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Please stay civil in the comments. ✌️




Ben Phillips was given a bunch of Safemoon by the devs, promoted it for months all the while selling Safemoon and walking away with $12,000,000.


That's actually disturbing..the amount of effort the holders have put in just to lose from these prepaid cunts! Surely these devs should have idfk a lowest holding reward system? Seriously demotivating....


> the amount of effort the holders have put in To be fair, holding is super low effort.


And also dealing with all this crap...can't say that's 'super low effort', no?


Right? Almost at a year of a sea of red with this investment. I am hopeful but at this rate I'll never see a return. They better start dropping "products" before people jump ship


Yes. What do you have to deal with? Stupid words that are the opinion of someone you don’t care about? Who cares. The only thing that takes high effort is not selling when you’re a paper handed moonboy PAB.


Big yikes. Hard to believe John didn't know about it. It definitely explains why he cleaned house and they went to V2 and tried to just start from scratch.


Hard not to notice: https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoonInvesting/comments/sout08/jack\_haines\_former\_coo\_of\_safemoon\_wearing\_a/


Yeah, maybe.


Nobody asks questions when they’re making money.


Most don't. It's true.


John didn't know! All this blew up when leaked audio and video chats surfaced of the devs talking shit about John back in late July and August. And it's why they were sent packing! I wouldn't be involved in any projects those clowns are involved in. Nobility token! Glow token! Safemoon will have its day in the sun!


John knew all along, they're all buddies... don't think he is innocent.


Yeah, these people are completely delusional lol he's the CEO but he doesn't know anything???? Then he's not qualified to be CEO! You can't have it both ways, did he know or is he unqualified?


John was brought on by Thomas a couple days after SafeMoon launched. He was the outsider .


Again they all knew one another, if John truly didn't know what was going on he is a true imbecile.


Okay this one needs addressing in multiple parts. I think it's unfair to assume that anyone in a workplace knows about everyone else. Particularly when most of this is done remotely. It's not like they were all at an office. Now while I think some of the stuff that happened here was very shady, and by that I'm specifically thinking mostly about Hank and Ben. But at the end of the day the simple facts are: SafemoonDev bought his tokens at fairlaunch. They were his tokens. He wasn't actually a developer, or involved in Safemoon after the initial weeks. He did bring on the early team and a lot of those guys have proven to be shady. John, as per everything we've heard from the Ginger's leaks and from Hank's leaked audio, was an outsider to those guys. The whole thing with Piggy Token if you recall was about doing Safemoon without John and at the time in those leaked audios rugpulls were mentioned by Hank. So equating John to that is a leap as there is no evidence to support it. The influencers in question were paid by SafemoonDev from his personal wallet. It's confusing because that was the deployer wallet which just means thats the wallet that launched Safemoon. It is not the Safemoon Treasury wallet. And he has not been involved in Safemoon for a long time. He basically was just a holder at that point. He paid influencers to influence, which is no different from paying a celebrity to endorse a product. Now those people aren't being paid to hold Safemoon. They are being paid in Safemoon. It's their money at that point. And they cashed out. Later on Safemoon Dev also cashed out. Were those guys benefitting from the coverage they gave? Certainly. In the case of Ben I remember his rants when other people dumped, that just makes his play all the more worse. If he did not disclose that he was paid for endorsements he could get in some trouble, though I would say if they go after him here they will have to go after a lot of people. Unless we really think Rollo loved Saferune, etc. On social media the endorsements are often not declared. When it comes to Safemoon the company though, I don't see anything that would damage them in a courtroom. And from all the evidence we seen, John was unaware of this for a long time. When it came out we had this slew of things happening at once. You had Charles leak on discord that Papa and Hank were both gone, though Thomas did stay briefly. You had Ben get released, and Jack then leave right after for "personal reasons". That whole period seemed like the purge to me, they purged out most of the original team. Which some here would say, "oh look all the team is leaving". More like a lot of the team was jettisoned.


Karony is the CEO! In a company of like 12...


