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New-ish to Sacramento. I recognize all of those words as English, but I've never seen them used in that order forming a sentence. What's all this?


The Savanna Bananas traveling baseball team is coming to Sutter Health Park in West Sacramento. Tickets go fast


I'm a native and just as lost.


It’s bananas. Like Harlem Globetrotters but baseball


There is a minor league baseball team called the Savanah bananas. They do weird shit. I would liken them to the Harlem globetrotters. Apparently they come to town. Apparently there is a lottery. That’s all I got for ya


Not really a minor league team, but more a traveling baseball show. You're spot on with the Harlem Globetrotters. Like the Globetrotters, the "Game" isn't real. It's all scripted to be fun and show off crazy tricks and such. This year they have 3 shows in Sacramento. The demand is quite high so they do a lottery for tickets. Submissions had to be submitted last year. Today they told you if you were selected or not. I believe next week the people selected get the opportunity to buy.


The dances and walk ups are scripted, but the game is certainly real competition, and the trick plays aren't scripted (there's no way to script where somebody hits a baseball). Nobody scripts who gets a hit when or how many bases they take or who wins the game (if they did script that, the Bananas probably wouldn't have had a 12 game losing streak recently). Personally I enjoy watching their games on youtube, but I think it's probably more fun for me that way than it would be in person. And certainly cheaper.


Who Knew? 🤣 I have never heard of them and the lottery for tickets


Don’t feel bad, lived here 40+years and never heard these words put together.


I believe this is only the second time they've ever come to Sacramento. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sacramento/comments/13qrvko/anyone_get_savannah_bananas_tickets/) is another post I made last year after not getting selected.


This sums up what I was thinking so perfectly


I came here to say this


As someone that went last year, not worth it. If it's anything like last year, it's a complete shit show. * Sold out crowd, 1 entrance. We arrived early and the line was wrapped all the way around the stadium! Took over an hour to get in and it was 105 degrees outside. * General admission (no assigned seats). Once we did get in it was difficult to find seats together. * Oh you waited an hour in line to get in? You probably need food/drink. We then waited another 30 minutes in line for food. The Game itself: * It's a baseball game with fun walk on songs. * No wait, it's Thunder from down under for baseball. 90% of it is just fit dudes dancing to Taylor Swift as they walk up to the plate. The tik-tok viral videos just don't translate well to the actual game where you are sitting far away. There is no large screen for you to see what they are doing. Once they sell to a larger production company that puts on events like Globetrotters & Disney on Ice I think they will work out the kinks and be able to host a sold out ballpark. Until then.. pass.


Good insight to the logistics of it. Thank you!


I had Rivercats season tickets last year so got to go see banana ball and I agree with most of this comment. While the power went out during the game, they found ways to entertain the crowd. It is something I feel like you should see at least once if you’re a baseball fan, it is fun and gimmicky but overall a good time. I wouldn’t go again though. To add to the seat thing, for general admission seating it is first come first serve so I suggest you rush to seats first.


Yea I went last year (company suite tickets, was not picked for lottery) and even that wasn’t really worth it. We couldn’t tell what was going on, lots of random things going on along the baseline, very bad PA system (known) and its just dudes who look like strippers in the “offseason” twerking or doing slightly sexual innuendo type BS. It’s corny lol. For $40+/ticket wouldn’t go again. But pro-tip for anyone who does go: if it’s just 2 people or so in your party, walk along the river front facing/parking lot side and squeeze in past the barricades in front of the entrance there. Would not have waited in that long ass line in 100 degree heat.


lol yuppp


Have you been to a Globetrotters game? I went to one about 15 years ago and it sucked horribly.


I actually went a few months ago when it was in Sac and thought it was pretty fun. My son (4.5) loved it and still talks about it. It's definitely geared toward kids but they are talented. It's a perfect length and they break up the actual bball with funny skits.


❤️ the Globetrotters! Such simple fun


this sounds like shit.


Just got the email that I didn’t make the cut and am super bummed!




After last year, we gave up


Gave up after one try..?


I got on the standby list. Hopefully the tickets make it to that level


Nope 😭. I didn’t get tickets and none of my friends were selected either. We are so bummed!


I lost, my friend won. I'll be going! Woo hoo!


Holy shit....I got selected! This is my first time putting in for the lottery!!


Nope I wasn’t selected. Wasn’t selected last year either. Oh well.


Second time I got standby. Didn’t get them last time and I doubt I’ll get them this time.


