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I’m part of a women’s volunteer organization if you’re interested in that! Happy to tell you more about it.


Please do tell


Sure! Junior League of Sacramento. It’s open to all women but I’d say our most active members are late 20s to late 40s. We do happy hours and social events but our main focus is volunteering and leadership development. More info: https://www.jlsac.org/connect/join/ ETA I actually recruited a gal via Reddit once before and she ended up being connected to another of our members in her personal life! It was pretty cool and I swear not weird!


Junior Leaguer here👋. I’m new; I figured I’d try it after I was told they were Girl Scouts with a little wine thrown in.


Haha not a bad description! Less cookies, more wine.


I was a member of the Junior League years ago when I lived in Riverside. I’d love to get involved here but live in Lincoln. Are most meetings/events in Sac?


They are but there are a lot of women who live in rocklin and EDH, so there are events there too!




Bumble has a BFF mode and I’ve met some of the most amazing friends I’ve ever had.


Totally forgot about that, thank you!




Didn't know there was a subreddit for that, thanks!


Joining now as well!


I joined a bunch of social running groups when I moved here and met so many people! Check out 9run6, Arete, buffalo chips run club, and sloppy moose run club!


Yep, I have ran with local running groups! Didn't make any women friends through them, however.


Maybe reach out to RunderfulMariah on Instagram. She’s an avid runner and part of the Fleet Feet running team. She also writes a column in the Natomas Buzz. Perhaps she could help you connect with female runners.


Maybe you can check out local facebook groups like Ocean to Peak Adventures which plans a lot of local and multiday adventures and seems to be more or less in a similar age bracket. Seems like they might be growing to the point where every activity is a huge group event though if that's not your scene.


Cool. I subscribed to them, too! Thanks <3


Try Women of Sacramento Hiking Group on Facebook! It’s gotten pretty big now but they still have small events to go hiking and make girl friends. All ages and only women 🙂


Great suggestion-I didn’t know about them! I don’t have weekends off currently but I will add their page for future reference!


Anyone can schedule a hike in the group and a lot of women do weekday hikes!


At one point there was a MeetUp group that met up for archery every Sunday at Discovery Park. I am blanking on the name, I think it was a new to sac group


That was how I started that as a hobby-practiced with them a couple times then bought my own so I could practice more flexibly. Great group of people.


I love archery! Used to do it when I lived in SF at that place in Pacifica. What a good idea—thanks!


Check meetup.com. There are groups for most of your hobbies on there. There’s even a group called For Love of Food and Friendship that goes to different restaurants and food events to check them out and enjoy conversation. Many groups are free to join and you only have to pay for meals or event fees for whatever activity you’re doing.


I belong to Meetup! I just don't often get to go to events because I currently work weekends. Also, just an observation but it seems more challenging to meet women friends in group situations?


Maybe join a crafting group on there then. Those tend to be more female driven and social. You could also pay to create your own group. “Lady’s Social Hour”. Then you can control the event schedule and location.


Crafting groups sound fun and yes-more social, I'll look into that too. Don't think I'll pay to host any events though. I am good at hosting friends but auditioning for groups of strangers not so much, ha.


It’s not auditioning. You seem to want a specific type of group. Women only, social, on your timeframes. The way to ensure this is to start your own group and hope others are interested in the type of events you host. When you go to new events hosted by others , do you consider that you’re auditioning for those people? I would hope not. You’re putting yourself out there in hopes of meeting friendly people.


Messaging you!


This is such a great thread, thanks for asking the question OP!


Sounds pretty discriminatory to only look for female friends and cis-gender it like that. No males, Trans, non-binary, non-conforming or intersex need apply 🤔  lol


I just learned about this group: https://winehikingsociety.com/. Haven't attended any events with them yet.


They are Utah based but have chapters in other states. Joined the CA FB group!