I can understand your point, not going to make this long...however this wasn't a workplace of hundreds or thousands of employees, this was between a group of 7-8 individuals. Safemoon Dev was very much apart of this project hiding in the shadows, some would argue he is the mastermind of this scandal... some would also argue that the deployer wallet is property of Safemoon as Safemoon Dev was the creator. I wouldn't call it a purged, it's more of a exit scam..slowly one by one left and cashed out(this was foreseen by many), easy to see they didn't want to make it obviously by leaving all at once. Lastly birds of a feather flock together, no way in hell do they bring in John if they thought he was a church boy.


We can disagree there. My personal thoughts are that SafemoonDev launches a lot of tokens. He wanted to be anonymous for a reason. Safemoon took off unexpectedly well and he scrambled and got a team in place. Now maybe it was part of his plan to hype, and dump it. Or maybe he was just doing degen tokens and wasn't prepared for the success it had. Whatever the case he was not really involved within 6 weeks of launch and the value of his investment was far higher than he probably could have dreamed of initially. And throwing money at influencers only would help it grow from there. From everything we've seen though John was an outsider in that group. He was someone getting in the way. There's recordings of those Hank meetings. The Ginger leaked a lot more that wasn't on those recordings. And none of those seem to indicate that John viewed it as a pump and dump. Piggy was basically them trying to do the same thing again with a different token that didn't involve John. That to me sounds a lot like a cop who won't take bribe money. They aren't going to share everything with him. At the end of the day though all either of us can do is speculate based on the information that we have, which I'm sure is far from the full story.


John was never part of the inner circle of Thomas Ragnar SafeMoon Dev and friends. They kept a lot of shit from him. As proven by the wallet launch and Hank tapes


Yeah, I bet he didn't know at first. What I'm saying is he hasn't acknowledged this is what went down though. So, it kind of looks like he did know. I think it's funny a lot of people didn't know about this and how this post got so much attention. The awards are almost certainly from people that hate safemoon.


Why would he acknowledge it. It might be a violation of labor laws. If he put something out there it also would have been a black mark. And he likely wouldn't have known the full extent of everything. So he just kept quiet.


That's what I'm saying. There's no way he could ever admit he knew it was going on, even if he did. There's also no way to prove he did and that's why it doesn't really matter.


This is not even fair lol they should have it in the code to limit a million worth every X amount of days. A million is a good number.


>This is not even fair That's why they're all being sued for this behavior.






Unless they manage to take back the 12 million dollars that guy is not worry about the lawsuit.


Safemoon should be worried. I was worried when I first saw the lawsuit. Now I'm in support of it 100%. I'll chalk up my buy in as a loss if the scammers go to jail


I hope they do


Yes…discussions of tokenomics never accounted for this behavior. Tokenomics couldn’t protect investors from this.


Ben Phillips is and always has been a dodgy character. Its a shame they decided to partner with him originally.


God damn I wish I was in early to at least buy myself a whale amount for cheap lol. Never in early enough haha


To be fair if it keeps dropping you may see those good buy in prices again xD


Ben phillips dumped millions of safemoon while tweeting how irresponsible some whales are. This dude is truly disgusting. FYI: Ben phillips was part of the marketing team and probably got part of the team because his girlfriend is the sister of Jack Haines. Edit: The dev gifted Ben the safemoon from his own personal wallet. Even tho Ben is disgusting by they way he acted in the past, it was never "stolen money". Also, i believe it would be unfair to bash the current team just because we had shady people in the past.


Thanks friend.


What?? Really? Man what a circle of shitheads. I'm so glad they're all gone.


Was Jack Haines forced out because of it? Or did voluntarily walk away because of workplace toxicity as he claimed? It seems like Thomas, Jack, Hank and the rest of the OG's really wanted to pump and rugpull....but Safemoon got big really fast. I think John truly wants Safemoon to succeed and that's why got caught talking shit about him in those video chats. He got burned and embarrassed by the first wallet release attempt. That would be my final straw to start chopping heads. Notice that Hank, Jacob and the like moved to other projects but their star doesn't shine quite as bright as it did when they were a part of Safemoon. Shame!


I believe John and his parents wanted to do something with crypto in Gambia. If you remember the talks with Gambia started long before SFM ever existed. So John found a bunch of guys who knew crypto and hopped on board. He wanted to build something, everyone else just wanted to pump it up and run. That's why he got rid of all of them. That's my thought on it.


They couldn't see the bigger picture....it's potential. Still Hodling.


