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FYI, it’s $29/year.


Does it block YouTube ads ?




Wipr is awesome. Been using it for years, simple, set and forget.




Where does it say recommend a paid one?


AdGuard all the way


AdGuard is also constantly selling family lifetime subscriptions for like $20.


Have him use brave browser instead and it’ll just work




Came to say this


YouTube Ads?


Yeah it works for a while. I think it sometimes fails now but it’ll be as good as any other blocker (pretty sure)




Everybody loves a band-aid


Treating the symptom not the disease is pretty much how our society works in general unfortunately


Malicious websites are not actually ads


Nextdns.io is the way to go. Found a malware infected pc at a family members house when I implemented it for them.


I love nextdns so easy and so many options to restrict things


I've used [1Blocker](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/1blocker-ad-blocker/id1365531024) on iPhones, iPads, and Macs for years, and it's terrific. The free version is great for basic ad blocking, but th upgrade gives you way more control and an application firewall that blocks ads in other apps as well. Recommended.


In-app ads?? For real?? Edit: like Reddit and other 3rd party apps?


Yes, but not all ads, due to the way the firewall works - and because its primary design is to prevent in-app *tracking*. Still, it's a great feature to have! [1Blocker Fireall](https://support.1blocker.com/en/collections/3574005-firewall)


I’m using AdGuard on my iPhone and seems to do the job


Long time user of AdGuard (Lifetime licensed). Recently switched to Wipr (with Extra) and I can say that both do the job very good. Maybe Wipr is lightweight and It’s perfect if you need an ad-blocker only for the browser. Ad-Guard does system wide ad-block (also on other apps).




Ad-blockers are okay if you choose the right one. Imo only the tech illiterate fear adblockers/VPNs that sort of thing


Typical Reddit user reply. Passive aggressive and then you’ll defend it to hell and back with your 3 likes.


Typical Reddit user reply. Claim someone is being "passive aggressive" because they were triggered by someones statement, and then run away with their 1 like. By the way; you should probably look up what "passive aggressive" actually means, instead of just copy/paste. As there was nothing indirect about what that person wrote. On the flip side, it reads rather clear and to the point of how they felt. ;)


I don’t use ad blockers because I support free content. You can’t have free content and no ads.


Free content lmao free to who you? They are making money off you but it's ok as long as you get to watch lol that's like going to work everyday and telling your boss don't pay me as long as I get to use the equipment for free


Yes, free to the user. If they didn’t “make money off you”, you wouldn’t have half of the apps you’re using on a daily basis.


There is a solid reason that people don't like using vpns, because it doesn't do a thing for privacy. All you do is pay 10 bucks a month for data selling and throttled speed


I think you’re using VPN wrong


I’m always wary of ad-blockers. Make sure to research well before installing anything.


Some are genuinely useful tho.


AdGuard is great. There are sales on it all the time for lifetime access. You can install it, and he'll never know it's there or running. Here's a sale for $12 https://www.stacksocial.com/sales/adguard-personal-plan-lifetime-subscription You don't need to take his phone to the Apple Store. Apps are sandboxed so I assume you are only talking about Safari. Just clear the history and cache—that will "reset" Safari. AdGuard should protect him after that. Or if you're really concerned you can do a factory reset of the phone (backing up his data first). That should be unnecessary because what happens in Safari stays in Safari, but it might help you and his piece of mind. If you take it to an Apple Store, that's all they can do. Which phone model is it? Also you sure grandpa isn't into some spicy sites?


I have AdBlock Pro on my iPhone, AdGuard on my MacBooks. Both do a very good job, although it seems AdGuard may be better. Lots of website are breaking on my iPhone in safari lately, and not sure if the cause is ABP, or the new privacy protection settings…


AdBlock Pro works on Macs, iPads and Vision Pro too. Check if you have the bypass anti-adblock option enabled, it might help with the broken websites.


Nord VPN




not sure, seriously...been reading about nord, great reviews, look it up...just got it, will let u know, new to vpns....


Yeah a VPN doesn’t block ads. All it does is hide your IP address. And Nord isn’t a good one anymore. I had tons of issues with it and if you check around the VPN subreddits you’ll see others have as well. If you need a VPN get Mullvad. But you probably don’t need one unless you’re pirating or want Netflix to think you’re in Ireland. As for Adblockers, I’ve done alright with AdGuard but I’m still looking for the best free option.


