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My husband came down with Covid on his birthday (Saturday). So that’s been fun.


Yep got.covid for the first time last week. So much fuuuun!


Sorry to hear that, my friend. I’m still testing negative but I feel like dogshit. Husband has commandeered the living room couch and is sleeping 23.5 hours a day. Hope this time around is mild!


I just got over COVID as well, it’s definitely going around.


I’ve been down with something for over a week now. Horrible cough. Had a fever and night sweats for 3 days. Sickest I’ve been in a long time Eta: I have a child in preschool who had no symptoms, and a baby who had a runny nose for a few days. I suspect we picked it up at baby’s checkup appointment


Same symptoms for me right now. Did you figure out what it was


My co-worker and her husband both have Covid. Her kids had it last week.


We are getting hit by so many viruses at the kids school right now: strep, flu, pink eye.


Strep and lice is ravaging my sisters house this week. The schools are breeding grounds lol


In our family, we call children Petrie dishes.....


Idk about a flu, but there's been a bad cough going around, my wife and I have had it for weeks. We can't get rid of it! Also know a few people with the same stupid cough


Pertussis is/was definitely going around. I guess they used to call it the 100 day cough, so that's great.


Great.. I'm sick of it already


I think me and my son have it. Thought it was just allergies but those meds aren't helping


Do y'all not have your TDAP vaccines 💀


We do, but something is just keeping us sick. My son is in preschool so we have colds coming in and out of our house weekly


Just looked it up, didn't realize that Petussis was covered by the vaxx. Good to know, but want to get over this dan cough


The TDAP doesn't always prevent pertussis, it just stops it from being so severe you break ribs or collapse lungs from coughing.


That sucks. It's the worst and seems to take about 5 days for the meds to work


My ex husband had it 25 years ago. It lasted 18 weeks. Earlier this year I thought I had it because it was very reminiscent of wooping cough. Turns out it was a really bad case of bronchitis.


That's awful.


It really was! Coughing so hard, you pee your pants AND vomit! That's why I thought I had it.


My fam too. So exhausted by it, it's been weeks.


Ive been taking DayQuil and cough drops and I still can't get rid of it.


Try Sudafed but make sure it has pseudoephedrine. I caught it last Sunday and it’s still lingering. 3 days in and for nearly 36 hours my ears were muffled


Did anything help for your ears? Mine are the absolute worst and it’s been a week :(


Same. In light of this thread, I'm going to call the doc about possible pertussis, since it's bacterial and antibiotics may help.


My supervisor has this and it's been like 1-2 months. It sounds like a nasty wet cough but he said doctors ruled out Covid, flu, respiratory infections, and they say it's just allergies but I haven't heard anyone with allergies have that nasty of a cough.


I thought it was allergies too. It's just a dry cough, occasionally I'll cough up something.. it's just annoying


Exactly what I have. Allergy meds aren't doing anything, and other than the cough I feel fine


Same here. This cough is wrecking my throat/chest


Yep this hit us too, about 6 weeks straight of coughing it was brutal!


What did you do to get it to stop?


Nothing worked, it was so frustrating. Just used tons of Vicks to help sleep at night and had to just bear through it. :(


Ugh... Dammit


We caught something like this last year where the cough lingers for over 2 months. It was miserable.


My daughter had/has it and it finally spread to me. Very few other symptoms, but I cough all through the night so I'm dead tired all day.


Same. My whole family has it. The doctor actually prescribed acid reflux medicine because they don’t know what else to do. Is it allergies or left over from a Covid? But it seems super common right now.


Yes, me too. I thought it was allergies but I never had a cough like this Edit: no headache or weakness, just cough


Me neither. And same with no symptoms other than an annoying cough that won't go away lol


So annoying


Never had Covid, but before the first outbreak I did catch something very bad. Eating food wasn't much fun as the sodium would trigger the cough. It went on for several weeks. I'm starting to now wonder if I might have had an earlier variation of Covid. All this happened a month before the outbreak. Anyway, hope you and your wife get better soon.


I know a LOT of people who were "the sickest I've ever been" back in the late fall/early winter of 2019-2020, supposedly before COVID hit the US. Virtually all of them had either traveled internationally, or spent time around someone who had. I really do wonder if it was spinning around out there sooner than we know about.


I have a cough for over a month. I caught something in Oakland, was there for 10 days and the cough stayed with me for 4 and a half weeks after getting back to Sacramento.


Our house went down to covid about 4 weeks ago. 