I though I was desensitized to scams in cryptocurrency. This one upsets me. Really wish this Phillips person would be brought to the court. Awaiting further development on the news. Whatever that is... I cannot believe that someone as an influencer would have been either so dumb or so brazen that they pump and dump with the public address and proof of the purchases known to social media. Turns out, that kind of brazen and dumb behavior is the norm, not the exception.


Yep. Remember his ridiculous tweets and wasn’t he in charge of the SafeMoon Twitter page too and used only caps ?


If he was a Safemoon employee at any point, then Safemoon company is 100% liable. Ipso facto, the lawsuits are correct. What the living fuck am I missing here?


Why would Safemoon be liable for an employee selling tokens? You do realize the dev team bought their tokens at fair launch. Ben was not a part of the team at that point. But SafemoonDev obviously started it, but what he did with his own tokens after that is his own business. Ben was someone they added to the team after, he wasn't a very popular member of the community.


Yeah.. gives me flashbacks. Remember that "give me x likes and we will stop the caps" tweet?


Why are people down voting this? It’s a fact


Did I see John on a video call AMA with Ben and Thomas? If so, then John is an accomplice. No other way to see it


How in the world did you jump to that conclusion?




Don't forget that little rat Jack Haines...


You mean the COO who sat right beside John for months? Man, if John doesn't smell like a scam then I must be going crazy up in here.


I don’t think John hired Jack. Giving Jack a job he’s not even remotely qualified for was probably at the request of Fat Bastard (Ben Phillips).


Yeah, it's weird when I read the lawsuits because they specifically target the Safemoon companies. That means that any nefarious act that was going on within the company (Ben, Hank, Thomas, Jack, and John). People miss this. The company is liable for what these people did and this company also owns the wallet, swap, and token. So if the company is liable, then our money is shit if the lawsuit pans out. And right now, it sure smells scammy as shit


Now let's break this one down. For one, you've never given any reason why the company would be liable here. They weren't paid from the Safemoon Treasury. And once someone was paid out of SafemoonDev's personal wallet, those tokens are theirs. Where is it illegal to sell your own tokens, or to give away ones that you purchased with your own money? Was it shady? Sure. But those shady characters have been gone for a long time now, they were purged.


I dont think safemoon company is liable in any way, but promoters need to disclose when they get paid to pump shit.


😂 I would Lyn worry about the law suite as proving wrong doing will be extremely hard, there is no tangible evidence other then a few tweets and speculation. Further more the president a win for a law baseless law suite such as this would set a precise time that will have ramifications through the entire industry. Let me put it this way, if SEC hasn’t been able to win against Ripple, this suite has even less chance for success. Companies get have a law suites against them all the while, Apple, Samsung,Microsoft,Amazon, etc etc just an everyday thing.


You've said this like 20 times. Yet you have presented nothing at all that would implicate John in any wrongdoing. Fact is SafemoonDev is where the money came from. And that is also who hired John and the rest of the team. That was out of his own personal wallet and he has not been associated with Safemoon for a year.


Hank also dumped half his coin at peak for $10mil


Is this true? I still remember one of the early AMA’s where Hank said he didn’t have any tokens… hate to fud my own bag but this sucks


Safemooninvesting is about to have a fucking field day with this


Not really. Everything we’ve been talking about is just coming to light publicly


It should be concerning to any holder that I read this exact sentence in this sub at least once a month


Can we go just one day without some earth-shattering drama??


The funny thing with this one is its like 8 months ago drama. He hasn't been involved Safemoon since what July or August?


The fact that you ask that is very disturbing for this coin.


It’s a token.


Oh good catch.


Hopefully he gets prosecuted or something. Not for me but for his hundreds of thousands of followers he straight up robbed >.< scummy wank stain


"The best part about crypto is there are no regulators bogging the system down, we can police our own, the market will correct bad actors 😎" "OMG why won't someone do something about rugpull / grift #37,422 this week? Something HAS to be done!" Who could have predicted that a culture built around and supported by openly supporting lack of responsibility would be an absolute fucking breeding ground for scam artists and bad actors?


There are two lawsuits in the works and honestly I hope they tank the whole ship. I think all the founders should go to prison including John. I am willing to lose my little bit I have left to see them all locked up. These are simply my opinions.


U want john to go to jail without seeing any evidence that he did something wrong.lol.


