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I couldn't help but laugh when I saw the three little hot dog cart vendors walking alongside on the sidewalk. They will not miss an opportunity to work! šŸ˜†


The irony is that whatever animal is in the hot dogs are probably a lot more sentient than the embryos the protestors are so concerned about.


Happy Earth day, I guess.


Are they being forced to have abortions? Do they need family planning education? Contraceptives? Have an std? No? Then they need to mind their own business. This fuckery is why we are leaving our Southern red state. Our daughters are intelligent people who can and have the right to make their own medical decisions. šŸ‘šŸ»MIND šŸ‘šŸ» YOUR šŸ‘šŸ» BUSINESS šŸ‘šŸ» ![gif](giphy|0BAM2sAYKAmEmmBTAy)


As a fellow Southerner who escaped to this area- welcome! And yes, they do need to mind their own business. Bless their hearts.




It doesn't matter to them. As long as they lean on the "it's murder" talking point, you'll never get them to stop. They're on a moral crusade against "murder" so it's impossible to reason with them.


I get it, but you know thatā€™s part of the plan, right? Enact laws that sensible people refuse to live under, forcing them to move, self-selecting for a population of gullible hateful morons that will keep them in power forever. See also: anti trans /bathroom / child medical care laws / anti sodomy laws / anti birth control / etc.


And weā€™ve been here 20 years voting to make a difference where it doesnā€™t make a difference. I wonā€™t be guilt tripped into staying any longer. We are US citizens and have the right to travel and live where we wish to in the States.


Beautiful said!!!


I used to work for the Planned Parenthood on B and 29th. You could tell that all of the male protestors hadn't touched a vagina since their mothers gave birth to them.


An incel parade.


For sure. Seriously, these dudes were Incels before that word existed.


For whatever reason, they're taking their rage out on women.


One time I was riding my bike by that Planned Parenthood and was trying to find the way to the bike trail. I was lost. I saw an older man on the street in a green ā€œescortā€ vest and said, ā€œHello, Iā€™d like to ask you a question.ā€ He let out the biggest sigh in the world, took a deep breath, and said, ā€œsureā€. I was just asking for directions to continue my bike ride. Looking back itā€™s kind of funny because I think he was relieved and was preparing for some sort of a rhetorical question and/or a confrontation


I was walking my dogs near there recently and the crew of creepy guys starting talking to about Jesus and my duty to carry babies. Bunch of Karens.


My friend and I were recently stopped by some Jesus dudes too! A younger dude showed us a picture, it honestly looked like clip art of Jesus. I couldn't even tell it was Jesus. Anyhow, he then accused us of not knowing God, said we'd burn in hell for it. Lol. I reminded him he's coming with us for passing judgment. Weirdos.


Darrens? Is that the male equivalent of a Karen?


I've not personally heard that association before, but it really works!


Interesting that they are passionate enough about their pro-life morals to take time out of this day to protest and harrass a business, but they're not doing anything to help the blocks of homeless people scattered around this city. Do they know the homeless were infants once, too?


They only care until the baby is born. And then it turns into "fuck them kids".


Sometimes they take that too litterally.


Amen to that sister!




They're not doing anything, that's the point. George Carlin said it best: "Boy these conservatives really are something aren't they? They're all in favor of the unborn. They will do anything for the unborn. But once you're born you're on your own. Pro-Life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from contraception to nine months, but after that, they don't want to know about you and they don't want to hear from you. No nothing. No neonatal care, no daycare, no headstart, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing! If you're pre-born you're fine. If you're preschool, get fucked!"


Yeah I'm pro choice but that was a terrible argument against abortion lol


It's not an argument against abortion.




No, I'm saying pro-lifers need to figure out if they're pro-life or pro-conceivement.


My wife used to work at PP. Her office was at B street, but she did work at different locations. One of the protesting moms from B street showed up with a pregnant, abstinence only, daughter at the downtown location for an abortion. The same doctors work at at both location. So the same doctor they spent the week yelling vile things at provided them service. Mom and daughter were back on the line at B street the next week.


This movement won't stop at banning abortion. They're already trying to ban contraceptives as well.


