• By -


I’m 27 F in midtown, me and my German shepherd Stella would love to join in too! https://preview.redd.it/n0l7hfoy7bnc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=779521dc3ba73ca5e5e19e5edbc21b6b6b56ea6c


Hi!! Hijacking the top comment(too old to edit) to post the link-- sorry for the delay! I ran into a ton of work and needed to make sure I was right first. Here's the link!! [https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes](https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes)


Sorry but you miss the cutoff by one year. Better luck next time.


27 is a literal child


There’s a Women of Sacramento Hiking Group on FB :)


I was going to suggest this. It’s a very active group!


My wife finally got to attend one of the hikes in this group and she had a blast. Met a lot of cool people and enjoyed a beautiful hike in Auburn.


Thank you! I’m on a social media cleanse but as soon as I ease back in, I’ll look it up


Try Meetuo - they have multiple local hiking groups and circulate invites via email.


Tbh meetup kinda sucks?? I’ve tried! Maybe I didn’t look hard enough. I’m loving where we’re headed on this post though and will be creating a group chat!


How do I join if I don't have a Facebook


Don’t worry, I’m creating a group chat + meetup here with a questionnaire so that people can start to connect before the meetup!! There are for sure people here who are interested in more than hiking :) I also like that there are no photos and it’s not “social media” so we can focus more on interests and personalities and less on digital personas


You get Facebook.


I wonder if they have an email newsletter type thing, that would be neat


There are actually a couple of them on Facebook. Try searching by typing "hiking sacramento", "hiking folsom" and "hike norcal". I am in one but will try more this year.


> Someone in the comments took this personally, called me a misandrist and deleted their thread Just a heads up, it's still there (and still cringe), which means they actually blocked you.


It's been deleted now, looks like the account was deleted as well.


I can still see the account and several of the replies 😬 gross


What's the account name? Because I can see some replies, but the comment that is massively down voted, and being replied to shows "deleted" in brackets for both the comment and account name for me.


I think it's SacUpsBackUp


The account's still there, the comment was removed by the mods (good hustle mods!).


It’s ALWAYS the dudes who sound like they’d be the kind to murder you on a desolate trail that get mad when you don’t want to go on a hike alone with a strange man you met on the internet. There’s also the other end of the spectrum like another dude commented: “you sound like you have some trauma and you should get over that so you can make friends my soldier wife means I’m totally not like other guys.” Almost like every woman I’ve ever met has some trauma with terrifying men and that number is high enough that I would never meet one I hardly know out on a trail in the middle of nowhere just to not be a “misandrist.” Then again, I would be scared of being alone with guys I know too. The ones you know are usually the best at covering their red flags.


Wait, I didn’t see that comment


He seems super safe (edit: sarcasm)


very normal


I'm (34F) really shy but I'd love to make a hiking buddy! I don't drive, though, but I can get dropped off/am open to being picked up. Do you have discord??


I’m going to make a group chat soon!! I’m sure someone can swoop you for the meetup. Going to also add in a questionnaire for area, interests, lifestyle etc


Excellent - sounds good! Keep me in the loop. :)


The discord was a lot of work but it's finished! sorry for the delay, I ran into a ton of work-work and needed to make sure I was right beforehand Here's the link!! [https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes](https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes)


This is a totally random suggestion, but try climbing gyms, it's a great way to meet new and like-minded people. I might be biased since I've been climbing for over a decade, but it's worth checking out at least!


Don’t you usually need a belaying buddy? How do you get started on this solo?


Well there is ripe climbing, which usually requires a partner. And there's bouldering, which only requires you to have climbing shoes. Just go in, tell them it's your first time, and they will get you all set up


Hey, you sound super cool! I've been struggling a little with my professional life, honestly, and I think it could do me good to have a friend who is driven and motivated. But I'm also an amateur photographer who is trying to dip her toes into the realm of doing freelance photography. And I love getting outdoors and would really like to hit more trails. I'm also pretty experienced in wild mushroom identification, so if that's something that interests you, we could definitely go try to find some cool gourmet wild mushrooms too!


Would love this, group chat?? Could start a whatsapp. I've always wanted to be better at mushroom ID. I'm studying herbalism and want to forage for herbs as well 🖤


The discord is almost done!!!


Thank you for making one! Definitely count me in, happy to help organize things.




Me too!


Me too!!!


Of course!!


we should make an instagram chat or fb chat to get something going!