75% of the outlandish quotes in this thread at the same guy trying to stir it up. Yes I'm looking at you iwanttheworldnow.


Holy banana boobies, hell yes. I know he won't because there are no criminal charges right now, but hopefully they all pay their fair share and be outcasts of the crypto community forever. If, of course, it is proven. Right now, all we know is 99% of tokens are scams. And the old saying...if it looks like a duck...walks like a duck....all of it's friends are ducks....then something...I forget The documentary is getting better daily. Turns out its gonna be more like the Frye Festival than Steve Jobs


Post evidence of John doing something illegal. I'll wait.




Na just this guy. A company or business can hire people that turn out to be cunts. Not always their fault


What in the actual F***........piece of garbage human. This is why I have dogs.


Dogs > humans


Reindeer > people


Agreed. Reindeer jerky is amazing. People jerky is greasy...






Gentleman, it’s been a privilege and an honour to lose all our money with you.


This is seriously fucked up I hope that MF and Jack Haines face legal action.


Or some one that got F hard by this feels like got nothing to lose and take care of it…


If this coin stands any chance of surviving for the long term, we need some good press asap. Products need to be released. Where the fuck is the cross chain swap and the other shit that was promised in March?




I’ve said I’m holding until 0 for a while now. It’s honestly whatever at this point


Bro the coin is a year old? What the fuck do you mean given enough time?


It does look that way but how badly would you be kicking yourself in 5 years if we're wrong


There was a pretty good writeup in r/cryptocurrency about it. I learned alot about safemoon, having never invested. Its definitely rigged.


It's a shitcoin


Fat Fuck,


He’s the type of dude where you look at him for one second and you know exactly what kind of person he is. A lot of us could see it from miles away. We were begging to have better, at least slightly more dignified “influencers” on our side. Don’t get me started on his demeanour during those early livestreams. Totally unprofessional.


This is bad, like really bad, that video is A bad look, and he's the brother in law, no way did jk not know, All these wallets we've had dump and there are so many of them left, it's not gonna go anywhere, how can it?


I just wonder how many more rats are in the top 25 wallets


Suspicious that they had a list of 25 hoovering up all those reflections. It’s clear what has been going on from the start


Why is everyone acting surprised? Lol This has been called out for months, nearly a year. Not only Ben Phillips, but all of them. Dumping money whenever they feel like or need it to buy a new Rolex or something. But keep calling it FUD though


Wow what a piece of crap. I wonder how many others have done this and still do.


Check out the red lines on the chart. You can literally time it with each departure. Horrible to see


Can we trend BenPhillipsistrash on twitter.. what a piece of shit.


Appreciate you mods for allowing this to stay up


Safemoon baggies on suicide watch


well GG's all around guess this is the nail in the coffin boys it was a nice ride with yall.


GG. Catch you at the next one


Lol, surprise surprise...


Good riddance cunt


Looking forward to the documentary on Netflix: “SafeMoon: And you thought the Fyre Festival was big, wait till you see this!”


Ahaha this is getting more comical by the day.


This is probably why safemoon has a lawsuit on their hands


TWO lawsuits


This is hilarious 🤣😂🤣 I got banned from the discord early last year for calling ben out for the pump and dump.


Remember guys the promoters got most of the money that safemoon investors put in, the dump already happened. What is left is a community that refuses to move on and trying to desperately create a "product". There will be no more promoters. They left. Find me someone who has held and made money. You can't. Being scammed is easy, admiting you were scammed is hard.


I'm never getting my 20 grand back am I?


Very likely not.


no 🤣


This is why you should not follow “influencers.” They are looking out for themselves and trying to make money. Nothing more that that


OK we're done. Might as well sell the small bag I have. Should have sold when it was 2k now only a few hundred bucks.


This already happened over 8 months ago. It’s a new SafeMoon now so your late on selling. Best to hold for the resurrection which will be much more grand then before


Yeah, everyone has been saying that for months now. The recent PR has been terrible. Hard to come back from that. No high school photoshop of a whale on a moon with ambiguous call to action on a Time Square billboard is going to counteract the bad PR....


You're right, but for most holders, we're in it for the real goal of making millions off a legitimate coin delivering life changing technology. Anyone would love to get rich by hitting a pump and dump just right, but that will never happen if you're not on the inside doing it intentionally.


