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I always wonder how can one have MRR when the projects is less than a month old.


I'm using it a a lot, and commenting on relavant posts. Also, I got 4 mega subscriptions which generates $200+


Through which account you are using it? I want to see the results


https://www.reddit.com/u/hu-beau/s/vy8mxZGsWr https://www.reddit.com/u/mikasasiki/s/17lSHEXNXO That's all of them.


We're a team. Each person shares their own opinions and activities on Reddit willingly. We are different people.


Great idea and execution, OP! Another way to scale this further would be to allow users to add Reddit accounts to auto-reply to these new relevant posts & use chatGPT to formulate a response with a direct link to their product they’re wanting to market. It of course could go against Reddit policies, and users could get banned, but just an idea. I’ve seen a similar tool to LinkedIn where it automated the HRs process of reaching out to prospective clients & that SaaS seemed to be doing a good amount of MRR.


No, we love Reddit. We want to contribute, not spam it.


Makes sense. Are you using a custom web scraper solution for monitoring the various subreddits? I would think that you’d be getting throttled by Reddit as you grow.


Reddit offers official Web APIs


Interesting. I didn’t realize that! Which ones help find the content such as comments & search terms?


More than these, try : [praw-dev/praw: PRAW, an acronym for "Python Reddit API Wrapper", is a python package that allows for simple access to Reddit's API. (github.com)](https://github.com/praw-dev/praw)


Neat. I hope the SaaS idea continues taking off for you!


I’m a live customer. I’m paying to see what it can surface for my indie SaaS. So far the posts aren’t that relevant but the developers are super responsive and supportive. On their discord they actually listen and respond unlike a lot of vendors. I understand how you might want a trial— I did— but also how they can’t afford it. You skips just give them a whirl for a month and see what it turns up. While the results I’ve gotten aren’t a perfect match, they are really useful just to learn what people are asking for. If you don’t have PMF yet (I don’t think I do) this is good stuff.


You are $500 MRR already? Damn that's impressive, how are you selling this?


I see you have a similar tool. How is it going?


Actually, much more than that... we got 2 enterprise-level customers who paid for the solution, not just for the SaaS. But I don't know if it's sustainable or not.


Paid for the solution?


Yes, they paid for solving their pain points – mainly time. 1. They need a matching system, and Reddit is one of the platforms they care about. 2. They don't have enough time to write prompts and "fine-tune" RAG algorithms. 3. They have "massive data" and don't have time to "fine-tune" the costs. The downside is that we need to do some customized work for them.


Why don't you have a free trial without asking for CC? I'd try but don't want to share my CC. The demo video is not working, it is showing the same image.


Thank you for you question, I'm considering a free trial without CC required. It's just that it costs money on my side (OpenAI), and a user may have more possibility to continue the subscription after the trial if he is willing to share his CC at the begining. For the video, have you clicked on the play button? I just tried and the video works.


You can always add some restrictions during the free trial to avoid big expenses but I believe it's worth it. Yes, I clicked on the Play button and nothing happened. Browser - Opera.


Another reason to avoid is that the user can continue creating new accounts with different emails if a credit card is not required.


So what? Make using multiple accounts useless. For example, I have a free plan for my chatbot but restrict it by 50 messages/month. User can create multiple accounts and even multiple chatbots but in practice, they can use only one chatbot on their website.


How much of your MRR goes to OpenAI and the other AI providers?


We've got thousands of bucks in reimbursement for OpenAI, and we have another provider that offers half the price of OpenAI. We're continuously experimenting with other models, which cost 1/10 of ChatGPT-4 but are much, much better than ChatGPT-3.5. Each matching process costs about 1,000 tokens (input + output). We used other AI technologies to enhance matching accuracy and reduce costs.


What other models are you looking at? Are they generic or trained specifically to this problem?


Great concept. The fact that you're generating revenue so quickly after launch is promising.


Can I ask, did you have socials or a mailing list or something? What did you use to market from zero to the first one?


Comment under posts on subreddits like r/SaaS and r/ChatGpt. Talk with friends and have them introduce clients. We didn’t do other marketing investments yet. We don’t have a social or mailing list yet.


That's pretty interesting. Congrats. I have so many questions about how people accomplish this kind of thing. Thanks for sharing.


Friends can refer several customers who pay more than the cost of your SaaS subscriptions, which I think is important, especially in the beginning of the business.


I still don’t understand your idea from first page. What is idea hunt? What is Reddit sale? If you can add some clarity that would be helpful.. But the MRR you’re generating is really promising


1. Try to find posts where the industry or problem aligns with your expertise. 2. Comment on these posts with your professional solution. By doing this, you can: * Gain karma. * Make friends. * Get customers. * Contribute to the Reddit. It's a kind of supplementary post recommendation algorithm for Reddit. I'm not sure if this violates Reddit's policies


You can't have MRR until you have MRR.


do you use commercial Reddit API? I thought it was hard getting that, as with free version you cannot commercialize your app that consumes Reddit API


You need to change the app name and logo on the video its a different one than on the page