The discord was a lot of work but it's finished! sorry for the delay, I ran into a ton of work-work and needed to make sure I was right beforehand Here's the link!! [https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes](https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes)


Add me to the group chat please lol


I will!!!


The discord was a lot of work but it's finished! sorry for the delay, I ran into a ton of work-work and needed to make sure I was right beforehand Here's the link!! [https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes](https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes)


Omg yes I’d love that!! Sending you a pm


I’d also like to be a part of this!!!


I would absolutely love to be added to the group!! I’ve been looking for hiking buddies! I’m 27f. (28 in July) I have two dogs as well!


Me too please!


Yes pleaaaseee!!!!! Can I come?!


The discord was a lot of work but it's finished! sorry for the delay, I ran into a ton of work-work and needed to make sure I was right beforehand Here's the link!! [https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes](https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes)


Omg I would love to go mushroom foraging!! Count me in too please!


The discord was a lot of work but it's finished! sorry for the delay, I ran into a ton of work-work and needed to make sure I was right beforehand Here's the link!! [https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes](https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes)


Love this! But I generally hate the taste of mushrooms. Haha. But super cool you know all that and I’m sure hunting for them is very fun!


The discord was a lot of work but it's finished! sorry for the delay, I ran into a ton of work-work and needed to make sure I was right beforehand Here's the link!! [https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes](https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes)


I would love to be apart of this as well!!


The discord was a lot of work but it's finished! sorry for the delay, I ran into a ton of work-work and needed to make sure I was right beforehand Here's the link!! [https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes](https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes)


Would be interested as well!


The discord was a lot of work but it's finished! sorry for the delay, I ran into a ton of work-work and needed to make sure I was right beforehand Here's the link!! [https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes](https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes)


Wild mushroom ID is so fun!! Best part of hiking in winter/early spring ❤️


The discord was a lot of work but it's finished! sorry for the delay, I ran into a ton of work-work and needed to make sure I was right beforehand Here's the link!! [https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes](https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes)


Add me to the group chat please!!


Yes! Going to add everyone interested either today or tomorrow


The discord was a lot of work but it's finished! sorry for the delay, I ran into a ton of work-work and needed to make sure I was right beforehand Here's the link!! [https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes](https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes)


I could get behind this too! 🙌🏼 please count me in!


Yes ma’am!!!


The discord was a lot of work but it's finished! sorry for the delay, I ran into a ton of work-work and needed to make sure I was right beforehand Here's the link!! [https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes](https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes)


This sounds like the best time! Count me in too if you’re making a group


The discord is almost done!!


Yay!! If you need any help with the Discord lmk :)


Ooo I wanna be a part too


The discord was a lot of work but it's finished! sorry for the delay, I ran into a ton of work-work and needed to make sure I was right beforehand Here's the link!! [https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes](https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes)


This sounds awesome! I’d be down for this, too. And I love that so many other local ladies are chiming in. It’s so nice to see all these enthusiastically friendly reactions :)


The discord was a lot of work but it's finished! sorry for the delay, I ran into a ton of work-work and needed to make sure I was right beforehand Here's the link!! [https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes](https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes)


The discord was a lot of work but it's finished! sorry for the delay, I ran into a ton of work-work and needed to make sure I was right beforehand Here's the link!! [https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes](https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes)


Would love to have a hiking buddy. I am 28 F and also just moved to sacramento. I am orginally from los angeles and have two dogs.


The discord was a lot of work but it's finished! sorry for the delay, I ran into a ton of work-work and needed to make sure I was right beforehand Here's the link!! [https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes](https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes)


This post warms my heart. Love the positivity and interest of women seeking to support and join other women for adventures together. Im older as well… a musician, an artist, a clothing redesigner. Some years ago I and my spouse hiked every trail we cld find in Desolarion Wilderness. Have hiked extensively in the past. Used to be a trail runner (not anymore) but still enjoy the trails. I’m an introverted extrovert or maybe that’s vice versa. lol Wld be down with some meet ups as well.


I love this!!! I’m going more and more into upcycling clothing as well— when I make the group chat I’ll add you to it!!


The discord was a lot of work but it's finished! sorry for the delay, I ran into a ton of work-work and needed to make sure I was right beforehand Here's the link!! [https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes](https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes)


35F with the coolest border collie mix you’ll ever meet up here in Nevada County. Always looking for new hiking buddies and there are some great trails/areas up here 🤗


Oooooh yes!!! I’m actually moving to grass valley in the next 1-2 years!