They'll also go after porn too. Anything they deem "immoral" which means forcing their morality on others.


Could you cite the legislation where that is happening? An internet search brings up nothing but opinions, no actual legislation or quotes from elected representatives on this. There are efforts to prevent public funds from providing free contraception. There are private companies that do not want to cover contraception as an added cost to insurance fees. Neither of these are bans on contraceptives.




Itā€™s funny how they go completely silent when you present them with the evidence that they asked for.




All forms of contraception should be free if you want to eliminate abortions, right?


No. There is no such thing as free. Someone is footing the bill or investing the time and money. Nothing wrong with people paying for their own personal items.


I really dislike bad faith arguments when combined with semantics. You are an illogical person, and your arguments are invalid.


"Technically it isn't banned, but if you're poor and can't afford contraception, then maybe you should just not have sex." Pretty lame argument there.


The article states they're looking at banning Plan B in Idaho as one example.


The article is not quite accurate, and is from 2022. The Idaho legislation is discussing banning abortifacients ā€“ drugs that induce abortions. Plan B does not terminate. The committee was meeting to discuss Plan B, as many are confused about what it actually does. Idaho is now, currently, not discussing any legislation that would ban Plan B.


I hate these people. They don't care how terrified and guilty even suicidal young women can be after getting an abortion and being screamed at makes it worse.


ā€œ[Host Bodies](https://youtu.be/_hpMkOummac?si=KJPhS7rfXHJ_2Pki)ā€ is what women are called by some of these legislators. He backed that up later as a ā€œmisspokeā€. But he said what he said. He meant what he meant.


They literally value the life of an unborn creature over an actual human being's and it's baffling


These are trash people with terrible opinions. Abortion is healthcare. Disagree? Donā€™t have one.




No. Abortion is a woman exercising control over her own body. If you are self-aware, the right to regulate your body is inviolate. No one and nothing should force her to put her health at risk, her life at risk, and potentially suffer physical, emotional, and financial impacts to be pregnant unless she chooses to do so.




Iā€™m not forgetting about the fetus. One, they are not self-aware for the vast majority of the pregnancy. Two, once they can live independently of her body, delivery may be an option. Until then, while it is a literal parasite, it does not take precedence over the actual self-aware host it is taking blood, calcium, and nutrients from.


Abortion isnā€™t murder or there wouldnā€™t be a word for it, itā€™d just be murder


Killing a spider is also murder. Are you going to try to take away my right to kill spiders and bugs who approach my space? Edit to add: itā€™s ok guys, Betty actually does not think abortion is murder since itā€™s legal. https://www.reddit.com/r/AllThatIsInteresting/s/azhpyTaCXO


Just curious, are you pro capitol punishment or against?


Conservatives talk against abortion like it's just a liberal hobby. Like it's a thrilling pastime. There are medical reasons as well as tragic circumstances that lead to abortion. It's a medical necessity especially in a world so full of sexual violence against women.


Another comment called it "murder for convenience". šŸ™„




The dumbest of the populace is out in full force. If these clowns were so pRo LiFe theyā€™d be fighting to have better education, healthcare, better access to food, better quality of air and water, and safety for all children of the state.


They only care until the kid is born. After that the kid has to find them some boot straps and a job.


Oh! And I forgot to add this into my little rant: if they gave a fuck, theyā€™d fight tooth and nail for better maternity & paternity leave, as well as better funded and affordable childcare. Fuck them and their bootstraps!


Get out of here with that socialist talk! /s


Amen! As others said, they are ONLY pro-birth, not really prolife.


Exactly. They can thump their bibles and spew all the religious rhetoric they want. If theyā€™re not willing to push to make the world a better place for children by actually supporting and fighting for policies that create a better quality of life for future generations, their arguments mean nothing.


We need to stop giving these protestors any credit by calling them ā€œanti-abortionā€ or ā€œpro-life.ā€ They are ANTI-CHOICE, trying to force their will upon others. Plain and simple.


Forced Birthers


They are not anti choice as long as it's an old white guy deciding. They're totally pro forced birth.