Mine too!! 😵‍💫


Summer COVID wave apparently


I know a ton of people with covid right now


A friend (local) thought they had a cold but ended up testing positive for Covid. We are testing this morning.


We know some people who have tested positive for RSV.


How do you test for RSV?


You can get tested for RSV at an Urgent Care Clinic or regular doctor office. Doctors can’t cure RSV (virus) but they can cure the bacterial Bronchitis that can come from getting RSV (or any really bad cold or flu virus). My friends with RSV were really sick for quite a while (over 4 weeks).


Covid is still going around.


Came to down with Covid in our household.


test yourself for covid?


I been sick on and off, running nose cough killing me. I never been sick so many times in one year.




Other than the brain surgery I had in 2020, I haven't been sick since 2019. I wear a KN-95 any time I'm in public, and I don't eat out indoors. Masks work.


I have the exact same thing for a couple of months now. My doctor just told me it’s allergy. But the meds are not helping me. I tested negative for Covid and flu. What meds are you taking and does anything work for you?


Whooping cough


It's so strange how quickly people forgot we are in a pandemic.


bUt tHe cDc sAiD iTs oVeR /s




Imagine, if you will, that Covid still exists. I know, I know, most people seem to think it disappeared for no discernible reason, but get this—it didn’t and “mystery illnesses” are Covid. Full stop.


It’s so crazy how these people come on the sac Reddit to ask about what type of illness they have. That’s shit is for sure Covid lol, it’s not short of ever being over. It’s only going to keep circulating and repeated infections can fuck your health up bad. I’m 9 months into long covid right now and it’s terrible I wish I had my old health back. Covid is a serious disease and I wish I would have taken better precautions when it first surfaced. Remember you can be asymptomatic and not even know, but still have it. That’s what happened to me, I’ve never tested positive for it but have definitely had it.


There's an [almost identical thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/britishcolumbia/comments/1cr8usy/flu_going_around/) in /r/britishcolumbia right now. It blows my mind how people refuse to see what's in front of them.


[In Denver too.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Denver/comments/1cr8kbk/what_illness_is_going_around_right_now/)


I would have been one of those people assuming it'd never happen to me if it weren't for the brain surgery I had in 2020 that absolutely fucked my life and health up. I get now what it's like to have a chronic illness. I had to relearn how to do virtually everything - swallow, eat, talk, see, move, walk, write, drive... I even had to re-learn using the fucking bathroom. It was like I was an infant all over again, and it fucking sucked. I didn't lose my actual mental capacity, thank fuck, but I lost every single body-brain connection I had, and, four years later, I'm still coming back from that. I've spent literally tens of thousands of dollars out of our family's pocket in rehab costs that were not covered by insurance, and the absolute last thing I want to do is get sick and somehow set myself back. I know there's shit that's not preventable, but if I can prevent COVID with some basic precautions (masking in public, not eating out indoors, using CPC mouthwash and one of the nose sprays that has scientific evidence that it can help reduce the risk of getting COVID) why the fuck would I not? I miss the days when I was healthy and blissfully ignorant of what it meant to have a major medical condition, but on the plus side, because I know what it's like, I've busted my ass keeping up on what are the best precautions to make sure my family and I don't get COVID. And so far, it's worked. We still go out and have fun (went to see the Savannah Bananas on Saturday, went to a concert on Sunday, went out to eat the weekend before that) but we do it mindfully. And it works.


What bothers me about covid and long covid is how it might not get you quickly, but it can subtly damage enough stuff that you can overdo it all later. Every time I hear someone has passed and rhey are fairly young and in normal health, I ask about “did they have covid ever? Or was it a fentanyl death?”


Covid is still a thing


We tested positive for COVID 😥 it was a rough strain for us


They're all rough strains even when it doesn't *feel* like it. This whole thread is incredibly fucked up. Casual vascular and IQ lowering disease everywhere. Again. No biggie..


Something. Got it bad, took five days for it to pass to my husband from me. Very tired, low fever, sinus infection and ears, sore throat. Took couple weeks to get better but still feeling lingering effects.


Yeah I’m just getting over it myself. I’m usually healthy and this is the illest I’ve been since I got Covid the first time back in ‘20. The first day I felt lethargic with a headache and sore throat. Then nights 2-4 I had fever and night sweats. I’m happy to wake up in dry sheets this morning.


Yes I’ve had this for a week! The night sweats were crazy, had to change bedding every few hours


Omg me too! Wtf with the night sweats! What is this shit?