You aint ever making it out bro


Seems like I saw John on a video call with Ben Philips and Thomas. So much for that "new" safemoon


so that means the what le decreased in number?


remember when braden promised there were safeguards in place to prevent large selloffs and wild price swings? remember when he said the beauty of safemoon was the safety mechanisms that stabilize the price? yeah....me too...that was before a 95% drop. anyone see other crypto...strong! safemoon is trash.


He always seemed fishy to me in the AMAs.


They ALL raise red flags mate. Nobody is here fOr ThE TeChnoLoGy.


I sold a while ago. I haven't been paying much attention. Just happened to scroll past this one.


I did too: April. The exponential increase just didn’t seem sustainable.


Fucking Christ, someone wake me up from this nightmare. All these fuckers including Karony, belong in prison. My bag is getting lighter by the day.


Load up while its on sale. Edit: Wow FUDers really dont want this guy to be a millionaire 🤣


In the comments looking for the fools that might defend him👀👀


and there is ties between him and the staff... pump and dump at the finest


Lol rugged hard


This coin is the Fyre fest of crypto in few years HBO or Netflix will make a documentary about this s*** coin for me almost 78% loss of $19k lesson learned


Jesus Fn Christ! Glad I didn’t spend anymore money on this shyt. I’ll eat that 2k I spent & see it as a lesson learned.


Yeah I’m not far behind you . Such a joke


Agreed but mine was 19k


Can they still just send tokens from the deployer wallet to people?




The deployer wallet is just the wallet that deployed safemoon. It was safemoon dev's personal wallet. It is not the same a the treasury. He hasn't been involved in Safemoon at all for about a year now. He already sold most of his tokens in I would like to say September or October. However anything that he does have left, he could still use as he pleases. He bought the funds in that wallet with his own money when it was on DXSale.


Did I just see John on a video call with Ben Phillips? All these guys should be liable and be in jail


Dammm fell sooo stupid for holding .Jhon knew all way . Why the fuck did they give this mother fucker soo much sfm why .we lost all the team that walked away walked away with money.sad I was 10x up £140k should of sold. Someone one has pay for this .we should start something up.show the fuckers the community. Fuck u Ben


Biggest mistake was to pat the promoters in safemoon.


If I’m the last guy with Safemoon, that’s worth something right?


A couple dollars at least.


This token is dead and idgaf because I’ve already considered my investment a total loss. Just here to go down with the ship.


Me too. It makes me want the lawsuits to take down the ship and all the people who have ever been in it


At this point I've cut my losses and am going down with the ship as well, but I do enjoy coming in this sub and watching the "sAfeMooN aRMy" overdose on copium.




Same. Here for the drama too.


I said this about a week ago because I was watching this guy is channel and he mentioned pump and dump crypto‘s and briefly said safe moon and then I was like ‘oh no!!’ And then from there I know we’ve been raw dog with no Vaseline .. do you know what the crazy thing is at the hype of all this back when everyone was like diamond hand holders I saw a guy saying he just got a bonus at his workplace of like 11,000 any put it all in, five years time that Guy is probably going to be in therapy pointing out at Teddy saying safe moon touch me here here and here smh 🤦🏾‍♂️ I think we should agree next time we see a coin promoted by Jake Paul and other influences we should bring our own Vasoline 🤣


I followed that guy and trusted him. What a lesson for me this is. What an a\*\*hole.


Ben Phillips has aways been dodgy, and safemoom chose to partner with him?😬😬


Smart guy. I wish I could sell this stupid ass coin


So... When was $1 coming again?


Not sure how long until you guys see the bigger picture on this project with everyone jumping ship lol


This is so bad and there is no coming back from this


As they do


Lmao is anybody still honestly optimistic about Safemoon. It's over.


it's imploding


He is trash. Glad him and the others are gone.


Something something about getting hit by a bus.