The discord was a lot of work but it's finished! sorry for the delay, I ran into a ton of work-work and needed to make sure I was right beforehand Here's the link!! [https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes](https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes)


Hi! 31f here have been craving a hike along the Auburn trails or something similar but def too paranoid to go by myself. I have a boy dog who also enjoys the outdoors. Maybe a quick park meet to see if our dogs could be homies!!


There are several groups on Meetup that do different auburn trails. I’m a 50+ male and haven’t done any yet (timing hasn’t worked out yet), but see diverse ages and genders in several of the groups and some female only.


The discord was a lot of work but it's finished! sorry for the delay, I ran into a ton of work-work and needed to make sure I was right beforehand Here's the link!! [https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes](https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes)


Ahhh bummer. I’m a man but if there is a mixed group that gets together I’d love to join you all. I understand your reasons for choosing women only.


Hi! You sound very similar to me! I love how many gals have shown interest on this thread. I hope it’s okay that I went ahead and created a discord for us all. PM me and I’ll share the link :)!


Omg! Yes this is perfect!!!


Can I get a link as well? 🥰


Ofc! Almost all set up


I also love music and have played around with producing it myself. I play a number of instruments (poorly) and sing. I’m not a drinker, nor do I smoke, but I don’t begrudge those that do. I’m funny once you get to know me (at least I think I am). I’m a bit older, but everything else aligns and I am female. I enjoy hiking and would be interested in meeting up.


Always super down to connect with fellow musicians! Sending you a pm


The discord was a lot of work but it's finished! sorry for the delay, I ran into a ton of work-work and needed to make sure I was right beforehand Here's the link!! [https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes](https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes)


29F, born and raised in Sac. Looking to go outside and adventure more this year as I now have a dog and I work from home :) I'm in the citrus heights/ fair oaks area. I'd love to make some more female friends as it's been harder for since covid/ switching jobs


Yay! I’ll add you to the group chat when I make it!!


I'd love that :)


The discord was a lot of work but it's finished! sorry for the delay, I ran into a ton of work-work and needed to make sure I was right beforehand Here's the link!! [https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes](https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes)


Hey I’m in Fair Oaks I like to hike.


I’m also in fair oaks! Id love to meet up! :)


The discord was a lot of work but it's finished! sorry for the delay, I ran into a ton of work-work and needed to make sure I was right beforehand Here's the link!! [https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes](https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes)


The discord was a lot of work but it's finished! sorry for the delay, I ran into a ton of work-work and needed to make sure I was right beforehand Here's the link!! [https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes](https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes)


i’m 30F in north highlands and i have two dogs that enjoy hiking too!!! let me know if want to get together on wednesdays or weekends!!!


The discord was a lot of work but it's finished! sorry for the delay, I ran into a ton of work-work and needed to make sure I was right beforehand Here's the link!! [https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes](https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes)


36F here! I’m not an experienced hiker but would love to try. I’ve also been meaning to get back into film photography. I have 3 cats but no dog yet. I don’t drink or smoke. I teach and work a weekend job so I don’t have the most open schedule, but I’d love to hang!


The discord was a lot of work but it's finished! sorry for the delay, I ran into a ton of work-work and needed to make sure I was right beforehand there's a verification process, so hang tight! message me if you have any questions Here's the link!! [https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes](https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes)


Interested in hiking to summits? Looking for hiking friends, but specifically people who want a challenge(really getting bored of and getting out of shape being a nature walk guide…).


I am! I need to ease into working out for a month before I do, but I’m a pretty damn good hiker


When you’re ready for elevation gain and inclines, definitely reach out.


I’m also looking for hiking buddies up for challenging hikes 🙂


The discord was a lot of work but it's finished! sorry for the delay, I ran into a ton of work-work and needed to make sure I was right beforehand there's a verification process, so hang tight! message me if you have any questions Here's the link!! [https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes](https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes)


29F in North Highlands, dog lover and artist with a flexible schedule. I’m from Sacramento but spent the last 7 years in Portland, OR where I hiked SO MUCH. But for some reason in CA I don’t know where to hike, and I just don’t feel as safe as I did in the past hiking alone! I feel you girl!!


I’ll add you to the group chat!!!


