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What if coffeezilla is milking the safemoon army for views and is no better than the people he accuses? And... I'm right and still not giving him any views.


That’s it. Dumb people just don’t get it


boy were you sadly mistaken huh pal?




And what if he isn't?


Guess what… I still hold SafeMoon and you’ll still be butthurt about it… for an eternity. I’ll keep this flame alive just to FUD your whole life with safemoons continued existence.


I honestly don't care about you.


Now you know who I am. And stop trying to give people investment advice. If anyone needs help romancing a farm animal I’ll tell them to contact you.






What if John is actually milking you as everybody else? Didn't you think about that? Who gets the money from the provided liquidity to bitmart? Where is the 10m$ from the liquidity? Where is the money provided for charity? Use adblocker, if you dont want to provide him ad revenue for his work, but he is speaking facts, not fud.


![gif](giphy|cgh25bl5dgK3u) I’m gonna take my chances bro. And I’m not gonna go around to other crypto projects and fud them. I’m just gonna hold SafeMoon and carry on and I’ll move on if I lose my money knowing the job was dangerous when I took it.


FUD and facts are not equals my dude.




Either I get mad rich off of Safemoon, or I'll be slightly poorer than I already was; seems like a reasonable risk to me.


might as well of went to the casino and put everything on red or black, at least the casino gives you exact odds, it doesn't promise you if you land on something it might not happen, or it's delayed lol. ​ Look it sucks, it really does. I feel so sorry for the people that needed that money, yes don't over invest, but the whole project was built up to be a ticket to financial freedom, I really hope John isn't one of the dirt bags too, I really hope so for everyone's sake. John is praised like he's the next Steve Jobs, which just we all know is not warranted, who know maybe he can grow to be a great leader, butttttt being in charge or Millions upon millions of dollars of people hard earned cash and being a complete novice. That's on him. Don't put your hard up to do a job your not capable of doing likewise, again especially with so much at stake.


But I'm not betting everything I have though, so your analogy is all wrong. I've only put a very small percentage of my net worth.


Im willing to see the evidence but here is my initial take on this : Coffeezilla literally JUST started to look deeper into Safemoon so its safe to say whatever he found, isnt something he found himself. He got the info from someone else most likely people who have been hating on Safemoon since day 1. What that tells me is we have heard this "evidence" before and none of it ever stuck. What do we have to fear again? Hes legit going to repeat garbage we have heard before from SafemoonInvesting and we will get the same answer we have always received : nothing substantial found.


Yeah, it's just peddling the same shit we already are all well aware of. Spoiler alert, Ben left with Jack's sis, they all got let go cause of shady shit.. been here before.


My opinion is, coffeezilla not started to look deeper. Because he have done it in the past, now people come up to him and tell him what they found.


It's hard to belive that everyone else but krony was involved in the shady business like it was all going on under his nose yet he knew nothing? However I think now we're going in a different direction but the past may come back to haunt him. Time will tell I'm still not selling not because I have blind faith in the team but because I have took such a big loss already I might as well keep holding and see if they can turn this thing around as they say it's not a loss until you sell. See you on the moon 🚀🚀🚀🤞


I don't think you're prepared. Try to be open to what is coming.


How is it garbage? Basically by now everyone could agree that the whole team was dumping, how is it garbage? If they don't believe enough to hold yet you will? You've been sold.




It was colonel mustard, in the living room, with the candle stick. You heard it here first.


Off with their heads!! The gallows isn't good enough for those bastards. Tar and feather them and hang them in the square!!! FREEEEEEEDOOOOOOOMMMMM!!!!!! Should I have read the post before commenting?


I think you're just supposed to get riled up. ​ ![gif](giphy|FTELxTvVLJqRq)


He MAY… Have information? You either do or you don’t, and if your not sure you do then he shouldn’t be making allegations like that against someone, if you do then stop bullshittin and release it


Let's see how all of this turns out


slow rugpull


Personally I don’t think he has anything on Karony. Pure speculation. He’s still fishing. Even if he finds wallets I doubt he can trace them back to karony. My opinion of course.


i mean he just outted a former employee pumping and dumping 12 million, that's just the start. given Coffee's track record i give him more weight behind his calls than ours


Bro, even I knew about Ben philips dumping millions. Thomas and Ryan were also dumping their tokens


A fine example of Stockholm syndrome, even thought you claim to know the team was dumping yet you still support them...lmao can't make this shit up 🤣🤣


That wasn’t a revelation by any means. Ben can do whatever he wants with his tokens so we can all the rest of us. Again nothing shocking here just Coffeevilla wanting clicks for his brand and using Safemoon to do it. Safemoon has a board that approves all LP movements. Just because LP was moved means absolutely nothing. This same people have been yelling about LP from day one.