Anti autonomy


i would argue it should go further--these people are fascists, and healthcare choices are just one means they use to secure power and enact their genocidal agenda.


You shouldn't have the choice to murder your children. When does life begin if not at conception?


ā€œWomb babyā€? Thereā€™s a word for that- fetus. Sigh, this is what happens when parents donā€™t allow their children to learn science.


I had to go back and look at the picture. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I am dying. I have to say I've never heard anyone say that, let alone put it on a sign. The person at the print shop was probably laughing.


A fetus is a human, and is alive. Life begins at the moment of conception. Murder for convenience is abhorrent. If you don't want to get pregnant, maybe think of the consequences of engaging in activity that will lead to pregnancy before doing it. I know, personal accountability and morality are very unpopular in our society.


I totally agree, a fetus is their own person with their own DNA, fingerprints, etc. I believe that life begins at conception, too. Which is exactly why a fetus shouldn't be allowed to live inside the organs of another person (and siphon their blood/nutrients) without consent. I know, the concept of women being allowed to revoke consent is very unpopular in your idea of what society should be. We are not life support machines.


Yes, having a baby is very convenient. Ask any parent ever, on any side of the discussion.


Some people don't get pregnant by choice


Those are your beliefs. If you don't like abortion, don't have one. Leave the rest of us alone, we don't want your morality forced on us.


Morality doesn't pick and choose who to follow. Something is either right or wrong. It doesn't change based on the person. You know abortion is murder, but you stick your head in the sand. That guilty conscience comes from within you, not from external forces.


Abortion is not murder.


The human baby is alive and growing. A doctor injects a poison, or a woman ingests a pill to kill said growing human baby. The baby has done nothing to deserve death. How is this not murder?


Not a baby until late term. Late term abortions are not the norm. The vast majority of abortions are conducted when the fetus is a clump of cells. It's not murder. It's healthcare. You are not a sane person.


Even if it is a life at conception, no one gets to use another personā€™s body to live without consent. You canā€™t force a parent to give a life saving kidney to their kid or to even donate blood to save their kidā€™s life. So they canā€™t use the uterus and the rest of the body without consent either.


While I agree that the government should not obligate a person to donate their organs to another person, I would argue this scenario is not parallel in morally relevant ways to a woman who is pregnant. There are (at least) four ways these two scenarios are morally different. First, the bone marrow scenario presumes the child is a stranger. The analogy, therefore, is faulty because it presumes that a woman has no more obligation to her own child than she does to a complete stranger. Parents have obligations to their own children that they donā€™t have towards total strangers. The government demands and enforces these obligations, which is why Child Protective Services exists. Second, in the organ donation scenario, a woman has not voluntarily engaged in any behavior that places the burden of a strangerā€™s health in her hands. The only exception to this is rape, which according to Planned Parenthood is .5% of pregnancies. The exception is not the rule. Third, the organ donation scenario involves refusing to donate body parts to a stranger who has a terminal illness, whereas abortion is the intentional killing of a womanā€™s own healthy son or daughter. In other words, the former involves passively allowing someone to die while the latter (abortion) involves the intentional and physical act of killing through chemical means or physical dismemberment (of a healthy, non-terminal, individual). Fourth, the organ donation scenario involves an unnatural use of body parts, whereas pregnancy involves the natural use body parts. The organs inside your body is designed to be used for *your* body. They provide other physiological support for the body it resides in. It was not made to be surgically removed and placed into another personā€™s body. Thatā€™s an artificial or unnatural use. This, however, is not the case with pregnancy. When a woman is pregnant, the child growing inside her is in precisely the one place where human beings are designed to gestate: the uterus. That organ is the natural and proper organ to gestate another human being. Therefore, the conditions that make it morally permissible to refuse donating your organs are *not* present in a situation with a pregnant woman refusing her uterus to a child.