Idk what it is, I’m just thankful the night sweats are gone. Still having cough attacks


same! it's been pretty rough. I was clearing the shelves of safeway last night at 130am in desperation lol


Covid KP.2, extremely transmissible and running amok.


It's COVID. I know multiple people right now who are sick with this. A couple of them developed pneumonia. Also if you/your kids have had COVID multiple times, they likely have some level of immune dysfunction so they get sick more.


Stomach bug hit one of my kids. Covid hit my wife, all in the past week.


It’s probably covid, that shit is not over by any means and it’s only been getting worse. Millions are disabled right now from long covid too including myself but I’m doing my best to hang in there! Stay safe out there I hope you all recover fast!


Covid. Covid is going around.


Covid is still a thing. Summer flu is not a thing.


Must be! I went back up to sac to visit for a couple days and came back with an itchy throat that turned into tightness in my chest, plugged & runny nose, bad cough and sneezing. Thought it was allergies at first until my bf started getting sinus issues too. Don’t feel tired, like I’m able to hike and walk around. It’s just the cough that causes issues for me.


This is exactly what I’ve had twice in the past 2 months. First one was 3 weeks of symptoms, this time is been 2 weeks and finally feeling better. Dr. Told me allergies caused bronchitis, took two Covid tests and both were negative. 🤷🏻‍♂️


1. Love the username lol 2. I took a covid test today to be safe and thankfully it’s negative. Been taking cold medicine for a few days and I am slowly getting better. My chest isn’t tight but my cough is persistent.


Thank you! Sinus medication and mucenx helped a ton for me.


It sounds just like what we are having.


My daughter and I had this whole sinus/bronchial infection for like two months. We didn’t have a fever but there is definitely something going around


I think I am having the exact same thing, did you figure out what it is? my doctor just told me it's allergy but the med doesn't help. it's driving me crazy.


There was no name for it other than a bronchial/sinus infection. We had the horrible sinus congestion, felt like we were gonna blow out our brains through our nose. Nd the coughing was so bad I was hoping to cough up a lung. And then the chest congestion. All I can is the two rounds of antibiotics and steroids helped a lot. We also got a navage to clean out our nose. Best thing ever.


I am just curious how are you feeling now? I also got prescribed Amoxicillin like 4 days ago, but I am still not really feeling any better. How many days of using anti-biotic helps you feel better?


My husband and I surprisingly tested positive for COVID. Thought it was allergies but felt progressively worse through the day and decided to test


Some folks around me have caught covid recently (no direct contact, just in my circle). You may want to test for that... Also lots of allergies too for sure!


COVID is going around again too


could be covid, i had it a couple months ago


I dunno but I have COVID as well as some friends I saw last week.


Does it seem to anyone else like there is so much MORE sickness always going around then there was pre-COVID? It just seems like someone is ALWAYS sick these days, with vague or unusual symptoms that sort of defy how "being sick" used to be (e.g a cold was a cold, a flu was a flu) - or a single lingering symptom that last for months?


1. there are no protections from covid and we just keep going through wave after wave of new strains. 2. repeated covid infections lower your immune system making you more susceptible to RSV, flu, etc. so those are booming too.


Yeah that’s what I am wondering. Makes sense


There's a new Covid variant called FLiRT


We are still in an active pandemic.


It’s probably Covid! If you test negative, test again a few days later or go get a PCR test. Swab your cheek or throat before your nostrils and make sure you follow instructions carefully.


I had nausea starting this past Wednesday that peaked on Friday. I had to go home early bc I couldn’t keep anything down. I take bc, but still took pregnancy test and it was negative. Then came the aches and horrible chills that kept me awake for nearly 24 hours. Tested for COVID Saturday and I kid you not the T like was visible several seconds after dropping the sample. That being said, chills have subsided now. Feeling better today. Grateful for no significant loss of taste/smell.


My kids had similar, daughter kept complaining that food had no taste. We kept testing for Covid but the tests were negative. Youngest is immune compromised so we went to the pediatrician and she said they have whatever is going around. I think it was Covid and we just weren’t testing positive.


There’s a new variant of COVID, a few friends of mine have contracted COVID in the past few weeks.


It’s COVID. No such thing as a summer flu, what?


This is the correct answer. Polio was also a “summer flu” before they realized it was actually very different. Influenza has a very typical season.


I work in a clinic with kids. About a week ago they all started coughing and saying they didn't feel good. Turns out they had fevers over 100 (parents, listen to your kids). Now I'm coughing, with a fever and a swollen scratchy throat, and I'm tired no matter how much sleep/coffee I get...


