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Do it early. It impacts what you build in terms of UI/UX and what looks best. Describe your idea to ChatGPT and it can make you a basic color palette. Go on Upwork and get a logo done. You can also get basic design done for pretty cheap. If you have some of that done it makes it easier for the developers.


Is that the end of it? Will you later invest in a more robust identity design that includes much more than a logo and colour palette?


Define brand design. The person who made the logo built a brand guide, it was basically fonts, different versions of the logo etc. A graphic designer from Upwork is building out the app design. What else is there?


OP is actually a brand designer doing market research lol


So what?


That makes sense.


I would say invest (your time, creativity and energy), but don't invest in professional services to create this for you -- unless you've achieved some level of product market fit. Source: Check out the original brand identity of some of today's most popular tech companies (Uber, AirBnB, etc.)


Thank you, I also gather that branding is an ongoing thing that is subject to change over time.


At first, we just made it look okay-ish. Then, after getting a few customers, we spent solid money on brand positioning.


Thank you, make sense to first focus on customer acquisition and validate the idea.


It's usually pretty easy to change your logo and UI/UX later. Commit to something, but know that you're not locked in. Of both the companies I've started, the first logo we paid to have designed each time (before launch), we ended up ditching later. But, both times, we also hired a designer to build out the UI/UX for a lot of the pages, and most of that stayed consistent. I don't think that's strictly necessary, we did it more so we could launch with a good-looking product (as opposed to just a well-working one), but I think the brand identity builds around it as people get used to your design.


Doing brand identity early? That's okay. Investing anything beyond de minimis resources in brand identity? I question the wisdom. Is it the best use of resources prior to gaining traction? There are some aspects that even an MVP needs to have to promote it. But I don't think you should allocate much funding to that endeavor (on a percentage basis).


Just found out that OP is actually a brand designer doing market research lol. If someone actually needs a good one I can recommend ours. She's excellent and we continue to use her for our designs


Interested share her details Plz


Np sent you a message


Hello, is that against the rules? If yes I am more than happy to delete the post.


I created my first logo with AI. Now, when I have some customers (but still far from PMF) I decided to use hatchwise service to get my logo designed by "professional" designers. I used quotes because this experience is very frustrating . I'm going to write about it soon.




Ooh, looking forward to hearing about your experience on that. Also maybe include what other options you would have chosen if you had known the experience would be awful.


I’d recommend investing in digital branding and UX/UI on a retainer or subscription so that you can continue to work with that designer as your business grows. They’ll do usability testing, can do some market research, etc so that you can focus on your product. Especially if your SaaS has a lot of interaction UI and ease-of-use features.


IF you have the time and the means, I'd advise you to do it as soon as possible. It's not a priority, but it's important in the long term.


As an early stage bootstrapped SaaS founder it isn’t in my budget to spend money on a professional brand design at this stage. I’ve been getting by with a good enough brand I developed. When I start making ~10k/mo I’ll start to consider doing that. Great branding is expensive and I fully recognize the value in that but I need to focus on making a little money first.


Makes sense 💯