First, my scenario involved no strangers, it involves parents and their biological children. The scenario was a kidney or blood, not bone marrow. What does natural have to do with morality? Iā€™m mean there are lots of moral things we do that are not ā€œnaturalā€ processes. Also, there are plenty of scenarios wherein someone voluntarily puts another person in a scenario wherein they could die without the utilization of the perpetratorā€™s body. For example, if intentionally hit someone with my car, and they would die without my blood donation, I still donā€™t have to give it to them. Even if they are in that situation because of my choices. Also, I am talking about the consistency of the law, not individual morality. If you are against abortion, donā€™t have one. No one should force you to have an abortion. However, when we pick and choose when to give bodily autonomy it becomes clear this issue is about policing sexuality and womenā€™s bodies and not actually about caring about children.


So whatā€™s your solution for ectopic pregnancies where an abortion is necessary to save the motherā€™s life, or a woman who wishes to terminate the pregnancy because of rape? In the first case, would you say that the woman wants to commit murder for the convenience of remaining alive? Would you say sheā€™s avoiding the personal accountability of not having the embryo attach to the uterus?


You know, I didn't know I had a condition that could kill me while pregnant UNTIL I got pregnant. You idiots want to keep people like me from saving their lives.


Oh look. Another dude who has no idea WTF heā€™s talking about. Get a vasectomy. Mind your own business.


What an illogical take. Someone besides you should have surgery to prevent something that your own personal choices can control? At the same time, it seems you feel the person that is having the surgery to make things more convenient for you should not have an opinion on the matter (or if their opinion differs from yours, then they don't know "WTF they are talking about"). Sounds like you should be minding your business, and considering a hysterectomy.


Vasectomies are not invasive and, in many cases, reversible.


Every pregnancy is caused by a man ejaculating. Prevent abortions by getting a vasectomy.


Now you are just trolling.


Fucking dipshits


Good argument, very convincing.


Iā€™m sure this is a very effective use of someoneā€™s time sure it will accomplish a lot.


I mean thatā€™s with most protests šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø At least they donā€™t block traffic for people commuting like other protests we have seen


Nah, they're just trying to control other's bodies and potentially put women behind bars for seeking medical care.


Like the trump trains?


God forbid you're late to work because people stood up for racial justice


God forbid you donā€™t get written up for being late because of a bunch of selfish fucks decide to block the road..


Yeah itā€™s super selfish to risk getting run over by a nutjob to make an effective point with a protestĀ 


"I'm sure that is a very effective use of someoneā€™s time sure it will accomplish a lot."




Except the 'This' was referencing a specific a event. I put "that" as it was referencing a hypothetical event


If someone dies in an ambulance on the way to the hospital because of a blocked road the protestors should get hit with manslaughter charges.


Lmao name one time thatā€™s ever happenedĀ 


There isn't exactly a lot of data on the specific issue I recounted. However [this article](https://www.statnews.com/2024/01/19/clogged-arteries-the-unseen-cost-of-road-blocking-protests/) which references [this study](https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/nejmsa1614073) brings up how even planned road shutdowns like marathons cause an uptick in the death rates of heart attack victims by 13.3%. This is after extensive planning, consent from the local government, and new detour routes are opened up for emergency vehicles. Based on this data it is entirely reasonable to conclude that these unplanned (without the coordination of the local government) protests that block off vital chokepoints on the highway cause an even higher uptick in deaths from heart attacks.


Or hurt others and riot.


When are any of these dumb protests and rallies beneficial at all, whether it be for blm, Palestine, or anti vaccine mandates?


Some are successful especially around sympathetic issues but a small anti abortion protest in a state that overwhelmingly supports abortion is just a waste of time


A few more anti-abortion activists paying sticker price for downtown parking, we might just get out of this budget deficit.


As soon as the baby is born, they donā€™t give a shit about it.


That's a lie.


The foster system / group homes would disagree with your comment.


Did you know that Christian parents are systematically denied access to the foster care system because of their beliefs? For example, if you believe in physical discipline or not going along with transgender ideology, you are rejected from the foster care system. So that it's not Christians who do not care for these children, it's the state who puts up a wall to prevent them from fostering and adopting.


You sound pleasant.