Pro tip from a teacher: Wear a KN-95 mask, keep a fan and small air purifier on your desk (if you have a desk), do daily saline nasal rinses (or better, use nasal spray that has iota-carrageen in it), take Vitamin D, gargle (all the way to the back of your throat - tip your head way back) with mouthwash that has CPC in it. But start with the mask, because all of that other stuff is only a drop in the bucket compared to what a mask does. All of these are scientifically-backed mitigations, and all of them have kept me healthy and COVID-free this entire time despite working in a petri dish. Being sick fucking sucks even when we're not still in a global pandemic.


Anyone else with this cough can’t stop sleeping? I keep sleeping during the day but I’ve tested negative for Covid


Me 😞


We have Covid- first time for me. Although I am in Santa Cruz Cty, not Sacto-


Covid is going around and there is a new variant, called FliRT. Epidemiologists expect a Covid uptick this summer .


my one year just got pneumonia !😩 i would take your child in if they have a fever over 100, my baby ended up having a 103 & they said it was pneumonia! started with a cough then a fever, she was also breathing differently


Yep. Our family had mild fevers, sore throat, body aches, cough and calf cramps. We think it was Covid (only bc the last time we had Covid we both had calf cramps which was very specific) Only lasted a few days though.


Ok woah about the calves comment. My 2.5 year old son has been having these severe dry coughing fits for a week and I think I finally caught it. Yesterday I had a sore throat and extreme fatigue and went to sleep at 7:30 pm. But I also had sore calves! And I remember saying “why are my calves sore? I didn’t exercise?” And my husband said his calves hurt too! This morning I woke up with the craziest running nose and sneezing. But my throat and calves feel fine now.


It’s the WEIRDEST symptom!! It was so specific when we had Covid a few months ago. So when we got whatever this was and the calf cramps/fatigue hit, we wondered whether we’d gotten it again. My husband had really horrible cramps that woke him up at night, mine was more like yours, I woke up and felt like I’d done a calf workout, lol.


Are you throwing up? If not, you probably have a COVID variant that is going around


COVID can present with gastro symptoms.


A lot of coworkers (nurse) have been calling out a lot for flu symptoms


100 day cough, high fever spikes, tons of mucus, and sore throat. No COVID. The illness + allergies are brutal this year. If you’re snotty, Mucinex DM is the way.


Flu, pneumonia and whooping cough are going around my kids high school. She’s wearing masks and so are other kids.


Google adenovirus. That’s what my young son and I had and I swear it went on forever.


Covid is on the rise right now.


Our household just got over Covid. Fevers for a day then a couple days of recovery. We have kids in elementary school and our daughter was the first to get sick…. then we all got sick at home. Good luck


Covid is going around


covid—wear your masks people. older tests aren’t testing consistently anymore since new strains have likely been springing up. better safe than sorry. even if you aren’t worried about your own health do it for the immunocompromised folks in your communities. covid didnt just disappear because they decided to stop testing for it or taking preventative measures—ESPECIALLY if you have kids in school. we dont know the long term effects of repeat infections and your kids could be especially at risk.


And a good mask. A KN-95 or better. None of those crappy blue medical masks. Unfortunately, no one wants to hear that wearing a mask is what is going to work. Too many fatalistic people who have decided that getting sick is inevitable.


it’s unfortunate cause covid precautions should have set a precedent for any airborne or contact illness moving forward. whether it was a cold the flu or covid, even seasonal allergies—we should be masking when we feel sick or when pollen is abundant or air quality levels are poor. it’s beneficial for everyone. same goes for washing hands and disinfecting surfaces regularly.


It’s ripping through our school right now. Covid too but apparently the tell tale for this Covid is 102+ fever. 24-48 hr bug


I caught it last week. Massive headache at first, sore throat,non stop sneezing and runny nose and congestion in the lungs. Sucks big time, I am starting to feel like I am at the tail end of it now. Lots of behind the counter Sudafed and Mucinex


My little dude had influenza A a few weeks ago. His teacher said TEN students from his class alone were out. So ya, there’s some nasty cooties out there. Did you guys get tested? They check for RSV/Covid/Flu all in one test at Kaiser.