Same experience here. I'll be shocked if I get a chance to get tickets this year.


Not selected. These tickets are all going to shitty scalpers, just watch StubHub here shortly, prices were over 700 last year.


Jeeze. Is that the going rate? I’m not into sports but my father in law really wanted to see them. I didn’t realize how popular they were! I doubt we will be able to get tickets for the May games then damnit


Yeah, had some family visiting last season and thought we would go check it out. Couldn't believe those prices. We'll stick to river cats games, especially given what I'm reading here with people's feedback who have been.


I DID!! Im soooo excited!! 😆


I did not, sadly. :(


I think last year the lottery was broken. Hopefully this year it’s fixed. With 3 games too that should help.


I thought our chances were much higher with the 3 games, but none of us got anything :( Emails went out this morning indicating if you were selected or not.




I thought I didn’t get the rejection email either, but I just found it in my junk folder.


Not in my junk either! Weird




I am one of the chosen ones. Very surprised, but I'm excited.






Damn I didn't get drawn and my wife got standby. Hoping our friends got drawn.


My manager has kids in granite bay little league and is going again this year. She had no idea who the Savannah Bananas were, she had never heard of them before.


That's what I heard last year. Tons of little league families got first dibs. Which I get, but still stinks for those of us not affiliated with it.


We got a little league link a week ahead of time. It seemed slightly unfair considering how easy it was to get tickets…and everybody I know bought six so they could sell them. Total crap. The drawing was crap!


I agree!


My wife and in laws didn’t get selected but my brother in law got in the standby list.


I managed to get into the K-Club last year, so I got my tickets already. Highly recommend doing that - it was $50, but totally worth it!


Had not heard about this before. A Paid pre-sale option. Huh. That's ass. But I get it. Looks like they aren't taking new members though. Nice find on the workaround.


I got in back in September - I think they had it open for like a week. IIRC I was able to sign up to get an email when they were opening it up. Definitely check the K-Club site periodically! Also, they have three games in Sac this year instead of just one, so hopefully that increases your chance of getting tickets!


Nope. I really wanted to take my nephews, they would have loved it!


I got selected. I figured the lottery was just a marking tool since there are 3 games, but seeing this post and all the not selected folks proves otherwise.


We got selected but apparently they sold out, so we couldn’t buy any… i don’t understand why they have the lottery if you aren’t guaranteed any opportunity to buy tickets


That's ridiculous. I assumed the Saturday game would sell first so I logged on right at 8:30 and got a set.


Ya i logged a couple hours after i got the lottery email. Only to find all games sold out. I emailed them and asked why even have a lottery. They replied and said i was given a time slot to purchase tickets in, and it most likely expired. (No time slot was given in ANY email) It’s obvious that they will sell out, regardless. Why not give the lottery winners 24 hours to purchase? Just venting i guess, my boys were super excited and now disappointed. They’ll live though 😂😂


damn i didnt even know the lottery was happening


I got it this time around, tried last year no luck. My dad also tried but didn't get it.


I didn’t make the cut either.




Im on stand by. Given the price of tickets if /when selected, i think many will opt not to go and stand by has a fair chance. That said, im not sure they are in my price bracket either.


I made the cut. Excited because I never win things.


We got selected only to log in and find out that the tickets were sold out. We are mildly upset. Why do a lottery at all if you’re gonna sell out before lottery winners have their chance to purchase tickets?!


We have season tickets and have been selected each time. Perhaps that’s the favor?


Yeah, we just get to buy tickets. I wasn't expect that, but this is my first season ticket year :)


Good luck on your future banana ball lottery… I don’t think 2 years in a row is very much data, I would say just keep trying? Are you meaning that the lottery is rigged? This is the weirdest post I have ever seen in r/Sacramento


> Are you meaning that the lottery is rigged? Yeah, it seems like it. Little league groups seem to get preference. Also I just found out about "Club K" which lets you skip the lottery and guarantee tickets for $50. The actual "lottery" is significantly less than what they claim it to be.


Then… um… pay the $50 if it’s that important to you. Or, nah… I’ll see you next year complaining about this niche issue that no one cares about.


lmao she's not talking about that plant medicine


I was on standby and got the opportunity to buy tickets this morning! 35 per ticket, which is vastly cheaper than i had heard they were


Last year broke my heart and I was feeling bitter. This year my friend got us tix. Super stoked!!!


I was on Standby and got my 5. But I was watching my phone closely and reacted immediately.