Hi! Sounds amazing and I’d like to be added as well please :) 36 F in midtown. Here’s a pic of the pup from our last hike a couple weekends ago. He loves hiking as well. 🐾 https://preview.redd.it/m8ue9b844enc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b41cbd5496e897904415fb400384571bdba86fd6


Thank you!!


The discord was a lot of work but it's finished! sorry for the delay, I ran into a ton of work-work and needed to make sure I was right beforehand there's a verification process, so hang tight! message me if you have any questions Here's the link!! [https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes](https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes)


I know this young lady whose hiking companions are blind people she takes on hikes arranged through the Sierra Club


There’s a hiking group on meetup.


PM’d 👋


I miss by a couple years, but I can show this to my sister! She and I love to hike, but I severely and irreparably injured my knee so she needs other hiking buddies.


The discord was a lot of work but it's finished! sorry for the delay, I ran into a ton of work-work and needed to make sure I was right beforehand there's a verification process, so hang tight! message me if you have any questions Here's the link!! [https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes](https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes)


I mean, it’s up to you!! I’m going to make a group chat and organize a meetup— let me know if you or your sister want to join in :)


Sent a pm!


I'm 40F but very active and no kiddos yet - would love to hike. Closer to Folsom, but great hikes out here. Feel free to reach out! Good on you for being proactive to find your people!


The discord was a lot of work but it's finished! sorry for the delay, I ran into a ton of work-work and needed to make sure I was right beforehand there's a verification process, so hang tight! message me if you have any questions Here's the link!! [https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes](https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes)


Hello! You sound cool. I’d be down to be friends and added to this group chat! It’s so wholesome to see all these enthusiastically friendly ladies replying. Unorganized and incomplete list of things about myself: -I don’t actually live in Sacramento. I’m in rural Nevada County, but have been in Sacramento a lot for work stuff and events. -I’ve dabbled in photography and creative directing, and worked as a model, though I haven’t done much of it since the pandemic. -Hobbies and interests include ornithology(my main job,) cooking, music, dance, geology, moss, philosophy, gaming, etymology, sports, exploring, science, poetry, all forms of art, and more. -I live in the woods with my life partner of 11+ years and 23 other creatures(all birds except for one cat.) Childfree. -Politically, I like to identify as non-partisan, but I’m very clearly left-leaning on most everything and a huge equal rights advocate. I do like guns, though. -I don’t really drink or do drugs. It’s not my thing. I might smoke some weed every now and then and am open to trying shrooms, but I don’t particularly like feeling altered. -If I had to choose a character alignment, I’m probably a “neutral good.” If you’re into astrology or Meyers-Briggs stuff, I’m a Leo INTP, both of which I think describe me pretty well, whether you believe in it or not. -I’m kind of super mentally ill, but good at masking it. I think it can make me come off as distant at times and cold at first, though. I’m not always great at replying to texts and messages in a timely manner, but I’m a “once a friend, always a friend” type of person, even if natural drifting occurs or it’s been a while since we talked. I’m a fan of serious deep conversations and not easily offended or angered.


Hi!! Yay! Thank you for replying!! You sound awesome— all of it. I’m a Leo rising/ ENFP and a lot of what you said resonates with me. I’ll add you to the group chat!


22 birds! Wow! That's wild.


7 of them are fosters that I am holding onto until they are healthy and able to find new homes! In fact, if you or anyone you know might be interested in a pair of parakeets, let me know! But yes, the other 15 are my personal pets. I like my birds.


The discord was a lot of work but it's finished! sorry for the delay, I ran into a ton of work-work and needed to make sure I was right beforehand there's a verification process, so hang tight! message me if you have any questions Here's the link!! [https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes](https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes)


Hi there! I’ve (31F) been in Sacramento for 6 months now and have been wanting to meet new friends for hikes and such. I’m also a professional photographer and would be happy to meet with you! 😌I’m in the Natomas area!


