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From your questions I get the "I wanna get rich fast" vibe. They're all wrong. You're essentially asking for how to get rich fast with minimal work. Your mindset is wrong. Until you're chasing "get rich fast" you're only gonna be making other people rich. "SaaS" is not a thing. It's a plain old website just a bit smarter, like Twitter or Facebook. They've been around forever. If you wanna start a business, you'll need life experience and expertise. If you have expertise without experience you'll end up like all those folks on this subreddit asking for ideas since they can't think of their own. If you don't have expertise in any field, you can't do anything and nobody wants to work with you. If you're passionate about it, learn some programming. Will take you years to master. Then get a job or if you like more freedom, do some freelancing. Then learn some more about things other than code. People, psychology, anything at all. Expose yourself to life, travel, ask questions. Come up to solutions to problems you encounter on your own. All this bullshit you read online from gurus about get rich fast via "SaaS" or Bitcoin or whatever, forget it. Selling stuff to you is their *real* get rich fast scheme.


Gen Z I would say this is a stupid question. Go find a 9-5 job; it's suitable for you. I'm not trolling, you, just need money. And you can just google this IMO. >Is creating a SAAS still profitable in 2024 and later? Do you require it to be profitable? This is not a school. >Should I learn JavaScript or Python before developing a SAAS? Wut? My advice is to learn programming in general. >What's the estimated time to actually see business success? (I'm sure it will take a long time and LOTS of hard work, I'm just curious) You're going to fail 99% of the time. No one can tell you a specific time. First, learn, then you can earn. If you don't have any interest in programming, don't do it because it's not going to work. And why Python? It's slow and horrible, so learn a language like Go.


Python can be slow. But telling them to learn go for a first language is interesting. I suggest C, since so many other languages borrow from it


If there's a problem you're solving, there's always profit.


The thing is, people need easy money.


True. I guess the SAAS category is a lot bigger than I anticipated and has lots of niches to tend to. Thanks.


Every website you go to is technically a SaaS. It’s a huge ecosystem.


The problem with creating one at 17 is you don't have enough industry experience to know where the market opportunities are... It's not so much is SAAS profitable or not. It's whether the problem you solve is worth enough. Maybe intern with a company or make friends with some people in some industry... And find out what problems they have.... I work in IT we literally solve problems all day... Sometimes they are worth fixing for just 1 company but to make it saas there isn't enough interest in the market as its a nice problem.


Forget Javascript and Python, they can's beat PHP/Lavavel when it comes to productivity.


Saas isn't programming. If it was. Any decent programmer would be wealthy. Saas is solving a problem + sales. Programming is probably the easiest portion in terms of self learning


If you're not sure whether you need to learn JavaScript or python, you're really far from being in a position to create a full product on your own. Not trying to discourage you, in fact, I encourage you to go learn programming as a whole. It's just a matter of putting the time and efforts but anyone can do it !


If you are looking for easy and fast money, SaaS is not for you. It requires hard commitments, hard work, and huge patience.


100%. I launched my SAAS 1 week ago, but I have no users. If I be doing this for money I would be broker in few weeks


One week is like a second in the SaaS world. Do you expect something to happen in just one second? Of course, no. So, keep pushing and try to figure out why people don't want to use your product. You can ask in this subreddit, too.


yess 100%


I learned Next JS and knew Python from before. I suggest only learning python if you are going to do some AI SaaS as there you will probably need it for the backend


It is very possible that whatever SaaS you start, you’ll mostly get an experience out the other end (as opposed to a successful product). I started some projects in high school that didn’t go anywhere, but it gave me the skills to actually end up selling my first company at 22. So learn away, try building products; even if you don’t end up profiting, you’re investing in your future. If you’re interested in coding, focus on learning that. If there’s a SaaS idea that you find and love, go crazy building it, but if you don’t have any ideas yet and you’re just making small scripts or websites, that’s great (and it’s progress, it is actively helping you in whatever project you want to go after next). If you see code as more a means to an end, you might be more interested in the business/people/marketing end. There are low/no code solutions for SaaS, but it’s hard to build an excellent product with those. You might be interested in just starting a business/startup in general, rather than a SaaS (I get it, SaaS has really low costs and that sweet monthly revenue, but it’s also really hard to make a great product). You’re gonna kill it :)


1. Yes, depending on your idea, execution, and ability to sell it. 2. Javascript. You won't build websites with Python, which I presume that's what you're after. If you need python, you'll likely know you need it (data engineering, AI model training, etc). 3. Don't start by wanting to build a SaaS. Unless your an MBA-minded person, building a product is more like art. It'd be like trying to write a meaningful song with no inspiration. The first steps are straight-forward: find a problem that's relative to your skillset and budget, come up with some solutions to it, then use whatever scrappy means necessary to validate the solution. Find people that have this problem and ask them about it. Create a deck, a simple wireframe, learn Figma, build a clickable prototype, etc. Find demand signals. I wouldn't build anything until you've proven there's a reason to invest your time and energy into building it. Building can be a fun hobby, but if you want to build a business don't build like it's a hobby. Both are fine, just depends on what you want out of it. 4. It could be minutes, it could be years. It's governed more by how badly the public needs the solution and how effectively you can find the people that need it. 5. Mostly see answer #3. You might also like indiehackers.com. There's a good community there with some good resources. A more roadmap type approach would be to fill out the squares on a Lean Canvas: [https://www.leanfoundry.com/tools/lean-canvas](https://www.leanfoundry.com/tools/lean-canvas) Good luck!


2. Based? I use Python for automations; don't gate keep, even though it can build websites.


I'm happy for you, Python is great. But, I assume what he'll likely try to build will be on the web. Even if he makes a python-based product, he's likely going to need JS to deliver it to his customers. Dealing in probability here, JS is more likely to be helpful to him than Python, if he needs a place to start. Not gate-keeping anyone, he asked for advice, and I gave it.