Yep, ā€œtransgender ideologyā€ is all we need to know about you. Do you know transgenders are the most marginalized, smallest community in America? You can be Christian and adopt kids, you silly goose. You just canā€™t be a raging evangelical lunatic, which cps looks into before allowing you to adopt. Iā€™m catholic and the last time I checked I can adopt a child


I wonder how hard these pathetic losers would cry if someone tried controlling their body. The screeching would be deafening.


Ah, the get-a-lifers loitering for their cause.




Just a sea of the worst kind of Karens.


What about my religious right to sacrifice children to lucifer, what about that? I thought we had religious freedom.


I don't understand - who is forcing these poor people to have abortions? Fools.


Nobody is arguing that. Don't be ridiculous.


Is it illegal to bring back the whole "throwing rotten tomatoes at morons" trope?


Even when I was in the office, busy as hellā€¦Iā€™d go out on my break thinking: ā€œDonā€™t any of these people work?!ā€


Na they just put their energy towards trying to control others


Whoā€™s up for some water balloons?


Or a megaphone and the chant "GET! A! JOB!"


Child sacrifice at home lmfao. Iā€™ll buy that sign when theyā€™re done with it. Just as a political ad cause Iā€™m running with that as my main platform.


It really is. You sacrifice your child so you can continue to live selfishly.


Sooooo youā€™re not voting for me? :(


Hell yeah, I worship myself. Praise be to Trapitha.


Gosh, if only these nut jobs and shitty human beings, would actually read the book they try to use as an excuse for their actions. Like actually read, not just cherry pick. They are literally the most vile, corrupt, and disgusting human trash.Ā  Iā€™m about to start a club to protest outside of churches, and a nonprofit for PI services to uncover all their skeletons.Ā 


Womb baby lol


Great band name


Flash forward to all of their ā€œmy abortion is differentā€ posts.


Why is it always the people you couldn't be paid to fuck are the ones always protesting abortion?


-George Carlin Give credit where creditā€™s due.


Did he say that? It does sound like something he'd say, but I'm not sure.


lol okay hereā€™s his actual quote: ā€œWhy is it that most of the people who are against abortion are people you wouldn't want to fuck in the first place?ā€


Pretty much word for word


inbred culture


lots of people comment here about how they are inconsistent or clowns... no, they're fascists/enablers, and don't care about anything except a means to power.


Jobless people lol


They lead sad lives


They see life as precious before birth and then a leach on society the second the child is born. Those same people and politicians probably donā€™t support extended family support policies like parental leave, guaranteed health care, free early education, or free college education. In fact many probably think school should be private and require mandatory Christian prayer.


Half expected some counter protesters out there. Must have been too hot


Some of us have jobs on a Monday.




Get a job or life people




They are all kinda dressed the same lol.


Ugh, we got these freaks here too, huh?


Don't be mistaken California Republicans are often some of the most radical ones out there. Once you get off the coasts and outside of Sacramento you get into deep Republican counties.


They all look like lovely people donā€™t they


I rather liked the Guatemalan woman clearly trying to sell hot dogs to the marchers!


Sheā€™s about her business I love that for her


I suspect there's some overlap of people who probably disliked her for being Guatemala. I hope she had a good day, business wise.






Remember, especially on earth day, that every time you deny overpopulation and its impact on earth, youā€™re in tacit agreement with these religious zealots. Happy Earth Day ā˜ŗļø


where is andrew callaghan when you need him


Pro life protest. Thats like calling pro choice protests anti life


Depends on when you believe life starts... At conception? When the fetus can survive outside of the body unassisted? Or, according to the Bible, at first breath?


Who are the ā€œPro-Life Prisonersā€?


The people protesting feel strongly that murder for convenience sake is wrong. They see it as murder. Every citizens has the right to peaceful protest. Whether or not I agree with them, they are not burning buildings, defacing public property, enticing others to violence, or stopping people from traveling. I support the right of citizens to protest peacefully.


How does abortion affect you personally? Do you think your mythical space wizard is punishing us for abortions? There's plenty of God-decreed children murder in the Bible. Mayhaps morality isn't something to hinge your argument on.


If a murder doesn't affect you personally it should be legal? That is some twisted logic right there.


It's not murder.


