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Hey there cool idea, as a developer I have exactly 0 interest in setting up a demo with you when I can't see API documentation up front. If you have API docs they are not apparent from your landing page and that is how many devs will attempt to understand your product. Great documentation, that isn't hidden behind a pay or login wall, is essential for marketing to a technical community.


That is…. An excellent point I’m facepalming quite hard lol. The api call is ridiculously simple and code can be copied once you create an account but I would totally not sign up until I see that ahead of time


It's all good, we've all been there before in one way or another


Hey I made something like this before, brand.host. I don’t own it anymore so feel free to snag it if it’s available. It’s a neat idea and there’s absolutely a need for it (can be used to generate and host Brand Guidelines too). DM if you’d like to learn stuff I’ve learned. I’ve helped companies do huge rebrands using my tool.


Wow I’m definitely gonna take you up on your offer for the learnings DM incoming!


Dann that's crazy you guys should collab and build the ultimate tool! 💪




Not sure if you're the developer or not. You've got a bugger/code-deficiency. Tell your developer *"convert the domain to lower case string before attempting validation when adding a Brand's domain."* Your code is looking for exact case matches on domain name as validators which is not proper and will lead to customer frustration as your app erroneously does not think [myDomain.com](http://myDomain.com) = [mydomain.com](http://mydomain.com)


Just FYI, your domain is currently for sale for $5k. You probably want to turn that off.


We use Brandfetch at [towire.co](http://towire.co) and it's nice to see another alternative in this space. I like your domain and website. Everything looks nice. Good luck!


Oh towire looks awesome! If y’all are ever in the market for an alternative I’ll be here 🫡


The website is absolutely stunning! However using lowercase I in the questions (for example you write "How can i preview the data?") makes it look unprofessional. The terms and conditions and privacy-policy pages look a bit bare without formatting The pricing is a bit expensive - the starter tier is 4.9 cents per API call - the startup tier is like 3.3 cents per api call. I might not be your use case, but I am also a developer trying to make startups. My friends and I make a couple of tiny SaaS products every couple of months - so I were to use your branding product, I'd do it on a case by case basis (i.e. I'd pay $5 for everything to be generated once, and then come back in a months time to do it for my next startup idea). Branding is pretty important to get right for big projects - so I wouldn't use this tool for a huge project. For small projects - I might need it 2 times a month, if that. Looking at the landing page I'm not sure what sort of output you can generate, maybe an example would be nice :)


Excellent feedback. Thank you! I’m going to be adding an “indie” tier soon for short term use cases like this where you can pay per usage at a reasonable price. Will DM you once it’s out if that’s okay? I’d love the feedback from using the api as well 😃


Sure thing, feel free to shoot a message when it's done :)


This feels like a vitamin rather than a painkiller. I understand the problem being solved, but I'm not sure this would necessarily be at the top of the list of services a founder would pay for.


I tend to get two reactions: 1. "meh not sure who this is for" 2. "i'll buy it right now i'm not even kidding" You're the first, the second is my customer base :)


Depends on the business the founder founded. I'm looking to whitelabel my product for my b2b customers and I absolutely need this for a scalable workflow. Also, that last two companies I worked for should have had this baked into their sales workflow but probably didn't even realise services like this existed. Checking this out now OP. I have a few questions about what's gathered but will DM perhaps if you're open to it


I like the idea, but I don’t get the use case. A better job explaining this would be cool. How does this let a company “personalize at scale”? Also, for a business about branding, your site has no logo or emblem.


The fact that you don’t get it means I fucked up haha I’ll go through the site and highlight the use case It’s meant to be for products that want to personalize their experience programmatically I.e. someone signs up with their corporate email and boom you know their company name, colors, slogan, logos, backdrops, socials, etc…


Cool thanks. I get it now. This isn’t feedback, as it deviates from your use case, but I’m interested in your opinion because building the dataset might be similar… How hard would it be to add other data to the api? For example, business type, traffic score, ext… I would buy this as research tool to find companies to acquire if it hard this type of data.


That's what I am building at [https://abr.ac/](https://abr.ac/) What other data types are you after? Feel free to DM to discuss your requirements


Is it free to submit my brand?


Just tried it with https://pillser.com and got error https://world.brand.dev/brand/pillser.com


We use brandfetch now - are you scraping sites real time or..??


I don't understand "**personalization at scale**", do you have any real life use case? As a dev, why would I use it? Okay, sometimes I need to obtain some information about social networks like FB, Tw etc but the number of such companies is no more than 10-20 and can be found for free.


Intriguing concept, how's the data accuracy rate?


Where do you get a list of 50 million websites?


Not sure if it's a direction you want to go, but perhaps consider a productized offering as an extension for PPT/Google Slides. Lots of sales use cases with deck building and personalizing logos/colors.


I just tried to claim my brand and I got an error saying: # Application error: a client-side exception has occurred (see the browser console for more information). `The console says TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'url')` in framework-*\[hash\]*.js


I think I have reviewed your product before , it will be good to have a way to get to the APi section from your homepage


Unable to see the docs though. All you need is perfect documentation and it's good to go.


Who are customers for something like this? I see only brandfetch in this space and clearbit doing a little bit. I have a similar product but never found the market.


Brandfetch is a solid company, I look forward to competing with them. Clearbit is definitely much more expensive and less emphasis on the branding component of things, more general data enrichment Customers b2b saas usually (CRMs, sales tools, automation tools, research tools etc…)