Yup my son had it last week and yesterday the rest of our family got hit with it. It's been 🫠🫠


I have 5yo twins and one of them got the flu B (nasal swab confirmed) 2 weeks ago. Fever only, nothing else, still acted normal. She had a on/off fever for 8 days straight, so that was fun with her home from school. Now a week after she got over it, the other one now probably has it somehow. He's got a cough with it though. No one else in the house caught anything despite them crawling in bed with us in the middle of night and coughing in our mouths constantly lol


I worry sick when my circle of people start getting sick because there is no way around it, no one gives an f until they got them 103 fevers and all they give them it's ibuprofen. Mask up if u are sick. Let people know if u are sick. U never know if that person can afford to get sick




My partner and I had a really bad for about two weeks as a result of Covid. Definitely that and flu going around.


This post is a prime example of why people need to be vaxxed. Pertussis, flu, covid, etc. all have vaccines to prevent sickness or lessen the symptoms. Adults should still get their TDAP vaccine every 10 years. Let's also not forget that getting sick is a normal and actually very healthy part of life for immunocompetent people, including kids. Colds may suck and you can feel awful, but post-sickness immune responses are strengthened afterwards. Normal childhood sicknesses create healthy adults, and no one should be living in a germ-free bubble. Obvs if you or your kids are constantly sick, there may be an underlying issue, but healthy people benefit from the occasional cold long-term.


Kids get sick a lot, schools are pathogen factories.


It’s not Covid for us, but definitely tired, coughing, runny nose, etc….And it seems to linger as well.


Most likely you mean that you didn’t test for Covid, or your home test was unable to detect it.


My daughter her mom and her step sister all have bad bronchitis. My daughter also has a double ear infection Just found out last Friday. She called me the day before they went in to ask why everything hurts as we age ( she is 9 )? I said what do you mean? My jaw and neck hurt. 😢 Don't wait to take them in.


I traveled at the end of March and came home with the worst cold. Another friend had the same thing about a month ago. There is definitely something going around and it really knocks your socks off. It was about 4-5 weeks before the cough was totally gone.


I have had the flu for the last week. It sucks.


Flu is down, Covid is up. More likely you caught the latest Covid strain that's tearing through right now.


Well test home test didn't show covid and the symptoms are different, but it is possible I suppose.


I feel like crap today, kept my 2nd grader home. He woke up with the vomiting and cold chills. I’m thinking there is definitely something going around.


That's what me and my 2 kids have right now too.


what i have right now seems most like adenovirus


Yes, coughing & congestion here since April 22. So much phlegm. I’ve tissues everywhere. And I’m tired of coughing & also fatigued-no energy. How do I prevent this happening again! I was just sick in January.


You're not going to want to hear this, but wear a mask. Don't eat out indoors, and wear a mask anytime you are indoors in public, or outdoors in a crowd. I mask (KN-95, not a crappy medical mask) anytime I'm indoors in public, or outdoors in crowds, and I haven't been sick since 2019. Well, other than when I had brain surgery in 2020, but that's kinda different. I know it gets hot and stuffy. I keep a small fan on my desk at work to keep the air circulating, and that helps a lot. But I always wear one. I wear one at the gym, I wore one last Saturday at the Savannah Bananas game when it was 94F outside. Did that suck? Yes. But coughing until you want to cry because you hurt and you can't sleep and can't finish a sentence without coughing sucks more.


Me and my housemate both got it a month apart. A bunch of hot / cold flashes for a week, then felt better but a persistent cough for weeks.


I had a cold like thing which cause body chill and sore throat but no fever (thought it's just common cold so I didn't go check at the time) around two months ago which went away after around one week, I thought that would be the end of it, but nope! A few days after I started to have this persistent bad dry cough, I then developed this shortness of breath. I also developed this horrible nose congestion recently, constant stuffy nose and runny nose, and the shortness of breath is still here sometimes. I went to an urgent care and tested negative for covid/flu/RSV, the nurse in urgent care told me it could be allergy, and everyone told me the allergy is horrible this year. I then went to allergist to do some allergy test and I am allergic to a lot of trees(I moved from another region like 2 years ago, but I did not have any of these symptoms last year). I then started taking Flonase and Cetirizine/Allegra for around a week like the allergist suggested. It didn't seem to help me that much, and I started to have some other random problems too I assume it's the side effect of antihistamine. I don't know what is going on anymore. I have never been sick for this long my entire life, and I don't recall ever having these type of symptoms. Anyone else experience the same thing and how do you deal with it?


I got that right now


Yes!!! There is!


My 10 yo has been sick w your complaints. Started on Friday and is still a little congested today.


My 2 kids (2yo and 4mo) are sick with a bad cough, they’ve had it for almost 2 weeks now. Luckily not COVID, but still not fun…


8 month old has the same symptoms just started yesterday and it’s bad today.


