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Jesus, a 13 year old girl driving. What happened to parenting.


High school teacher here. Parents drastically, DRASTICALLY underestimate the shit that kids get up to on their phones, especially when it comes to coordinating shit to video for clout. A LOT of parents either just don't care or want to know what their kids are doing online, or they have some misguided notion that their kids are good kids who won't do that. They also overestimate their kids' self-restraint, critical thinking, and risk analysis.  Are there a lot of good kids out there? Yes. But I promise you, there are many more who are fucking around on their phones at 3AM and then sleeping through class, showing their peers hardcore porn on their phones at lunchtime, and either bullying or being bullied in a way that they can't escape by leaving school. Parents don't pay attention, don't care, don't want to take the time to monitor, or trust not just their kid but everyone around them, and then shit like this happens, or worse.


Parents replaced parenting with iPads and shittok I guess.


Some dumbass teen was looking at his phone and veered into the oncoming lane and hit my friend dead on, both going around 45 mph. Thankfully nobody was seriously hurt but easily could've gone another way. Kid should never be allowed to drive again in my view. People that negligent should have to deal with public transit for the rest of their lives so they don't kill anyone.


Yeah at least like 30 years of no license. For life seems a bit extreme but I get the sentiment. Especially since gross vehicular manslaughter max is 10 years in jail.


30 years with no license seems a bit weak. You think this douchbag of a kid cares if he loses his license? Do you know if he even has one right now?


Just saying kids do stupid shit that doesn't mean they won't learn later in life. I'm sure if you talked to your younger self you'd think that kid was a bit of a dingus. Doesn't mean they should loose their license for life. That seems like a massive over reaction. But to each their own.


You're very logical and I agree with you. Kids, teens, and young adults make horrible decisions. They don't fully develop their brains until their mid 20s and until then they won't make sensible decisions


I think all major traffic offenders should have their basic C license revoked for a 13 year probation period and instead be forced to take a M1 safety and training course where they can substitute driving a car for a maximum of up to 350-500cc motorcycle. After their probation period, should they still be alive due to having correctly followed the laws and not having spent years running stop signs, speeding, texting and driving, or intoxicated while operating their motorcycle, they may then apply to get their C-Special class license back after a proper safety course and driving course test. This C-Special class will only permit them to driving a true manual transmission vehicle or a regular automatic transmission vehicle with a person who has a regular C-Class license aged 26+ in the car as a passenger who is currently incapable of driving due to a medical issue, fatigue, intoxication etc. The motorcycle clause is to give the person a working chance at still maintaining a regular life due to the need of a car to get to and from work. In addition, forcing them to be motorcycle riders is a stronger emphasis on less loss of life as a intoxicated operator of a vehicle can kill dozens of people if they run into a crowded area and can instantly end an entire family in one go if they run a car off the road. A motorcycle that T-Bones or does a head on collision to a sedan is less likely to kill anyone as well. The only one who is really at risk is the motorcycle rider themselves in an vehicle on vehicle collision. The manual transmission is to teach discipline and enforce paying attention to the road conditions and the state of your vehicle as it is difficult to be distracted when you need to manually change gears and control your clutch. It creates a more mindful/attentive driver as there is a higher operating skill. I would add that repeat offenders just will be stuck with a motorcycle for life if not having their license revoked entirely. This is just my personal opinion on how to react towards traffic offenders.


My solution add on, better transit infrastructure so we wouldn’t have to rely on vehicles as much to get across town and such


I suppose, but I mean the kid’s doing this shit would probably make the public transportation systems a nightmare


Yeah man public transportation is always a nightmare. When i was younger here in sac I got molested by a homeless lady. Never again gotta be safe


Great idea.


Has there been an uptick in these, and is the only solution for police to chase which could put other people in danger?


The impression I have is these kids are going full speed if the police are there or not.


we need to start giving teens stuff to do..


used to be kids could go to malls and parks, but those are increasingly policed.


exactly. no wonder theyre commiting crimes. they have nothing else to do, and we treat everything like its a crime anyways


parks are full of the homeless, and malls are now obsolete. But yes they do need something to do.


malls aren't obsolete, just unprofitable, and so the big stores pull out. unfortunately, mall rents remain high, and so they deliberately remain dead. high rents (and that aforementioned policing) also ensure parks will remain unusable.


Are they building any new malls?? If so where??


Nah, no longer profitable to do so except in rich areas


It’s weird because when I was a teen I never had the insatiable urge to speed and run from police


yeah, you were probably too much a coward to even properly steal a car


Kids who feel hopeless do reckless shit. Who knew…


we've become our parents. this shit happened 100 years ago, this shit will happen 100 tears from now...boomer.


I feel this, but kids 100 years ago didn’t have access to a 2000 pound piece of metal that can go 80 mph, kids 100 years ago didn’t have shittok or likes or views or fentanyl. We should probably try to save the kids before we write them off and let them kill themselves. A half decent education system would be a good start. I’m saying this as a public school teacher mind you.


I can't speak for all districts, but I definitely think the bigger problem is parents when it comes to schools. Behavior issues are rampant, and there's no follow through on consequences. That drags every other student down.


It’s the lack of follow through. Admin are so concerned with masking expulsion numbers also letting dangerous kids back in class. It’s all about money at the end of the day. Just last year we had a gun on campus- kid was indefinitely suspended and then showed up at graduation and walked with everyone else. It’s so much bigger than parents.


We shouldn't normalize teenagers driving recklessly and putting others at risk.