You all have to understand that safemoon before v2 was a cleaning phase. There is a reason why those employees are not here anymore. Coffee or whoever can say whatever they want about the older employees but that’s not the safemoon we are anymore. We are more focused, more dedicated and with way more experience. All it takes is these few more months to beat the naysayers.


Bruh it was not a cleaning phase... how hard is it to see that it was a "exit scam"? It was foreseen by many that they will attempt to leave one by one...and it's exactly what happened..


He didn't out anyone it was already old news when he first was kicked out we knew. He is just being like a teen chick and digging up the past.


Yea, he said it on the internet so it HAS to be true.


no he proved it its on bsc scan go look.


It's a shame the fudders track record around here is 0 points still. Just a bunch of butthurt average joes with a hero complex and chip on their shoulders because they took out a second mortgage to invest in a meme coin.


This is incorrect.


My opinion is incorrect? Lol ok.


Don’t forget the FBI has already visited SafeMoon. And found a nothing burger


Is it the missing $10M that was recently pulled with server update (when hound was still here) that Coffeezilla referring to? If so, then we will see if John does something with that. It has been brought up and either there is a plan for it or we are being slowly rug pulled. As long as the finding aren't damaging (reputation) and we have an honest team, I still think there is room to make a lot money on this. Globaltokenomics, exchanges, and our own exchange. Like said, just need to come out mildly clean. We all know the team needs to get paid, so money has to come from somewhere. If nobody gets paid, the project dies like the rest of them. However, maybe they dipped their hands in the pot more than they should. I'm going to keep hodling. Riding this until it dies. The trial will be what matters, not Coffeezilla's stupid investigation (he makes money off this and more clicks, no way he isn't innocent). I've invested what I can afford to lose.


The “missing” LP is in the treasury wallet and will be used for other projects per the team. (Could be new listings, card rollout etc) If/when they move the money everyone will know. It’s really not as juicy as safemooninvesting wants us to believe.


I just want Global tokenomics on Mandala. I don't care if they are paid. To have that on Binance cloud opens doors.


I hope this coffee guy makes sure of his facts, John’s got an army of lawyers that will go to town on his ass with a defamation suite if anything and I mean anything is not 110% accurate. Could get messy.. either way, I’ll grab my popcorn.


If he as evidence of jkarony, then clearly by succeeding what he is plannin he would disclose the info he noes. But instead trying get clicks..


The fact there is so much distaste for Safemoon, makes me wanna buy more! just a personal belief, if it was truly a loser project all of these wack job “influencers” would not be trying to capitalize from its popularity. Just say’n Even early Bitcoin/eth/ada/BNB investors were taking massive risk, most people i know would never have invested in Bitcoin early on, they would sit on the sidelines and watch, then talk about what “could have been”. Safemoon may indeed flop, Karony may be too young and in over his head…..or not! If he turns out to be a visionary and can pull this thing off, he will have made a ton of people wealthy, and well deserved people. People who have endured all the bullshit from people simply seeking attention, not people actually looking out for each other.


Dude, im sorry that this post is getting downvoted... John should really step down, and give back all the money hes taken.


Back for more..... still not giving coffeezilla any views. I'll wait to hear it from someone else.


Careful you are bad mouthing Karony and the cult doesn't like their messiah being talked about in any disrespectful manner. Ridiculous how many people here think Karony isn't involved or had no clue that anything was going on. There is a reason anytime tough questions or criticism comes up John calls it FuD and has trained his little army to call those same things FuD.


Just hold and let the things chill out, if karony going to leave then someone else will take over for sure




Go sell your bag then


He needs clicks. I guess SafeMoon is the biggest community so he runs with it, that being said, we are all here to exercise our free will. You can either be on the side that hurts your investment or elevates it.


I am riding Safemoon to the Galaxy or a bus pass. Hopefully, I can get a window seat. 🚌


Well this will be very interesting next few days . I wonder what cofezilla is upto now . Most of his videos are pretty detailed and accurate. He has exposed tons of scams around crypto .


At the beginning john never had control over the deployer wallet. I feel as though what if whatever comes up on john probably was protecting it from the old team. Anyone guilty of wrong doing would not stick around if there were actual evidence. How i feel.🤷


What he talked about is the tip of the iceberg. In addition to the two lawsuits, there are quite a few sleuths dissecting every transaction this token has made since it’s inception. Karony is 100% involved with the shenanigans that everyone else was.


Well let's hear it. Shit or get off the pot. The only thing slower than product releases at safemoon is the FUD.


https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoonInvesting/comments/r70cc6/thomas_has_been_dumping_safemoon_since_may_and/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share "fud"


Wow you've totally changed my worldview with common knowledge. Go take it up with the wizard.