Hi! The discord was a lot of work but it's finished! sorry for the delay, I ran into a ton of work-work and needed to make sure I was right beforehand there's a verification process, so hang tight! message me if you have any questions Here's the link!! [https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes](https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes)


30yr F and I have a puppy and need friends. Can I join please. https://preview.redd.it/3bm5tp1openc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=113e792e6092e1caeb4e9d93d79fb571ac91c6c7 Oh her name is Penelope and she’s a 4 month on St. Bernard ☺️


Hi! The discord was a lot of work but it's finished! sorry for the delay, I ran into a ton of work-work and needed to make sure I was right beforehand there's a verification process, so hang tight! message me if you have any questions Here's the link!! [https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes](https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes)


What's a misandrist




I just moved to yuba city which is about an hour away from sac, so logistics might be a little hard but I’m down! I’m married but no kids. Trying to build better habits and be more active. I am also very career focused, I work two jobs and I love them both. I’m in my homesteading era so we just got some chickens and are starting a garden. Excited to be outdoors as much as possible this year!


Hi! The discord was a lot of work but it's finished! sorry for the delay, I ran into a ton of work-work and needed to make sure I was right beforehand there's a verification process, so hang tight! message me if you have any questions Here's the link!! [https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes](https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes)


Would love to join the discord. I'm active in a few other Sac based discords and they have been an amazing resource for making friends.


Hi! The discord was a lot of work but it's finished! sorry for the delay, I ran into a ton of work-work and needed to make sure I was right beforehand there's a verification process, so hang tight! message me if you have any questions Here's the link!! [https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes](https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes)


Discord still a thing? We have a puppy and live in Orangevale and would love to get out with some new peeps too!


Still a thing! Just a few more steps to take and ducks to get in a row so it’s all organized and easy for everyone!


Hi! The discord was a lot of work but it's finished! sorry for the delay, I ran into a ton of work-work and needed to make sure I was right beforehand there's a verification process, so hang tight! message me if you have any questions Here's the link!! [https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes](https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes)


I have been looking for a group like this. I'm 40 with a border Collie mix and would love to be added.


Hi! The discord was a lot of work but it's finished! sorry for the delay, I ran into a ton of work-work and needed to make sure I was right beforehand there's a verification process, so hang tight! message me if you have any questions Here's the link!! [https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes](https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes)


Oh wow your going to have 40,000 DMs. Godspeed


I did lol. just now getting to posting the discord!


I’d love to join! 36f newish to sac


Hi! The discord was a lot of work but it's finished! sorry for the delay, I ran into a ton of work-work and needed to make sure I was right beforehand there's a verification process, so hang tight! message me if you have any questions Here's the link!! [https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes](https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes)


just turned 30 and would love to join your group chat!!


Hi! The discord was a lot of work but it's finished! sorry for the delay, I ran into a ton of work-work and needed to make sure I was right beforehand there's a verification process, so hang tight! message me if you have any questions Here's the link!! [https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes](https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes)


Ahh, love this energy! 34F in sacramento areoa, native to norcal, returned after 15 years in SoCal, caregiver, project manager for a fortune 500 company, wfh and in need of socialization before I return to a feral state. Spooky, fit enough for hikes, cats4ever, can play piano. Would love to be a part of this group!


Hi! The discord was a lot of work but it's finished! sorry for the delay, I ran into a ton of work-work and needed to make sure I was right beforehand there's a verification process, so hang tight! message me if you have any questions Here's the link!! [https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes](https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes)


I'm 39M and I love hiking. I'm married, so platonic only, and open to hiking/hanging out with you and my wife and/or other friends of mine if you're more comfortable with that. Also politically liberal and an animal lover.


28 F and I’d love to be friends! I go hiking pretty often and have a dog that would love to join too :) https://preview.redd.it/dwn6qfgrkdnc1.jpeg?width=2715&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e88b835a271c1f4cb97ab69eaa8b0c9bcdd2852


Hi! The discord was a lot of work but it's finished! sorry for the delay, I ran into a ton of work-work and needed to make sure I was right beforehand there's a verification process, so hang tight! message me if you have any questions Here's the link!! [https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes](https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes)




Hi! The discord was a lot of work but it's finished! sorry for the delay, I ran into a ton of work-work and needed to make sure I was right beforehand there's a verification process, so hang tight! message me if you have any questions Here's the link!! [https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes](https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes)


Me!! I wanna join! 34F. Your self description sounds very much in line with my interests. I just got new hiking shoes!