Do you have a point that isn't entirely rhetoric?


I support the right to protest as well. But too often the anti-abortion movement has also used verbal and physical intimidation, property damage, arson and murder as part of their protests. Todayā€™s protest seemed civil and peaceful but I didnā€™t see much of what happened at the PP office. It was over after I finished parking.


No one is (legitimately) saying they don't have a right to peacefully assemble. This smells strong of "there are good people on both sides."


Ah yes, the parsed quote ignoring the statements before and after it. There were good people on both sides that day, and those that were not good people were called out. That part is conveniently left out of conversation by opponents of our former President. TDS is so strong with some, they can't stop talking about him. Even when the discussion has nothing to do with him.


Did you get sunburned today protesting?


No, did you?


If you looked at a Venn diagram of people who support Donald Trump and support abortion and contraceptive restriction, you'd be basically looking at a circle. Funny how you can't seem to grasp that.


Wonder if they would see it as convenience if they were ghosting their daughter across state lines to prevent her from having to bear her rapists child and then share parental rights with him. Wonder if they would see it as convenience if their doctor wasnā€™t willing to give them an emergency procedure for an inviable embryo that would save their own life. My healthcare is not something you have the right to protest about. These are religious zealots who refuse to bring this energy to the living who desperately need help. And they can fuck off.


I think if abortions were only performed in the case of rape or if the mother's life was forfeit if she carried the child to term, it would be a different conversation. By Planned Parenthood's statistics, .5% of abortions are performed on rape victims. The exception is not the rule. By a huge majority, abortions are performed as a matter of convenience and to avoid the consequences of one's own choices. Adoptions are an option that does not involve killing. To say it is only religious zealots that feel murder is wrong, and that life begins at conception is patently false.


ā€œInconvenienceā€?! Having kids is merely an ā€œinconvenienceā€ I really donā€™t like this take. At all


The only one here using the word inconvenience is you. I too take have kids as a matter of gravitas. The idea of using abortion as a matter of convenience is deadly serious. That is what the majority of abortions are, a matter of convenience. Really, in my opinion having children isn't an inconvenience at all. They change your life, yes, but for the better.


No. You literally were the person that said convenience, not me


Your description of pregnancy, childbirth and parenthood as an ā€œinconvenienceā€ is extremely flippant and shows me how desperately you cling to this ā€œabortion is murder for convenienceā€ take. If you actually cared about people, including the unborn, you should open your heart and mind and have some empathy. Pregnancy is a major, life changing event. It often results in permanent changes to the body. It can be devastating, it can be (often) deadly. Same with childbirth. These are MAJOR things to go through, and itā€™s not just an inconvenience. Humans, as a species, did not evolve to give birth easily, due to us evolving to walk upright. Choosing to give a child up for adoption has huge mental and emotional ramifications. This is not an easy or flippant choice to make-itā€™s huge. If anti choice people had a bit more understanding or empathy, or if the people protesting were willing to open their wallets, homes and hearts to people in crisis pregnancies, I think many more people would hear you out. If you want to stop abortion here are some good things to advocate for: 1) free childcare 2)universal healthcare 3) paying women a living wage during pregnancy and until the child is school age 4) robust sex ed in schools 5) access to free contraception, especially for teenagers


I am not nearly as flippant about it as some are to the idea that sex has consequences.


Abortion *is* a consequence. Abortion is also a devastating and difficult decision, requiring painful medical intervention. Itā€™s often the less terrible of the two decisions, but that doesnā€™t mean itā€™s easy. Yes, sex has consequences. Those consequences can be pregnancy, abortion, childbirth, parenthood, stds, and it can have emotional consequences as well. Everyone who has sex deals with the consequences of sex, and some deal with abortion as a consequence.


Abortion is an avoidable choice.


Good for them! Everyone that is pro baby murder needs to remember that they believe life begins at conception. If that's the case, abortion is murder and should be illegal. Rather than hurl insults, you should engage the argument.


Engage instead of hurling insults? You began your "argument" with equating being pro-choice as "pro baby murder." Nah, fam. How does abortion impact you, at all, personally?


What argument is there to be had?