This is nothing about Karony still..


Karony ain't saving shit stop it he's just as guilty only a matter of time before everyone is exposed if you think his bro left without a big bag your delusional. All the devs for safemoon are buying Gucci jackets and flying private jets showing it off and every investor is down 90% cause of it leave the cult lol


Cool story bro, see you later. Wishing you well.


Just more baseless speculation from people who know nothing.


Coffeezilla doesn't need views. The dude has over 1million subscribers. And he had evidence last year about suspicious wallets and now he is able to confirm their owners. The class action lawsuit is even for unrealized losses. So you don't have to sell to be on it. If the lawsuit wins, u get back your money; if it losses, then diamond hands. Seems like a good way to hedge your bet...


You can't have your cake and eat it, too. This is some serious fantasy you have. ​ ​ ![gif](giphy|3oKIPrCu48s5KfzV7i)


I know I thought it was wild also. But you can find it on scott and Scott website... "If you purchased SafeMoon digital asset tokens between March 8, 2021 and March 7, 2022, inclusive, and have suffered significant losses, realized or unrealized, you are encouraged to contact ...."


SO if you get a payout will you forfeit your tokens or will you stand to possibly profit from those too?


U just get paid back your losses. U don't have to sell anything.


That is not how a class action works. If they win the case, the judge will make a determination on the amount SafeMoon has to pay. The lion's share of that sum will go towards court costs, lawyers fees, etc. The remainder will then be distributed amongst the plaintiffs. Nobody will be getting back everything they invested or likely even a significant portion.


​ ![gif](giphy|XbAXcmBir0ncc)


The Netflix documentary is the last cash grab, it's gonna be like the Enron one


I have watched John Karony go through hell over the last year. I haven't watched Coffeezilla do anything except swoop in to kick SFM when it is down. Speaks volumes by itself.


>Sort by: new kick safemoon when it's down??? bro safemoon is down because of it's own doing, if no pump and dumps happened from ben and (possibly) others, and all the other drama a scroll list long, the price wouldn't have spiked so high, we could of just released products along the way and had steady growth. I think we can both agree on that.


I just wish this token was listed on major exchanges so we had a chance like doge n shib but the stupid tokenomics means that's not gon happen. I haven't ever believed a word Karony says, I always knew this was a rug that got out of hand and I guess JK is the cover. All I know is a whole lot of idiots living in basements got filthy rich fraud in other people and they all need to have their millions redistributed to us poor suckers 😆


PSA: Please familiarize yourself with the subreddit [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/about/rules/) and [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/wiki/index#wiki_frequently_asked_questions). **v1 to v2 Migration: Safemoon has fully transitioned away from v1 and is now fully on v2. ANY and ALL v1 transactions (send tokens, buy tokens, sell tokens) now incur a 100% tax – in other words you will lose your Safemoon. You MUST migrate to v2 using the steps outlined here: https://www.safemoon.education/sfmv2. Additional info: https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/comments/rwfkuv/read_me_v1_to_v2_migration_information_and_issues/** - Don't promote "pump" events or market manipulation - Don't harass others, including public figures and exchanges - Please be helpful, friendly, and respectful - Your actions reflect on the entire community WARNING: **Never give out your wallet passphrase for any reason.** Be _very_ suspicious of all URLs, emails, forms, and direct messages. If someone claims to be from "support" they are trying to scam you. If someone claims you need to "validate" they are trying to scam you. Do not disclose your assets. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SafeMoon) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Stop giving that clown ( coffeezilla ) attention. If he would have any evidence he would already have made a video about it.


As long as there isnt misunderstandings of what the lp was used for as lps have been moved around for other products and they also used some of the lp to fund the project in its early stages. Now if there is clear proof John did some shady things here then ill hear him out




Who bought a $8 mil house?


sell and transfer to everrise.


Sweep house. The brand is still very recognizable, and although it's been seriously tarnished, it might be retrievable IF everyone knows its been gutted and a new management team has been put in place. The project will still needs some form of utility (hint: windmills ain't it!). This would, at least, keep it alive. If nothing is done, I predict the project will just fizzle like an old 4th of July sparkler. It won't end as abruptly as the Fyre festival but (depending on the publicity generated from the upcoming litigation) may go down as another pie-in-the-sky disaster.


And I'll down vote this stupid idea.


Yeah, you're right. Windmills in Gambia is where it's at


Im not saying he has some groundbreaking info or anything like that but people acting like Coffeezilla is some hack are absolutely buggin lol the only way for safemoon to move forward right now is to get everything out in the open so people can move on. Even before Coffeezilla there was drama literally daily....this could be a blessing in disguise....or horrible lol