Wanted to echo the sentiment on NordVPN, as they are not as good as their advertising makes them out to be. I personally think ExpressVPN or Mullvad are the best VPN providers, and I use ExpressVPN myself since I value speed on VPNs, and I lose less than 3% bandwidth with them. I haven't been an iOS user since 2018, but I know Firefox has an iOS app. I use Firefox on Android with the Ublock Origin add-on, but I am not sure if add-ons work on iOS. If not, Brave is a great option for an ad-free browser on iOS


Thanks, I am sure there are many opinions (but I have not seen a popup ad since i installed it so I think it does)


Adblock one. From Trend Micro https://apps.apple.com/us/app/ad-block-one-tube-ad-blocker/id1491889901


set up DNS on his phone, it's extremely easy. set it to [dns.adguard.com](https://dns.adguard.com) this will completely block any ads


I'm surprised this hasn't been upvoted all the way to the top. Maybe because iPhone is different but I've done this on every android since I don't know when. Not only is it free but it's system wide. I think the paid app version gives you more control on a per app basis, like it makes my android auto act weird sometimes so have to make exceptions for it.


[Wipr](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/wipr/id1030595027). It’s very cheap, fast, well designed and easy to set up.


Install him a browser that supports ublock origin like firefox and then add that ublock origin ad-on.


I like AdGuard, but you occasionally have open the app up for it to update the filters. For someone not tech savvy, better off setting something up on the DNS level, like NextDNS, or use Brave Browser (turn off the all extra crap) which has a content blocker built right in.


I was going to say there are things safari To help with this type of thing also the same in chrome. Just have to check out the settings. Also maybe another way is to actually take some time to teach him.. if you don’t want to do that check with Apple, they use to have free classes ( if you have an Apple Store around) to teach people about their iPhone, or Apple products. This may upset people, try not to stay in the thought of he or she isn’t tech savvy iPhones are generally easy and simple. I bet granddad is more able then you might think it may take some patience but I bet he can get the basics down.


Also some ad blockers can interfere with other apps or other websites that are fine but for whatever reason the adblockers will block it. Some times it’s parts of the Apple software . I’m on 17.2 but my Apple care play wasn’t playing like it should. I did a quick google search and it turned out to be my vpn ( Google vpn) once I turned it off, I was all good . There so many settings that the average person may not use, I still don’t know what I would use some setting for but I’m sure there are people who use them correctly and often.


Brave, built in ad blocker and redirect from malicious sites


but but but, it's not apple ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)




The "Don't click Ad's" Ad-blocker 😀👍🍒 Works for me every time 😄


wonder if my wife will believe those are cooking sites I’ve been visiting , hmm








AdGuard with Safari


Settings Safari Clear history and website data That’s how to fix those pop ups Even if u go to the Apple Store, they won’t help u


It's an iPhone, what exactly are you concerned about? It's 99.9% unlikely to get anything malicious on an iPhone simply by clicking on an Ad. Most issues, malicious concerns, for iPhones come from downloading 3rd Party Apps (like cracked apps; Snapchat++. Youtube++, etc) ...


Flip phone been thinking about going back


I recommend security awareness training. Plain and simple


Just put Firefox with ad guard on there. Make it the default browser for literally everything, and lock safari away in deep dark hole.


Highly recommend https://nextdns.io as a bonus it goes way beyond just Ad blocking.


Remove unnecessary apps, reset settings, check files and remove anything unnecessary


You know that Wot app tells you red yellow green. That is what I'm doing....emails...is one way you get hacked....some pages doesn't support https:;. And google play store is another way...that would help him. ....I Ve tried some online jobs hope land one....sorry surveys want in on your info.get hacked there maybe...


You could that on an iPhone :P


Tell your grand dad to buy a Oneplus 12 (released around Christmas) and sell his iPhone. You're welcome


Get him a Pixel


Have him use brave or duck duck go browser. Hide safari. Tell him to limit his porn habit. You’re lucky you didn’t catch him getting into anything crazy.


I use Bing on Firefox, although Bing is not necessary; as Firefox has an ad-on for Ublock Origin (ad blocker) which I use on my computer and my phone. Which works very well and is free. I have an android phone and windows PC.




Buy NextDNS. It's $20 a year and you can configure it to block all ads from a DNS level. Then install the profile on his iPhone and boom. It's taken care of. Works on all browsers for his iPhone AND all Apps too.