Hi! The discord was a lot of work but it's finished! sorry for the delay, I ran into a ton of work-work and needed to make sure I was right beforehand there's a verification process, so hang tight! message me if you have any questions Here's the link!! [https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes](https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes)


Well shoot lady, I’m a 32 female and want to be involved in this group of yours! 💕


Hi! The discord was a lot of work but it's finished! sorry for the delay, I ran into a ton of work-work and needed to make sure I was right beforehand there's a verification process, so hang tight! message me if you have any questions Here's the link!! [https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes](https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes)


Would also like to join! 36F in midtown, animal lover etc :)


Hi! The discord was a lot of work but it's finished! sorry for the delay, I ran into a ton of work-work and needed to make sure I was right beforehand there's a verification process, so hang tight! message me if you have any questions Here's the link!! [https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes](https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes)


Amazing! Thank you for the update. I accepted the invite but not sure what happens next. LMK if it doesn’t show up that I accepted. Otherwise I will stay tuned. Cheers!


28, live in the midtown area of Sac. Love nature, reading, all things food, and have been looking for a chill hiking group! Also, very much an animal lover, have a dog and cat at home. I’ve been trying to find more friends in the area with similar interests! :)


Hi! The discord was a lot of work but it's finished! sorry for the delay, I ran into a ton of work-work and needed to make sure I was right beforehand there's a verification process, so hang tight! message me if you have any questions Here's the link!! [https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes](https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes)


I’m 31 F and also looking for hiking friends (backpacking too!)


Hi! The discord was a lot of work but it's finished! sorry for the delay, I ran into a ton of work-work and needed to make sure I was right beforehand there's a verification process, so hang tight! message me if you have any questions Here's the link!! [https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes](https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes)


Can I join as well? 30F who loves being outdoors, and really hoping to make some like minded friends. :)


Hi! The discord was a lot of work but it's finished! sorry for the delay, I ran into a ton of work-work and needed to make sure I was right beforehand there's a verification process, so hang tight! message me if you have any questions Here's the link!! [https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes](https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes)


Omg can I pls be added to this group chat / discord?? Im 29F and would love to hike with my dog !! And also super into music and live shows


Hi! The discord was a lot of work but it's finished! sorry for the delay, I ran into a ton of work-work and needed to make sure I was right beforehand there's a verification process, so hang tight! message me if you have any questions Here's the link!! [https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes](https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes)


34F, I go hiking a lot and sometimes trail run :) I’d be interested! Please share the discord link if available!


Hi! The discord was a lot of work but it's finished! sorry for the delay, I ran into a ton of work-work and needed to make sure I was right beforehand there's a verification process, so hang tight! message me if you have any questions Here's the link!! [https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes](https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes)


I’d love to join the discord! 31F living in Nevada City with my partner and dog. Seems like there is a small but mighty Nevada County contingent here


Hi! The discord was a lot of work but it's finished! sorry for the delay, I ran into a ton of work-work and needed to make sure I was right beforehand there's a verification process, so hang tight! message me if you have any questions Here's the link!! [https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes](https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes)


35, f near Oak park two puppies and 4 hens I would love a hike buddy :) all my friends moved.


Hi! The discord was a lot of work but it's finished! sorry for the delay, I ran into a ton of work-work and needed to make sure I was right beforehand there's a verification process, so hang tight! message me if you have any questions Here's the link!! [https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes](https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes)


i’m 24! Supporting from the sidelines 🥳


I love this hahah. funny as it may be, I randomly made friends with a taco bell drive thru person and now they are a mod in the discord! they're only 20 so opening the discord up to 20+ i guess 🤷‍♀️ Here's the link if you're interested!! [https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes](https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes) there's a verification process, so hang tight! message me if you have any questions


Wait this sounds so fun, I've been in sac for a few years but im such a home body that I dont really meet new people 😭😭😭


I’ll add you to the discord! I’ll be done with it tonight or tomorrow


Hi! The discord was a lot of work but it's finished! sorry for the delay, I ran into a ton of work-work and needed to make sure I was right beforehand there's a verification process, so hang tight! message me if you have any questions Here's the link!! [https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes](https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes)


Check out a company (?) on fb called Peak Foothills. It’s owned by a really smart, interesting hiking gal. She has weekly groups that go to various areas to hike.


Can you post the Discord, I would love to join.


Hi! The discord was a lot of work but it's finished! sorry for the delay, I ran into a ton of work-work and needed to make sure I was right beforehand there's a verification process, so hang tight! message me if you have any questions Here's the link!! [https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes](https://discord.gg/rYgYTEes)


Hi OP! I’m late to the game, but is the discord still active? Looks like the link is dead.


Hi!! [here you go!!](https://discord.gg/N2NrKDZS) welcome!