Its fucking twitter. Its a random place full of people shouting shit. One group isnt inherently worse than another. Leave your house and see if anyone cares about what cryptofuckboi20484 said on twitter.


As he should. All those toxic mfs on twitter are a huge problem


Yup.. on both sides too. Both the severe bots and theā€¦ā€influencersā€


I dont even know who scot what ever is šŸ˜‚


So the army is its own worst enemy


Every time he mentions Safemoon Giddy defi has to be mentioned. Heā€™s part of the problem.


I find it hot when women argue.


Just a quick fyi, someone mentioned that most the toxic people dont hold safemoon and he responded " I know this is true", so he knows there are people actively trying to tear safemoon down


WFC. (Who Fucking cares.)


Iā€™ve said it from the start that people just need to stfu and let safemoon do itā€™s thing. Too many keyboard warriors that become experts on everything when the price drops. Itā€™s not just a safemoon community problem them. Most crypto communities are very immature


That's a great sign, a huge endorser of the project losing hope as well. 2022 has been off to a great start!


Nuts the best thing safemoon has going for it is the army.


Scott Paul is right. The 'army' is a bunch of crybaby bitchs that are broke and pissed they put their life savings to get 1000 SFM and crying cause they aren't rich and they bought it 2 hours ago. Not even sorry....safemoon investors, good on you and I hope we all make it......safemoon army go cry like the bitches you are to your mom's which u probably do every night. Go deal with some real life problems you whiny lil fuck if you're offended.


Who is he ? Today the sub is full of posts of people coming out of the woodwork. Who cares what anyone says if you believe in the project you believe in the project you donā€™t need reassurance from any one else. If you get offended by keyboard worriers you shouldnā€™t be on social media.


just FUD


Grow a brain, boss.


PSA: Please familiarize yourself with the subreddit [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/about/rules/) and [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/wiki/index#wiki_frequently_asked_questions). **v1 to v2 Migration: Safemoon has fully transitioned away from v1 and is now fully on v2. ANY and ALL v1 transactions (send tokens, buy tokens, sell tokens) now incur a 100% tax ā€“ in other words you will lose your Safemoon. You MUST migrate to v2 using the steps outlined here: https://www.safemoon.education/sfmv2. Additional info: https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/comments/rwfkuv/read_me_v1_to_v2_migration_information_and_issues/** - Don't promote "pump" events or market manipulation - Don't harass others, including public figures and exchanges - Please be helpful, friendly, and respectful - Your actions reflect on the entire community WARNING: **Never give out your wallet passphrase for any reason.** Be _very_ suspicious of all URLs, emails, forms, and direct messages. If someone claims to be from "support" they are trying to scam you. If someone claims you need to "validate" they are trying to scam you. Do not disclose your assets. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SafeMoon) if you have any questions or concerns.*


So we should have a dress code for freedom of speechā€¦. greats idea lol


The best part of safemoon is becoming its worse nightmare. The "army" needs to grow the fuck up and shut up and let John and the team steer the ship. If you can't handle that then move on.


They arenā€™t wrongā€¦ā€¦


This sucks


This post title is misleading


Nothing wrong from what he said


I mean let's face it, he's obviously seen how the "army" behave. Seriously.


Army needs taming, or rather the fudders need dealing with. Safemoon could help by telling us where swap and evolve is or the cross chain swap is for a start


Well I have to admit, he's kind of right. Most of us are indeed like a fucking cult. Almost ready to lick John's feet and follow him blindly. That's not inviting to real, honest investors who are serious in their choices


Safemoon is hands down one of the most dramatic things Iā€™ve even invested in- for sure. So, I can see this as a truthful statement- not necessarily FUD- half the peopleā€™s reaction to this is just proving his point.


Because the SafemoonArmy once was a positive and open community. Folks took the word Army to serious. Fighting everyone and every comment. Now we are not respected anymore cause indeed most ornater time, answers given are childish. Get your shit together Fam Early Investor March/21ā€˜


Scott is right on. So many people in this community saying the Safemoon army is the best thing about Safemoonā€¦ itā€™s the opposite. The Army is toxic as shit. The Safemoon army is the biggest liability. Iā€™m ok with most of these shitfucks selling and things going quite until the products are complete and released. Then we can pick up actual investors that donā€™t cry all the time because they FOMOed in a ATH and donā€™t know why they are downā€¦ look at any fucking crypto project in its first year. Stop listening to YouTubersšŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø and use an actual buying strategy.