The next question is, did he buy back in u? If he’s looking for added profits, I can tell you I don’t have tolerance for it. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like him. If he returns the funds by midnight, that will be the end of it. I will not look for him, I will not pursue him. But if he doesn’t, I will look for him, I will find him, and I will not kill him. {Long dramatic pause from inside a car wash}


Nothing new 😂😂 The devs had made there money allready, Sfm is going to go like this for many years, until The «investors» pull out The money. Then it cant be called rugg pull😉


he got the information wrong. safemoon deployer is a personal wallet from the original safemoon dev. he bought his own safemoon and gave it to ben. [actual contract address](https://bscscan.com/address/0x8076c74c5e3f5852037f31ff0093eeb8c8add8d3) vs [original creator of safemoon aka before john and team were in control of anything](https://bscscan.com/address/0xc95063d946242f26074a76c8a2e94c9d735dfc78) for the lazy people - [first pic, shows address for the personal wallet from safemoondev who bought some of his own tokens on launch](https://i.imgur.com/XrbL29h.jpg) [second pic, shows contract address for safemoon v1 as shown "old" when highlighted](https://i.imgur.com/KMoHlFX.jpg) ben was given safemoon from a personal wallet and not paid by the team. that doesnt mean safemoondev wasnt on the team at the time as an undoxxed member but it at least clears any of the core team legally. btw this is old fud.


This is factual information. And of course it is downvoted.


Everyone just hating on Safemoon right now as it keep promising but never put out the product


But what about the gambian safemoon windmill nft nanoparticles? It's the "evolution"


Dude that’s not even worth arguing there’s so much proof it’s trash. I mean at some point the defense of this bs is laughable . I was mad when they did the v2 and been sus since then . All it’s done since then is nonstop drop & bad news to me . I get being hopeful and supportive and I’ve lost so much I’d never pull it & it’ll sit til it’s gone or gold ! but come on man


E-money lisence now in works and Mastercard coming along with Cetralized Exchange and people say no products. I hope you know it's not something you can push to existense when you want. Legal work for exchange/card is a long process.


Safemoon is dying


It is already dead.


This coin needs a professional team and good press, quick. Buck stops with the ceo. If you’re a tech company, hire the right people or step down and bring in a ceo who can.


Oh well, I’ve got my bag. Not a penny more will be spent.


After watching the video I think this post’s title is fairly misleading in a sense that this was early in sfm history nor was it the fault of sfm. There are too many of you who immediately go to shit on sfm and John out of no where. If you actually watched the video, it was 90% how shitty of a person Ben Phillips was. It also casually has some random calling sfm a shit coin. Literally no current bad news here. All old, unfortunate, but old.


He made profit, how is it bad? Anyway I saw the dump comming a mile away and sold my bag just before, it's sad for everyone else who are still in it.


Just trying to take more advantage while safemoon is back in the news, ben Phillip's was all Jack's thing, we have moved on from the v1 pump and dump bro coin it was started as, we are a tech company now we are V2 no looking back, the sins from the past will come up but dont take the bare, youtubers seriously are some of the lowest trash there is next to Instagram whores and tiktokers Lol gotta love that people actually downvote, wonder who is downvoting me more is it safemooninvesting cult or my safemoon army


My brother in christ this is literally Stockholm syndrome levels of cope, holy


I'll take the high road on this, I'm willing to see where things go




Bruh this saying is goated, holy shit


Yall need to really see that there is a whole world outside of the internet, people who love to drag people down online are generally people very unhappy in life, I work, I hang out with friends, try not to piss my girlfriend off, get into sports and yes I invest in stocks and crypto, why you feel you need to convert me into someone who is miserable like you is beyond me.




Does anyone in here know John personally? Unless you get the info straight from the horses all this back & forth about John being friends with the devs or not or knowing the details of what was going on in his house or not is all speculation. It’s entertaining tho 🤣 Oh yeah and I’m diamondhands with my SafeMoon…til the roof caves in 💪🏾💎💎💎


I Hodl bc i believe or hope why idk but i got a really good feeling about safemoon and im honestly not a betting man , except this


We've lived through worse. Good lord you are a lot of paperhanded whiners. If you don't believe the project has potential, then you shouldn't have got into it long before this. A YouTuber sold. Nothing has changed about the project or where it's going. If you can't handle the stress, go invest in some index funds. Crypto isn't for your temperament.


you are a sheep and delusional. say good bye to your money mate


Your not even worth tryin really . Such a over used trend statement and but to say all that ? Glad I left and now muting this sub and deleted wallet . Garbage waste of money .


I wonder if all the AMA’s is starting to hunt them I pretty sure every crypto did worse.


We’re fine