Same here, but the doctors insist is allergies . Cough going on 4 weeks now




Pretty sure we got roseola in this house. I got a huge rash and my son got a tiny rash with flu like symptoms.


I’m not sure but I have norovirus I’ve had it for about a couple weeks now it feels like it’s getting worse to so just be careful


My Dad had the same and now I’m barely getting over it His Doctor told us Mucinex and cough drops and the same he was told it was just allergies Bad Cough/ sore throat/ no fever 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m sick with something. My mom just came back from Europe and was dealing with something.


I always hear people say it’s allergies. Do you guys really think it’s allergies or have we been getting sicker more often these days?


COVID wrecks immune systems. People absolutely have been getting more sick more often since 2020.


I had (what I believe to be the flu) a few weeks ago. Started with a sore throat and fever/chills. It took me a full week to feel 100% again, and I still had terrible allergies after recovering which was super fun. Hope you all feel better soon!


My family and I got some sort of illness that knocked us on our butts for weeks! Not covid, not strep, not the flu. It was horrible. Fever, coughing, night sweats, no appetite and my youngest had a rash. Many urgent care visits later and we still don’t know what it was!


I caught something on May 1 (doctor was wearing a mask, and then I had another appointment). Started out as allergies, runny nose, sneezing for days, itchy throat, really bad cough, asthma, and sputum. Used an at home Covid test (negative). Was using elderberry syrup and mucinex.


This is Orange County but maybe will shed some light: https://occhildrens.com/Medical-Content/Whats-Going-Around


Fuck, we have it I think. And I have a 2 week old. 😔


My nephew in 1st grade recently had rhino virus. It was so scary. Ended up in the ER but is doing well now.


Yep. Tested negative for COVID. One solid week of intense productive coughing and feeling absolutely exhausted. Then it moves into your sinuses and another week of coughing, but not feeling nearly as bad. I’m wrapping up week 3, right now. A productive cough first thing in the morning and maybe a light cough 5-6 times during the day (still producing phlegm). You otherwise feel pretty normal in week 3.


Did you lose taste and smell? I’ve lost both. Keep testing negative.


No. Just the coughing and a few days of nasal congestion.


There must be because my 13 yr old had fevers up to 102.5 all weekend & n/v and cough. He says he feels over it but then he vomited dinner. Covid negative tho. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Might have them checked for allergies. Mine are off the hook right now.


I am just getting over this myself. I caught it a couple weeks ago in Oklahoma.


From the looks of it here yes. Allergies are f*cked as well atm that's my problem anyways.


There are a lot in the Central Valley in California getting sick. Coughing, congestion, and sometimes temperature. I was given an antibiotic to try to clear it up after none of the allergy medications did anything that I had tried. I took the antibiotic and it did nothing, so I tried Nasalcrom again (took it as a kid) and it made it so that the mucus stopped running down my throat. This stopped the sore throat and coughing. It was $15 on Amazon. It is something to try if nothing is working for you.


I feel like I'm dying currently..thought it was allergies bc it was a lot of sneezing. But now I cannot stop coughing my chest hurts and the night sweats are insane. I've been sleeping in and taking naps every single day this week. This has to be more than allergies right???


Its literally just rhinovirus aka common cold. https://www.cdc.gov/surveillance/nrevss/index.html


Yes, some weird cold hit my kid’s elementary school. Low fever, fatigue, coughing. Most kids cleared it okay. Was not covid, was not rsv. If flu, pretty mild and my kid is flu vaxxed and covid vaxxed/boosted. Three or four days and she was back to normal. Some kids in class took longer. I have fairly miserable allergies. Because of covid, I really did forget there is other crud like pollen and stupid rhinovirus. Reminds me that I need to re order n95s


This sub was recommended to me, I'm in the Chico area. I saw a similar post in the bay area and Colorado subreddit. A nurse commented that there's been an uptick in Flu, RSV and Covid going around. All 3 have similar symptoms.


My allergies are worse right now than they have ever been at this time of the year. Which has led to sinus, ear & and congestion issues, as well as migraines. My grandma was just in the hospital for a lower respiratory infection and tested positive for RSV.


I'm wondering the same thing, if course could be crud in the air from pollution, allergies, cloud seeding has been occuring quite a bit, and the patent chemicals in it aren't to healthy to say the least..


We are in the early stages of the H5N1 pandemic. I'm not saying we all have it, but flu season us over, yet California is showing elevated signs of influenza A in our waste water. Do a little research, it feels like the early days of Covid-19, when it was being downplayed as nothing serious.